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Everything posted by Julyolo

  1. Don't Kyle and Summer live at Jack's house?.Who are they to render opinions on the Diane move in? Loved Phyllis getting served by Summer and Jack on the same day, but also fear this is just another prelude to bringing on her "I was right" redemptive arc. Another future episode for me to miss. BTW, are Phyllis and Sharon going to the same discount plastic surgery clinic across the border in Mexico? The only benefit I can see with their over pillow pumped cheeks and lips will be if the show ends, or they leave, and they land a gig on "Botched." It was great when Tucker asked Ms. "Kiss My Ashley" exactly why she came to see him Well acted on his part, IMO Danny & Heather....Danny is not attractive in any way to me, the actress playing Heather was lackluster. Glad they are going their separate ways, hopefully to get some B-12 shots to up the zero energy levels that were on display today. GC presently has no need for another passionless couple. Let me see, there's already Sally and Nick, Devon and Abby, Nate and Elena, Victoria and Nate, Nikki and Grampire, Ally and Noah, Billy and Chelsea. Sorry if I left anyone out
  2. To create Chelsea's "hairdo" today they plopped a wiglet at least 2 shades darker than her own hair so it gave an appearance of bangs, which may be a subliminal clue of where her relationship with Billy is heading. As for Kyle's "Big Boy" hair looking like Harry Styles, at least Harry can claim his bad hair as being the result of being drunk, high, or a rock star. Kyle has no excuse.
  3. ITA, the mom will be a problem for Tessa, Mariah, and the child. Any character soap writers saddle with a name like "Delphine" is a problem waiting to happen.
  4. When Diane started rhapsodizing about all the wonderful family events in her future with Jack and the family, I got the same feeling I had when Little Joe would bring a new love home to The Ponderosa on Bonanza, she's probably going to be dead soon. Jack is so happy, while Kyle is anxious she's going to disappear again, IMO the stage is being set, and it makes me kind of sad because these two actors as a couple in love/lust at present are the only two on the show getting a passing grade in chemistry from me. Victoria and Nate are going to blame their lip locking on the liquor, and be cautious until the day they finally rip off each other's clothes off. Billy, the world wise yet weary font of wisdom, reflecting on whether he should cast his lot with someone who was suicidal 2 months ago, and is still trying to figure out with her therapist who she is? Any therapist worth insurance reimbursement will definitely be telling Chelsea to put the brakes on, before the predictable train wreck. Yet still, wouldn't it be fun to see both Victoria and Lily incandescent with rage?
  5. Hey, were those Christmas tree lights twinkling behind Victor while he was chatting with Summer? Brought a whole new meaning to Groundhogs' Day for me. If this show is filmed 6 weeks in advance, could mean it Phyllis' "trip to Portugal" is a cover for an absence for the real world's Christmas thru New Year's? If so, I for one, intend to enjoy every single Phyllis free episode for the next week. Nice touch when Grampire thanked Summer for her honesty, after lying straight-faced to her. Hard to conjure up much sympathy for Adam complaining about his father's interference with a position he admittedly loathes, while he realizes he has the privileged failsafe of ending up working in another high paying position, only difference is at his new job, maybe it will only be his father he loathes. Wonder if Sally could take over Phyllis' old job at Marchetti, now that she says she is morphing into interior design? It was good to see Aunty Jack step up to blunderboy Kyle and tell him to stay in his own lane. I don't get why Diane is being held accountable for Jack going full Ninja, and stealing Nikki's necklace. He's a big boy, he made his choices. I have to say I did enjoy Adam side-eyeing Chelsea and Billy's "family blending" B.S. and then dropping the truth bomb on Kyle, for Summer to hear?.....chef's kiss!
