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Everything posted by catrice2

  1. I am not warming to Gina Rodriguez. I can't tell if it is the writing or something else. I feel like we need more Faith.
  2. catrice2

    Book Talk

    Did you read my statements? I said that the writer mishandled the character and wrote Angie in a way she could not be redeemed and I wish she had wrote it differently. When I said why not Will and Angie, I was referring to the show because so far she has not done anything too crazy (depending on how you look at it) so of course I read the books. Even sometimes get them in advance to review. My point is, writers can sometimes make toxic relationship appealing to viewers, which says more about the views. Thank you for your commentary. I am well aware of who Angie is in the book and if you read the first one, you would know there was an opportunity to move her in a totally different direction because that was just as much her book as it was Will's Since I did read the books, I can tell you the answer is no. Yes I have to do the same. I typically do like the books better, but in this case I think the series benefits from not being merged with the Sara character yet and changing some of the other characters. Clearly they changed several of the characters and not just physically. I also love Bosch and the new book series with Renee Ballard is growing on me. Bosch also benefits by adding the character of Mo in the way he is used on the tv show.
  3. catrice2

    Book Talk

    Sorry, Mr. Big on Sex and the City. He treated Carrie horribly and ended up marrying someone else, then sleeping with her in his wife's bed....yet people still rooted for that relationship and have always held it up as one of true love....it is funny how many bad relationships in book, movie and tv lore are the ones that people actually want to see....not funny really, but sad and scary. The number of clips of Fitz and Olivia screaming at her and the things he would say....and yet again ....true love....so why not Angie and Will?
  4. One of many reasons I quit the show, but am glad to know the end is worth watching.. for the PLOT of course, not Chuku
  5. catrice2

    Book Talk

    Grant County was a good series. Good writers can write what they want to make people get behind anything and there is no accounting for what people warm to. Look at how many people thought cheating with Carrie in his wife's bed was acceptable for a charter and that was a "good" relationship, or the relationship on Scandal..... either of those were what I would call toxic relationships, but viewers saw true love...🙄 Wish I had a link to her admitting that...that whole character was totally mishandled in the books. It is the frustrated writer in me, Angie had great potential and was wasted in what she turned her in to. And it is not that I like Angie, it is just that I don't like the Sara character in Will's orbit. She was ok in Grant county
  6. catrice2

    Book Talk

    I didn't say it was a good marriage, just that they were married. There is no information on if everything was horrible the entire time, if they had a few months or years of happiness. They were separated and in a toxic relationship. It is inferred that it had always been bad, but not really explicitly stated. Even in the books before Sara he was still sleeping with Angie of and on. Not sure where I said they were not separated, just that in the books they were married.
  7. catrice2

    Book Talk

    Well, they are married in the book, so if we are following the book by bringing in Sara, then they should follow the book with Angie and Will marrying. I personally am hoping for a non sara series.
  8. I always knew the Lenny story would have long term consequences and when Crystal reappeared it was clear. I am on the fence about whether Amanda should have consequences...and I know that is wrong. She did the wrong thing for the right reason, but it was still wrong. Crystal, on the other hand was killing people,and in fact had already killed at least one known person. I could care less about Ormewood and his family drama. I am "not connecting" to Faith's boyfriend. I was looking forward to seeing her play the field for a bit after denying herself romance due to having a child as a teen. I also find the actor to be very wooden.
  9. I haven't seen Alex in a while, she looks different than the last time I saw her, but it was a while ago. Glad she still has a show. I really hate they have celebrity chef's competing when so many regular chefs could use the money,
  10. So many thoughts the first of which is we are getting Sara and I will have to leave the show😪😒
  11. I don't like the new😄 guy which means he will probably be a regular
  12. Probably going to kill Angie off to make way for Sara😒
  13. I believe that was also a choice to highlight that investigations of these missing people of color are frequently incomplete and and not thorough. I am interested to see where they are going with the uncle I am still not interested in ormewood and wish he had died in the explosion instead of Cricket....is that too harsh??? The story with Angie and the girl is beyond boring, but I suspect that situation is what will lead to a permanent breakup with Will when he finds out all the ins and outs.
  14. catrice2

