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Everything posted by SVNBob

  1. Apparently my naming a proxy wasn't as necessary as I'd anticipated, was it? The question mark on Bullock wasn't about his affiliation. It was about him being one of the PCs, vs an NPC. Somehow I had it in my mind he was the last character to appear, and was thus the most in doubt of being a PC. But Cold actually appeared last. However, going by the numbers, Cold has to be a PC. The villain team would have been too small, pre-recruitement, otherwise. All this to say that there's still one extra person on the Hero list. The question is who? Me, I thought it might be Bullock, but after reading back I'm no longer sure. I do have one other thought as to who, but I hesitate to say because it may be a spoiler for something that might happen. Ditto. Two more good cameos. I'm just waiting for Bruce Lee to show up. Interesting catch. Looking at the list of names, there's nothing that immediately connects to red. There's a couple of animalistic names that could loosely be connected to red, and one name with a very different color, but nothing concrete. (And I deliberately did not use any of those names, as I don't wish to imply any accusations against those three at this time. Although in future...?) What I really suspect is that this trail of redness is made of herrings. Man, I spoiled ya'll, didn't I? It was hard to stop myself from putting those hints to my identity in, even when I had to stretch to get some of them. Maybe it's a habit I haven't broken yet...? That is a little odd. I thought it might have been a misspelling of Margherita, as in the pizza pie, which seems to be capitalized more often in the research (ok, one Google search) I did. But it could be a margarita-flavored desert pie also, as I saw a few of those (in a different search. Saw lime and strawberry varieties, for a start.), but typically uncapitalized. And the context supports the desert pie, so this could have been a wild gooseberry chase. I know we need to DL someone, but I'm not 100% sold on the one going on. I'm not in on this one, yet.
  2. Agreed. That was brutal. New list time. Adding in the characters that appeared in both Night 1 and Day 2, taking out the least feasible, and dividing the rest up by affiliation. Heroes: Ollie (Arrow) John Felicity Barry (Flash) Caitlin John Constantine Alfred Bruce Montoya Allen Bullock? Villains Falcone Merlyn Oswald Cobblepot Captain Cold Laurel Serial Killer Zsasz Dead Jim Gordon Barbara We've gone from two short to one over. So someone on one of these lists isn't one of us. I've got a couple ideas. Laurel got recruited. So we Heroes are down 3 from the start of the game. Not a great start at all. I'm not going to be around until sometime on Sunday. But a lynch might (and honestly, should, if we heroes are to stand a chance) start before then. Thus I want a proxy. Because we worked so well together in the last round, and I think she understands how I think in regards to this game, I'm naming @Athena as my proxy. I give her full authority over my vote in any lynch discussion that happens until I post again on Sunday.
  3. SVNBob

    Fix The Show

    Technically, Boston Rob.
  4. My turn to do the list? Ok. Looking at the story we've only got 12 named characters that appear, 3 unnamed characters (one of whom has to be who I think it is, based on what little I know of the DCU/DCTVU, and another the obvious cameo), and one named person not yet appearing. So far we have: Ollie John Laurel Felicity Barry Caitlin Merlyn Oswald Cobblepot unnamed "associate" of Cobblepot John Constantine (as yet unnamed, but it has to be him) Falcone (not appearing yet) Alfred Bruce Jim Gordon Barbara and Adam West in an uncredited role Even including the two most questionable possibilities (Mr. West and the unnamed thug), that's only 16 people thus far. And there are 18 players. That must mean that at least 2 of our characters have yet to appear or be mentioned by name. But it's probably more like 4 or 5. That sound right? As for a clue...nothing really stood out to me too much. It could be that word...but is it? It does seem to fit the character in question. And if I follow Biz's possible train of thought...yeah.... Do we really want to go there right away? That would be a bit cruel. Even for us. I guess I'll start the tentative non-action voting. Unless there are any objections? I'm willing to vote in a different direction if someone else comes up with something. 1 No Lynch (SVNBob) 9 to get Alan Smithee to direct instead.
