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Everything posted by DanaK

  1. Some updates and speculation on filming: Some fan photos with the cast and fans watching filming show Tosin and Brad in tuxes and Mandip in dark clothes and possibly tux-like doing one or more scenes and at least one scene observed by a fan with Ryan and Yaz having to ditch their phones. See the link below for pictures http://cultbox.co.uk/general/doctor-who-series-12-bradley-walsh-tosin-cole-and-mandip-gill-filming-in-barry There are fan photos with Jodie and pictures of the cast for World Down Syndrome Day that suggests Jodie is currently wearing a darker costume (she wears a puffy jacket in the fan pictures that covers a lot of it, but enough peeks through), with speculation and theories that the Doctor is wearing something like a tux, possibly for just the episode they are currently filming since the rest of the cast are in tuxes. See the pictures in the links below http://cultbox.co.uk/news/doctor-who-series-12-cardiff-stands-in-for-paris-for-a-night-shoot-with-jodie-whittaker https://twitter.com/shabangtheatre/status/1108314487839514625?s=21 https://twitter.com/shabangtheatre/status/1108112578276921345?s=21 There was a night shoot that suggested the area was made to look like Paris, so possibly a story is set in France. The set design in the first production block seen by fans suggested some spy or intelligence plot that might possibly be set in WWII A guest actress for the first production block (Episode 1 and possibly 5) has been identified as Molly Harris playing Suki Cheng
  2. https://thedoctorwhocompanion.com/2019/03/12/david-tennant-to-host-comic-relief-2019/ David Tennant will be presenting at the upcoming Comic Relief. See article for date and time on BBC
  3. Just to note, this will be shown at the Tribeca film festival in New York that runs from late April to early May
  4. https://www.trustedreviews.com/news/britbox-doctor-who-love-island-3666149 It looks like the Britbox streaming service is coming to the UK. The article says that British shows like Doctor Who will be made available on the service and that it’s likely previous seasons of New Who will no longer be available on Netflix UK. I’ve seen speculation that current seasons of Who could eventually be shown on Britbox first
  5. I wouldn’t care one way or the other as long as it doesn’t hurt ratings and BBC America shows it the same day as the UK. The funny thing is, Saturdays in the US is terrible for ratings for scripted shows, where for the UK, they seem to still be pretty decent
  6. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6749705/Doctor-set-MAJOR-shake-ahead-Series-12.html The Daily Mail is claiming the BBC is considering moving the show back to its old Saturday slot for Series 12 in a bid to retain younger viewers. Given it’s the Daily Mail and it’s still pretty early, I would consider this strictly rumor at this point. Plus their article title way overstates things with “set for major shakeup”
  7. https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/tv-on-video-chart/ For the week Feb 24, Series 11 New Year special DVD/Blu Ray release entered at #1 on the UK video chart. Series 11 reentered the Top 10 at 9th after spending a week at 12th
  8. I don't like much the little-too-short pants either (or the suspenders for that matter). Either have pull up socks or boots like you say. Yes, I know the pants are culottes and it's supposed to be that way, but I personally don't like the length Love the coat though and I like the t-shirts. The only time I thought the t-shirt didn't look good was in Rosa, where it looked like an ill-fit, like it was too snug and it had been over-stretched
  9. https://www.doctorwho.tv/news/?article=thirteenth-doctor-waxwork-launches-at-madame-tussauds-blackpool 13th Doctor waxwork launches at Madame Tussaud’s Blackpool
  10. There are rumors that there are some changes to the Doctor’s costume for Series 12. The first is the coat is now gray (though the current one looks gray to me), with one person saying it’s because Jodie was too cold in the first one and this one is warmer. The person also said they saw it being sold at Amazon. Whether by accident or at the UK or US store, I don’t know. The second is there will be some different t-shirts, though I don’t recall if it’s in place of or in addition to the previous t-shirts
  11. Except according to the plot summary on Wikipedia, she seemed to die though came back alive, but the Doctor thinks she’s dead
  12. As part of Comic Relief, a UK resident can enter to win a breakfast and set tour with Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill http://cultbox.co.uk/news/win-a-breakfast-and-set-tour-with-jodie-whittaker-and-mandip-gill
  13. I haven’t seen that episode yet. She was a clone of the Doctor, right? But did they ever consider themselves family or have a real relationship?
