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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I still watch the marathons that are on almost daily, but, for me, once Derek and Hotch left, I never warmed up to any of the replacements. The middle seasons were the best to me with that group. I was thinking about getting Paramount + but I am not sure if I want to, especially without Spencer's character. I really liked the characters of Rossi, JJ, and Prentiss. That's it. There was way too much Garcia in it for me to enjoy. A little of that character goes a very long way, and they had too much focus on her. I will be interested in seeing how they bring JJ and Prentiss back and if Prentiss ended up with that guy or broke up. I kind of am interested in seeing the whole season = one case scenario. I liked how they were going to do that on Mindhunter, but that fell through. I will wait for more scoop.
  2. It does finally look like Gwen is going down, by Ava having bargained with the info to get herself released. Again, Salem is the land of no consequences. So, once Gwen is dumped - who is she going to end up with? It looks like Tripp and Chanel will get together, possibly Nancy and Clyde(!), but who will want poor, never-loved, misunderstood Gwenny? No one, I hope. Not that I have actually watched the show in more than a year, but I still read summaries and spoilers daily, and it does sound like there will actually be some good shows these couple of weeks. At least some resolution. I still think Ciara's and Ben's cake will be Devil's Food or Red Velvet. But, then will they blame Chanel, or will the current devil make an appearance? Poor Chanel - her relationships have been ruined and now her bakery and professional reputation. Salem has NOT been good to her. LOL, but she has been married twice already. Here is my idea for handling Jan and Shawn's spawn: Shawn goes to court and has Jan stripped of her parental rights, considering that she is incarcerated and insane. Then they let a kindly couple adopt her/him. Once they are on their way out of the court and the couple has the baby, we see their faces and their eyes are glowing yellow. Cut.
  3. No typo. I saw it on another board, and I agree, it is perfect!
  4. @athousandclowns, that was an April Fool's joke from Lifetime.
  5. That's why I don't see why the devil doesn't take Jan and Shawn's baby. That would accomplish the same goal.
  6. Have we had this many couples, presumably, not having had sex for this long? We know that Noi and Steve have and also Lindsey and Mark. We know that O and Katina and Michael and Jasmeana have not. And, of course, Chris and Alyssa didn't. And I don't know if Mark and Lindsey have since the honeymoon after his deciding to slow things down. I am really glad that the couples didn't rush into an intimate relationship before they really knew each other, but I just don't remember this many couples not having done it. And, do we know that Dr. V is really gone? Maybe she just came on for her sexy time episode and is still lurking in the background.
  7. I read someplace that Gwen asks Abby to be her maid/matron of honor. That REALLY shows how no one likes her even a little. I hope she says NO WAY. I think she could ask Ava since I am sure Ava will try to get something out of it or threaten to tell Gwen's secrets. But, of course, what I want - which is for Sarah to barge in before the final "I dos" - won't happen. (Not that I want the real Sarah back. I just really don't want Gwen to win.) Too bad the bakery is losing the owners. They could have made some good money on wedding cakes.
  8. I think people are spending way too much time trying to figure out their financial situation. We don't know what they have discussed off-screen. We are only watching the highly scripted and edited reality show that has nothing to do with reality. We only see what the show wants us to see. Assuming that Noi is capable of completing a coherent sentence, I am sure that she and Steve have had this discussion, probably several times. And if they haven't, then they have no business staying together, much less talking about having a baby.
  9. I think it's more like Leo wants to get married that fast. Craig is just going along to make his family stop trying to break them up.
  10. I think, knowing Ron, that it is more likely that the marriage will take place and THEN Sarah will recover or Xander will find out the truth. But, by then, Gwen will be pregnant, of course. Also, I read that while Johnny is locked up in the DiMera crypt, it will be the ghost of Andre who torments him, not the real "dead" Andre. Who knows? Also, Eric will be back and not a priest again. So, will he and Nicole get back together? Apparently, he is back permanently. So, this is supposed to be the end of the possession chapter? For how long, ReRon?
  11. If he has enough of a savings cushion to be an entrepreneur and decide what he wants to do, then he doesn't need to have a 9-5 job right now if her requirement is that the bills get paid and there is sufficient money. If her requirement is just that he has a job, then she is not listening to him because she wants what she wants and his needs don't matter, which is pretty much what she said, as it relates to her posting on SM. They need to agree to agree on the definition of "job." As he has said, if he can make a specific amount of money in fewer days than a 5-day a week 9-5 job, then she needs to accept that and broaden her expectations.
  12. Because she has no idea that there are many other options that will ultimately get to the same results. She is too limited in her experience, vocabulary and ability to actually articulate a coherent thought. She just throws out or mumbles a few words and doesn't say anything,. Why he would want to keep her happy, I have no idea. I also don't think she will ever be happy. As soon as I saw O was one of the panel, I turned it off. Just can't do it.