  5. Since there appears to be no official denouement coming, I think I ought to post all this before the next game starts. Ahem... Gotcha! Satan's greatest trick may have been convincing the world he didn't exist, but the second greatest has to be convincing the world someone else was Satan instead. I think I'm allowed an evil laugh here. Really, other than a little bit of suspicion near the beginning of the game, none of you ever really thought it was me until Dougal deduced it. Which is why I went on the attack with the massive post I've been calling "The Hail Mary from Hell". I was banking on the "first to speak is telling the truth (even if they're lying)" effect. It works on reality shows; it seemed to work here. I also need to thank you Dougal. The argument I used in that post I didn't even have in mind until what you brought up in the lynch before that. The deck was stacking up against me, and then you basically handed me a great card to play. A perfectly logical (and correct) argument, turned right back around on the one that created it. But the biggest reason I'm surprised no-one figured me out: I was constantly dropping hints to my identity. Here, look back at every post I made during a Day in this game. My first post this game. Pretty blatant here. Old Scratch being an old name for the Devil. Kinda proud of how I got that one in there. Old Nick being another old name of the Devil.And now, the Hail Mary from Hell, which contained 3 hints. Also somewhat blatant. But I'm more proud of the next two. Referring to all the legends of The Crossroads, but in particular the one of Robert Johnson and his Faustian deal. An oblique reference to The Birth of Venus, Venus also known as the Morning Star, same as Lucifer.And the one I'm glad I could finally work in at the end: Referring of course to the fiddle contest in Constant clues, but no-one called me out on them. Maybe some of the ghosts noticed...but too late for them.
  6. All that would have done is given Josh a souvenir. The standard HII only works before the votes are read, which is stated in the instructions given with the idol. And while Keith may not be the best player, I do assume he's literate. So once Jeff started in on reading the votes, it was too late for an Idol play.
  7. Josh is the better/worthy player. Which is why Jeremy and his allies wanted him out, and the sooner the better. It's actually a twisted compliment. "You're good at this game, so we need you to not play anymore so we can win." Same reasoning behind Josh wanting Jeremy out. Alec has little chances of winning, even with a jury that would have his allies in the majority. So he's a decent goat. Josh was probably going to use him as such himself.
  8. After further thought, I've thought of a more substantial reason that relates to this answer. We know before the swap, Jon was trying to rally together the people on Hunapu that still had a counterpart in the game and vote out a singleton. This "pairs over singles" mentality stuck with him when he went to the pair heavy nuCoyopa. And looking at the two other pairs, Missy and Baylor would seemingly both be easier to lead and beat than both Kelley and Dale. Dale looked like a decent goat, but not Kelley. She was more likely to work against Jon and Jaclyn than work with them. Which also explains why she went first. She was more of a threat. I wouldn't be surprised if Jon and Jaclyn are planning this: get their alliance of 4 to the F4, then one of them gets voted out at the F4TC, leaving the other sitting beside a pair of goats and with one guaranteed vote at FTC.
  9. And when I speak of the beasts, I am usually talking about what we have been shown. Which means to some extent, I am speaking of the editing as much as the actual playstyle of each person. So I'm not really disagreeing with anyone on that level. I just like the shorthand of using the single word to describe a player or playstyle. After thinking about it, I'm not 100% sure we can actually use the archetypes in a BvW season. At least not in the same way. It comes to mind that some of the pairs are falling under single animal archetypes. To go back to what I said about this season, the Jon and Jaclyn unit is the Fox of that alliance, not one over the other. He's been shown as the de facto leader since everyone on the tribe (except Keith) was coming to him with/for plans and information, and that's usually a Fox characteristic. But he won't make a move without discussing it in private with Jaclyn, who seems to be the smarter, and thus Foxier of the two. But we don't see her discussing or planning anything with other tribe members without him present. So as a unit, they make one Fox. And they may be thinking of the other pairs in the same way. Which would explain why they alligned with Missy and Baylor over Kelley and Dale. Missy and Baylor look like a Goat unit, either because of attitude or prior gameplay. Kelley and Dale were much more distinct; he was more on the Goat side, but she was basically anything else, with probable Fox leanings. And with the mindset of pairs over singles (which we know Jon has), a pair that presents the same would be more attractive than one that doesn't. So it may be the case that this alliance is just two animals: Fox (Jon and Jaclyn) and Goat (Missy and Baylor).
