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Everything posted by FancyRhubarb

  1. Oh my god, I remember the shitstorm that followed after that episode aired. All because Australia's version of Rush Limbaugh died and we were supposed to care. Although I didn't appreciate, then or now, the argument in the song that Lennon was less talented than McCartney. Those are fighting words.
  2. Frank Zappa is not here for your petty judgements! A lot of name crime went on in the 60's now that I think about it. Susan Atkins named her son Zezozose Zadfrack Glutz. Fortunately he was adopted out when she, you know, butchered 5 people, so hopefully he got a new boring name.
  3. Charisma Carpenter was named after a perfume. I don't know why I've retained that piece of useless trivia. I've always thought two of the dumbest names for celebrity kids, at least before Elon Musk and Grimes, came from Jensen Ackles. Arrow and Zeppelin? Just, why?
  4. Kelsey's a great actor. He's also a pretty average human being but he's suffered so much in his life that I'm unable to do anything but hope for his success. I really enjoyed the first part but I wish Max Irons would lean into it more. You're not doing Shakespeare. It's Virginia Andrews. Camp it up! Overact! Chew that scenery!
  5. I'm going to be annoyed if he gets back into Fantastic Beasts. Not because I think they are that great but there must always be more Mads Mikkelson on my screen at all times (and he's an infinitly better actor in my opinion. But I'm being shallow with my demand). Do you think he'll go back to Pirates? He looks ROUGH now. And there is also the tiny issue of him being a flake who holds up production and who doesn't know his lines and gets them fed through an ear piece. I loved his lawyer pointing out that Brando used to do the same thing. A) Johnny Depp is no Brando. B) Brando did that in his later career when he didn't give a fuck about anything and C) Nobody really thought it was that great when Brando did it, either.
  6. Well, I'm fucking livid. Bloated yet wealthy man who was attractive 20 years ago wins again. I had a brief look at twitter but the fangirls crowing about "this is a win for male victims of domestic violence" made me stabby. I hope she appeals. I don't see that she has much choice. And I really hope that Depp has done so much damage to his career through this trial that indie projects shot in Bulgaria on a budget of 2 million is all he can get.
  7. That Rolling Stone article was brutal and really laid out why he was becoming toxic. The drinking, the drugs, the frivolous lawsuits and the ear pieces on set. Hollywood execs don't care about that. They care if you cost them money, in any form. Johnny was becoming an unreliable flake and the negative was beginning to outweigh the positive and he was starting to cost them money. His finger slicing cost millions in delays. I think I remember him losing it over that article too because it painted him in such a bad light. But really, he has been butchering his career on his own for a long time without the help of an op ed. Didn't his Lone Ranger only make $3 at the box office? Take a look at his IMBD and you'll see some spectacularly bad choices. That's probably why keeping Pirates was so important to him. I don't know how you can prove that Amber's op ed did more damage than his behavior. I also believe Amber over Johnny. I don't think she's a great person. But I believe Johnny was abusive to her. And frankly, I'm really getting turned off to the way she's being treated. There's a real strain of co-opting the issue of domestic violence being perpetrated by woman to hide the misogyny at the root of it. Twitter is a cess pool of it.
  8. I read the book written by Elissa Wall, who is the girl that was forcibly married to her cousin. It was harrowing stuff. The documentary said that her father wanted her to marry her cousin and Warren was just deferring to her parents which is not true. Her father had basically been whatever the FDLS version of excommunicated was and had no power to stop it. I think her mother was shifted to one of the Jeff males and he approved it but Warren was pushing for it. And he was a lot more involved than Naomi made it sound and Elissa told him repeatedly that she was being forced to have sex (she didn't even have the language to describe her rape because she was so sheltered) and his answer was always along the lines of 'be sweeter'. Naomi is a pretty unreliable narrator.
  9. Ben! I thought he'd stopped forever. His recaps are great but for my money the best ones were Karl Quinn. He did them way back when and I've never laughed so hard reading a recap. He was hilarious and brutal, especially when it came to slagging off George.
  10. I read a story years ago about him accidentally hitting a woman's head with a golf ball while he was playing. He did the right thing initially by coming over, calling the paramedics and staying with her but then started tickling her stomach while they waited. The woman didn't seem to mind or at least played it off when she was interviewed but if some random non celeb person tried that they'd be arrested. If someone did that to me after I sustained a concussion I'd be creeped out and furious.
