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Everything posted by Julyolo

  1. Am I the only viewer having difficulty reconciling Ashley's frequent reminders of emotional and financial independence, while she sits and listens to Tucker ramble on? He sounds at best like a sociopath, at his worst like a pimp, "Oh, baby, imma gonna do everything for you: party, jewelry, house, revenge." Her saying he needs "more work" to prove himself, is just a shout out to him to spend more time grooming her for whatever he eventually has in mind. I guess Summer and Danny forgot Phyllis brought Stark to town solely for the purpose of hurting Diane? Their mom played silly games, she won silly prizes. She had singlehandedly dismantled every part of her life (work, possessions, relationships) to the point one could argue if she really had died, it could have been called an extended suicide. I fully expect to see Phyllis rising out of her faked ashes during a memorial service at where else? The Grand Phoenix.
  2. Today's episode... was this one of the last efforts of the fired writers, or an example of JG going solo? Was Easter cancelled in GC because Saint Phyllis died, or they didn't renew all the kid actors' contracts? I am sorry, but for me, currently the only couple that seems capable of appearing believably romantic are Jack and Diane. Abby's legs come up to Devon's neck, and give a whole new meaning to the word belittling. I half expect Abby and Devon to be instructed by the omnipresent picture of Neil to do a remake of the "Uptown Girl" video, with Abby sashaying across the penthouse, while Devon twirls a microphone around her. Just as silly are Sharon and Chase. Sharon's face is as frozen as a coffee coolata, just put a cherry on top of her head. She looks too old to be anything but the cougar Chance can rebound with, until he can find someone that has moving facial muscles. I did get a chuckle out of Victoria's Wonder Woman belt, but the possible pairing of her with Nate totally lacks chemistry. Nikki at least had her nose brought down a notch or two today while trying to exhibit an aura of grief, not sure if that was about Phyllis, or if like the rest of us, she senses her relationship with Grampire has run out of gas. Adam and Sally reminded me of all the hopes Adam has, that never seem to materialize into anything tangible. As Sally and everyone made their daily circuit of Society and Crimson Lights, I imagined hearing the set of the Chancellor Mansion being dismantled. I doubt Chance will be going there alone somehow. Where does he live anyway, the GCPD? I mused about the overall population of GC, how many people could be living in a town with so few places to go to, that you end up running into the same people everytime you do? And how do these places stay in business, with 4-6 customers on any given day? They just lost 4 or 5 residents: Phyllis, the EMT, the 2 bodies they stole from the morgue, and possibly Stark! Never a crush of other customers, no one ever mopping a floor, or IT fixing someone's computer in an office. All these people sipping beverages, while waving empty forks at each other during meals. It's starting to look a bit like like a ghost town of neutered dipsomaniacs on "The Twilight Zone" to me.
  3. There are so many holes in the "Phyllis is Dead" plot, it's looking to me like a gopher infested golf course. 2 bodies are just "missing" from a morgue? A vial of blood survives a wreck that rendered 2 bodies "unable to be autopsied?" With her sudden marriage to Stark, wouldn't forensic accounting specialists be looking for strange activities in Phyllis' financial records? So what if Phyllis was mumbling, "Poison, poison?" Crazy as she was, she could have taken it herself. Insisting Diane will spend the rest of her life in jail when with no witness, there is no crime? But, IMO, the hugest hole here is the lack of calculation as to what a narcissist Phyllis truly is. There is an old saying that a narcissist has to be the star of every wedding and funeral they go to. Where and how will blood sucking, oxygen gulping, wing-flapping Phyllis go, to re-establish her narcissistic supply? How would she be able to stomp the life out of people as a complete stranger, somewhere where nobody knows her? If she was sincere about this, she would have already whacked off her hair with some manicure scissors, and dyed it black whilst waiting for the return of Stark, who she really didn't even have to meet up with post crash at all. Frankly, I look for her to show up at her own memorial service, or in LA on B&B.
  4. That sweater on Ashley was confusing as hell, knit criss-crossed with lace? The stylist forgot to get her a decent bra to wear with it, or some Spanx to slim down her belly. Just yuck. Then her comments to Jack and Diane regarding Phyllis' "unfortunate" marriage were revolting IMO. The sole writer standing, JG seemingly lacks a flair for sustaining suspense. Only one day of freedom from Phyllis for the viewers? The kids of Phyllis and everyone else all developing some sort of collective amnesia about her atrocious behavior in the last few months? Spare me. Chance really needs to analyze what they all drank the night of the Bicentennial Gala that has reversed all of her longstanding sins into sudden sainthood. IMO she was the author of all of her supposed misfortune, and too many characters are now just misdirecting the anger and frustration Phyllis once weaponized, to abuse Jack and Diane for her by proxy.