  10. At this point in the game, there seems to be only one "locked-in" alliance of 4. And they kinda fit the standard 4 roles...well, maybe. Jon and Jaclyn are playing as a Fox/Bear combo, but I'm not 100% sure which one is which. Jon's getting more THs, which tend to go to the Foxes, but he doesn't really seem all that bright. So she's the Fox and he's the Bear? More likely. Either way, they probably see Missy and Baylor as Bunny and Goat respectively. I think Missy also sees herself as the Fox, with a Baylor Bear. Which would logically seem to make Jaclyn the Goat and Jon the Bunny from that perspective. I think. Baylor also has to be thinking herself as the Fox, but not with Missy as her Mama Bear. Maybe Mama Ox instead. Baylor would probably use Jon as her Bear shield and keep Jaclyn as the Bunny, unless better options come along. Other than that pair of pairs, there's no real beasts coming to the forefront. Ok, Josh was showing Fox-like tendencies before the swap, and Jeremy was trying to set himself up as a Fox. But I don't know if they still are at this point. While she did play a great game in HvV, it wasn't an Ox game. It was mostly Fox with a little bit of Bear. She had to out-think and out-play all 20 players, including her past self. And she did the smartest thing she could do; she allied with the unknown quantity (to them) of Russell and the weakest player on her initial tribe, Danielle. And after she figured out he was best used as an Ox, she let him take the lead like he wanted to and took the role of his Bear, bringing Danielle in as the "Bunny". But Parv really saw Danielle as the Bear to her Fox, with Russell as the Goat/Ox. But yeah, her Fox game was ruined by Russell's Ox game and Sandra's game. Which I'd actually re-classify as Hare now. Sandra won not because she outFoxed the others, but by being the more likeable and palatable option. Classically that's the Bunny, but since she wasn't really part of the primary alliance, she's the Hare. And I don't think by definition there can be a winning Ox game. The Ox is a player that other players let lead the alliance, as either a Fox or Bear, only to beat them at FTC like a Goat. If an Ox wins, they were actually the Fox or Bear they thought they were. Or at least Bunny-like enough to win. But no longer an Ox.
  11. A semi-subconscious need of Jon to be the Alpha/Only Male? Or the higher Goatential of Missy and/or Baylor? Those are the only ideas I've got.
  12. Time to stop fiddling around. 1 JayKay (SVNBob) 1 to end this.
  13. The recent paradigm on BBC America is "productions made anywhere (US or UK primarily) but starring British performers." Hence TNG and the new Galactica. There's also more episodes of Ramsey's shows based in America, so they get more longevity by using both series. The biggest exception in recent years was The Nerdist series of specials. But Hardwick's a big Anglophile and a gigantic Doctor Who fan, so it made some sense. And of course, even from the beginning, BBC America wasn't just airing shows from the BBC. They've always had ITV programs as well.
  14. I think the same fan that is doing the subtitling did a reference guide to the roles for the second, office-themed game in the seond season. You might be able to find it if you tumble around the Internet somewhere.I posted a while ago about The Genius and other South Korean reality shows I watch in the International Programs thread here. And got very excited when I found out the third season had stared. It's really good so far. I even thought that the Jury game from the second episode of this season might be a good game to play on these forums. It has Mafia-like tones, with zn informed minority and uninformed majority, but no elimination mechanism, so all players can participate the entire game.
  15. Thing is, I don't think this UnSub would have targetted the stadium. They found him by determining that he had called the one survivor from the first crash, stating that there being a survivor spoiled the "perfection" of the first crash. I thought he was going to kill two birds with one stone (or a lot of stones with one big metal bird) and crash the second plane into the hospital.
  16. I think they were (or at least just Jon was) under the impression that the flint had fallen into the fire itself. And it may have. Natalie did find it fairly close to the edge of the pit and the old flint did appear either sandier and/or ashier than the new flint. But what probably happened was it got buried in the sand or they (meaning Jon again) were standing on it while searching and Natalie just happened to uncover it when she sat down that day.
  17. I agree with this. Last season, Spencer had most of the Brains' confessionals since he had the most animated personality of them all, and he didn't win, either. Exactly. At the tribal stage(s) of the game, at least one person on each tribe gets what I call the Narrator edit. It can look very similar to, and thus be mistaken for, the Winner edit. And they are often one and the same, but not always. Indeed, last season Spencer was a Narrator, as was Tony (which was a case of Narrator = Winner). In the first BvW season, Vytas (Aras's brother) also got a Narrator edit, as did Tyson (another winning Narrator). However, Hantz, the man that can't win Survivor, was the Narrator both his first two attempts; against Shambo in Samoa, and JT and Rupert in HvV. Boston Rob is a quintessential Narrator. He'd gotten a version of that edit in all 4 of his games. It's part of why he was on the first All Star season. Right now, the two primary Narrators are Josh and Jeremy. Rocker had a secondary Narrator edit going, and Keith is the most likely secondary on Blue.
  18. I too caught the abortion metaphor once it finally came down to it. But I liked the symbolism that came along with it as well. Not the "abort" button, but the rest. The moon itself is a classic symbol of females. It's difficult to think of a culture on this planet that did not link women and the menstrual cycle to the moon and lunar cycle at some point. And making the moon an egg, even more overt female symbolism there But the three women that had to make the "decision" also seemed symbolic to me. They appeared to be, in essence, the Triple Goddess; i.e., the Maiden (Courtney), Mother (Clara), and Crone (Captain). Note that the Maiden and the Crone were on opposite sides the whole time, each befitting their role: the Maiden choosing life and the Crone choosing death. And it was the Mother that stands between, able to see both sides, who eventually broke the tie. And as a bonus, in some symbology each aspect of the Triple Goddess is represented by a different moon phase: Maiden by the waxing moon, Mother by the full, and Crone by the waning. ETA: Then, again, I could be overthinking this, because I just started re-reading Pratchett's Wyrd Sisters along with Mark.
