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Everything posted by Julyolo

  1. The flashbacks reminded me that at one point these people were invested in acting. Now they are like RIP (retired in place) employees, just going thru the motions. The opening segment with Jack and Diane (sorry, I'm calling them "little ditty") appeared re-dubbed for him, his lips didn't match his rant As to her character's excuses for taking off and the way she's back......ridiculous. As for the actress...unlike the co-workers she's revisiting, her acting skills appear to have remained intact and energetic.
  2. As to the character "Rey", Jordi Vilasus is going to do a podcast with his wife called "Making It Work", which could involve him learning to speak, and move his facial muscles again. LOL
  3. I think Victoria is going to bore Pillsbury Ashland to death. Some days I fear she's gonna do that to me.
  4. Whatever Vicki thinks Pillsbury Ashland did, he sure took the curl outta that girl's hair! I found their interactions today as two abjectly apathetic actors just dialling them in. Oh, why single them out? Everyone on the show today exuded zero passion for me, the only animation was the baby laugh soundtrack.
  5. If I thought a family member could be murdered by their significant other, I sure wouldn't have been sitting around strategizing with other family members about what to do. Unlike Nikki, I would have walked into that office and tossed Pillsbury Ashland out the door....or a window. Should not the Feds be involved again? Michael is MIA in a foreign country, and Ashland has stolen half a corporation in an act of fraud by deception. Seems pretty clear he's earned the cell next to Tara's. Devon and Lily and a corporate merger....do these corporations not have boards of directors and stockholders that need to approve all of their pipe dreams? Both companies approached mergers like an Andy Hardy or Little Rascals movie, "I know....we can give a big show in my garage, sell tickets to it, c'mon guys!" The only thing they have right is everybody does most of their planning/work at home, a coffeeshop, or a bar. And that only makes half-assed sense because of COVID.
  6. Me too.. but they did that HAM voiceover by him at the end, spewing out the narrative the MWT had to be sure we got. Which as I said, I don't care about their opinions voiced over by Billy.
  7. When did the MWT get hold of old episodes of The Waltons? Billy bringing the John Boy Walton "reminiscent narrative" to the dramatic arc of today's episode was condescending as usual so at least he remained in character. I really don't need the writers' point of view of the storyline wrapped up in a box with a bow. I like to formulate my own, and come here to find out how others experienced it differently than me.
  8. Only one question about today's show. How long did it take the tattoo artist to ink the dress on Sally? Or was it just body paint?
  9. If Jack and Pillsbury Ashland are Kemosabes, does that make Victoria Tonto? Does Jack need to change "Red's" nickname to "Blonde"? Actors playing Victoria, Pillsbury & Nikki gave some heavy handed performances today, looked like they'd been reading this thread and tried to energize the lackluster script. Phyllis appeared dialled out, of course her competition with the wallpaper for screen time during Jack's histrionics is not only tiresome for her, right? The actress playing Allie seemed to hit all the right notes, maybe her addition has also factored in the rest of them upping their games.
  10. I think the whole agreement will go away as it is based on Pillsbury Ashland's defrauding Victoria, which will probably finally be exposed when Michael is back from Broadway..... oops, meant Peru. Show reportedly closed February 13th.
  11. Yeah, and one of the soap sites that does "last week" criticisms of them also mentioned the apparent lack of story continuity. I am almost reluctant to criticize the actors' performances, because even they seem confused about their lost histories, and the consistency of their characters. I have watched this show forever, even went to "meet" Jeanne Cooper @ the NOLA World's Fair, but lately it has become like some ancient favorite dress in my closet. I know it's there, but I know I should just get rid of it.