  5. Well, I'm hopeful that hideous dress Phyllis was last seen in may have been collateral damage, but her blue veneers have probably been dragged off by some squirrels to their nest.....not to be found by Chance, until.the squirrels toss them out because they glowed in the dark, causing sleep disruption. The MWT's can't justify the "asses to ashes" lack of a identifiable corpse, that ambulance would have had to burn for 2-3 hours, and there would have still been plenty left of Phyllis to snort in the bathroom of the GCAC. Looking forward to tomorrow's episode. The portrait of Neil.will probably have a bigger reaction to Phyllis' death than her newly found husband, Stark.
  6. Little to add today because for me today's episode seemed hackneyed and strained my credibility. Lauren's dress just barely missed a nipple reveal. IMO, the Ashley/Tucker "sexual tension" is juvenile, especially in light of how classy and sophisticated Ashley appears. Any woman that intelligent, savvy, and accomplished would be hanging out with the guy who was willing to buy Tucker's debt from her, and watch her enjoying a hefty profit. Victoria's nasty look at the vision of Nate and Elena's apoarent rapport was right out of "Mean Girls for Dummies 2.0." Chance, chances are whatever is in play with Phyllis will elude your detective skills, and the perp in the room finds you showing up, to be part of the thrill of this new scam. Chance is in danger of becoming the poster boy for what is known as "Duper's Delight "
  7. Nikki sitting there on her fat ass today looking incredulously disgusted at her co conspirator showed me just what a two faced witch she is. Daniel saying about Phyllis, "Can you get something for her head?" LOL! Yes to that! Start with a lobotomy. Now we have Daniel and Summer all regretful about giving their mother some appropriate responses to her insanity before this "fall out," or "fake out," which IMO looks to me like it will serve as her alibi to exonerate setting Diane up for something else. I loved Amanda serving Abby the news Devon is a cheater! So needed. Bad wig on Danny Senior, for sure. Looks like the piece they had plopped on Chelsea's head a few weeks ago to give her the illusion of bangs. Oh, sure, Stark and Phyllis are married? Good! Now they can go away together to Chicago, LA, HELL, or whatever jurisdiction his probation states he needs to reside in, and live happily ever after. Can't happen soon enough for me, and Godspeed. If not that, an extended honeymoon of a few years at least? ETA* Many thanks to all who wished me well & a speedy recovery!
  8. If you think Sharon was high, I wish you could have seen me watching the show today, 3rd day of shingles in my eye and ear, on pain meds....LOL. Good times. I'd have to say my most insufferable moments were watching Nikki and Vampire propped up on some dais like a jaded Roman emperor, with scheming his sister. When Nikki was blubbering she had wasted months planning the Gala, only to have Jack & Diane ruin it with the engagement announcement, I felt like screaming, "What about the months you have wasted in the pursuit of meeting with "the ghouls," and a reporter, for the sole purpose of messing with someone else's life?" "What about the years you have spewed nothing but hate and alienation on Adam?" Sorry, but I almost detest Nikki as much as Phyllis at this point. Phyllis is totally unhinged, everyone sees it, yet where are Captain Save a Hoe Billy and Chelsea, Genoa City's resident mental health experts while she flounders around like a loose cannon on the deck of life? As for Nick's hand moves on Sally's gut, I think he suspects she really has a burrito stashed there, that's what it looked like to me.
  9. Loved Diane finally slapped the crap out of Phyllis after that very accurate rendition of what she truly is! Maybe it's just me, but the actress playing Phyllis seemed very subdued, and slightly sedated in these scenes. It was almost as if she had no energy for scenes where another actress was finally getting a chance of being the dominating presence. Devon sure was looking up to Abby today, lol. Hated the hypocrisy of Nate being all elated with Lily and Devon re-uniting as if that somehow erased his backstabbing past with them both. Finally a shout out to Katherine Chancellor, kind of the opinion TPTB should resurrect Neil Winters and her as recurring cast members to address the show's current obvious financial constraints. No wardrobe, no stylists, no hairdressers, no lines to write for them, no salaries, they would be perfect! Just prop up their pictures, and let it roll!
  10. Yes, the Neil crap has been played out to the point of idiocy. His photo front and center is always part of what goes on in Devon's living room. The man has been dead 4 years. How is the dedication of a jazz venue at the GCAC club related to a Bicentennial for the city? I fail to make the connection of how a jazz club honoring him is reflective of 200 years history in a city. I think Tucker was pretty much speaking for the viewing audience with his statement about how much "fun" the gala was.
  11. First the show cut the budget for hair stylists, next clothing, then came the era of disappearing sets, all the writers have been fired, and now today we are faced with the actors who are remaining on what I will dub the "Ship of Fools" GC Bicentennial Gala. Where are Elena, Allie, Noah, Tessa, Mariah, and Chance?
