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Posts posted by SVNBob

  1. Since the contestant threads are up, and the season is just a little over a week away, it must be time for me to Get Tracking!

    For the uninitiated and/or the forgetful, allow me to re-explain the concept of the Tracker.  This topic is here to help prevent confusion during the current season of Survivor about who is who (such as non-sarcastically asking "There's a [Name] on this season?"  The Purple Edit is real....), which tribe (if any) they're on at any given time, what advantages are in play and who holds them, what advantages are out of play and why/how, and pretty much anything else I need or decide to keep track of.  And all hopefully posted in an easy-to-read and easy-to reference format.  (Yes, the show does a lot of this now, and some is also in the recaps on the other side of the site.  I'm still going to do it.)

    As always, this first post is the alphabetical (by first name) list of the contestants, with links to the first post of their individual threads which contains their Survivor "Before" headshot (thanks as usual to our mod @Whimsy for those threads.)

    The Tracker will be updated after every episode (usually the day after), using the following general rules:

    • The post for the first episode will divide the cast list by tribes, including tribe names and colored squares (representing that tribe's color/buff), but maintain the alphabetical order as above.  The alphabetical order and color indicator will continue with all tribe lists throughout the season.
    • As I regularly use certain emoji to indicate certain events or the like (examples: 🏆for IC winners and 🏅for RC winners), each post will have an Emoji Key near the top, to help keep track of what those mean.  I will try to put any new emoji as they come along during the season at the top of the Key for increased visibility.
      • As it might get unwieldy otherwise, the Emoji Key will get shrunk by a quote box starting with the post for the second episode.  The Key will get refreshed/unshrunken at the Merge episode post, then return to quoted until the finale, when it will be dropped altogether. 
    • Strikeouts will indicate someone or something leaving the game.  Departed contestants will be listed in a new section of the Tracker, either Pre-Jury or Jury (depending on which phase of the game it is), in the order of their departure (down to within an episode in the case of double-boots) and not alphabetically.  Reasons for departure other than a vote-out (usually medevacs) will be noted.   Once the Jury phase starts, the Pre-Jury section will be consolidated under a spoiler tag to save space.
    • If/when a tribe shuffle happens, each contestant will get a color square prepended to their name, showing which tribe(s) they were previously on.  Any additional shuffles, except the Merge itself, will add squares in the same manner.   If there is no pre-merge shuffle, the colors will still show up at the Merge.
      • At the Merge, the old tribe names and colors will get entered into the Emoji Key.
    • Advantages in play, like HIIs, will be nested underneath the name of the people that own and/or posses them (since those can be two different things.)  The ownership history of an advantage will be further nested underneath it, if/when it changes hands.  Once an advantage is out of play (by any means), it will be moved to a new section of the Tracker, the Advantage Graveyard.  When an advantage first enters the Graveyard, the full history will be on display.  After that, the history will go under a spoiler tag.
      • Depending on the number of advantages, there may also be a section called the Advantage Quick Reference Chart at the end of posts that strictly focuses on the advantages and who holds them.  Advantages in this chart will be sorted by type (HIIs, Extra Votes, etc.) and the holders will be listed alphabetically with their tribal color(s) prepended, as noted above for shuffles/merge.
    • If/when HIIs are played, I'll use the following terms in their histories in the Graveyard.
      • A correct idol play is one that negates votes against the person who received the majority of the votes and would have been eliminated without said idol play. 
      • A successful idol play is one that does negate votes, even if only 1, against the person the idol is played for.  All correct idol plays are successful, but not all successful plays are correct.
      • An incorrect idol play means that the idol did absolutely nothing and was most likely wasted.

    I think that covers everything about this season's Tracker.   But as usual, I'm always willing to consider alterations to make things more understandable.  So feel free ask questions and/or make suggestions.

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  2. 14 hours ago, Leeds said:

    If they need surgery it's frequently because of over-breeding for cuteness or some other superficial characteristic.

    I've seen on Reddit that there is at least one breeder of French Bulldogs in the Netherlands that is working to try to give Frenchies a muzzle again.

