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Everything posted by junemeatcleaver

  1. Well, Michael is awkward on GMA in general, so... As for rumors, his ex wife accused him of beating her and other things, but those accusations may have been made because they were going through a nasty divorce. From reading around, googling Michael Strahan+divorce or gay should bring most of the articles up, the only accusation she really backed off of was Strahan being gay. He was probably staying quiet to keep the media and folks who are aware of it from remembering his nasty divorce.
  2. Gizmo was not a gremlin, he was a mogwai. Sorry for the dumb nitpick.
  3. I kind of like Everyone Has a Story. I laugh at the corny songs that all sound the same, but am touched by how touched some of the families are by it. Remember when she sang the songs herself? I'm glad she decided to let other singers sing the songs. My favorite EHaS was the upbeat Black church gospel style song, but since it was written by KLG it didn't really sound like gospel at all. The woman who was the recipient of the song did not look pleased.
  4. Yes. If Willie needs competition, I'd take Craig or even freaking Carson as contenders over Megyn. Keep her contained in her hour. And really, just because Megyn is hitting some right notes during these harassment scandals, that doesn't erase the BS she perpetrated on Fox News imo.
  5. No offense to KLG but if she was one of the bigger stars the White House could find for their tree lighting, they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
  6. Outlets are going back and examining dumb Today sketches mocking sexual harassment. One was a skit where Willie smacked Matt on the ass (probably one of the reasons Willie didn't seem like he wanted to talk about Lauer on Morning Joe) and that horrible Kathie Lee scripted Today the Musical where Matt shows off his boxers to Savannah, Tamron, Jenna Bush and Natalie. Kind of yucky in retrospect. The folks who did the Variety report are calling BS that on-air talent were unaware of Matt's behavior. I still can't blame them, we all saw what he did to Ann Curry.
  7. I wonder if first the death of Frank, and then her mother, has prompted her to be more open about her faith again. Whatever the case, it's annoying.
  8. And reveal to the public how fat and physically unhealthy he is? Never going to happen. This is the first episode of MJ I've seen in awhile and it seemed awkward. Willie clearly, in my eyes, not wanting to talk about Matt Lauer; the talk about consensual sex between coworkers being mostly bad with those two sitting there. Just weird to me. Maybe I'm reading it wrong.
  9. The only Today statement that had me looking sideways was Kathie Lee with that we need to forgive mess. I know she was probably being guided by her Christianity and her personal experiences, but that was totally the wrong thing to say at this time. Maybe there could have been more Hoda, Savannah, Al and them could have done, but the ones ultimately at fault are Matt and the higher ups who let Matt be a controlling, tyrannical sexual harasser. Makes sense. It seemed like she was going somewhere at Today and NBC News and then she got stuck on the weekends. We'll probably find out for sure once the exposes start dropping.
  10. NBC has known this was coming for months. TPTB at NBC need be dragged through the mud from hell and back not only for waiting until these stories were about to break in the media but for most likely knowing about Lauer's behavior for years. But what do you expect, this is the network who kept employed a certain reality show host who bragged on tape about kissing beautiful women and grabbing them by the pussy for years. eta: Oh, Today has already changed their header on their Twitter page. Can't tell who that is behind their avatar. Another pic of Al maybe?
  11. Wow, the title of this thread was eerily prescient.
  12. Maybe they will now since it was also rumored that the resistance to change and newbies was lead by Matt Lauer. Here's the link to the Post story: https://pagesix.com/2017/11/29/matt-lauer-allegedly-sexually-assaulted-female-staffer-during-olympics/
  13. That's what I'm dreading. She's been rumored to be Matt's heir apparent and her ratings have rebounded a little bit. The news about Matt is not surprising because, as people mentioned, rumors of his affairs have swirled for years. And I wonder if it's less Savannah and Hoda didn't know and more of a "he's a decent guy to us and we look up to him, so he's probably not doing anything bad-bad" thing. If we folks here heard about Matt's affairs, they probably heard whispers at the least. But I can see the bigger talent being in a bubble too, so I don't know.
  14. It feels like Lip's been the male lead of the show for a long time now, probably since the beginning to me. Frank is nothing but comic relief played by a big name star, I guess they felt they needed a male Gallagher to drive and lead storylines and arcs.
  15. I guessed fried zucchini at first and then saw there was no R in the first word and settled on baked zucchini. I agree that it's not exactly something that immediately pops in a person's mind. That was a tough break for that team with the Million Dollar Wedge. Some of those bonus round puzzles are downright bizarre.
  16. Emma Kenney Is Not Your Stereotypical Child Star
  17. GSN has been airing reruns of this on the weekends. I know they cancelled it because the audience was ancient, but I don't know why they couldn't reduce the budget and aired it on the weekends.
  18. Isn't the show one of Showtime's highest rated? This show will probably go on for another three or four seasons.
  19. How in the world was Liam a "deadbeat"? Until he was aged up he was all of 5 or 6 years old, I don't understand how one interprets a young child as being a deadbeat, even on a show like Shameless. We've only seen one episode of the new Liam, but him being a little mature for his age makes sense to me. The kid was often left alone and his siblings are all so much older than him, either he was going to be totally stunted or grow up fast. It will be interesting how the balance Liam being so chill (if that is the direction they're going with him) and being outrageous since everyone on Shameless has to act, well, shameless sometimes.
  20. Liam should have been SORAS'd a few seasons ago, especially after Carl and Debbie grew up. I kind of missed that tween/preteen presence on the show.
  21. Showtime is $8.99 a month on Amazon and Playstation Vue if you have Playstation Plus. If you only want Showtime for Shameless, either of those two are the best deals.
  22. CBS will either burn off the remaining episodes on Saturday or during the summer.
  23. I wouldn't be surprised. Mike poached a handful of staffers, including TMZ on TV folks from TMZ. This is all good, anything that makes Levin angry is a plus in my book.
  24. Jennifer looks 50-ish and Eric looks 40-ish. If I can deal with male crypt keeper looking mofos getting married to younger women on soaps for years, I can deal with a couple that has maybe a ten year age difference between them. I don't know some of these people, I only watched DOOL from 1996 until the Gemini Twins landed, but I miss soaps and needed one to watch.
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