  12. I watched with high hopes for the GC gala dresses to revive some of my interest. Nope. How long can this writer stretch out his gambit of nobody really doing anything that captivates the audience? Today was not even bad in a good way for me, y'know?
  13. Yesterday left me with little to say, apart from seeing Amanda and Jill again, and Victoria in her red strumpet blouse followed by Daddy Dearest sinking his fangs into Jill to divert Devon. I was happy to see Amanda read Devon's beads. I thought her summation today of her being lucky to find out what a rat he was to be succinct. All I have for Chelsea today trying to appropriate the look of a twenty something with those ratchet hair extensions was a reach that exceeded her gasping grasp. As for Billy, same old, same old. He's learned, it's another fresh start for him, blah, blah, blah. It is IMO, a curious lapse in the plotline, how quickly everyone has dealt with the musical chairs romance aspect of Billy and Devon cutting two accomplished women like Amanda and Lily to the curb for the likes of Abby and Chelsea If the MWT's pull Phyllis out of her kamikaze dives on everyone's life, I for one will be disgusted beyond belief. Other than that, seems the show will be going on the fumes of re-visiting the good old bad days, and bringing everyone on to some sort of shared trajectory so they can spew out this "gala" on us.
  14. So, on the morning of the GC Bicentennial Gala both Abby and Phyllis had already put on some of their sparkly duds? The skirt on Phyllis was bad enough, but Abby in her jacket looked ridiculous. When Stark boomed out, "I am not a threat to anyone," all I could do was picture him pullling out that line in a group acting audition. BTW, do the director's notes on all of Nikki's scripts instruct her to perform, "The attitude of an entitled, insufferable Karen who won a marital lottery." She gives off an intense dowager vibe, even though Victor is allegedly alive. If she's so happy, why is she always so miserable, cutting, and nasty? The actress playing Diane looked stunningly lovely today. She must be bringing in her own wardrobe and stylist, and it shows. Couldn't figure out if Phyllis managed to steal Diane's ring then left the box, or just ditched the box with the ring back into Diane's purse? Looking at her makeup today, I would have begged the show's make-up artist to lay off on Phyllis' lipstick. She is just on the border of looking like Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker.
  15. Has spring arrived early in GC? What else could have caused the appearance of woolly caterpillars on the spaces that were once Victoria's eyebrows? And it had to be cold for those little critters when she came on to Nate with that invite to a hotel room. Both actors projected as little sexual chemistry as a couple ordering decaf coffee after dinner. "Don't want to be up too late tonight, got a big day at the office tomorrow." Phyllis seemed to fail in convincing anyone today with her new manic ravings. Someone needs to clue her in that what she thought was an "over the top" performance was actually a new low. Summer is selling Mary Kay cosmetics now, all decked out in her pink satin dress? Kyle and Summer need to get some new interests other than their parents. You know once Jack, Diane, Nick and Phyllis die, they won't have anything to talk about? Good job show, on making Nick wear both his upper and lower dental veneers today. Now, the only thing you have left to do with him is to take him somewhere, and paint a veneer of sensuality over him. Oh, and while you're at it, take Nate too, and try for a BOGO deal on that
  16. I spent last week with "fambly" (thanks, Phyllis). When I tuned in all hopeful today, after a week off, the MWT's and the cast quickly kicked my hopes to the curb The actors playing Victoria, Elena, Nate, Stark have less animation than my Boston Fern. They all look and act like they are waiting for the Coast Guard to rescue them off a slowly sinking ship. Oh, and Phyllis instructing a psychopathic career criminal that when he goes in on his plot to wreak vengeance on Diane, that no member of her family should be hurt? Sure, Phyllis. Lay down with a dog, your whole family is going to end up with fleas.
  17. Sharon owns a coffee shop, but spends her days spilling tea on everyone? If I had the misfortune to live in GC, I wouldn't go anywhere near Crimson Lights. Sharon would run her mouth about a mere sighting of someone, not to mention what she would do if she managed to roto-rooter out any actual information. Want to pull off the perfect crime? Send a doppelganger to Crimson Lights while you do it, and Sharon will testify the exact dates & times she was getting your coffee. The drunken rant by Phyllis today was one of the most cringeworthy, over the top, curtain chewing, desperate attempts at acting I think I have ever seen. BTW, Nick, you do know that elevated blood pressure can be a cause of headaches for anyone, right? Hope your pre-natal wisdom and guidance doesn't begin and end with just encouraging Sally to take her vitamins everyday, unless your negligence causes Sally to have a stroke, that makes her forget your entire relationship. Was today "Basic Black Friday" in GC? Lauren, Sally, Stark, Jack and Diane? Even Vicki in next week's previews. Guess the wardrobe stylist got fired too.
