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Everything posted by Julyolo

  1. So bored with all this. AFAIC Billy can leave Genoa City to find himself. Chelsea can take her depression back to her mom's, staying in GC will just continue to put her with people and in places that will be triggers for her. Phyllis can continue setting herself up to lose the trust of everyone she allegedly cares about, all to gain the demise of Diane. I enjoyed the scene with Tucker and baby Dom. It was wonderful to see an actor go from playing Mr. Suave with adults, to Mr. Gentle with his grandson! Thank God they finally put some lowlights into what used to be that blonde wall of color on Ashley's head. If I were Sally I would forgoe interior design, and based on the current cast, set up a geriatric case management company. You know there are quite a few characters in GC that could use a lot of work on their cognitive interiors for sure.
  2. Sorry, but if we have to sacrifice Diane to finally get Phyllis tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail, let Jeremy Stark kill her. Or let him kill Phyllis too, while trying to kill Diane. I love the Diane actress, but I'm willing to accept some collateral damage to be free of Phyllis.
  3. Tucker and Ashley both playing "too cool for school" pseudo sophisticates isn't working for me. So Danny has pitched his "ethically altruistic" version of a metaverse for kids that parents will allegedly race out to buy because post playing they will be better people? The grandiose conceit of Lily, Devon, and Danny seems to have no bounds, except when it comes to archaic stereotypes, like a Prince searching for a Princess. Oh, sure, Gen Z is all about that, NOT. The MWT's are how old? I'm a senior (not HS or college, lol) and I'm rolling my eyes. Happy everyone is shooting down the GC cabal of Nikki, Ashley, and Phyllis. Hopefully this will result in Phyllis doing something so reckless and stupid she'll have to move to LA (B&B) or Salem (DOOL) Yes, let the witch known as Phyllis fittingly retire to Salem.
  4. Dear Show, Please put Sally in a properly fitted blouse, so the struggling on both sides to stay closed, doesn't result in a blinding by a projectile button. I think I've already mentioned the gray gristle on Tucker brings neither him, nor the viewer any gratification. Phyllis bringing out her sexy for Tucker lacked chemistry for me, and the actors appeared equally unenthused. Almost as uncomfortable as the actress playing Sally, trying to act like she is actually hot for Nick. I am happy to see they let Jack out of his "auntie" persona so he could go all he-man to and for Diane, and finally read Ashley for the filth she is. Please re-consider the overprocessing of Ashley's hair. Cotton candy won't be back in fashion in Genoa City until the State Fair this summer, I don't want to see it on someone's head. It's nice that Nick thinks there is nothing "illicit" about having sex with his brother's s/o. Does he and Abby sharing the same father give them both a genetic predisposition to the "I've done nothing wrong, and anyway-- I don't know how it happened!" Syndrome? Is Chelsea taking the post therapeutic path of most psychopaths, and just spewing out the psychiatric jargon? She's "going to get over this" ? Ummm, mental illness is managed, not generally cured, MWT's. Good job of portraying how Connor was manipulated into feeling responsible for Chelsea's happiness. Other than that, all I have left to say is Show, I hope you get better soon too!
  5. Sorry, unable to say something about an episode that was so nothing.
  6. Why would Nick need to use money from Phyllis repaying a loan to help Sally? Didn't Ashland "donate" millions to Nick's construction company? BTW, what happened to that company called "New Hope" owned by the Old Dope aka Nick? Last I heard of it, Noah didn't want to be CEO. Are all it's projects, employees, equipment, and building materials just sitting out there in some soap opera state of suspended animation?
  7. I worked as a counselor for people who were on federal probation. Bank robbers, money launderers, drug dealers...you know- folks actually less threatening than Phyllis, Victor, Ashley, Victoria, or Nikki. This revenge storyline is stupid. The overwhelming majority of people coming out of a federal prison would not seek revenge against a witness. If anything happens to Diane, or a family member of hers, who would be the first person under scrutiny? The last thing any former incarcerated person wants is to interact any more with law enforcement, or risk returning to prison. This guy Diane testified against was into white collar crime, didn't sound like a violent offender. Also, IMO he has had years in a prison to send someone else out, who got released earlier, to "take care of" Diane.
  8. Nikki's hair today brought to mind the phrase "Helmet Head." Atrocious. I just have zero energy for these three vicious shrews' delight in making another woman miserable, because they want to, and they can. Since the show has been so open about Chelsea's mental health struggles, maybe the MWT's could explore exactly how sick those 3 are....group therapy? I don't know how Chance managed to maintain eye contact with Sharon during her basic coffee booth counseling session today. If she isn't going to wear a bra, she should just serve them up on a plate with the rest of the baked goods. Devon was giving a lot of weasel face to Amanda today...dismisses and minimizes her feelings, exactly like he does with everyone else. I'm glad Amanda and Chance blew off Abby and Devon. Let's see how things work out with Devon and Abby trying to merge their "My Way or the Highway" mindsets.
  9. Until Robyn and Kody coughed up what I contributed, if I was Janelle, I would have liens on everything they own.
  10. You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. He USED those kids to monetize the lifestyle he wants to enjoy with Robyn only now. I imagine they detest him for his hypocritical hustler ways.