  14. FYI More on remaking this lost episode https://doctorwhowatch.com/2019/02/20/doctor-who-mission-unknown-remake/
  15. According to reports from people seeing the show filming in Cardiff, it appears actor Stephen Fry will be making a guest appearance in an episode of Series 12. Update: More about his appearance and who he is http://www.doctorwhotv.co.uk/stephen-fry-reportedly-starring-in-doctor-who-series-12-90558.htm
  16. I can understand not wanting it to take over the show; I wouldn’t want that either. But if it could be small parts of episodes or every few episodes, I wouldn’t mind that. I just want the Doctor to be happy and not alone and maybe start another family. But I guess there would also be the fear it would take away from the Doctor’s adventuring or have people wondering if the Doctor should be spending more time with family and not putting their life in danger so much
  17. I don’t particularly like the Doctor being romantically involved with a human who is pretty young, like in their early 20s at best, so I wasn’t really thrilled with the Doctor/Rose relationship (or the Doctor/Clara relationship but that was a weird case). It would be the same reason I wouldn’t be for a 13/Yaz relationship, given Yaz is 19/20 at this point, along with barely knowing this 2000+ year alien. Which is why I would prefer an older, more experienced partner for the Doctor, like River was (but she also was a special case) For me, I don’t see it any different than the New Who male doctors who had romances (long or short), except I don’t want to see 13 with a young Companion I’ve seen some fans say they don’t want to see the Doctor (any incarnation) in any kind of romance or relationship. My question is why? I can see not wanting it to be with a Companion, especially a young one, but why not a relationship in general? The Doctor is clearly lonely and is clearly capable of love. Just because they are a powerful alien doesn’t mean they don’t deserve or shouldn’t have fun or have a long term partner. Is it the fear it would take over the show and be too soapy or something else?
  18. Personally, because of the power angle and because it's his/her ship, I wouldn't want the Doctor to be involved with a companion if the person didn't start out as a boyfriend/girlfriend. I wouldn't mind if 13 got a girlfriend who might later become a wife (and didn't go along on the adventures) as long as it remained a small part of the show (as the show is about the Doctor and his/her adventures). Being a new viewer, I wasn't around with Classic Who treating the Doctor as if he was asexual and was his companion's Uncle-like mentor. At the same time, with new Who, I don't particularly like the Doctor having a thing with companions who are mesmerized by the Doctor and fall in love with him without really knowing what he's about. It's like they can't separate adventuring with the Doctor and having feelings towards him/her At the same time, I don't understand classic Who wanting to keep the Doctor mysterious and thus ignoring a lot of the Doctor's inner life. Part of that may have been about keeping things "proper" in those earlier times. New Who has the Doctor more front and center and we get to know him/her better, including romances. Of course, one could argue that the Doctor Classic Who didn't want to get involved with anyone after losing his family, but then things changed with New Who
  19. FYI on the Series 11 Blu Ray/DVD release for the UK https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/tv-on-video-chart/20190120/30/ I’m not sure if the DVD and Blu Ray figures are combined or seen separately. I’ll keep an eye out on the Series 11 soundtrack numbers
  20. Just to clarify, you think the sexuality of a Time Lord is comparable to a human, like human sexual labels can be used properly to refer to them? Or you don't think that? Or in other words, can you restate that without a double negative lol?
  21. Just a note on famous Dr. Who fans. Stacey Abrams, who ran as the first black female for governor of Alabama (and lost), indicated she was a Who fan in a recent interview https://www.ajc.com/entertainment/brilliant-stacey-abrams-doctor-who-fan-and-twitter-aflutter/BDlv3p9ESDJbbFI8wVvemL/ Producer/showrunner Shonda Rhimes is also a Who fan https://www.shondaland.com/live/a26328702/shonda-rhimes-talks-doctor-who/
  22. Hetero so far, but of course if 13 has a relationship with a woman, she’ll be gay (which she likely won’t care about)
  23. I have a question about the Doctor’s sexual orientation. An article I read the other day about whether the Doctor can ethically have a relationship with a companion stated at the end that the Doctor was pansexual, which didn’t make sense to me. In all the stuff I’ve read about the show’s history on Wikipedia and seen onscreen so far, all the relationships the Doctor has had (since New Who at least; most previous Doctors seemed to be mostly treated as asexual) have been with women (though obviously different alien species, particularly humans). I know Captain Jack had a thing for the Doctor, but it wasn’t reciprocated. So has the Doctor been shown having any real interest in anything other than women (I think the assumption is that his late family included a wife)? I’ve seen many fans wanting to see 13 in a relationship and many assume it would be with a woman, which makes sense to me assuming the Doctor’s interest has been only or primarily towards women
  24. Why should the show address this as any big thing? Time Lords are, you know, Time Lords. They regularly change bodies and it was established since the show’s revival that they can regenerate into a man or woman without any indication of a problem, some or most being able to choose their next form (the latter possibly addressed in classic Who as well). So they are gender fluid and not hung up on labels like humans are. Other than having to get used to a new body and new personality, why should gender be an ongoing negative issue? I think the Doctor indicated a blasé attitude about it in the Series 10 two part finale in a conversation with Bill Potts, noting said human hangup on labels. In the Series 11 premiere, she was briefly surprised when told she was a woman but then seemed to accept it pretty easily, though in Episode 3’s Rosa, when addressed as Madam, she commented to herself that she still hadn’t quite gotten used to that. In general, the Doctor as a woman just acts her usual past self, like bulling her way into taking charge, and she only has an issue with it when others make it an issue. She in fact delights in participating in women things in Demons of the Punjab. The Master had some fits about it when he met his future female self Missy in the same Series 10 finale, but he was a jerk and a psychopath anyway. So like the honey badger, a Time Lord don’t care 🙂 I suppose a particular Time Lord could have a major issue with it, but that would likely be rare
  25. Doctor Who virtual reality special announced for this year http://www.doctorwhotv.co.uk/doctor-who-the-runaway-vr-special-featuring-animated-jodie-whittaker-coming-2019-90545.htm
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