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Everything posted by jzygayle

  1. I don't think Tony is nearly the goat he appears to be to us. yeah, he's kind of Hantzing it up a bit, but he's got a MUCH better handle on his social game than any Hantz ever thought about having. He's not Mother Teresa...or Yao Man, but he's likable enough and charismatic enough that when people leave the game, they don't hate him. They admire his moves in the game, even some of the dumber ones. The rest who are left MUST get him gone if they want any votes. And Kass will go to the finals because anyone could win against her. she's made some good moves, too, but her social game is Hantz-ian. aka crap.
  2. Stimpy/Kass, you idiot! Tony is not the Russell Hantz; YOU are. If they take you at all. And they should. You won't get a single vote. This was your last chance to flush the idols and/or send Tony home. You blew it. Tony, I hope you remember to send Kass a really nice thank you note after you win.
  3. EC Amber said: I'm pretty sure LC doesn't think so anymore :) But seriously, I'm surprised how many people have bought into Tony's schtick. From the sofa, he seems so insincere, but then again, I guess if I weren't privy to his confessionals, I might believe him, too.
  4. I think Kass probably shot herself in the foot, but I also think she had a lot of help. Spencer and Tash should have been a LOT more proactive about checking in with Kass, with just the three of them so they can reassure each other of their close bond AND of their mutual plan. To assure that no one feels like they're being left out. I kind of get why they didn't--they just assumed Kass was with them in playing Sarah along for the vote that they needed with her. They misread her as much as she misread them. A 5 minute confab among them would have likely been all that was needed to talk Kass down from her ledge, remind her that it really doesn't MATTER who they vote off first from the other group and that if voting out Tony will make Sarah happy, they can do that, but yielding to her THIS time doesn't make her in charge; they're still running Sarah. They just NEEDED Sarah that vote and you do what you have to, in order to cement your alliance's power. I don't know if Kass' actions have ruined everything for her. Likely it has. Maybe she can pull it out. But it ruined (for me) the one alliance with a chance in hell of getting rid of Tony and for that, I find it very hard to forgive her. :)
  5. I was Jzygayle at TWOP and it seemed a good choice here, too. I didn't post often and never, I think, on the OUAT threads. I lurked there frequently, tho. Hope to post more here, but if not, I'll just be lurking in the corner :)
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