  6. Can we all agree to call it a "Daily Double" everytime Abby physically looks down on Devon, while simultaneously talking down his business decisions? What is her need to insert her career opinions into the lives of fully grown men like Chance and Devon? Does Abby have a legitimate reason to be so snotty to Tucker, separate from Devon? He is the grandfather of the child who in the future could need more "spare parts," like Devon's past bone marrow donation. Might be wise on her part to not burn every bridge. Ring! Ring! Abby, it's Amanda on the phone from Virginia, to remind you of how you messed up her life, and tell you to crawl down off of the high horse you're riding today. The actor playing Devon appeared puffy faced and unwell, like a bad cold. Probably freeze burn from being around Victoria and Abby on the same day. Kyle asking Diane if Jack and she would be sharing with each other things he had told them? Right after I slapped his puffed up, pompous head, I'd be saying, "For sure!" Kyle, blubbering on about his fear of trusting his mother, seems to me to be a bad case of pure projection, considering his recent expedition behind Jack's back, to help the GVN.
  7. Summer seriously contemplating following in her mother's footsteps and serving notice of that to Diane came off as insipid. First, Summer, don't clue your adversary into your strategy, second, in case you failed to notice- as of now Diane has neutralized all of your mother's unhinged plans, and is being supported emotionally and financially by your husband and FIL. You and your brother really needed to stage an intervention on your mother. Lose me with Lily and Danny, if chem tests are graded on a pass/fail scale, they have earned a fail from me. The whole "who is the Daddy arc" will have all the usual tropes: arguments, Adam and Nick fighting like rutting bucks, someone ending up getting their life saved by someone they hate. I wonder if Grampire's assessment of Sally would change if he knew whatever Daddy outcome she gets, she is ultimately the virtual vessel of a Newman 2.0? I would love to see them all on a Maury Povitch show before the Daddy reveal saying, "Well Victor! No matter how this comes out, YOU ARE THE GRAMPIRE!"
  8. Grow a beard week on Y&R, or are Nick, Kyle and Danny all experiencing face scruff because the show stylists can't shoplift any more razor blades? Why would someone give the director of the Marchetti division (Kyle) reports that would only be under the purview of Jack? Phyllis, don't assume because your life has been a series of trainwrecks, your kids will end up the same way without your "help." Stop helicoptering 2 adults, that have probably learned alot from years of watching you mess everything up. Being a doctor, IMO, Elena needs to hook Nate up with a shrink to treat his insufferable case of megalomania. Maybe Billy can also consult on the head case we are coming to know as Nate, since things seem to have reached a plateau with The Chelsea Project. Yes, Nate, being a power player will be "intoxicating" until you are dragged out of Newman Enterprises in a straitjacket, frothing at the mouth, badly in need of lithium. Frankly with Phyllis being so equally unhinged, Nate and she could well end up at the same med station, and the sooner, the better. In the meantime, Phyllis, get out your broom and fly right over to Portugal. Many of us are hoping you live out the rest of your life OVERSEAS, and offscreen meddling in your children's lives.
  9. What a gaslighter Phyllis is! Beating her breast to Daniel about going behind his back to merch his game concept under the guise of only wanting "the best" for her son. Face it, Daniel, your mom is a bottom feeding hustler, and if she ever "works out" anything for anybody, she will hijack all the credit for it. That black bra peeking out from under Audra's sheer blouse? Appropriate for a night out at a bar, not so much for the office, and the top of Victoria's dress is screaming poolside tiki hut party to me. It is amazing to watch Nick, Victor, Nikki and Victoria devote hours of their time minding everyone else's business (Adam, Tucker, Diane, Sally) instead of their own. Good thing about Chelsea listening to her therapist's advice about that podcast. I thought the reason Billy had walked away from his podcasts at C-W was hadn't he shared all the wisdom he felt he needed to? It is becoming clearer to me that had Chelsea not attempted suicide, Billy would have absolutely nothing going on, which really brings back to me a question I have asked before: Who is the most messed up here, Billy or Chelsea? I just hope if Billy ever puts the moves on Chelsea, she has developed enough self-esteem thru therapy to kick that idea to the curb too.