  18. Oh, I am so skerrred about what Jeremy Stark might leave next on the Abbott doorstep! Just like some stunt 7-8 y/o's would play. Oh,oh, let's ring the doorbell and run...Even Connor and Johnny wouldn't stoop to do something as juvenile as this. BTW, don't the Abbots supposedly live in a mansion? Isn't it even equipped with at least a RING security camera or doorbell? This is all making me so eager to see what havoc the big, bad Jeremy might wreak next week .......like maybe toilet paper the whole house while they're all sleeping? Oh, the terror!!!
  19. Is it just me or is Kyle's Shoney's Big Boy hair contagious? It seemed today that both Billy and Adam were exhibiting some early symptoms of being infected. As to Chelsea's hair, they have plopped a wiglet on the front part of her head over her real hair to give her a shaggier look. Sadly, it is a darker shade than her own hair and ill-fitting. Last week they tried to style it as bangs. Shag or bangs, we know that's where she's going with Billy.
  20. I totally agree, 'You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.' Sets disappearing, actors seldom seen, new hires for the most part substandard in their craft, with bare bones storylines and unsatisfying resolutions, if any. The core actors that remain seem to be phoning it in. I also think it will be cancelled or sent to streaming. I think some of the actors are hoping to "move to LA" and be resurrected on B&B. The networks are trending towards dumping afternoon "chat shows" and soaps, and revamping with news shows, which are much less expensive to produce. I don't think this trend can be dismissed rolling into the 2024 election cycle
  21. IMO, Sally should block Nick's hoohah by doing what any girl who grew up as a carny would do: know the show is over, pack up her duds, and leave GC. Neither the biological Daddy Adam or Nick haven't even managed to solve their issues with their own Daddy. If I was Sally I would let both of them know I wasn't going to let any child of mine be born to eventually be drafted as a conscript into the "War of the Newmans." BTW, Sally and Connor had some scenes together that I found quite touching when she was with Adam. Has she ever even met Christian, the son of "Great Father Nick?" The MWT's or producers need to hire an actor to portray Christian like yesterday, this is a glaring omission in the Nick/Sally storyline. Oh, and has anyone seen little Hairyson lately, or has he been consigned to the kitchen or his bedroom? These MIA kids are giving me a "Flowers in the Attic" vibe lately.
  22. Co-sign your rage with this storyline. Teen mom here @ 18 y/o, listened to everyone tell me how messed up my and my child's lives were going to be, 54 years later I am a nurse with a MS in psych (that I finished at age 38) my "child" just retired after 35 years in the US Navy. So, Sally's current angst is quite off putting to me. She started out in GC as a quirky, creative, independent woman that has literally been reduced now to every trope about weak women that the MWT's could resurrect from their file cabinets labelled "Scripts: 1980-1999." They would have me believe because she is pregnant, and she doesn't know "who da daddy?"she has become reduced to living on tenterhooks. It's 2023. The issue here is not the father's identity, show, the issue is we want the Sally we knew, liked, and respected to be the mother, not this ridiculous version you are trying to foist off on us now.
  23. The actor playing Jeremy Stark has the look of a thug, but he only emanates a low level kind of menace to me, kinda like a paper tiger. That sweater on Summer has her straggly hair competing for space with the cutout sections. And Phyllis..... I couldn't decide today what was more distressing, the hole in the side of her orange dress, or the foot she kept shoving into her mouth in every scene? Still, her telling Jeremy Stark HE was deranged, was today's greatest unintended laughline. Somebody should clue in the actor playing Kyle to try not to do anymore 1:1 scenes with Adam. Adam has some serious acting skills (like in his scenes with Victor today) that only highlight Kyle's total lack of ability. I have little energy for the travails of Danny Jr./Heather/Lucy. It may just me, but when Lucy is sitting next to Danny, she makes him look like an ELF. Maybe if they celebrate St. Paddy's day in GC, the MWT's can make that work.
  24. I am picking up on a strange undercurrent in the narratives of cheating with both Nate and Devon. Both men have impulsively fallen in lust with two white women, whose only accomplishments are derivative of their "Big Daddy" Victor Newman. The women of color they betrayed, Amanda and Elena, are much more educated and accomplished, both having earned advanced degrees as a MD, and an attorney. I am feeling mighty uncomfortable with the message the MWT's are sending here. It marks Devon as impulsive and immature. Nate? Once a man dedicated to being a compassionate professional, now a craven opportunist, who is bordering on sociopathy. The theme surrounding both Elena and Amanda is that since they weren't available to inflate the egos of these "man boys" on a daily basis, they ended up getting shafted. Just saying (in my own clumsy way) that I find these two storylines very disrespectful in multiple ways.
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