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Everything posted by Desperado

  1. How about we fix two problems with one recast. Kill Peter à la “Murder on the Orient Express” and have Wes Ramsay come back as Jason. Whichever version they want? We know TPTB don’t want to fire him and it would at least stop the “he can’t be killed so we have to dumb down beloved characters” charade and free Drew. Too crazy, I know, but the status quo is so disheartening to me.
  2. I really wish the role of Jason would’ve been stunt re-casted, maybe even before the wedding to Carly so that she could go to the new Jason instead of Drew and not just have to drop that storyline or have it be (seemingly) quickly rewritten for the worst. Y&R was able to sign an actor with some primetime experience (Justin Hartley) to take over the Adam role when Michael Muhney exited and I think it worked out great for a good while. I know they kept hoping Burton would get vaxxed but somewhere between the medical exemption request and the religious one, they should’ve seen the writing on the wall. Even if losing his livelihood makes him finally get it, I really don’t want to watch him on GH again. Anyhoo, here’s to a better New Year everyone! ✨
  3. He wore the suit in support of Lucy who had to wear her day before dress. Such gallantry! :-) I really liked seeing the Tad twinkle and smile again and enjoyed Martin and Lucy living it up. I had to catch up on the last eps, so my comments are all over the place, but I’m beyond annoyed that Sasha, after a cesarian and the loss of her son, had to suffer being taken to Sonny’s for a “fun” Christmas celebration. Who in their right mind would think this was a good idea?! Yuck. The end scene with her and Brando was nice, but would’ve been better in their own home. It was nonetheless nice to see Monica and gorgeous Bailey. And Victor/Liesl were quite good. I hope she didn’t put a target on Scott’s back by telling Vic he’s more dangerous than he looks. Hmm... Speaking of looks, I agree @mostlylurking, Scott looked great in suit/sunglasses. Happy Holidays to all!!
  4. Yes, and she moved closer to him in today’s show and I just couldn’t. Even with tests, that ridiculous scene was not worth the risk in my book.
  5. I was hoping that once the two antivax dead weights were gone stories would pick up, but the pace seems so slow to me. Peter, “Bailey’s not your daughter”, “Tick or Tock”, “I’m your father“, “Presumed Dead”, “Back from the Dead”, “Sonny or Mike” Neverending...! Or maybe I’m just... bored?
  6. I saw more chemistry with Alexis and Dante than Dante/Sam. I think they’re also trying to see if her and Shawn could work. I could also see her w/ CM’s Drew. We don’t know how much the behind the scenes vaccine issues caused certain characters to be left with weird storylines or quickly disappear (Laura/GF), I’m hoping for better from now on. Re: Esme/Nick yes, that would be fun.
  7. I hope two days are enough to send off Jason because the “he was so great” is vomir inducing. I agree with everyone saying killing the character was ridiculous, considering how many people have died and come back. Seeing Sonny is particularly jarring. Not sure why the show is pushing Britt and Carly together, but I don’t like anyone yelling at my girl Britt, especially not Carly.
  8. Emma Samms was on the Dishing With Digest podcast recently. She wants to come back to GH but she’s still on a lot of meds and loses her voice, her health wont allow it yet.
  9. Yesterday - why did Peter get to have a phone call with Maxie? Today - Sasha and Brando’s story was everywhere and did nothing for me. Sonny talking nice to Nina then ignoring her when people he knows might see them. Coward. I’m not looking forward to watching mourn Jason. Bad enough she’s wearing the Huntington's albatros, now this. I’m doubly annoyed because SB’s vaccine refusal is probably why the writers switch his character back to Britt at the last minute, instead of sticking him with Carly. Had that not happened, there would be much less reason for her to mourn. Not sure why they didn’t have him “killed” any other way.
  10. I checked out the Twitter account that posted the video. Apparently, it appeared in SB’s Instagram Story(ies?) and disappeared and reappeared a couple of time. I appreciated one of the comments to the Twitter account that specified he wasn’t let go, but chose to leave.
