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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. Oh I'm sure Felicity will be at least hinted at as dead/missing or she and Oliver are no longer together or something. So they can drag out the suspence as long as possible/omg!why does that happen or create twists. Same goes for Diggle. NTA I don't care but I'm apprehensive about Thea with Roy on Lian Yu. Not to mention Oliver potentially creating a bond with Emiko so Thea might become more expendable in off screen ville.
  2. That Vixen is now back in 1942 so unlikely. But KMN could be under orders to use it until there is a reveal. I have to keep remembering that it's not certain who she is yet.
  3. I think its possible that they could equate Felicity as an original character forgetting she was only a regular in S2 because she was such a huge part of S1. EBR has actually tweeted more about Arrow and seemed more enthusiastic recently than she has in a while, not that it means anything. She could be leaving and focusing on her smaller projects full time, Arrow likes to off main/popular characters at least once a season as well but so far there isn't any evidence it's her. Nothing to suggest DR yet either though there are multiple ways they could have Diggle leave/die sob. But it could be any number of network shows. It's a great way to get clicks, tweets and cooments because I've seen it pop up in many fandoms and it's inevitable that it will apply to at least one show in May.
  4. Dammit I'm going to be annoyed now if she's another character. Same thing happened as I was getting used to the baby idea before they started scream no and unlike last year we have no spoilers to confirm it or not ala the wedding.
  5. Sara's original casting sides were different to what she ended up playing as well. If something has happened to her parents then she could be anti vigilante (at first) and angry/violent etc. The anti Olicity kid did seem to be anti baby this season (to counteract David's theoretical spoiler) but *twist* she's in the future. Or we could all be completely wrong and she's new Sin in the present or something.
  6. Not surprising after WH exiting. It would have been more surprising if they hadn't brought her or a Mia character in. Let's hope she's not Isabel and Robert's daughter, though she's logically too old for that.
  7. Everyone's still hating the boobs for last season, love it.
  8. It's possible that some of the actors do get fed up of the Olicity fandom if it has nothing to do with their characters but they know it's a large portion of the fan base and media buzz/coverage. When you're trying to be BC damn it! Or like when RG kept getting annoyed that he was being asked abut Rene being an asshat to Felicity instead of how awesome WD was and he's Oliver's mini me etc. He clearly didn't want to be identified with the tech support who wasn't in on the action. But I doubt any of them are worried about the stuff that happens online or their safety. And SA went out and found the bench earlier this year etc.
  9. Maybe she'll end up to the millionth incarnation of BC.
  10. Well obviously. I am a little concerned that it eventually comes true to prove how awesome a villain 3D is but trying not to worry about it now. Really? @BkWurm1 I can't seem to access reddit right now to look. But then they'd make anything a negative for Olicity.
  11. Probably "Cousin Mia". Or Robert's secret lovechild.
  12. This is Arrow so I've been resigned it's not going to end happily for them but there are a lot of options and twists they can go through before/instead of either bring officially really dead. Especially if the show lasts a few more seasons with both SA and EBR. And potential "fixed timelines" can certainly become chageable when they get another idea. I teresting that Arrow and Flash are both showing grown up versions of kids this season.
  13. Hmm, probably trolling but I am slightly nervous about what it could be.
  14. They gave them all more to do last season and the boobs went from tolerated by me to GTFO right now, trying to rehabilitate them by giving them even more is just going to annoy me but I think them trying to rehab 3D as a big bad villain is going to annoy me more, especially if/when they sacrifice characterisation or characters to do it. I guess I'm morbidly curious about how they're going to handle two screamers encroaching on each others territory.
  15. I'm fully prepared to have several episodes of wanting to chuck something at the screen in the way it ends up playing out, especially since the prison arc seems so drawn out, but I'm a tiny bit more hopeful than the BMD *touches wood*. Hey they're actually talking Olicity and EBR is giving interviews, it's not just SAY and endless noobs.
  16. Yeah I really expect this and have since the finale. They just better have arguments that make sense not just use it to split them up for shenanigans.
  17. I think it started when he liked several reddit type tweets saying Diaz should behead Felicity and other things and went from there.
  18. I think they're going to try and fix him too. My big worry is which of the characters i like they'll throw under the bus literally or figuratively to do that. Because you know it won't be NTA.
  19. Nurse Olivia was a recurring character for the first few seasons and had a storyline where she was sleeping with both Alex and George and gave them both syphilis and involved with a couple of other stories. Nurse Rose dated Derek in S4 when he wand Mer were broken up and she was ready to Commit. She would likely have stayed longer if the writers strike hadn't intervened.
  20. Oliver AND Felicity's fake funeral? Some event whilst they and William are elsewhere together. Doesn't really look like a funeral but who knows.
  21. I do quite like "Their time is now", well all of them actually. Ray is much less prominent in the poster this season than last, not that it means anything because Nate isn't prominent in the S2 posters and they were definitely pushing him then, they maybe backed off a little in S3.
  22. Unless the 'new' narrative has a huge impact on the first few eps there's no point. They've already done a 'shocking' flash forward before so even if it's 'watch how this unfolds throughout the season' there's no reason not to drop no hints whatsoever. It's not even the titles, which are as bland as always, there's almost complete radio silence apart from SA's SM and that is 90% about the beard. With the titles maybe Beth is just enjoying the gentle trolling?
  23. Yeah there's keeping suspense and then there's a completely checked out fandom. Arrow titles tend to be quite generic anyway and it doesn't seem to have changed much this season. Even if there was a big twist and a title of "Tragedy" etc, it still doesn't tell us much.
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