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Everything posted by SVNBob

  1. No. We just usually try to lynch him is all. But this is the second longest he's lasted in a game here, I think. Damn jessie. That's such a ...cheep shot.
  2. *sits quietly at his table with his sign and notebook* *sips on a beer* Ahh.
  3. Are you talking RL or game? For RL... you are a grown-ass man, aren't you? As long as what you want to do isn't illegal, do it. Be prepared to deal with the consequences after, which will probably include a fight with your friend. Just don't quote the "grown-ass man" bit in that fight... In game though? Easy. Get your friend targeted and DLd. Then you're free to act in the way you choose.
  4. It's a shadowy corner of the bar. I may be visible, but my...clients... have anonymity. After all, consultations are typically a Private Matter, aren't they? The staff psychologist is at another table... Or behind the bar, if you're lucky.
  5. *ignores the dancing and dodges the brawling on the way to a table* *sets up a sign saying Student Advisor: No Appointments Necessary on the table* *sits quietly and waits*
  6. Fair enough. And when the cause of your demise looks like this: What a way to go...
  7. For a LOL!Mafia, there's not a lot of loling yet. So I'll do what I can to help out. *stands up on a table* Seeing as I'm not playing in this game, I'm declaring myself a freelance consultant. Anyone of any faction want an additional/outside opinion, contact me. I'll put my skills (such as they are) to work for you. Any and all players welcome. Any information you share with me will be kept strictly confidential...until the denouement of course. *climbs down and takes a seat*
  8. The Fox Effect? Or Foxing Around (or some other pun based on that other F word)?
  9. Same here. Although I got to thinking he was Dead Shot, a character with impeccable aim, that had shown up on Arrow once or twice, and was at least at one point an anti-hero (not a villain) in one continuity or another. I checked on this. According to the Roku I got for Christmas (thanks to my little sister), Human Target is available for streaming on Amazon for $2-3 per episode. Also on Vudu, I think, for around the same price. One last comic continuity Easter Egg. The detective that shows up in the epilogue that brings Felicity back to life: he's one version of yet another DC super. One innately linked to vengeance and justice, and capable of bringing back the dead: The Spectre.
  10. Something like that. During the Day 3 Cluster, Spruce and I were both doing everything we could to declare I was a Hero without flat-out saying it. But TJ just wasn't getting it. And I know that he's a smarter player than to miss the clues and implications we were using. So he had to be being deliberately obtuse. And there would be only one reason for that; he wasn't a Hero. So I shot him. It was between him and Dougal for a little while (Athena can attest to that, and a lot of my incorrect suspicions and hypotheses also), and given what happened that Night, I'm glad I went the way I did. I missed TJ's claim of Montoya, since I was too busy claiming it myself. Looking back, I now see the claim. And that would have been an additional factor then. I was wondering what you meant here, but I think I deciphered it. Ya'll thought I was Victor Sage, didn't you? Close, as the hints would have been the same. For those that are wondering what I mean: Renee Montoya, like Harley Quinn, is a Canon Immigrant in the DCU. She was created for the animated series (just like Harley) but was popular enough to be worked into the comic (and thus prime) universe. This is where she was expanded and fleshed out, including "defining" her sexuality. And during the events of the DC comic event 52 (which hasn't happened in the DCTVU, yet...) she met, became sidekick to, then the successor of a different DC hero. Victor Sage, The Question. If you'll notice, pretty much all of my posts (except some in the Cluster, and shortly thereafter when I thought everyone understood who I was) contain at least one question or some phrase using the word "question". In question; the question is; things like that. I'll spare you most of them, but there's one that needs to be pointed out. In addition to all the Question-ing I did, I dropped some other clues. This clue's is about Montoya, but it's a little subtle. It says that I'm either a straight male or a lesbian. Or in this case, both. I also dropped in a few clues that actually point more to the first Question, and not Montoya. And that's where the Villains may have got the partially wrong idea about who I was. Lost face is a direct allusion to The Question, who wears a mask that completely blanks their face. The other two lines are allusions to the DCAU version of The Question from Justice League Unlimited, which was Vic Sage. In that series, he was a rampant conspiracy theorist in addition to being a superhero. So the one line is hinting at that. The other line is a mutation of an infamous quote of his from one episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=yRU4iZUsTY0#t=403 So I can see why there was some confusion, but I did say
  11. I think you misunderstood me Spruce. I didn't call for Bullock to reveal him/herself to be an alternate target, but to clear themself as a target. Here's my logic: if Bullock wasn't recruited, we're down to 1 Villain, and we already know who it is; Tabby. So it's perfectly safe for them to be revealed, as we'll end the game with this Tabby vote. However, if Bullock was recruited, they'll stay silent and try to stay hidden, knowing that the game will continue after we put the cat out. And we'll go into the next Day at 5 vs 1. That's why I called for Harvey to introduce themself. If they do, Game Over Heroes Win.
  12. Could have been worse, Biz. Could have been friendly fire that took you out instead. It almost was.... So, if I'm reading things correctly, Bullock may not have been found by the Villains. So he should still be on the side of the Heroes, right? If that is the case, time to reveal yourself Harvey! We need to know who you are so we can truly end this. I'll go ahead and start the vote, but let's not finish it until Bullock makes himself (or herself) known. Just to be sure. 1 Tabby (SVNBob) 4 for checkmate. But again, please only 3 follow-up votes until Harvey says who they are.
  13. *grabs a nog and sips* But it also leads to one question we may need to resolve soon after Day breaks.
  14. The Genius Season 3 has come to a conclusion. The final battle of wits was a very good one, so a very good winner was crowned.
  15. We are operating under a couple assumptions with this vote: Tabby and stacey are indeed the only villains left. Tabby's survival yesterDay was because they were a 2-kill (it takes 2 attempts (either DLs or kills via powers) to remove them from the game) and not because of a protection power. The key point of the last assumption is that we've probably already exhausted Tabby's power, making them a basic villain with nothing other than the shared Villain Night kill. The question is about stacey's power. This vote is a measure to try to avoid her power coming back on us during the Night. That's where the advantage lies.
  16. Since this seems to be the consensus on the direction we're going: 4 Stacey (Spruce, dreamer, jessied112, SVNBob), 2 to go Penguin hunting.
  17. So far it's just been 5 of us talking, and we all seem to be agreed on who the subjects of the next (and hopefully final) two DLs are. The question is the order. Agreed on both counts. We need one more person for this first lynch anyway (10 people means a majority of 6), so more thoughts from a new source are definitely welcome. But we need to at least get a vote started by noon on Sunday. Otherwise, we could miss this opportunity.
  18. My main concern about going after a new target is "what if we're wrong?". We're currently standing at 8 Heroes to 2 Villains (we think). If we're not right about who we target, we'll be down 2 people before we get control again with 6 vs. 2. (We're going to lose one no matter which direction we go.) So if we go after someone new, we need to be really sure. I'd prefer a 7 vs 1 scenario, (with me being on the majority side this time; it sucks being the 1 in that scenario, even if you manage to bluff your way through somehow...). I'll go with the majority on this decision, but I just wanted to make my feelings on this question known. Again, for the sake of thoroughness, I went back and checked on stacey's history this game. She tried to put some suspicion on SilverStormm on Day 1 but participated in my No Lynch vote. Day 2, she tried again to paint Silver suspiciously along with Biz while simultaneously defending Halcyon. Day 3 (aka the Cluster), she voted with TJ and JayKay against me, which is what finally brought her onto my radar after finally getting past the foxtrot. She claimed to be thinking about switching sides on that Day, but in the end never did, stating that the further talk after overtime was called solidified her position. Day 4 she was silent, but we did finish that Day up rather quickly, compared to the previous Day. A lot of it's circumstantial and basic game paranoia at best, but it could also add up to a villainous dossier. Moreso if the "clue" I found is the actual clue and the correct interpretation thereof.
  19. From Jon's thread: There is a theory I heard on Cesternino's podcast as to why Jaclyn got second place, and it has very little to do with her gameplay, or Jon's. Reed's vote was the one that got Jaclyn second place instead of Missy. If Reed had voted Natalie, the other two would have tied for 2nd with 1 vote each, and both received the 2nd place prize. So the theory is that Reed wasn't so much voting for Jaclyn for second place, but voting against Missy to force her into third and deny her the difference in 2nd and 3rd place prizes. And given his performance at FTC, that makes a lot of sense.
  20. SVNBob