  10. Interesting Phyllis decided to wear a dress that when sitting, exposed her upper thighs, to present her son's project as a business venture. Phyllis knows it will be a great game because she is a gamer? Hey, I love to drink champagne, doesn't make me a vintner, or even a sommelier. Danny boy's "game" is still only in a conceptual phase, it is difficult to understand how businesses or entrepreneurs are wanting to sink millions into it at this stage, without even some basic prototype to make a decision. Do Lily or Nate simply explain to their board of directors that they want to dump millions into a project that is only in the "talking" stage of development, because Danny or his mother told them he is a genius? BTW, In the scenes with Tucker, Danny and he looked to be about the same age. Speaking of age, the hair extensions clipped on Phyllis, Summer, Audra and Lily today looked rachet, unkempt, with poorly trimmed ends, badly in need of some deep conditioning. I think the actress playing Diane is using her own clothing and hair stylists, it is the only logical explanation for her consistently looking so polished, when compared with the rest of the actresses. Oh, IMO the show's stylists need to give up on trying to make Audra look like a GC version of Kim Kardashian, apart from being derivative, that "look" peaked about 10 years ago. Jack is still wearing his Rolex in bed? Is he afraid that if he puts it on the night stand, and falls asleep, Diane might boost it and leave town?
  11. OMG!! Lauren celebrating being a style icon in one of the most hideous dresses possible. Wrinkled all over (especially the sleeves), atrocious color, ill-placed cleavage cut-out, at least 6 inches too short. Even Lauren doesn't seem to have much energy for this retrospective of her life, or is that a side effect of Botox? Her audience on the couches appeared to be every bit as underwhelmed about her life story as she was. News travels slowly from LA to Genoa City, she hasn't heard yet that her arch-nemesis Sheila survives? Then to top it off, for a grand finale, in waltzes Phyllis with longer hair extensions on one side of her head, missing one sleeve on her dress! IMO, this episode brought a whole new meaning to lackluster. Only thing that might have helped today was after re-playing that boat explosion, the MWT's going for a "jumping the shark" ending with Lauren and Michael.
  12. Sorry, but to me, Danny "the son," looks as old as his mother Phyllis, or older. Maybe I missed something here, but where is Danny living? In his van parked down by the river? Naturally, Sasquatch Phyllis is jumping right in with both feet, hitting the ground running, and will screw things up with her predictable habit of helicopter mothering her adult children. Phyllis needs to get a life. Is is just me, but aren't the same people always in Crimson Lights, Society, or the Glam Club? I don't get the economic sustainability of this. Maybe the MWT's could fill up these places with some random customers sometimes. IMO very few businesses of this sort would be successful, being solely patronized by a clientele of only family and acquaintances. Isn't the living room at Devon's apartment on a lower level from the staircase? Maybe Abby should stand down there for her scenes when they are conversing. Right now I am getting the vibe that she is the teacher that Gwyneth Paltrow played on Glee, and he is one of the students. Chelsea's podcast idea is flat out stupid and ill advised There is a already a national 24 hour telephone hotline the suicidal can call staffed with professional help. The conceit of these two, do they really think they need to burden any listeners with their stories, and how they coped, because IMO neither one of them is functioning very well outside of their codependency on each other.
  13. So Victor wants Adam set up by Kyle to be fired from Jabot, so Adam can come back and work at Newman Enterprises? Who does Grampire think he is, Chairman of Finding Potentially Miserable Employees? Nate's head is so swollen with faux esteem right now plans need to be made for him to be shipped out to Arizona to fly over the Superbowl as the Newman Enterprises blimp Sharon obviously detests Audra. Audra, do you consider it wise to let someone that dislikes you make a drink for you? Tracy sitting there congratulating two adults on starting a relationship? Jack and Diane acting like they are fifteen, so age inappropriate. Jack portrayed as the popular boy who has hooked up with the "girl no one likes " He should be used to that by now, from being with Phyllis
  14. I was thinking that Chance or no one that works for the GC Police Department will ever solve any crimes at the precinct offices, or by patrolling the mean streets. There is no possibility of confidential informants ever ratting anyone out for chump change, because all the perps are rich. Chance needs to tell everyone he has quit the PD, and work undercover. He should be a barista at Crimson Lights from about 8am til noon, then scoot over to Society and wait tables. He could finish up his workday at the Scam Club having an after-work drink. All crimes are plotted and/or discussed in these three establishments, all Chance has to do is hang out and listen. Actually, once word gets out about his new jobs, everyone will probably seek him out to consult about plans feasiblity, or ask his advice on any fine-tuning he would suggest.