  11. I think it was real, if only because Will Smith is so hyper focused on the image he projects of a calm, good vibes, no cursing, positive black man that he'd never sign up for anything that made him look like a violent jackass. I sort of feel bad for him because of that. I recently read an article about the major who cheated on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and it said people STILL cough at him when he walks down the street and that happened a few days before 9/11. And I can't help but think Will is going to spend the rest of his life having hecklers yell out " Keep my wife's name out your fucking mouth".
  12. If you're going to assault someone for insulting your wife you do it at the Vanity Fair after party where everyone is so hammered that it's barely noticed and gets reported the next day but people forget it in a week. Not during the ceremony, Will. He's ruined the memory of him winning an Oscar (which he didn't really deserve but that's not unusual because it rarely goes to the deserving person), put a dent in his 'nice guy' image that he really cares about and like Millenium said, given fodder to racist assholes everywhere.
  13. They both just confirmed it on instagram. As an added bonus you KNOW Jax is furious that another one of his friends got out of a marriage while he still hasn't worked out how to get Brittany to do the same.
  14. I think that's a bit harsh. It's easy to judge these women for being idiots from the outside but he was an experienced conman.* The number of victims, the amounts and the different types of scams show that he wasn't just love bombing and a lot of people fell for it. And he appeared to be living the lifestyle he represented. I want to know what happened to the woman who was with his 'daughter' on the plane. Why would she help him after he scammed her? Those voicemails at the end were scary. They sounded like Mel Gibson screaming at his girlfriend. It also looks like he's still living the life, judging by his Instagram. More proof that the worst people always prosper, I guess. *I say this as someone who was scammed. Not for much but I was always the one who would scoff at the Nigerian scam emails and judge people that fell for it. It was so obvious! Until you're in it. People want to trust other people and what they are saying. And let me tell you, I'm fucking furious TO THIS DAY that I got scammed. It was only a couple of hundred dollars but I'm still so embarrassed. And furious. Did I mention furious? :)
  15. Yes, everyone keeps minimizing it (on Twitter ) by saying "the only thing he's ever done was write Song 2 and that was decades ago so shut up" and it's irritating me. Albarn made a stupid comment but Blur have done a hell of a lot more than "Song 2". They weren't huge in America but they were massive in the UK and have consistently put out good work and have aged a lot better than Oasis, who were their big rival. That's just my opinion. I really like Blur. :)
  16. Tom got him the sword last season for Jax's birthday. I think it was the episode where they TP'd his house and bRand got the fake cops to come as retaliation. It was a thoughtful gift and instead of keeping it as a nice memento of a 20 year friendship he gave it back.
  17. Fucking Jax returning the sword in the dead of night. His pettiness can be seen from space.
  18. They've all admitted at different times that they were bastards to her. I think it was just a totally different dynamic to how they'd worked before (no wimens allowed) and she also dared to give her opinions on the songs. I'm with them on that point though, Yoko's music is the least interesting thing about her. I'd have struggled to listen to anything she said after that screeching loop in Part 3. I read an article that was critical because Jackson avoided that and also John's heroin addiction which was very serious at the time. But I don't care. I got 9 hours watching my favorite band of all time creating a pretty great album in 3 weeks. My favorite part of the old Let It Be documentary was them jamming and ending up with "Dig It" and so I was really happy to have that little montage to it in this one. I don't know why but that song always makes me smile even though it was a throw away and everyone scoffs at it. Everyone's fav songs are subjective, for instance I can't stand "Yesterday", but I will never understand how this one ends up as the least favorite lists of critics. But none of them really appreciate "I've got a feeling" either and that's a top 5 for me.
  19. George doesn't get nearly enough attention for his songwriting skills. It must've been hard to get your stuff when your bandmates are geniuses and to only get one or two songs per album. I'll go to my grave arguing that Long, Long, Long was one of the best songs on The White Album.
  20. And we all have to experience it with him. My sympathy was exhausted about 4 Donda's ago. Take your fucking medication.
  21. That was so absurd. On Monday Brooke was deliriously happy and content with Thorne, on Wednesday she had an epiphany that she really loved Ridge and Thorne was a placeholder and by Friday she'd left Thorne and gone to Ridge's door to declare her love.
  22. Probably still does. Let's face it, she's not going to be getting any satisfaction from the shrivelled scrotum she married.
  23. The DD video was infamous at the time and really hard to access. The fucko who made it charged 10 grand to watch it on a pay per view type thing and a lot of people who did got caught and received decades in prison. If Josh was savvy enough to find that (which i assume is hard still) then God knows what else he's been watching. His idiot wife is probably equating his charge with standard 'woman covered in jizz from a threesome' porn and those kids have no chance if that's the family's attitude.
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