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Everything posted by DanaK

  1. There's some speculation that the BBC will finally announce the premiere date this weekend (if not Saturday) based on Series 11 history
  2. Posted by someone on Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/universeofwho/status/1200445324906696705 "Just got the new SFX through the door with a Doctor Who article inside. Producer Nikki Wilson confirms there will be "Several two parters" and "More of a serial arc" which is great to hear." The Chibnall interview has not been scanned because the original person who scanned it didn't want to cut into RadioTimes's sales. Apparently didn't say anything new for anyone who's already heard spoilers ETA: Someone did end up scanning it
  3. I'm totally looking forward to Series 12. As a newcomer to Who, I loved Series 11, even some of the weaker episodes, but I know and acknowledge there was room for improvement. From the stuff I've read so far, it appears things are being taken up a few levels in 12 and I'm here for it
  4. So as I said before I've pieced together various spoilers and trailer info into a document to try to get a sense on what's happening in which episode to pass the time before official announcements are made. Just to caution, episode order could change some. Just some basic stuff for now: Episode 1: Spy caper. Supposed threat is Cyborgs (different from Cybermen). As trailer shows/assumes, Stephen Fry and Lenny Henry guest, Team Tardis in tuxes. Supposedly written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Jamie Stone. Supposed to premiere New Year's Day Episode 2: WWII Paris, 1943. This may be the one that includes British Muslim spy Noor Inayat Khan. Supposed to be a loose tie-in with Episode 1, though likely just Team Tardis landing here after 1st episode, because trailer shows Doctor is still in her tux. Supposedly directed by Lee Haven Jones, writer possibly Maxine Alderton Episode 3: Little is known, may involve monster in a tunnel. Supposedly written by Ed Hime and directed by Lee Haven Jones Episode 4: Victorian-era story set in New York City involving Florence Nightingale. Team Tardis in Victorian clothes. Supposedly involves alien Queen named Skithra or Queen of Skithra race that is scorpion-like creatures. Goran Visnjic, supposedly playing Tesla, Maxim Baldry reportedly plays John Polidori. Writer possibly Nina Métivier/Director unknown Episode 5: Sea Devils/maybe plastic waste issue. Supposedly directed by Jamie Stone, writer possibly Charlene Jones. May be the episode that we see from the trailer where the Doctor runs on the beach towards a body in the water Episode 6: Judoon episode. Possibly includes a Time Lord on the lam named Ruth. Possibly written by Pete McTighe or Chris Chibnall, director unknown Episode 7: Base-under-siege story, with a scary creature that can go through walls. Might be the episode seen in the trailer where something is trying to get into the Tardis. Possibly directed by Emma Sullivan, writer might be Pete McTighe if he didn't do Episode 6 Episode 8: Mary Shelley/Cyberman story, early 1800s. Supposedly where companion captured and nearly killed/upgraded. Possibly directed by Emma Sullivan, writer might be Vinay Patel Episode 9: unknown plot. Possibly written by Chris Chibnall Episode 10: Finale. Unknown plot. Possibly two-parter with 9 but uncertain. Possibly written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Jamie Stone
  5. According to the actress’s CV, Yaz’s sister will be in an episode directed by Jamie Stone Based on what I’ve heard around so far and the trailer, I’ve put together a document of the basic plot/alien/threat of most of the episodes, though episode order is not certain in some cases. I’ll try to share it sometime this week British actress Nasreen Hussain will be a guest in Series 12, announced by her talent agency and the actress herself on Twitter. I have no idea who she is
  6. In America, AMC’s Walking Dead aftershow The Talking Dead showed the Doctor Who Series 12 trailer about 43 minutes in to tonight’s show. Pretty cool. You might be able to catch repeats if there are any
  7. As part of the press roundup for Series 12, the Chibnall and cast talked about the Rosa episode from Series 11, including the anxiety to get it right https://www.denofgeek.com/us/tv/doctor-who/284570/the-doctor-who-cast-creator-reflect-on-rosa
  8. More take with a grain of salt spoilers until we hear it officially: Some more guest stars that I'm hearing about: Craig Parkinson, Gwyneth Keyworth, and Will Austin I don't know the above three I don't think, but another one I'm hearing is Sean Bean and I totally know who he is. There appears to be two Time Lords this season. I think it's the Judoon episode where they hunt a renegade female Time Lord named Ruth. The other is here and there throughout the season, that's all I'll say for now I too loved Series 11 and totally look forward to Series 12. I don't understand the criticism that Series 11 was bad because it didn't have arcs, two-parters, or returning monsters. Surely people could manage without all that for one season? It's like they felt their security blankets were taken away or something. I think Chibnall felt that simplifying things for his first series would welcome old fans back and entice new fans and I think he was right about that, plus they were a new team and probably wanted to get settled in and are now taking things up several notches with their second season I really love the response from the fans and the media on the S12 trailer. It's been mostly overwhelmingly positive, though there seems to be a tiny minority that hates it or thinks it's meh. And the media seems to have covered it and the 56th anniversary pretty well. The only real fly in the ointment was BBC America not having a Doctor Who marathon yesterday instead of the Saturday marathon nature programming they've committed to
  9. From what I’ve read, no. Reportedly, she’s the queen of an alien race called the Skithra, unless that’s her name The run time for the episodes will reportedly be 65 minutes for the first episode and 50 minutes for the other 9
