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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. LOL - OF COURSE he is. We were just saying that he is so much more interesting lately. Now it makes sense.
  2. I was thinking that Gwen will get pregnant and that will put a damper on any Sarah/Xander reconciliation.
  3. I am guessing that it won't be until after Xander and Gwen have sex and she gets pregnant.
  4. I didn't watch much of it or bother to record it, but it sounds like we have couples who are just like all the other seasons. Like the woman who didn't want a bald man matched with someone who is (a la Miles and Karen); the woman who knows and is proud of the fact that she is "too much"( Lindsey, Alexis, and many others). None of what/who I saw was very interesting.
  5. I just tuned in and out but weren't they asking the same thing on the MAFS show? And some of the men said they had it right before they were notified that they were matched. I don't get why that is a big deal - if they weren't selected, there is no reason for them to change their lives.
  6. I don't know how soon we will see Hope and Bo together because first we have to have the Hope and Ciara drama based on Hope's new bf being the guy who kidnapped Ciara.
  7. I am actually tempted to make the move to that, too. Are the people really that clueless or are there production hijinks there, too?
  8. I still think the heavenly body the three 'dead' women will see will be Susan. But, I totally agree that once dead, always dead. Especially if organs have been donated.
  9. They might be married, but Gabi is, too, so no big deal to annul them both. Both were victims of fraud. I AM surprised that they let Gabi's wedding go all the way through.
  10. Lindy made a point of insisting that it was non-negotiable to discuss the fact that she only wants to work part-time and travel when she wants to. And, yes, she had a lot of student debt. If they are still together, I am guessing it really won't last.
  11. We got pretty close to that with Alexis and Nate last season when he shared his physical prowess and also they discussed his other weaknesses, when Alexis suggested he work on 'thrusting.' That was more than enough for me. It sounds like they want to out-do that this time.
  12. Glad I passed on this. Just when I thought we were done with that awful last season, now I hear they are making the rounds on the special shows with Kevin F giving their "expert" opinions because they were all so successful. No thanks. I will keep reading to see if I want to venture back in, but your comments are usually enough. Happy New Year to all.
  13. But, they will have to figure out what to really do with Xander because he can't keep doing what he is doing and have Sarah brush it off with, "Oh, that rascal Xander!" They really have NOTHING in common - just sex. But, I don't know anyone who deserves to be with the whiny child-doctor.
  14. This new and improved Eric is a lot more interesting when he isn't pouty. Does Sloan know that you have to check your bed partners' faces for masks before jumping in?
  15. I guess they had to accept that the writers had made her so evil, that there was no way they could keep her. I sure wish they would see that about others - like Kristin. I would be happy to see Gwen go, too, but they are clearly trying to move her into the "not that bad" column with Xander.
  16. Just read on Soap Opera News that Tamara Braun is gone. In regard to her exit, she said, "Hey all you Days fans!! If you want to see Ava off, tune into DOOL today for her last day in Salem. Thought I’d share some of my memories from the last (almost) two years. Starts at the end and ends at the start with my first nasal swab. Oh Covid!! Thanks for all the love and support you continue to show me. I will miss you all!! Wait, I’ll still be here, you can find me on IG!! Much love".
  17. I had never heard of H.E.R. but having "Belle" walk down the grand staircase wailing on an electric guitar took me totally out of the zone.
  18. The service right now that is going on for Susan. I guess it's more of a memorial than a funeral since they don't have her body.
  19. The only thing I have been able to find are articles about when she left in 2019. Is this a sure thing? Maybe she gets blown up at the funeral if she is really leaving?
  20. Yes, yes, yes! I was SOOOOOOOO disappointed that they didn't. They didn't need that new song that wasn't even pretty. What a missed opportunity.
  21. So, once the latest Gwen/Xander plot gets discovered, is Jack going to disown her again or will all be forgiven? These scripts are probably getting worn through since they use the same ones over and over. Hate Gwen, but she and Xander have to be together and bad because he is worthless with Sarah (who is worthless to begin with). Leo will be around forever because ReRon loves him. so, they will put him with Sonny because Will is out of the picture and they won't bother to recast him.
  22. Come on with this nonsense! I wanted a pony, but didn't get one. Parents have to be parents and this storyline is ridiculous.
  23. An exploding bus was such a wasted opportunity. Then we could have had someone be injured with amnesia (maybe Nicky) and Gigi would make her the back-up act until Nicky remembers that she was supposed to be the UNDENIABLE star. Oh, so much potential.
  24. They clearly have NO idea what to do with Baby Sarah, do they? Shouldn't she be off probation by now?
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