    Book Talk

    As messed up as she was, Angie was a bada in the first book and was the one on to Ormewood. Will was introduced through Angie, and then instead of having her be a side character ( I could easily have bought her as a PI former Police Officer who showed up in some of Will's stories) the author decided to turn her into a mustache twirling villain instead of showing how she was coping with her horrible childhood. I actually don't mind that they changed her because Slaughter doesn't seem to know how to write for any other female character than Sara.....the rest of them are all messed in some way, or very "hard boiled," ony Sara is allowed to be soft and feminine and be "protected." Not only that, she chose to bring Sara from the other series, which I cannot forgive. They are no longer "will trent" stories, as in many of them it is Sara doing the police work and Will following her lead. Before the merger, Will's character was a lot more interesting... especially with how he was dealing with his disability....then we got this high school romance and the constant " I am not good enough" from Will l in the background of what should have been focused more on the actual crimes/mysteries. We even get one story built around Sara's past, and one about a friend, when we really haven't gotten a real sense of Will's past, although " A Will Trent" novel is on the covers. The show has covered more of Will's past than the books ever have. Everything about his life has to involve Sara, they even have Faith being best friends with Sara so even she considers Sara's feelings about thing, even about her partner Will if they have any type of friction. There is no separation between work and home. The addition of Sara also made the author stop trying to develop the other characters. Faith, Amanda, even Faith's mom are all way more interesting but have gotten no attention. To further this, she had to go back and mess with characters and back stories from Grant County to more sell the idea of Will and Sara. The truth is, she never should have ended that series and merged with this one. Therefore, I sincerely hope the idea of two different production companies are true and we can stave off a Sara appearance or avoid it all together. I see these as two different universes that don't need to collide. I honestly think in hindsight either she or whomever optioned it realized this. If and when Sara shows up in the series, I believe she will be different than the books. Cricket should have been extended for more than one episode. Yes, when I found out the series was coming I said there was no way they could let Amanda and Angie speak about Will the way they do in the books, and could never understand why it was included in the first place. I am little sensitive as someone who worked with people with disabilities, one reason I had to stop watching the Good Doctor. They write Amanda's more as if she thinks talking to him like that will toughen him up or keep him in his place because she realizes he is so smart. I know, but I am previewing the new book for a review and it starts out again with Will saying he has no idea what she sees in him.....after so many books, I am tired of that.
  15. Yeah, but which one took all the blame? You can argue they still needed a show, but they all should have had consequences. Cliff too went on with his career but is defined by the incident way more than the others. I am also sure production had something to do with encouraging them for "good tv."
  16. Wasn't she strangled or injured somewhere on her neck? I thought that was the origin of the scarves.
  17. In many ways the show is what the books should have been.
  18. I stopped watching when they killed my favorite character, and Leah! I am back to see when Antonia Thomas will return for the end,and to find out what has happened in the past few years to see if there is a possibility of her character and Jared reuniting?
  19. Loved the new series. I always preferred Joe to Aiden, so I was happy to see him back!
  20. I loved this series. It deserved more press and acknowledgement of Otto for sure. . Would have liked to see them do more with Jack and Kyra in the series, but overall I am sad it is ending.
  21. I love the series. Ormewood was reconned from the books for seemingly no reason. I approve of the changes to Angie. I love the Wilbur and Amanda relationship. I really wanted to see Faith date more before she got serious with anyone and I am so far not connecting with her love interest. I agree with above, although I loved the original Law and Order for the same reason they stated, this show is a different type of show. I want them to find a good balance between the case of the week and personal relationships, or at least not feel like they have to explore the life of every character. Will and Faith are enough, with a little of Amanda.
  22. Farleigh was the best part of the movie. Hope to see more from this actor. Pike is always stellar, but I just don't get the hype for the movie or for Barry or Jacob's peformance. The daughter and Farleigh were better.
  23. There were several episodes in the series that were very dark, including the one where the actor who is portraying Monk in a movie becomes unhinged and Monk does too, or the one where Monk is so upset about Harold being the "fly," that they basically have him on suicide watch. I can think of others but overall I feel like the first seasons were darker in general and then they started writing it as more "light hearted." The first few seasons where the captain clearly resented him solving everything in spite of their friendship and Sharona was there were my favorite ones. Maybe I am the only one but I always thought they were headed for Randy and Sharona, like the time they realized he had a personal ad, and the one where he lets here hear the Mobster's nephew bragging about pretending with her. There were also others. The movie only made me think of how much I miss the show and others like it, similar to White Collar, Burn Notice, etc.
  24. well to add to this story he was working as a sober coach and one of his charges was an actor whom invited him to a set he was working on because he did not feel stable, and it was while he was there for support that he got a chance to act and continued from there. He also owns a restaurant chain. I love him in just about everything he has been in. I thought everyone knew he had been in prison. Many actors have such as Buzz Lightyear.
  25. I liked this show. Sad it was not renewed.
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