  15. Let's not underestimate the hypocritical side of Lily's behavior today: Billy didn't want to stay in the company, she set him free to find his bliss as soon as the words were out of his mouth! Devon wants to be set free with his company, and Lily is like, he can go only when it's convenient for her, and then start over with nothing? Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
  16. Per Chelsea to Johnny & Connor: "Billy's hit a snag" about showing up with the dinner pizza. Picky me thinks with his child present, Chelsea should say,"Johnny's dad hit a snag." It seems like she feels "bio" mom is the premiere role in both of these boys' lives. BTW, show stylist, the shoulder pads on Chelseas's sweater needed to stop on her shoulders, not on her upper arms. So a spectre of Neil, in the form of his photo, sat in on Lily and Devon's discussion. About Jill's going forward with this star crossed IPO, how is that going to work? What Lily and Jill are contemplating is selling stock to investors that will consider Devon as a determining factor, until the IPO is complete, and then he disappears? I don't know a lot about business but that sounds like "bait and switch" to me. Having a hard time with this "hope springs maternal" narrative today with Sharon, Abby, Mariah and Tessa. Why do I feel the MWT's are busy dissecting all of the scripts from the "Surrogacy of Baby Dom" for recycling? Peculiar that Billy,who is perpetually searching for has authentic self, is considered by Lily and Chelsea to be a credible source of validation for how they are progressing in their lives, when IMO, he'd be the least person qualified to judge.
  17. Sorry if another poster mentioned this already, but wasn't this successful jewelry heist of the Newmans the millionth fail of the crackerjack Newman security team? I think if Chance finds out this whole robbery scheme was a set-up by the Abbott's, it will be enough to make him leave GC. Praying some exec character from B&B could hire him to run his private security team, hoping my prayers are premature. Stark's m/o was not robbery, but white collar money laundering, right? I side-eye him becoming a "born-again" cat burglar whilst on parole. The image of Jack and Diane when Stark opened the door, so funny, Jack looked like an aging Jimmy Olsen, cub reporter accompanied by a post-menopausal Lois Lane! The guy playing Stark is not too good at acting IMO, the sooner he's gone, the better. Of course being that the SafeT act went thru in Chicago this month, his offense would fall under the "non-detainable" for bail. Also, his federal parole wouldn't necessarily be revoked unless proved guilty of the burglary. Unless the MWT's have ignored reality again, Stark may be lurking in the bushes of GC sooner than we think. Better keep that champagne on ice for now, Auntie Jack Lily asking for Devon's trust again? That ship has sailed, and sunk. Trusting Lily's ideas about the family corporations merger is actually what got all of them on that Zoom call, right?
  18. I can't figure out if the actress playing Phyllis today was sick and drank too much cough syrup, was straight out high, or if she was hung over. IMO, she was quite hoarse and glassy-eyed during filming the scenes with Tucker. The character of Danny couldn't convince me to buy a can of Spaghettios, and I really like them. I laughed out loud when Summer told Danny, "Sometimes we just have to remind ourselves our mother is an adult." Killed two birds with one stone there, MWT's, reminding the audience too! This LOA for Chance had better not be a pretext for removing him from the show, the last hot man left in GC. Is it just me, or are the people and places on this show just starting to disappear, are the cast and crew leaving quietly, one by one, for greener pastures? I'm developing a lurking suspicion the show's last episode ever will be Grampire sitting in bedraggled clothes,with worn out shoes, on a bench, before a medical attendant comes up to him and says, "Ok, Victor, let's get you on the bus, and get you back to the asylum in Buffalo." Like this whole show has just been the hallucination of a madman. Especially this last year.
  19. If Diane had real game she would have had a jeweler lined up to pop those diamonds out of Nikki's necklace, and replace them all with CZ's before she gave it to Starke. MWT'S, it's not too late....Imagine whoever gets busted, followed by a stories in the GC news and internet, culminating with Chance having to DROP all charges, because Nikki's priceless necklace turned out to be worthless!!! Priceless, IMO.