  10. 1 minute Series 12 trailer that looks awesome. I’m so excited. Still no exact release date yet. The trailer in HD from the show’s official YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkEB0ysv7sM Tweet from the BBC America Doctor Who account of a picture of the team in tuxes https://twitter.com/doctorwho_bbca/status/1198256137302396928?s=21
  11. For British viewers, show producer Matt Strevens made a slightly cryptic tweet in response to the BBC’s tweet about the Series 12 trailer coming this morning: “Also keep your eye’s on the telly Saturday night. Keep dancing.” People have interpreted that as the Series 12 trailer (or possibly something similar) will be shown before or after Strictly Come Dancing The current cast has done a short congrats video for Doctor Who Day and the show’s 56th anniversary 1 minute trailer of Series 12 released. You can find it in the S12 topic
  12. Probably just online to start. Then you’ll probably start to see some part of it during or after shows
  13. I finished Tennent's specials a few weeks ago. They were pretty entertaining, but I can't imagine how hard it was to wait over a year for them all to be broadcast
  14. The cast talked in their September press briefing about a terrifying Series 12 monster that can go through walls https://cultbox.co.uk/news/headlines/doctor-who-crew-talks-of-monster-that-can-pass-through-walls How the Tardis has changed for Series 12 https://www.denofgeek.com/uk/tv/doctor-who/68677/how-the-tardis-has-changed-for-doctor-who-series-12 https://www.radiotimes.com/news/tv/2019-11-22/doctor-who-series-12-goran-visnjic-robert-glenister/ Two more guest stars announced, Goran Visnjic and Robert Glenister (previously appeared in 1984 Who story Caves Of Androzani)
  15. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/amp/50514653?fbclid=IwAR2JyONToHFMqOnQkl0QvG86cLQcVZyBUMZ0KEQoiJLAXSnN4vTZL7teFGM Official confirmation from the BBC that Series 12 will premiere on New Year's Day Edited to add: Oops, they changed it to say "early 2020". Perhaps they were premature
  16. Series 12 trailer premiere Saturday (tomorrow) 1500 GMT, which means 3pm in the United Kingdom. For Americans, it's 10am Eastern Time. I can't wait. I'm so excited
  17. https://metro.co.uk/2019/11/22/you-have-to-feel-the-pressure-inside-doctor-who-series-12-from-old-monsters-to-juggernaut-shoots-11196363/ The cast talks about the pressures and thrill of doing the show, including Series 12
  18. https://www.radiotimes.com/news/tv/2019-11-22/doctor-who-christmas-special-2020/ Chibnall confirmed during a press briefing there will be a festive special but later in 2020 after Series 12. It seems likely it will be the Dalek episode filmed in Oct/Nov
  19. https://www.radiotimes.com/news/tv/2019-11-21/doctor-who-series-13-happening/ Showrunner Chibnall talks to RadioTimes about Series 12, the dopey Internet rumors, and that they were starting work on Series 13 (probably preproduction like last November for Series 12) https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/a29874791/doctor-who-series-12-different-old-episodes/?utm_campaign=TVTWitterpost&utm_medium=social&utm_content=socialflow&utm_source=twitter.com More from Chris and Jodie More from Chris and Jodie from Den of Geek https://www.denofgeek.com/uk/tv/doctor-who/68681/doctor-who-chibnall-aimed-to-go-up-a-level-for-series-12 Also of note, where Chibnall talked about working on Series 13, people are interpreting that as Jodie is officially back for Series 13, though I’m not seeing him saying that Alleged title of Episode 1: Fall of the Regime
  20. I believe Henry also was on Broadchurch, in the 3rd? season maybe as a guy named Ed Also, Peter Capaldi is a good example of not writing someone off as a future Doctor or other major role just because they played a guest role at some point (Karen Gilliam as well) FYI, as reported previously, the cast and crew were given honorary doctorates from Sheffield Hallam University, and showrunner Chris Chibnall, producer Matt Strevens, and cast member Mandip Gill were among those who received them for the show yesterday and held a Q&A. Someone on Twitter said they went and Chris said a couple of things at least: 1. "Someone asked about Daleks, Chris said 'don't get your hopes up this season...but we have the Judoon!' He looked at Matt briefly and then said 'AND CYBERMEN'" They were filming the last episode that appeared to include Daleks which suggests that episode won't be part of Series 12 proper. There seem to be a lot of suggestions that that particular episode will be shown for Christmas in 2020 or around there, but it's all a big unknown 2. "Also said 'Episode One will be the biggest episode in the show's history, and we will soon learn why.'"
  21. Take with a grain of salt until we see it or hear officially, but I want to share some things I’m hearing: - there supposedly is a Victorian-era episode set in New York City with Team Tardis in Victorian clothes, including the Doctor - reportedly higher stakes for Series 12 and more action-packed and scarier. One of the team is captured and almost dies in an episode - Yaz’s mom is in an episode. Kate Stewart will reportedly be in the premiere - the trailer on Saturday will reportedly be for the full series not just the premiere - there will reportedly be a Mary Shelley/Cybermen episode
  22. http://www.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/2019/11/doctor-who-casting-news-stephen-fry-and-sir-lenny-henry-cbe-to-appear-in-new-season I know who Fry is since he's been on American TV, but I don't know Henry. I posted way back in the year that it looked like Fry was a guest star so that isn't a surprise to me
  23. Take with a grain of salt until we hear from official sources, but I’m hearing the first two episodes will be a two-parter and supposedly pretty epic. The first episode is set to be shown on New Year’s Day. It’s not clear if the regular schedule will be Saturday or Sunday
  24. Here is the Doctor Who Twitter announcement of finishing Series 12, including video of some filming
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