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Everything posted by Ottis

  1. I love sci-fi. Good sci-fi is amazing. And I was a kid when the original Star Wars movies came out and they were wonderful. So I always have hope that these SW shows will be good. But I don't always keep watching them. Several I quit after anywhere from 4-8 episodes. It's maddening that this franchise has an interesting universe and some great characters, and it just sort of half-asses fan-service over and over and inserts merch. The Mandalorian came closest to being good sci-fi - until Grogu (buy now!) became the focus. The thing about Andor so far is the merchandise stuff is fairly minimal for Star Wars. It's just kind of boring. But I always watch at least 4 eps before deciding. There's still hope ... maybe A New Hope?
  2. For me, and YMMV, this is what is wrong with all these shows. They bring nothing new to the table. They show more of what we have already seen. And they do it with an emphasis on selling toys. The one SW movie about how exactly the Death Star plans got to Leia, and the sacrifice involved, was well done and served nicely as a gap filler. But ALL of these shows don't have to have the same purpose.
  3. This show is greatly overestimating my level of interest in a shady smuggler in a love triangle, a bunch of kids (in the past, I presume) and an ambitious version of a future mall cop. Also, always a good idea to remove the weapon on a body, either because it may come in handy or preventing it from becoming handy for someone else. I got nothing. *Something* is going on. I don't know what, nor why I should care.
  4. Maybe the best 10 minutes of any of these Disney Star Wars shows, all of which I haven't cared for. Of course, after a surprisingly good opening, they do this ... First a cutesy android, so they can sell merch. Then a nameless village featuring children. All in the first 15 minutes. It amazes me that this franchise keeps shooting itself in the foot. Every. SIngle. Series. doesn't have to exist to sell merchandise. And it doesn't have to be for children. You can tell different levels of stories within this universe. I actually had no idea who Cassian was until I read this board. I didn't recognize the character, and I am not a SW expert. I actually thought this was about a moon, but that was Endor, wasn't it? I just like sci-fi, so I give all these shows a chance. Anyway, aside from that first 10 minutes or so, this seemed mostly boring to me. Shady dude doing shady things, while overzealous cop begins down the path that will make them opponents.
  5. LOL, this was one of the highlights of the episode. I'll give credit here to this show vs. another, similar show currently airing. This one has a reason to watch along with a sense of urgency for the characters. And I am fascinated by Adar and what he/it is. Doesn't seem to be the usual evil bad guy.
  6. It seems like if they have the technology to take an individual's thoughts and make them into a physical projection that everyone else can see, then why not just use the technology to manifest an army that attacks the visitors. Usually when something pulls a thought from a mind, it's an individual psychology ploy, not a group physical one. But, this is a cartoon version of Star Trek, so yeah.
  7. This show badly needs a point, and some urgency. GoT had “Winter is coming.” HoD is basically Downton Abby with dragons and extra violence and sex. It is well done. It just isn’t interesting. Is succession and political maneuvers all there is to this show?
  8. I don’t understand why others can see an individual’s psychic dreams. That doesn’t seem logical. I love ST and some of these characters are winning, but I struggle maintaining attention with animation. Or at least this animation. Weirdly, I never had issues with the 1970s animated series. Also, I am disappointed that the bald guy with a mustache is portrayed as a fool, even on this show. Very cliched.
  9. A few eps in. Love the historical aspect, but struggling with the fact Kleo isn’t very good at her job, post unification. Did she make puffer fish poison? She threw a guy out a window instead. She got caught by a watching KGB agent. She couldn’t even protect herself in prison. She is persistent, but not especially talented. UPDATE: Add to that not being aware that some poisons are contact poisons (even I was thinking she shouldn't touch the coffee glass), being surprised by an old housekeeper and being driven off the road by a very pregnant lady. Still, an enjoyable ride overall. Lots of interesting characters, even if some actions didn’t make sense.
  10. That was awful. There was no reason to assume more than a couple of men would come out initially when Daemon offered his sword, no reason to think Daemon could fight them off alone, and no reason to assume all the crab people would then charge out to be easy prey for the dragon. That was all amateurish.
  11. He’s not wrong. Ruffalo took the Hulk role for the money, while he has continued to focus on smaller projects. I was surprised Aquaman did as well as it did. When I left the theatre, I said it was the Flash Gordon (meaning the cheesy version with Queen’s music) of modern superhero movies. I guess a lot of people like that.
  12. Never thought I would say this, but this movie made me think of similarities between Elvis and Mile Tyson. Both were talented rubes who were used and taken advantage of by oily promoters (Parker and Don King). They both created cheesy homes they viewed as their sanctuaries, and both had hangers on. I struggled getting through Elvis, stopped about 30 minutes in and picked it up again a few days later. Then I fast forwarded through some of the relationship stuff. In the end, I didn’t care for the choice of having the movie told by Parker, both because he was an unreliable narrator and because he was just weird. I can’t believe no one questioned his background at the time. The actor portraying Elvis was pretty good overall. I would have liked a more joyful movie.
  13. Yes there is. I was surprised to see it to this degree. Some of it is obvious (like making the Bulldogs into a team) and some is more subtle (like how Shoresy feels about the reporter, which I thought at first was a goof but now I am wondering if he is sincere). I have zero hockey knowledge and only slightly more Canada slang knowledge, so this show is like PBS for me. I'm learning all the time. For anyone who knows hockey, are all these terms and practices legit? Also, let me tell you a true story. I was in Toronto maybe 10 years ago, for work. Over the weekend, I decided to park downtown and see the city. So I found a public parking lot, and the attendant told me the price and then asked if I had a "loonie." I had no idea what he was talking about. "A what?" I asked. "A loonie!" The attendant had an accent of some kind, so I thought maybe I was mishearing him. I asked again, and he shouted at my car window, "A LOONIE!" I just shook my head, saying, "I have no idea what you mean." Frustrated, he waved me through. That night, I told the story to one of my Canadian friends, who fell out of her chair laughing. She still brings it up. How was I to know what loonie meant, bud?! The coin says "dollar!" I had to get sorted, I guess.
  14. Ottis