  11. I’m quite behind the ball on this and new to this thread, as I don’t usually read spoilers, but I had to see if there was more news about Burton’s departure. I enjoyed the character in the distant past,and contrary to most everyone here, was enjoying Jarly, but if the actor refuses to follow the vaccine mandate, good riddance. I’m with everyone above thinking that storylines were stalled or changed due to the resistance of actors to get vaccinated and I find that appalling. Couldn’t they just have let them stay home until they made their final decision instead of edging their bets and giving us changing crap stories too spread out for us to remember? How far behind do they in film? Will we know this week if Jason dies?
  12. The show surprised me by having both Jason and Carly tell Sonny the truth about their marriage feelings. I was thinking they would have him find out by seeing a recording of their vows or something. I was also afraid that Britt and Jason would go have sex on the beach in St. Lucia. Hopefully, that plan has changed for good. Boy is the actress playing Esme good at playing a psychopath, especially when she smoothly pivoted to putting most of the blame for the car fire on Spencer. And is it me or did my sweet Robert just advance the investigation by miles with just one phone call?
  13. I can’t believe I didn’t remember him playing Paul Ryan on ATWT. 😱
  14. I was a devoted RoHo fan when he was in OLTL, but despised everything he did on GH. The fact that I hate the Franco character did not help. Strangely, I like his Austin now that he stopped trying to have Chase do his dirty work. He was able to convince me he’s not Franco and I like his scenes with Britt, Maxie, and even Jason yesterday. I think RH plays Austin as if he is on the spectrum too, so it’s interesting to me to see Jason being the emotional one. He also needs a friend outside of the mob and we all know his romance with Britt is doomed.
  15. No worries! I missed this one until today. 😊
  16. Please check my post above on the subject.
  17. Hello everyone! After many months, I’m finally up to date and can comment properly- yeah! I don’t understand the filming schedule. So much time between CM’ scenes and CS’ scenes. Maybe vacations, maybe Covid related time off? And am I the only one thinking that Victor falsified Britt’s Huntington test results? It gave such a good reason for Liesl to attend a conference and he keeps using the little time Britt has left to convince her to work with him.
  18. Was quite impressed with the mix of horrible reality and fun quirkiness of the first episode. The “Raymy” conversation was so good. Paraphrasing: “You’ve been here just one day and you knew I wasn’t myself”. 😭 Poor Raymond having no one to share his breakup with, for however long her extended maternity leave was... This show does supportive friendships so beautifully. The second episode was true B99. 👍🏻😁
  19. Was this show always this sadly pathetic? Dark yes, but I remember it being more fun.
  20. Age wise, I fall right between Grace and Frankie and their children but I just can’t get into the kids’ stories. Brianna is so mean-spirited and her sister is just the same under that veneer. Leaving a bad review about someone‘s business they took your BF when you were 10 years old? And angry guy... ewww. Loved seeing Ernie Hudson again but I agree, that relationship should be left in the past.
  21. I’m tired of seeing majorly insecure Grace. Where’s the successful business woman? The great friend to Frankie? Her whole life is wrapped into her new husband in a way that’s hard to watch for me. I thought their relationship had deepened last year but now she’s back where she started, constantly worrying about not being enough. Blah.
  22. That’s what annoyed me the most about this whole thing. Thomas took the huge risk of killing a main character and change the show completely without a confirmation that Hulu was going to want more episodes. How many fans would’ve complained about Season 4 ending with Logan still alive? Why risk angering fans for nothing? Out of pure unenlightened spite apparently. There were so many other story options. Season 5 (whenever that would’ve been) could’ve started with him being dead and Veronica trying to find out what happened.
  23. So far the time jump seems to be hard on a lot of Salem people: Adrienne, Hailey, Brady’s baby are dead, Eve, Will, Ben are in jail. JJ’s an addict, Brady has most probably been drinking again... What a bunch of bummer storylines. I always saw DOOL has the fun soap. I’m not in a place in my life where I can afford to watch sad stories every day. Do we know what happened to Kate? Is she still in a coma after being shot?
  24. Just returning to watching the show as I was curious about the time jump. Hello Exposition Monday! That was awkward and I don’t see the point. I would’ve been on board with a Zander and Sarah pregnancy/Lamaze classes/delivery storyline. And who is in prison with Ben? Is it Will?
  25. That’s what killed me the most. How high my expectations were for her after the movie, only to see her now bitter, lacking empathy and hating her job and then reduced to a travelling P.I. What a waste.
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