  11. How about the way he tried to say Christine had alienated the older kids away, when he, Meri, and Robyn have actually done that? Another reason the TLC ride is going to end....the older kids are so turned off by those three, they can't be induced to even play for pay. Also, really hate to comment about small children, but IMO Arielle appears like she's as manic as Kody.
  12. I think Robyn, Kody, and Meri's frustrations are centered on the fact they need Christine to continue to contribute to this charade for their TLC paydays. This whole Sister Wives lifestyle has turned out to be a flop. Robyn wanted to be HBIC, she knows Meri has been dialling it in just for a check for 5 years. Janelle isn't needy, and actually more focused on Maddy and the grandchildren in North Carolina. I also found the absence of anyone showing up to support Savannah's first day back at school revealing. For people who have preached acceptance and tolerance for their chosen way of life, they are just like any other cult, in the respect that when a member seeks a new alternative lifestyle by leaving, they must be demonized for that decision. Points for Janelle as being the sole remaining adult in that family capable of non-judgemental thought.
  13. Watching the Noah and Audra characters attempting to emote with facial expressions on Friday, gave me the impression you would find them sitting with Sharon in lobby of a Botox Depot franchise.
  14. Jill's speech to Billy about him always on the search for "shiny, bright things" was spot on. He may not be actively gambling but IMO he still has an addict's mindset. Every active substance abuser I counseled had the same mantra Billy chanted to Lily, "Unless you've been there, you can't understand." If all this world was only filled with the "walking wounded" rendering assistance to each other, what a mess it would be! Both Billy and Chelsea bounce from self centered impulse to impulse, always under the delusion that happiness resides in externals. Audra has probably played the mythcarriage card on Noah. If it really happened, so what? Noah had moved on because she was a merchant of chaos, a miscarriage wouldn't change that. I hope the MWT's don't think it does. The scene with Sally and Jill had energy and humor. Hoping the show can give some more of that, for a change.
  15. Abby to Devon: "We're not malicious people." Well, God help everybody if they were! I can only imagine what that would look like. Phyllis finds out Amanda is leaving, and it becomes all about her. She was right though about her empty life, and she has no one to blame but herself, she drove herself into that emotional emotional cul de sac. Glad Jack finally told Ashley to drop her participation in the Diane witch hunt. Instead of saying it was about giving Diane some peace, I wish he had told Ashley that at her age playing Nancy Drew, girl detective, with her 2 hag friends, is a ridiculously juvenile look.
  16. Yes it bothered me as much as when Dan let his dog watch him make love to the bunny boiler in "Fatal Attraction." Now that Abby and Devon have each literally "screwed the pooch," I am moving on to scrutinize the feasibility of Chelsea being a valid candidate for psychotherapy. IMO, she crossed over from being a "con" sociopath to a full blown psychopath with the acts of raping Billy, and poisoning Rey. The only things psychopaths ever really get out of therapy is time to regroup in a socially sanctioned setting, and how to mimic the behaviors the therapist suggests and models for them. Even her suicide attempt revealed that she was impulsive enough in her quest to "stop HER pain," that any considerations by her of long-term impact on Connor and Johnny was non-existent, or took second place to her needs. Sorry, but I am side-eyeing the attempt for a Chelsea redemption arc by any means.
  17. You are exactly right, and I hate how the show is writing the characters around Chelsea as feeding this narrative that Chelsea getting inpatient treatment for mental illness is something that needs to be kept secret, because it's attitudes like this that actually keep people from getting help sooner. If a character has a brain tumor it's tragic, but a mental illness needs to be shushed up, according to the MWT's.
  18. Lots of "how do you feels" today: Phyllis/Summer, Summer/Kyle, frankly all I felt was second hand embarrassment for these people's inability to act. Of course, the material they have to work with is wretched.... Diane was dishonest, so it follows she needs to get out of town? Almost as idiotic as Ashley (of the over-processed hair) and Tucker cosplaying McQueen & Dunaway in The Thomas Crowne Affair, doing "banter amongst Genoa City sophisticates" 2.0. On the previews for next week, what made Abby's head nod into Devon's prior to that lackluster liplock? Someone here pointed out a few days ago the actress playing Abby looked like she could be on downers, and this scene could be her submission reel for rehab. Just ghastly IMO.