  13. And his misogeny. Great combination. What a prize he is. And a fabulous job of matching with a woman who has been in abusive relationships. Bravo show. Of course, Katina says nothing. She is scared to. After all, she is HIS wife and participates in HIS marriage. YUCK. I have had more than enough of pouty Miss Noi. When she came right out and said that she understood why Steve (and PC) felt hurt when she goes all SM whenever she wants to, BUT, they will have to agree to disagree as it is her life and she will continue to live her life as she wants, Steve needed to be done. She is nowhere near being ready for a real committed relationship where you WANT to consider the feelings of the person you love. And if she is bringing that much baggage from her past that mandates that she live in fear of everything, the show has done her a great disservice by selecting her. And poor Steve is supposed to be an instant shrink and change what he needs to give her everything she wants? Even he realizes that she has no idea what she wants when she wants a baby in a year and also wants to move into separate living quarters. What is she going to do - text him to come over and change a diaper? She is actually my least favorite from this season, which has so many options. I don't think he was suggesting that neither of them work - he was just giving her the option to find out what she wants. I do believe he has plenty of money and was more than happy to give her some time to not worry about working. Especially if she plans to have a baby this soon. BIG mistake. Mark just can't be with Lindsay, or maybe anyone right now. He is also too broken and needs serious therapy. Same with Lindsay. I understand that no normal person will be signing up for this show, and maybe these people were the best of the pathetic bunch, but it is no longer any fun and there is nothing even entertaining about watching these very broken people be pushed into a relationship that none of them are ready for. Great job, Cal - tell a man whose wife feels nothing when he touches her to keep touching her.
  14. So, do we think that it will be Devil's Food Cake or Red Velvet?
  15. I don't have the problem with Steve and his finances the way many do. I am sure that whatever they needed to discuss was done off-screen/camera and he doesn't want that made public, which is fine. I think this was their assigned drama and Noi just keeps saying what she wants. And, if he hasn't told her what she needs to know, then he doesn't trust her not to blast it all over her social media, which she has shown that is what she does, like an immature baby. The discussion we saw with Steve and Mark on the beach was the most we have seen Steve actually address it.
  16. I firmly believe they got that 2-year renewal and they don't care what Ron does with the show at this point. They are letting him do whatever he wants because after the 2 years, I am pretty sure they will be moving to Peacock, so there is no stopping him now. He will continue to write for his own entertainment and amusement. Ratings be damned!
  17. Sigh - every time I see there is a new post here, I always hope that Sarah or Gwen are leaving. No such luck.
  18. Why does Chanel need to be comforted by Paulina? Does Demon Allie drop her, too? If so, that means Johnny should be back and they can be together. But, if Chanel was smart, she would stay away from BOTH twins. Just too much crazy. Could THIS be the April Fool's episode?I do not want Xander to marry Gwen, even if it is just to regain Sarah's memory. And I am going with Craig and Leo for the other couple. But, why would they want to share their wedding with Xander and Gwen? Maybe they all want to be married by Father Eric and are not sure how long he will be in town this time? OK, changed my mind - it will be SarRenee and Tony and Gwen will be dumped. I'm good with that.
  19. There were some articles from Screen Rant on my news feed and it sounds like the author is reading here. I couldn't find the links to post, but one talks about how O's neck tattoo was changing and the best one was Why Season 14 Is the Series' Rock Bottom! And it mentions everything we have been saying. It suggests that one of the main reasons, besides having truly unlikeable people to start with, is the fact that the experts have been so hands-off. I don't know that more of the experts would help if the people were hired for drama and they don't listen anyway.
  20. I thought that it was strange how Keisha kept insisting that Noi come up with a number, and yes, 40K was ridiculous. I was thinking she would say a million. She also doesn't seem to like being put on the spot and she doesn't come across as too bright to me. She is, at the very least, very naive, and is totally stuck in her fantasy world in her head. I am also sure that they have had the financial discussion by now and this is the assigned drama from the producers. However, I would also not be too surprised if Steve didn't tell her how much he has because she just goes right to her SM and posts things, because she is so immature. I don't blame him. She has done it before and doesn't see a problem.
  21. While I do agree with you, for me, the issue is that we don't know or like Paulina enough (many of us) to care about her or her story. She was just thrust on us as an over-the-top character who lied to and hurt people we DO like. She managed to live her life making sure that Lani was not around her abusive father, and Paulina made a good life for herself. Since Re-Ron doesn't care at all about telling true stories of abuse, it will just continue until Paulina is in danger again and then Abe will have to come and rescue her and probably kill TR. Or maybe Lani will. Either way, he is just going to write that someone who was a strong woman now needs to be protected instead of taking care of herself, as she has done.
  22. So, I read that as "SLEEP Ava around," which is what I guess they are doing. Didn't Jake work for her in PA when he first showed up? I agree that the Salemites, who have vast experience with demonic possession, seem to be incredibly blind to the current circumstances. But, I forgot - these are the same people who have sex with people wearing masks who are not even close in physical appearance to the person they think they are with. Again, after they know that someone has access to a mask wardrobe, no one tugs on their face, just be be sure? Especially John and Marlena who have been through this before (and before that) and have experienced demon-hopping, to not question EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Dumb dumb dumb.
  23. I think Chris would have been nice to her, but he would not want to be the peace keeper with her antics. What if Alyssa had been paired with Mark????
  24. I think Mark is afraid of Lindsey. He won't ever hurt her, but she can probably really pack a punch when she gets riled up. He is so frustrated when he TRIES to talk, but she keeps talking and shutting him down and then she gets mad, declares she is done, and leaves. What is he supposed to do? Even if they do meet with an "expert," they don't listen to any advice or suggestions. I think they are both pretty inflexible, although they both claim to be trying. I say GIVE IT UP and go enjoy the rest of your life.
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