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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. According to next week's previews, it looks like he found out/told her on the honeymoon. If that is the case, there is NO WAY she should stay in the same room with him (but definitely stay on the trip if she is having fun). Production should have put them in two rooms if they wanted her to stay. And since we know what happens on Decision Day, I don't envy her spending 8 weeks with that jerk. But, what I am most concerned about is that scene they showed with Paige telling Pastor Cal that she has sex with him everyday - I am hoping she means until the day she finds out.
  2. I hope Ivan is taken to jail. Vivian really had nothing to do with the kidnapping of the babies and she didn't know whose babies they are. Yes, she could have turned them in to the police, but she wouldn't do that to Ivan. Still, she is an accomplice at best.
  3. I just read somewhere that Paige was aware of the baby thing and the producers talked her into staying all season. I hope there was a lot of money and when she says she has sex with him every day - she is lying! (Just like Kate was when she said they weren't having sex - I fell for that debacle, so maybe this is just as phony.)
  4. She said that she will always have alcohol in her life and she hopes he can handle that, because she is not giving it up. She may be able to try to just enjoy her drinks when he is away 4 days a week, but I don't see her giving it up long enough to get or stay pregnant at this point.
  5. Yep. He's also a misogynist. A lovely combination. I read someplace that Chris was recruited for the show (I am sure based on his resume and being a "successful" entrepreneur). If that is true, did he still have to go through panels and interviews or do they just pass "go" and go directly to the matching?
  6. Does anyone think that is really Susan? I am sure it is Kristen out of jail (again) to spy on Brady. I don't know how she managed to get the real Susan to take her place, but I would be surprised if it is not Kristen.
  7. I always wondered how far away from the actual episode the Unfiltered show was shot and last night I heard Jamie say something about two weeks. I had wondered if it was done after all of the shows, but now I don't think so. Paige still sounded hopeful. And I agree with everyone who said that she looked cheap and tacky. Jake was nice. I haven't watched for a long time because of Jamie O, but since she is dressed now, I gave it a shot. And no more Lady Godiva extensions, either. Made it much more watchable.
  8. I think, sadly, it is a reference to Bobby's political beliefs that now make him unacceptable to some.
  9. Susan??? I stopped watching the show the last time Sami came back and have not regretted it at all. Now, it is getting equally difficult to even read the recaps and spoilers. This show is so lost.
  10. My thoughts: Haley and Jake: First, I was glad to see her actually smile and kind of try to engage with him. As someone said upthread, he can't read the room. I feel sorry that he thinks they are on the same page and is waiting for some physical contact. It's not going to happen. They have ZERO chemistry and she is not the least bit attracted to him - or interested in his stories of his home renovation. It's great that he is proud of his home, but enough. He told his poor in-laws twice in two days and then pulled out the pictures at their meet-and-eat. I will be surprised if she even kisses him. Briana and Vincent: I love them and love that they seem so happy with each other. Fingers crossed for this to continue and they can be the drama-free couple this season. Erik and Virginia: He seems to be thrilled and enthralled with her and her energy. Her statements about alcohol always being a part of her life does not bode well for ever getting or staying pregnant. Another fail by the experts. But, they are having fun and both seem very happy now. We saw some problems ahead, so we'll see. I guess he is the jealous type. Funny that that is his concern instead of the drinking. Clara and Ryan: I really like him. I haven't figured her out yet, but she seems kind of goofy and talks too much. That would freak me out to find out the first time I slept with someone that they walk and talk in their sleep! Sigh, Chris and Paige: He is horrendous and disgusting, as is his family. The "God-ordained experts" (WHAT???) had no business trying to match him with anyone, much less refer to him as "a catch"(seriously, Dr. Pepper looked really uncomfortable seeing his behavior in those wedding scenes). So, he deserves no more space. Paige got my sympathy for the first day. I have to agree with those of you who have said that when someone is so willing to be debased, humiliated, etc. because of her faith, I have to think she is believing in the wrong thing. It's always sad when one person signs up for this for the "right reasons" and truly wants to find a match, but it is up to that person to be strong enough and have enough self-respect (which in most cases, it seems that Paige does), to refuse to be treated like he is treating her. I got sucked into Kate's story, but no more. She seems to think they can get a fresh start on their honeymoon, but the previews show what we have already known. If she continues to stay with him, then she gets no sympathy or compassion from me. From other previews we have seen where she tells Pastor Cal that she has continued to sleep with him daily, even AFTER we see what we see next week, then it's on her. (And the producers should have pulled the plug on this and gotten her out.)
