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Everything posted by Chellichik

  1. Was it Tyra's sister who is pregnant AGAIN?? And her mom seems happy about it?? JFC - these people are never going to break that cycle. I can't imagine embracing that kind of life.
  2. I can't get over inducing labor just because you're tired of being pregnant and it's convenient for you - especially for a first time mom whose body has never gone through labor before. Ever watch that documentary, "The Business of Being Born"? I found it very interesting.
  3. As I watched this, I couldn't help but think about Selena's neighbors and what they must thing about a house where they have 20 people crammed inside and are most assuredly loud and have so many people coming and going. The fight in the middle of the street? Dear god, I am so glad they don't live near me.
  4. What college pays to send the cheerleaders to a game like that?? I wonder if the cheerleaders had to pay their own way or something because that was a joke. She wins the a-hole award for me this week. She needs to go home and be a mother.
  5. I don't know what disgusted me more - Chris's BS or the show promoting dolphin cruelty. I think I would have to go with the dolphin cruelty. I wish people would get educated on the horrors of dolphin captivity.
  6. I know I am a bit late, but I was so happy to see the roller skater last week. Way back in the 80's I too, was a competitive roller figure skater. I will say that if that guy is winning at nationals and placing at worlds with a double flip jump being his "trademark move", the skill level has gone down considerably. People were doing triples in my day - not me, but the ones who skated world class and junior world class.
  7. Again, if they end up living there for a year or longer because Brandon can't afford for them to move out, does Julia remain a guest who is free to lounge around the house and do nothing? I can see for a few weeks or if she was truly just visiting for a few weeks, but she's going to be living there as a member of the family, not some princess who needs to have everyone cater to her while she does nothing. What if they move out and then have to move back in - are they both guests? Maybe Brandon's mom would be able to spend more time learning about Julia and her culture if she had more help from Brandon and Julia to feed the animals. I don't see Julia being overly outgoing and wanting to show them her culture either. All she wants to do is screw Brandon and drink tea.
  8. So much of it comes down to what did Brandon tell her life would be like at the farm. My guess is he told her nothing because she may have decided not to come if she knew what their expectations were going to be. I don't think his parents would be quite so aggravated if Brandon kept to doing his chores. He is totally slacking because of Julia which puts more burden on his parents. Of course, this could probably all be producer driven storylines...so I take everything that happens with a huge block of salt.
  9. How long is she considered a "guest"? A week? If they are still living there in 6 months, is she still a guest who is not expected to lift a finger to help out in any way whatsoever? Bottom line is they are living in his parents' house. If they want to live according to their own rules, GET YOUR OWN HOME. If Julia was there visiting for a few weeks, I would agree with you 100%. However, she is not there is a guest visitor. She is there as part of the family and that means participating as a family member. I think they should have given her at least a week or so to get acclimated to how they live and then start slowly pitching in here or there. I don't dislike Julia. I just think there are two sides to this and she could help to make the situation easier for everyone.
  10. And that will be fine when she and Brandon live alone and his parents aren't paying her living expenses. She shouldn't have to get into the pen to feed pigs, if she doesn't feel comfortable. Why not say that and then offer to do something else - throw some feed in for the goats, grab the eggs from the chicken coop. It's not too hard. I bet she has no issue eating the eggs the chickens provide.
  11. I meant what is Julia's plans for after they get married - sorry, should have been more specific. Does she want to go to school? Does she have a career? I don't know how hot the market is for go-go dancers in rural Virginia.
  12. While I don't think Julia should be treated like a farm hand, she should be doing SOMETHING aside from sleeping in til noon and then whining whenever Brandon has to do his farm chores. Brandon seemed to enjoy the farm work and getting things done until she showed up. Outside work not her "cup of tea"? Find some other way to help out. Offer to do some laundry or clean something inside. Offer to cook a meal. Do something other than take up space and eat their food. What are her plans after they get married? Anything??
  13. As much as I loved the party, it was way over the top and the money could have been used in a better way. Even if the grandparents are "well off", put it in a college fund for the kid or invest in birth control for your stupid kids.
  14. Oh - forgot to add that I feel sorry for Bun Bun no matter what happens to him. No way in hell would I allow him to be left in a garage with predator animals yet I doubt Jenna takes proper care of him anyways. Rabbits are social animals and really should be kept in pairs, if possible. I wonder how much time he spends outside of that small cage.
  15. I wanted to stand up and cheer when she said this! It's so very true. Making these idiot teens the "stars" of a big party and celebrating their "accomplishment" is just wrong. Ethan's parents seem way more happy and excited than they should be that their son is a teen dad. I loved Tyra's sisters comments. Yes, she may be jealous that Tyra is away at college while she is stuck at home with a baby and seemingly no life, but Tyra should be HOME taking care of her daughter and attending a local school. She is first and foremost a MOTHER and needs to give up her ridiculous cheerleading hobby and take care of her daughter.
  16. Ice Castles!! Sorry - I see many people got it right away as well. I was so excited to see the reference that I had to answer right away. I loved that movie so much!
  17. I confess I re-watched the dancers at the "birthday party" looking for Asuelo from 90 Day Fiance. I didn't see him...
  18. Absolutely! That plaintiff was full of crap. No way did she pay her DAD $7000 for 5 stitches. Honestly, I'm surprised JJ gave her $1500 for pain and suffering. I would have given her maybe $500 at the very most.
  19. Was there a Pillow Talk for part three of the tell all? My DVR is on it's last leg and didn't record anything.
  20. I hate that they used balloons as decor - especially so close to the water. They are such a hazard to wildlife. Tying balloons onto a boat is just so irresponsible.
  21. Kentucky's dress was horrific. I can't believe how high that skit was up her leg. I can't believe I am saying this, but I actually preferred the $32,000 dress over this monstrosity. Everything about that bride was fake fake fake! Tennessee was trying too hard to be a character with her personality. Her skin tone was the same color as her hair - her whole appearance was just odd. Maybe she should just get a Kleinfeld banner to wear since that seems to be her goal - a Kleinfeld dress...
  22. This X1000. Yes, Deb and Colt have an unhealthy relationship. That being said, Jess is HORRIBLE. I am so sick of her fake ass laugh.
  23. The PV Walmart is where all of the cruise crew members go when they are in port - they love when they get to hit PV because the Walmart is so close. LOL I also heard it's the best place to buy mexican vanilla.
  24. I liked the dress for the bride that got married in the DR. I think her wedding was beautiful...but I have to say that I think the red bridesmaids dresses threw me. Whenever I think of a beautiful beach wedding, I think bridesmaids in pretty aqua or sandy beige - something "beachy". The bright red on a beach looks off to me. When it comes to hour two - I am only a few minutes in, but I know these are repeats with added commentary. The first dress is UGLY, but the mom was pretty bitchy.
  25. This dress is HIDEOUS. Attention whore is right.
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