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Everything posted by DanaK

  1. Finally they got him on a murder. Now if he would only tell what happened to his first wife
  2. This also happened a few weeks ago on a day that included Chase getting the truth out of Michael and Willow
  3. I don't think this has been posted yet, but the missing First Doctor serial Galaxy Four has been animated and will be released on DVD, Blu-ray and Steelbook on November 15 2021 https://www.doctorwho.tv/news/?article=galaxy-four-animation-boxset-announcement-first-doctor-william-hartnell&fbclid=IwAR1hBvcNh69P5zBJQZaSAmjcjq-bIusNQMtqlXtbCuAUGr7rlR-R8xpjIRA&cm_mmc=ExactTarget-_-email-_-DW161_Newsletter_17092021-_-email&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign=DW161_Newsletter_17092021
  4. Some of these final season episodes are awkward in trying to answer to the anti-police sentiment. But when they aren't doing that, the episodes are their usual funny selves
  5. Re: the coma, I was initially confused and thought Amy meant Jake had been in a coma from the beginning and that the last 8 years was just a dream Jake was having a la the Saint Elsewhere finale, until one of them mentioned their son and I realized Amy meant 8 years in the future. Then like you, I thought maybe it was a fake somehow, and it was Who was the actor playing the skeevy guy that helped, Bill I think? Was he the real life brother of the guy playing Charles?
  6. Really enjoyable finale. It was a little too frantic and hard to keep up with at times, but overall, it was funny, silly, warm, emotional, and fun. The ending was just right
  7. Upcoming Nova multi-parter: "Nova Universe Revealed", 5 parts. This will premiere Wednesday, October 27 at 9pm and will be shown each week until November 24 https://www.bbcstudiospressroom.com/press/nova-universe-revealed-a-pbs-and-bbc-studios-science-unit-co-production-explores-the-thrilling-history-and-possible-future-of-the-universe/
  8. I actually had far less trouble with that, especially since the fire looked so fake (or the ladies being in danger from the fire), than Drew getting continually beat up. The latter I’ve started ffing through until Drew is free
  9. I know, right? His musical interlude explaining Nyxly’s complex family dynamics was a highlight and had me grinning through it. And yes, Peta Sergeant is killing it as Nyxly It continues to crack me up when cast members have to say the full names of both characters. Definite mouthfuls
  10. The American Experience doc on Supreme Court Justice and first woman on the court Sandra Day O’Connor was pretty interesting. I remember a little of her nomination but had forgotten a lot about her tenure
  11. Mr. Roarke was far more mysterious than the current Miss Elena Roarke and didn’t even have a first name. Plus, if I’m recalling correctly, it seemed that Mr. Roarke had mysterious powers while this new version suggests it’s the island that has the powers
  12. So were Isabel and the lady author, or her husband, actual cousins, albeit distant, or did Isabel just use that as a cover? Either way, eww on the boinking even if they just thought they were cousins. Get past the ew, cousins factor and it was a nice story
  13. Did I understand correctly that Nyxly and her brother worked together to overthrow their father and while her brother was praised for it, Nyx got banished because she was a woman? That does seem rather unfair but it doesn’t excuse her hurting others to get back at her family, though it does seem the show is leaning to her side in order to forgive her
  14. This was a pretty interesting episode. I remember scoffing at “midnight basketball”, wondering why these young people weren’t home instead of running around at midnight, but it apparently worked until it got caught in the middle of the debate of the 1990s crime bill
  15. Well that was much better than last episode and pretty entertaining in places, including Mxy’s musical moment explaining Nyxly’s history So, Lena’s a witch?
  16. Episode 1, Sep 14: “Midnight Basketball”
  17. It turns out, yep, the actress was really exiting. See the News topic
  18. Yeah, I just saw that. So we weren't imagining that it felt like a real goodbye on Friday's show
  19. It seems a couple of my posts got lost in the ether, so I’ll just repeat some major points that hopefully stick to just this episode. I was in my 30s when this went down and kept up with news, so I remember the events fairly well and most of the players, including Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones, though I don’t remember much about Paula’s husband. They are portraying Paula about as naive as I expected (and the same with Monica), and at least as portrayed here, Paula was used by the right wing to try to get Clinton on something. For me, the scandal wasn’t just about consensual sex. Clinton was the president and should have been much more careful. His opponents were clearly after him and he would seem to give them ammunition with his affair with Monica. Plus Willey was indicating to Linda that something non-consensual apparently happened between her and Clinton and Paula accused him of coming on to her and showing his thingy. And Monica could have snapped and harmed or killed him. They are portraying Linda Tripp about as nasty as I expected though I didn’t know that much about her personally at the time, but her behavior was pretty bad. And I’d like to point out that I was a Federal employee for 32 years until I retired 2 years ago, so I know Linda as a civil servant could have gotten transferred to some other agency if she was so unhappy with the Clintons, but it appears she liked being close to the power. Unlike a political appointee, civil servants can’t be fired just because a new administration’s coming in, which is probably why they just simply transferred her to Siberia, ie the Pentagon, instead of doing the real work of documenting her poor behavior and then firing her for it. I was pretty unhappy with the Clintons at the time but I was in an agency that was fairly well distant from the personalities of the White House. If I had been more up close and personal, I probably would have rage quit with several administrations. It did appear that there were more accusations against the Clintons than actual evidence, including Whitewater, ie more smoke than fire, at least within the Administration and at least up to the point of this episode. The affair with Monica, as depicted here in this episode, appeared to be real, and as depicted in this episode, you just know Clinton’s opponents will perk up their ears at anything they can get him on, so it’s clear where this is headed. Needless to say, I somewhat enjoyed this first episode, even if it was a little long and there was a lot of setup. I do agree that they could have done a better job to identify the players for those not familiar with all the personalities
  20. Phyllis was a gun toting badass until she wasn't. I think on Monday, Mike will probably walk in on Peter, or Jax might do it if he’s still in town It certainly seemed like the tearful goodbye to Jordan signified a permanent exit by the actress. But if the actress is pregnant, maybe it will be a few months for her maternity leave
  21. Looks like the special Sunday telecast following football did the show's ratings some good (I don't think the episode was delayed by football, but if there was the final ratings will be adjusted down). It got a .05 in the 18-49 demo and 1.971 million viewers in its first half hour and 0.4/1.833 in its second half, whereby it got 0.24/1.45 in its previous Tuesday episode
  22. DanaK

    Independent Lens

    Set for October 11 nationally, "Cured", when homosexuality was considered a mental illess, gay rights activists fought back https://pressroom.pbs.org/Programs/i/INDEPENDENT-LENS/Cured
  23. I loved the show when I watched it in the 70s and CBS had great lineups back then. I started a rewatch in the past year or so via Hulu and I’m somewhere in Season 5, and honestly, I don’t remember many of these episodes. I guess it was just the most well-loved and best critically received episodes that I remember best. I’m enjoying my rewatch, but yeah, things like what people were wearing are definitely very dated
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