  11. I still think that goes to Luke for saying he was repulsed and throwing up after they had sex. Chris has the award for this season, but overall, I still think it is Luke (at least from the seasons I have watched - since Dallas).
  12. Does anyone know how long Ivan/Vivian will be around? Since Eli and Lani get the babies back next week, will Ivan be arrested? Is Viv going to stick around being undead or did she do something before that will result in her arrest? If they are done, it seems like much ado about nothing. And, I HATE the way LD has her hair. She is not Louise Sorel so she can pick her own hairstyle. This did her no favors. ETA - just saw her tweet that she would be on for 2 weeks.
  13. Wow! I was actually going to try to watch that tonight (since I usually pass on anything that has to do with Jamie O), but I thought it might be interesting to see how that payed out. Poor Paige. Maybe, if she needed any more, maybe that was more than enough to prove that she didn't have to stay with him. He is disgusting.
  14. Remember the talk about that Second Chances show where they were going to put people who weren't cast? I think they should put people they screwed up their matches if anyone would want to redo this - like Mindy, Meka, Paige. I am not counting Olivia because I don't think Brett was the whole problem and I think if either of them were more flexible, they could have made it work.
  15. I had decided to record this week rather than watch live, snd when I switched over to watch it a few times, I realize that I have no desire to watch the whole show today. I don't like that choppy choreography they seem to be doing all the time. I get it - their lives are chaotic, but I think it looks stupid. I am with others who have mentioned that watching a conservative person decide to be rebellious and take a drug for the first time is often cringe-worthy and this was no exception. It kind of made me realize that Jane Levy is really not a strong actress. I did manage to tune in during Numb and Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood, and if those were the best, then I really don't need to see anything else today. I am hoping next week is better, but I am not enjoying this season. At all.
  16. Um, didn't they spend the last 2 episodes meeting their in-laws? I hope there is more in this episode. Oh yeah - we will have the "morning after" reports.
  17. Yeah, @DisneyBoy, I read that Kristen makes a call to Susan for help, so it is supposed to be Susan, and not Kristen. Good to know that while she was taken back to prison, she hasn't lost any of her privileges.
  18. Maybe Rhodes is somehow related to Wendy - like her brother or something - to keep him loyal to this insanity. I think people saying he is nice to her just may mean he isn't raping her or attacking her? He just keeps her watered and fed. Where is her bathroom????
  19. I didn't get the impression that he spends money on women. I think he wants to be viewed as the trophy and have his way paid for. I think the money he spends is on himself only.
  20. Chris and his father, the pastor, remind me of those weird cult "religions" where all the women are subservient to the male. Even Chris' mother talked about agreeing with him because otherwise she will get the silent treatment, so that's how Chris got to be Chris. But, hopefully, Paige will realize that, faith or no faith, she needs to take care of herself and realize that no entity worth believing in would want her to be degraded and put down the way Chris seems to be talking about her. While there are disagreements of her level of attractiveness, I don't think anyone can deny how beautiful she looks when she smiles her radiant smile. I wish there were spoilers about who makes it through Decision Day. (ETA - never mind - I found one. Actually a little surprising.)
  21. Just going to add at the end of this: . . . now and my father took the flask with him vibe!
  22. Not much more to add, other than RUNNNNNNN, Paige! I know it showed in the previews that she said they had sex every day without protection (which I hope we don't have to see or hear about), but there was something she said about being tested. I wonder if Chris gave her something, and I hope she wasn't taking a pregnancy test. The previews showed little clips of trouble in all the couples' lives, but we know how much editing they do. Wedding night speculations - I have NO DOUBT that Virginia and Erik will share wedded bliss - and I think she will do all the driving; Poor Paige and her loser 'husband' are destined to because she is putting too much faith in this whole thing; I think the rest will wait for a while - at least until the honeymoon.
  23. The problem with a "big murder" story is, at this point, no one cares who dies. No one cares who the killer is. And only one? Too bad.
  24. Chris' Subway restaurant has closed. He supposedly has a few new business ventures, but the restaurant closed.
  25. I was just reminded of something - wasn't Harper supposed to be sterile, so that is why Jack was adopted? If so, then he can't be Gwen's father, or she was a miracle baby - ha! I am back to thinking that Gwen has no relation to Jack and someone used his name. Still thinking that Laura paid Gwen's mother.
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