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Everything posted by Chellichik

  1. Agreed! She seemed to be a lovely person - inside and out - and that dress was absolutely stunning! I loved her reaction when she put it on. Total polar opposite of obnoxious Jocelyn. *shudders*
  2. Momma Deavan is just horrid. I'm so thankful Mom and Dad Jihoon don't speak english. If I was Deavan, I would be telling my mom to STFU or, better yet, get on a plane and get your ass home.
  3. Agreed! Of all of the game show re-boots, this one and Pyramid are my favorites. The hostess isn't overly annoying and I love the personalized prizes.
  4. Thanks for the info! I don't know how I missed that as I thought i had seen ever show, but this doesn't surprise me. I wish they would dump her from the show. At least, from what I have seen this season, she isn't dry humping the contestants like I had seen in the past. Imagine if it was Anthony's father making sex remarks and touching young women - people would freak out. I don't know why nasty old ladies get a pass...
  5. I also want to add that I can't stand this host, Anthony, either. His laugh is so annoying. I'm new to the forum - what is the story on Doris cheating and being called out?
  6. I really liked this week's show - minus Dumbass Doris. I loved how they had the CIA lady as an imposter in the final line up.
  7. Add me to the list of those impressed with Avery in this episode. She was great - from the gift to her behavior/attitude. I'm was happy to see that Omar's family was so welcoming to her and she did everything "right". Good for her!
  8. It's MUCH safer for her to be facing backwards for as long as possible.
  9. OMG - Danielle's house with all of those people...and they are still procreating?? Stop having kids you can't support. At least Andrei washed his beard with the scrubby before he used it on his ass...
  10. Happy to see Graysen win. I think Reggie was a bit of an ass - especially in the finale. He had every right to grab the 9 inch pans, but I think his comments in his talking head were kinda dickish.
  11. Yeah - my guess is that people on social media keep asking about Daniel's father so she felt the need to put that information out there. It's really too bad what happened to him.
  12. If Karine isn't willing to put her phone down and get off of her ass, they both need to sit down and teach Pole basic skills. Karine isn't exactly helpful. Instead of continually berating him for being the loser he is - and she CHOSE to make a baby with - she should say, "Hey dumbass - let's sit down so I can teach you basic language and help you to assimilate to Brazil." No - she's too busy on her phone to do that.
  13. I am most definitely NOT a Pole fan...but Kareeeneee is a bitch. Does she do anything except insult him? At least he looks like he is TRYING to make some money. All she does is sit on her ass and complain. I did laugh when he climbed into the small enclosure and it reminded me of the hugging machine which makes me think he has some kind of mental disability. Regardless of everything, he is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Karine will flip out if he goes back to the US to work in some kind of menial job for minimum wage, but it's better than what he is doing now. I get that it's cheaper to be in Toncantin (?), but Pole doesn't have a prayer of making any money in that area. Karine obviously speaks the language and seems to be healthy enough to work so...
  14. I'm not a fan of Colt or Debbie, but Larissa is the worst. The way she and her fake boy toy were hugging and kissing and rubbing that "relationship" in Colt and Debbie's faces was completely uncalled for. She is trash and should be deported back to brazil.
  15. I laughed when Debbie dumped Larissa out of the car. I wish the production crew ditched her as well. She is such a bitch. If I had been driving that car, I would have slammed on the brakes knowing Larissa wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Debbie doesn't owe Larissa a damn thing yet she was driving her to the store, drove her to court, lawyers offices, etc. What kind of lunatic flushes her engagement/wedding ring?? Debbie does need to get the hell away from Colt and Larissa and their toxic relationship and let them implode with no input from her.
  16. I know I am very late in asking this as it has been discussed somewhere that I haven't seen, but can someone tell me if the dog was a puppy when Dorit had it? Were the bites on the kids just the usual puppy bites or was this an adult dog with a bitting issue? The picture of PK's face looks like a puppy bite.
  17. I can't be the only one who caught that tacky naked picture of Cheyenne's sister at the baby shower, am I? Baaz??? Dear god.
  18. I loved the first wedding dress Fernanda tried on...second one was nice. Not a huge fan of the third one.
  19. Regarding the car scratch - yeah, pretty obvious he did it. I was bugged that they insinuated it was because of her Clinton sticker. There was no proof of any reason why he did it so why bring up the sticker? Maybe the woman cut him off and stole his parking spot? There was no evidence of that either, but just as plausible as that he did it because of a stupid sticker. They were from Austin, right? Pretty sure Austin is a liberal area so this guy sees Clinton stickers all over the place.
  20. Agreed - I can't believe she was feeding her cat Stouffer's Lasagna. Dumb.
  21. Watching right now - Yawn. I also noticed at Raquel's wedding, the menu card said, "Novemver" in the date. Whoops!
  22. Probably referring to Elaine Irwin who was married to John Mellencamp for 19 years.
  23. I will admit that I did like the second dress’s beading. The crystals were stunning, but I didn’t care for how tight it looked. It looked almost like spandex -I know it wasn’t, but it was overly tight. I would have liked the black heart (oh get over yourself) dress, minus the ridiculous cleavage and peep show aspect. The all over beadwork was really pretty and different.
  24. I long for the day when these fugly stripper lingerie dresses die off. I’m so tired of seeing skin through lace. Save it for your husband.
  25. Cathy - snooze. Typical "I need something edgy and original, but will end up looking like everyone else." Mykia - I loved her and her father. They were both normal. When I first herd her say her fiancé was her vice principal, I did a double take because I assumed she was a student at the school... Gigi - I typically hate pnina dresses, but she looks really amazing. That dress was made for her.
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