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Jane Tuesday

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Everything posted by Jane Tuesday

  1. This seems very plausible. As soon as I saw that she went first and said no, I assumed he also was going to say no. (Since all the other couples, the "sure bet" went first, for max drama.) And I really love the idea that they did the reception anyway. Their families were so sweet!
  2. Vanessa Lachey confirms those who got engaged were obligated to follow through to the altar.
  3. Photos from Amber and Barnett's wedding. Shocking - I see NO signs of hesitation on Barnett's part, just huge smiles all around from him and his family. http://www.mylesberrio.com/netflix-wedding-2020 (I'm also glad to see the flower girls and wedding party got to actually do something. It seemed so pointless to have them all there, just sitting halfway back in the audience. lol)
  4. From the same photographer, there are galleries of all the weddings, minus Amber and Barnett. (Not sure if someone else did theirs, or they're just not on the site for some reason.) Apparently Kelly/Kenny and Jessica/Mark had sit-down conversations after that weren't shown. And Jessica had a bouquet and belt that vanished between the dressing room and the ceremony. https://www.lajoyphotography.com/
  5. I feel like there is so much to unpack from this show, and it probably fits best in its own thread. 🙂
  6. Damian and Giannina - they were so toxic. He was right to say no, and hopefully she comes to realize that. Maybe they'll get together someday? But I think they need to get to know each other AWAY from the cameras first. Amber and Barnett ❤️ - I can't believe it, but these two grew on me so much and ended up being my favorites. I really think they're perfect for each other in all the ways that matter. I'll be super interested to hear what they have to say in the reunion. I feel like Barnett's feet probably weren't that cold. Kelly and Kenny - the best thing about them continued to be their families. I think they were both going to say no, because with the other couples they put the "sure" one first. Mark and Jessica - I'm feeling so proud of Jessica right now. You have nothing to apologize for, girl. Lauren and Cameron ❤️ - I've loved these two from the beginning, and I'm so glad they got their happy "ending". Just so much joy and happiness radiating out of my screen. Lauren was so beautiful, and Papa Speed melted my heart with his tears.
  7. Love Is Blind is the #1 title on Netflix in the U.S. At least I know I'm not alone, even if no one I know IRL wants to admit to watching. LOL
  8. A place to share articles and social media posts about the show. If you post something that spoils the outcome before the final episode drops, please use spoiler tags!
  9. There are so many people, and we're getting time with so few, it's a little frustrating. Oh well. I was hoping this show would be total cringe, but it was actually kind of... sweet? My first impressions: Lauren and Cameron are love. They both seem like such sweet, genuine people. Out of everyone who was shown, I feel like they were the most sincere about truly trying to cut out the shit and find someone. Their ILYs were premature for sure, but heartfelt. I'm digging them separately and together. I'm wondering if he still lives in Maine, and where she lives. Realistically, that should be a consideration, I would think? Carlton is a massive "no" for me. He turned me off with his first confessional, talking about wanting to be Hugh Hefner and now it's time that he "has" to settle down and get married. If you see it as something you "have to do", then you're not ready. Don't waste these women's time. Barnett is super shallow, and I think he thinks he's on a competition show. I don't buy for one minute that he feels anything real for Jessica. But she seems shallow, too, so maybe they're a match. Run, Mark! Mark seems sweet, but he latched onto Jessica way too quickly considering the lack of depth in the conversations they showed us. Amber and Diamond (and anyone else I'm forgetting) are just kind of there. Why did they even bother hiring the Lacheys? lol
  10. Pretty much every character on TAGS - except Andy and Opie - are nails on a chalkboard to me. Barney is such a moron, and even worse is Gomer! I can't believe Gomer had his own show (which I loathe.) By all accounts Jim Nabors seems like he was a lovely fellow, but the voice, the mannerisms, the utter ridiculous levels of naivety and cluelessness... It's astonishing to me that he was a popular enough character "back in the day" to get a spinoff, and it was actually successful.
  11. They have officially ruined Wyatt for me. He's been my absolute favorite character ever since I came back to the show (around the time of the Hott marriage). I've shipped every pairing he's ever had, largely due to Darin Brooks, who has chemistry with everyone. No more. 😪
  12. Is cheerleading governed by NCAA/NJCAA? I'm guessing not, and I'm guessing that's why the eligibility seems so "flexible" compared to what I'm used to with other sports. (Eligibility for sports governed by NJCAA is two seasons, and you must be a full-time student carrying at least 12 credit hours during the season.)
  13. Christy's reaction to Patrick moving on was utterly ridiculous, but I didn't see anything wrong with her going to Jill. Beyond AA, these ladies are each other's family. They've been in relationships with each other that far outlast any romantic partnerships they've had on the show (or in some cases, ever). Patrick and Christy never really seemed that serious to me. Basically they were single, age-appropriate people who found each other attractive enough. And Patrick was being SUCH a whiny child. Seriously, what grown ass man is THAT concerned with his birthday? Bonnie left, and Adam basically said, "see ya". But then, I love Adam, and his relationship with Bonnie. Even when they fight - like in this episode - their chemistry is amazing.
  14. I'm sorry, but I don't believe for one hot minute that ANY of these people are thinking about what's best for Beth.
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