    Season 10 Talk

    I don’t see a Shoresey thread, so maybe I can ask here. What is the age limit on senior whale shit hockey? Because wow, that is a spread.
  15. Ottis

    Season 10 Talk

    I'm only a few episodes in during season 10, but I'm not liking some of the things they are doing to Wayne's character. I know this a Canadian comedy show, and not real life, so I'm not alls twisted ups in my issue here. Still, they spent a lot of time in the first few seasons establishing Wayne as a hardworking, ethical tough guy who respected differences and came through when you needed him. Then last season they had him wanting to watch all 3 Jackass movies for fun, which seemed a bit below him, and now this season they debate whether he sucker punches and show him actually doing it from behind after the tiniest, obscure warning from Dary. I liked the guy who said "when a friend asks for help, you help," and who had a beer with the guy he just beat down, and who protected his little sister, and who mourned a relationship alone for a while and then came out ready to go, and who says "if you can be one thing, be efficient." That doesn't match the Jackass, suckerpunch guy. I hope we don't see more alt Wayne as the season goes on.
  16. Ottis

    Season 9 Talk

    This is when Wayne lost me. Jack Ass movies? That doesn’t seem very efficient. All those cold, winter scenes freak me out. Ugh. That’s why I left the north!
  17. “It’s been a tough go… gettin’ any easier?” ”Yep.” Attaboy, Wayne.
  18. It feels like all the hockey tournament stuff takes away from the show. I find myself liking when we visit the hicks back home and sighing when we go to the ESPN-style bits and the hockey montages where you don’t even know the score until afterward.
  19. Let’s see… boss who fired Jen, male. Relative who blurts out she was fired, male. Boss at new law firm who demands Jen works as She-Hulk and doesn’t care about Jen’s view on her first case, male. Lawyers laughing like goobers in conference room as Jen walks by, all male. The way Jen views the whole situation… “I was only hired because I am a hulk, not because I am a good lawyer” despite the fact the new boss said she had them on the ropes with her legal work before she hulked out. Prison guards who Jen mocks with Hannibal Lector line as they are doing their job, male. Thankfully, Bruce was OK with Jen representing Blonsky… though he had to wade through her talking over him for a while (which, were the characters reversed, would have been greeted with outrage). “Mansplaining” is moments away. Yeah, I’m out.
  20. Zero posts? Really? I know the show has been around a while, but jeez. OK, pitter patter. I just found Letterkenny, and have made it through season four. Really enjoy the hicks. Sort of enjoy the skids. The hockey players annoy the hell out of me, both the twosome and the whole team (who we have to wait for each one to say something, every time). And what's up with the new guy who is clearly Wayne doing a high voice? I don't get it. But, not getting it is half the fun of this show sometimes.
  21. Not a fan. All the talk of heirs was like Star Wars’ endless talk of trade treaties. I was trying to remember what made GOT interesting from the start. That was 11 years ago, so I don’t recall. In fact I may not have been watching In any case, lots of characters who are dicks in this one. I thought at first Hightower = Ned, until he pimped his daughter to the king.
  22. My experience has been quite the opposite. The Sandman is the *only* character I am interested in (well, and Lucienne, and more about how their roles work). All the human stuff is more like a soap opera mixed with a silly horror movie. I mean, really - a convention for people like that? And no one who wanders in and out notices? For a while there, I feared The Sandman series was just an analogy for real world child abuse, much like so many other shows have done the same for mental illness. I don't *think* that is the case, so far, and I agree with you 100%. Use fantasy to make us think.
  23. Wow, rarely have I watched a show build into such promise (culminating in the ep with Dream and Hobs meeting every 100 years, and its examination of life and death) and then become completely uninteresting. We have to care about Rose because the show says we must, but I don't care about her, our Unity, or Jed or any of the search for Jed. It's like watching an after school special. Nor do I care about dead Hector and his wife. I *am* very much interested in Dream, and Lucienne, and things like whether dreams and nightmares can change what they are (and therefore what they represent in our lives), and the way both impact our world. So at this point I am fast-forwarding through any scene that doesn't include Dream or Lucienne. The show seems to be limiting itself to a pedestrian matter (finding Jed, bad guy and bad eyeball people in tow) instead of reaching for the heights its material allows.
  24. After last week’s excellent episode, this was a clinker. Uninteresting and creepy, with cutesy oddness. I’m sure finding the brother matters somehow, but it isn’t nearly as engrossing as the approach to life, and death.
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