  19. Sharon is Chelsea's admitting therapist? So wrong in so many ways...professionals don't arrange services for family, or people they know socially, or on a personal level. This is a major ethical and boundary transgression. As for keeping Chelsea's admission a secret, IMO it just plays into the stereotype that there is something inherently shameful about what is going on. So, Billy and Sharon feel they have the perogative to keep any other people that would want to offer support in the dark? I find their conceit about that truly off-putting. I think Adam as Connor's father has a right to be informed, why don't Sharon and Billy? They don't exactly enjoy pristine histories themselves regarding Chelsea. As for the argument Chelsea "doesn't want people to know," her judgement is impaired...that's why she's in a facility. Sharon should have explained to Chelsea why Connor's father would need to be informed...just another example of why Sharon has zero business being part of Chelsea's treatment team. I don't know why the character of Neil is resurrected so frequently. He was a great guy, but today the old scenes seemed like space-filling devices, they didn't advance any storyline, they were just a reminder of what an actor that was good at his craft looked like. The scenes between Nate and Elena lacked energy. Sorry, Elena, I don't think Nate is really interested in anyone other than himself at present
  20. Am I the only one who doesn't care that Summer & Kyle came back from Costa Rica? Likewise for the cackling threesome in the Newman living room, taking a victory lap because Diane told Jack about her dangerous liaison with Tucker. I keep waiting to discover how any of this is a big deal anywhere except in the under utilized minds of Nikki, Ashley, and Phyllis. The only thing worse than this storyline, are the lackluster performances every cast member is giving in its' service, including Jack, Summer, and Kyle. As for Nick sputtering he has a right to a personal life, yeah, Fredo, just not at the workplace. IMO today the MWT's have revealed themselves to be reverse alchemists, replacing the viewing gold of Adam and Sally with the likes of Nate and Nick. As to the fashion choices...Phyllis looked like some biker's side chick again, Ashley forgot to take off her white lounging pajamas before racing over to Nikki's. I know razors are expensive, but Tucker, please shave that grey lint that's littering your manscaping.
  21. Abby querying Chance as to why he isn't at home? Neither was she, when she was strolling into Crimson Lights. I don't know why Chance failed to point out she is a superficial brat, and that her father is a perpetual douche. Same with the conversation Devon tried to have with Victoria and Nate. The Newman's, all about the family business, proud to hire someone who betrayed the business of his family. Adam missed a major clue to help the mother of his child, when she clearly told him she needed to get out of Genoa City, and I have a suspicion that her character is going to get the Amanda "out-of-town" treatment soon, some of the scenes she did prior to the rooftop gave me the impression of art imitating life, they came across as MCE's goodbye to co-workers, or else they were crafted that way to foreshadow her suicide attempt. I know the subject matter is dark, but costuming both Billy and Chelsea both in black like ninjas is a bit over the top. Chelsea is still actively suicidal, Sharon has no business being there in either a personal or professional capacity. Her history with Chelsea makes that a huge no, on every level.
  22. Quite cavalier of Nate to not want to put a target on Victoria's back after the ones he tried to land on everyone at C-W. Do all the senior execs at Newman trifle with sexual harassment suits? First, Nick with Sally, now we get Victoria meeting after working hours with Nate, both swirling the obvious booze around in cocktail glasses? I've never discussed any job at any time, in a setting like that. And she is going to "teach" Nate. Nate rambles through his personal problems with his cousins and Elena .....like what are the job requirements and the salary? I don't get Lily's new reflex to cuttingly criticize Billy for the rare times he does demonstrate he is thinking of someone other than himself. This dynamic of Lily's gives Chelsea the default position of replacing the chunks of self esteem Billy is getting eroded. MCE definitely got her Daytime Emmy submission reel done in these last couple of episodes, IMO. MWT's finally landed on a storyline that works for her. I just hope they handle this storyline responsibly in the respect that anyone who just ACTIVELY attempted suicide as she did, should be immediately hospitalized. She does need 24 hours observation in a safe environment. This isn't a DIY for Chelsea, Adam, Billy, or anyone.
  23. The balcony has become a character in and of itself...Adam drunkingly lurching around on it, now Chelsea showing what a drop it would be along with the GC Friday night traffic pattern. IMO it's just a matter of time until someone goes over the edge. Sad that the MWT's gave the kids storylines that make them more mature than their parents, and the kids are better at acting than most of the show's adults
  24. Wow! Today was really a master class about narcissistic, entitled, bitter women. Nikki and Victoria are insufferable. Nikki grilling her grown ass son about his personal life, with her nose pointed up towards the sky, while Nick the lump sits there not telling her it is none of her business? Phyllis remains wretched beyond words. Sally should have told her that since she is 20 years younger, she has lots more time to work hard, and not end up like her. Wished she had let Phyllis know that the only thing they have in common, is dumping the dud known as Nick. It seems Vicki, Nikki, and Phyllis derive happiness solely by creating misery for others. Chelsea is struggling, but I don't get her, Sally, or Chloe as being actively motivated by a need to be malicious. Show can skip me with the scenes of the most boring and chemically deficient honeymooners in the world.
  25. I guess that ancient cliche about not doing business with family or friends is being demonstrated here for our viewing enjoyment by the Winters and Newman families. Interesting now that Nick and Victoria don't have Adam in place as their whipping boy anymore, there is nowhere for all their latent hostilities to land but on each other! IMO, the actor playing Devon today gave a solid performance, with the show's overall script seeming much better than usual too. Even Billy made sense! Lily was unnecessarily harsh with Billy IMO. "It's MY company and MY family," whoa girl! Wasn't it her initial suggestion that Billy go off to "find his bliss?" She seems angry with him now for doing something she suggested in the first place. Have to wonder what the show is planning to do with the dark place Chelsea is in? She wanted to take Conor and be with her mom, Adam nixed Conor leaving. Maybe she will just go. She doesn't seem to be doing much good for Conor by sticking around.
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