  19. Based on overwhelming recommendation both here and throughout the Interwebs, I've finally started listening to NightVale. Yeah, it's some awesome creepypasta. I'm a fan. Cecil rocks. And I do try to avoid listening before sleeping...just in case. I'm still playing catch up on NightVale (at around episode 38 or so, of the mid 50 as of now, so getting close), so I haven't got to any of their live events yet, the Crossover event in particular. But I do know this. According to the creators of both shows, the Crossover is canon. For both shows. Those events happened in both show's timelines and will likely be brought up again in the future...probably in future crossovers. Once I learned that, I started looking forward to the Crossover even more.
  20. The third season is now here. And they've changed the rules. In the Death Matches (the one vs. one matches that decide who is eliminated), the winner no longer gets their opponent's garnets. Instead, they receive a Black Garnet. Any player that is going into a Death Match can spend 3 Black Garnets to attempt a Black Mission. If they succeed at that mission, they are out of the Death Match and can select their replacement. So it's a little like Big Brother's Veto, but it won't be a regular event, and there's a price to be paid. So far, there's only been the one episode, so there's no telling how this new twist will play out. It'll be at least 3 more episodes before it comes into play.
  21. Technically, he's stalking the son, as he's the one he claims he wants to see. Rohm-bot was just the gateway to finding him. It's absolutely what she intended. When she "profiled" the college stalker at the school, she said something about how his fixation was based on power and hero-worship. Her "attack" was calculated to elevate her above the jock as someone of greater power and a better hero to worship. And given that she's already been a stalking victim (is that the right term?) and is already going through her rituals that began from that time, she is better prepared to handle a new stalker than the jock was.
  22. It's not necessarily a Switch. It could also be a Ditch or a Steal. Two more of the principles of magic as explained by Penn and Teller in this routine. Like, for example, there's a closeup of "Leroy" "speaking", saying the number for the prediction, but his lips aren't moving. Oh wait, they let that through.
  23. Anyone see that coming? I sure as hell didn't. Now that she's back on the side of good, I wish we could just ask Athena who her partner in crime was. But I'm sure there's a rule against her saying so. Which means we're at the crossroads here, and I think it's up to you now @JayKay. Let's look at Dougal's last argument. Starting with these two statements. We now know the first was true, and because CP was taken away during the Night, one third of the second is true. And since you started the lynch, I'm inclined to agree with the full statement and that you are a hero. Which makes you just the person we can trust the most. This is the part I disagree with, not just because I a hero.This came up after 3 votes were already cast for Athena, one shy of the needed 4 to complete the lynch. Basically, Athena was already a lost cause. So it would make absolute sense for the remaining villain to eliminate the one of their own that was exposed, before all the heroes did, in order to remain above suspicion. All while planting the idea that he wouldn't do exactly that, to help keep his cover. Who completed the last vote? What's that quote about the devil's greatest trick? I think that applies here. I know Dougal's going to vote for me, and obviously, I'm voting for him. So the lynches stand as such: 1 Dougal (SVNBob) 2 to roast upon the half-shell 1 SVNBob (Dougal) 2 to... whatever. It's up to you now JayKay. One wrong vote means that Evil wins.
  24. I don't think that was necessary. Remember the order of the trick. Plates to tables, then volunteers selected, then brought on stage. At which point the 3 colored envelopes are introduced. Ample time for an off-stage confederate, that knew which plate was which from the setup, to note what food had ended up at each table and write it into each message. Much less chance of anything being revealed that way. Or, the easier solution that doesn't involve a confederate: there are 18 envelopes. Looking at the math of just the plates and tables, there are only 6 possible endpoints from the initial set-up: plate A to any of 3 tables, plate B to either of 2 tables, and plate C to the remaining 1. Even including switching after the fact, that's only 3 x 2 x 1 = 6 variations at the end. So assuming that each of the 3 envelopes contains the same message with the name gaps and the Instant Stooge effect (which we are), then all Einhorn needed to do for the trick to work was to cover each the 6 possible plate/table combinations. Simple enough to write the message in all 6 ways, print up 3 copies of each, and thus make up 6 sets of identically colored envelopes, one set for each of the 6 possible endpoints. Then, all he would have to do is remember which endpoint was selected and get out just the set of envelopes that matched. Given that he also got name-tags for the men, he had plenty of opportunity to do just that.
  25. This is why this upcoming season of The Amazing Race will be the first one I've seen in years. I couldn't keep track of the time shifts because of run-over. And it's a shame, because I love TAR.
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