    S29: Jon Misch

    Responding to this in the Jaclyn thread.
  21. While Momoa stood out to me too, I'm not too sure it's a clue. With the info Spruce just gave us, I think it's another Easter egg that Mark dropped in, like Adam West in the first story. The other thing that stood out to me was this passage: And going over the list of names, there's only one link I can see. And it's someone on my short list of primary Villain suspects. ('Tis the season and all. Make your lists and check them twice.) When dealing with pro wrestling, if you eat the Keebler, all you have left is the Stacey. I'm not 100% sure about this, so I'd probably be more comfortable with a revote for the known. But either way works for me.
  22. Argh. I need a drink after that one too. The usual please.
  23. Thank you. It appears that the various edits fall on the intersections of various spectra of certain qualities. We've talked about the Victory spectrum (Winner vs. Loser), the Virtue spectrum (Hero vs. Villain) and the Continuity spectrum (Narrator vs. Spotlight). And there's probably others. I thought I might have seen another one while thinking about this question, but I don't have a full bead on it. Keith, as well as everyone else in this F5, has had mainly Spotlights, and generally heroic at that. He's mostly been shown reacting to events around him, and not pro-active like Natalie, Baylor, or Missy (in descending order of hustle shown). And even though he's been shown as a weak link in alliances ("Stick with the plan."), he wasn't shown as totally clueless (he was the only Meathead we were shown that thought about talking to Jaclyn while Jon was on Exile the first time). So, a good overall edit, but I don't think enough to be a Winner edit. He's also kind of been put into another "role" edit; the Jester. Of the entire cast, he's been the most like a class clown and had the closest things to one-liners and jokes. This is a role that goes all the way back to the first season of Survivor, with Rudy as the first Jester. And very occasionally, the Jester is the Winner. Fabio and Cochran come to mind for that. Natalie's Exile Spotlight moment may be the signifier of her win. It's kind of equivalent to Earl on the mountaintop.
  24. That's about where I stand too. A short list of 3 or 4 others I think I have figured out. Everyone else is under question. Some more than others. That's basically my stance with this vote too.
  25. That is an interesting point. And Tabby was the only person that did not participate at all in the cluster that was yesterDay. But for the sake of thoroughness, I must point out a couple things. The "copper" "clue" was not actually in the story, but part of the background research Stormm did into Ketel One. That may just be coincidental to the other references. Second, if the red/ginger references are indeed a clue, there is one other person it could point to. Well, animal. And one that was on the same side of the vote as TJ and JayKay yesterDay. Not a cat, but a (photo) fox. However, I won't start anything new and go with the open vote this time. Don't want to go through that foxtrot again... 3 to David Lynch Tabbyclaw (BizBuzz, egavasc, Bob) 3 to tame the beast
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