  12. Very proud you all are using "Pillsbury Ashland". I think it every time I see him.
  13. I think Ashland is going to have a another REALLY fatal heart attack with Victoria absent, in front of all his disbelievers who will do nothing to save him, because this time they'll think he's faking again. A boy who cried wolf scenario. Victoria will go psycho, and then they will finally have to tell her what a cad he was throughout their entire relationship. It also beggars belief none of these idiots ever suspected The Pillsbury Ashland could utilize homicide as an end to obtain his means BEFORE letting Victoria traipse down the aisle with him.
  14. Oh yeah, those chicks were dressed atrociously. Nikki: lady who lunches suburban look, Victoria: trust fund Deb who ran away from a party to go to the rave and take Ecstasy, and lastly Sally: working the stroll outside Motel 6. Then Ashland faking another attack. Rotation and repetition. It would have been easier for him to have left Victoria in a smouldering car wreck and then hand Victor a forged Co-CEO agreement.
  15. RB as, Ashland, was slick as a cat when he served manipulation and menace. This new Ashland looks like a dog who just got dropped off at a stranger's home.
  16. Let's not let the writers off on writing a script that allows Victor (who is the greatest chess player in soap opera history) fail to address that Ashland, who signed over his company in the midst of a near fatal heart attack when Victor wouldn't call 911, might come up with a new gambit.
  17. Victor, "It brings into question EVERYTHING we know about Ashland Locke". Do Victor or the scriptwriters have dementia? The information confirmed what they already knew about him, before Victoria even married him. So it's worse to fake cancer than steal your friend's identity after he burns up in a car, or change someone's will to start your business? And he tried to cover up these first two known transgressions with all his might. So please tell me how faking cancer and treatment is not just another manifestation of his con artistry? Maybe they can consult with Sally for insight about the motivations of cancer frauds.
  18. Couldn't agree more! Those texts Jack is getting are attached to another phone that bonehead could call. And his sister and Phyllis handing him tissues while he witters on.
  19. I enjoyed today's episode with the retrospective scenes so much. The actors that play Victor, Jack, Phyllis, and Nikki brought so much energy to their roles then, that in comparison they seem to be just dialling them in now. The sets were also much more detailed and classy. Sad what this show has become.
  20. Adam looked good in his blue on blue ensemble, but during his convo with Victor came off as a struggling teenager. Sally in that black sweater, sweetheart of the rodeo look? Apologies to those who like Ashland 2.0, for me he lacks the gravitas and menace of R.B. 2.0 seems like a guy that would be volunteering at the Friday night Fish Fry @ my church. "Vinegar, tartar sauce, coleslaw, Ma'am?" The pink sparkly boots on Lily are "try hard" for her age, and a fail for her new CEO profile. Now only Devon left to weigh in on Nate's career options in the world of corporate choices......maybe manage the medical needs of Devon's musical artists? Preferably while they are on tour, far from Genoa City. Victoria needs to be reschooled on the old cliche, "Be careful how you treat people on your way up, because you'll see them again on your way down", because she is clearly riding for a big fall. Wondering how many episodes it will take the show to wrap up the "Exposure and Consequences Of Ashland-Locke". Tara got finished off in one. He'll probably get 2-3.
  21. Me too, but based on these thread recaps, it sounds like it was a win, for ME!
  22. Couldn't even bring myself to watch this last night. So the other wives seemed to blame Christine, so they could retain whatever status they have with Kody, although Kody is over plural marriage. Seems they are all in a good place to quit filming. I'm not going to watch Kody spend another season going thru some crisis of faith with his remaining barnacle wives propping him up Move over Kate Gosselin, LOL. IF Christine agrees, maybe they can do a yearly update. It's the only way they will ever get participation from a majority of the adult kids. p.s. Just reading the whole thread, and learned about a cooking show for Christine, so happy for her! For several seasons I have posted I suspected she has some "in" with production because of how great she always looked! And the last shot on tonite's show was of HER. Living well is the best revenge!
  23. Aren't shows supposed to have really exciting content to retain and increase viewership during "February Sweeps"? They end on March 2nd, and IMO this month has been nothing but dull. How is that gonna work?
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