  20. Putting in some effort today, praying the show will too. What did Adam have left to reflect on after his chat with "Big Daddy?" How someone allegedly raised in an American orphanage in Buffalo (Go Bills!) ends up speaking with a thick European accent, and ends up looking like a "Mustache Pete" from a 1960's "B" gangster movie? That's right, Summer! Your father-in- law ripping off the necklace you thought you would inherit from your stripping grandma. Some viewers might see this as karmic retribution, or the "just desserts" not featured on the menu at Society. So, Summer, if you do ever make it to Paris, be sure to get some retail therapy revenge by stopping in and shopping at Boucheron, or Cartier. I see Danny is love-bombing Lily, right into his sociopath's playbook. Finally, Devon moralizing and sermonizing to Tucker, not from his high horse, but from the level of looking up from his rocking horse. Maybe Tucker should have tried that old fall back, fail proof excuse that Devon and Abby dumped on Chance, "It just happened....don't know how...I never planned to hurt you."
  21. Couldn't agree with you more about needing a break. There is not one storyline I feel invested in at present. The preview of coming events on Friday were just as blah as everything else has been for me.
  22. Did they style Summer's hair in a garbage disposal, or just use a blender today? The scenes she did with Phyllis could have been shot by replacing MS with a bobblehead doll. I hope Summer has learned that someone excessively gesticulating and flailing in a conversation, is an indication of lying Couldn't little Ally, Ally, Ally have handed over the Jabot docs to Tucker? The coincidental rendezvous of Diane and Ally in LA has never really been fleshed out for me by the Keemo estate house sale story. That could have been the beginning of the long con, IMO. The whole Diane and Jack boosting Nikki for Stark storyline is gratuitous. Jack is worrying about the security at Nikki's Chicago apartment? Because Newman security has been so great in the past?...lol! If Stark really wanted Diane to prove her loyalty, he just would have told her to kill Jack. Devon's stepping up to tell Jill it's time to wake up from the nightmare merger was wise. So many of the original employees that were supposed to be onboard at the inception have long since run off the rails.
  23. When the actress playing Christine was seated with Tessa, Mariah, and Sharon discussing adoption, she had visible hand tremors unless she clasped them together, or held on firmly to some object. Hope she was just nervous, and not unwell. Didn't watch for the rest of the week until today. Sadly, more drama in the House of Representatives than any home in Genoa City for me. The "couples" on this show project so little chemistry to me. Summer & Kyle, Lily or Chelsea & Billy, Sally & Nick, Stark or Jack & Diane, Sharon & Chance definitely have such terrible scripts, and little to no talent, and/or enthusiasm. Sharon looked like the Bride of Chucky grinning at Chance over dinner to me. They all have such boring storylines. Even Sally and Chance seem to have caught the malaise that pervades the denizens of Genoa City. Maybe they should put Ashley, Ally, and Chance together to investigate if Genoa City has old lead serving pipes going into the homes, that are slowly poisoning them all? It could explain the cravings they all seem to have for coffee, cocoa or alcoholic beverages. A good way to start this whole story arc would be with Sally experiencing a miscarriage. They can treat the city residents one by one, and the audience will certainly enjoy seeing the actors' energy levels gradually restored.
  24. I think all 4 of these women have been in a relationship with a dysfunctional man-child My impression of the dynamics they experienced during their individual "me" times with Kody was talking about the other 3 wives- that weren't there with Kody. I think he encouraged this to deflect them from talking about what was lacking in him, he loved keeping the drama and chaos going, and his wives learned this behavior was the only way to get an emotional response or some sort of comfort out of this egomaniac "Whipping girl" Robyn outed them all about this, IMO.The other part that could be fascinating to see is how Kody/Robyn survive without three other women, and their kids, to deflect with. If Robyn is so sad to not have sister wives, and lose the "family," why wouldn't she leave to be with the 3 other wives, and the rest of the children she allegedly loves sharing? I find it highly hypocritical that neither Kody or Robyn seem concerned about their futures with "their" children that are the products of his failed marriages. So family and religion really weren't a factor- in the end these women all wanted a significant other, or a husband.
  25. Robyn has had a real reversal of fortune, LOL. Demoted from head of a harem, to a marriage with a loser that has had 3 other wives' dump him.
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