    The one on the left is an AKC award winning French Bulldog.  The one on the right is one of the new breed from the Netherlands.  His name is Flint.


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  3. On 7/2/2022 at 1:35 AM, SVNBob said:

    Plus it's episode 17, and the team still isn't actually fully together.  Another part of the conceit of the season is that the team can get summoned/transported to the monster fights by their changer blasters, often getting transformed along the way.  They can also leave the area the fight happened in without changing back.  This meant that the team met in costume first, and most of them stumbled across each other's civilian identities by accident.  The result is that the team has only met the Black Ranger in his dog form thus far.  (They partially suspect that Black might actually be a dog and not a human.)  And he's only seen the others as Rangers.  Red, Blue, Yellow, Pink, and Sixth (Gold...again) all know both of each others' identities, and they've all met Black in both his identities.  They just haven't seen him transform.  Nor has he seen any of the others transform, despite striking up a friendship with Pink (which is going to explode when they realize that they're both in love with the same woman, and that's not even a normal love triangle.)

    At the halfway point of the season (with a fake finale to go with the actual finale of the Kamen Rider series that was airing in the prior half-hour timeslot, and said fake finale was a clip show episode), and this is still the case!  This series is so very strange, in a good way, but there's no possible way it can get adapted.

    Switching over to news out of Power Morphicon: for the first time since the Zordon era, there's going to be a third season with the same team!  The current Dino Fury cast is sticking around for the next season.  However, the title is changing.  Next season is Power Rangers Cosmic Fury.

    There's a lot of speculation regarding any source material being adapted.  All I'm going to say is that the set they're working on in the announcement video looks a hell of a lot like the bridge of the ship from Kyuuranger.

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  4. 16 hours ago, Browncoat said:

    Only "Rascals", but that doesn't really count, because the "children" were Picard, Guinan, Ro, and Keiko in child form.  And the kids did a great job acting like their adult counterparts.

    There's a lot more TNG episodes featuring children than just that one.  I mean, Alexander, Worf's son is in that one, and he'd been in several episodes before that.  Molly, Keiko's daughter, was also in that one, and she was born in 10 Forward in a different episode.

    But agreed that the child actors they hired were very believable in their portrayals of established characters.

    13 hours ago, kariyaki said:

    There’s the episode where Picard gets stuck in the turbo lift with the science fair winners. 

    That's another good one, with Picard and the children just one of four or five different plots in the episode; the birth of Molly O'Brien I mentioned above another.   And there are several more episodes with children.

    There's a first season episode where about half a dozen Enterprise children, including Wesley, are kidnapped and held on a planet.   That one kind of has Wesley in a "savior" position in two different ways, as the people on the planet are treating all the children as saviors due to plot, and Wes is the oldest of the kidnapped children, so he's their de facto leader.  (Also of note, two of Wil Wheaton's siblings play other kidnapped children in this episode.)

    "The Bonding", where a boy's mother dies on an away mission at the start of an episode, making him into an orphan, but not alone.

    And there's still several others.  And for the most part, the kids are portrayed as normal, average children...maybe somewhat smarter than those of present-day, but that's due to them living in a more advanced society where there's lots more to learn and know.

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  5. 20 hours ago, Dancingjaneway said:

    Just once I want an alien/sci-fi show where the kids are just in the background & there is no "savior". 

    Most of Star Trek: TNG would seem to apply here...with the major exception of Wesley Crusher, of course. 

    But the Enterprise-D was designed as a ship with families aboard, so there's children in some crowd shots, mentions of or scenes at the school facilities, etc.  And there's Picard's early difficulty in dealing with children, which mellows by the end.

    There are a handful of episodes that do feature children (other than Wesley) in a prominent role based on the story of the episode.  And when this happens, they're typically normal kids.  They may be dealing with unusual issues, but the adults around take care to still treat them as children while attempting to resolve the problems.  Very few "savior" stories.

    • Like 5
  6. 9 hours ago, GaT said:

    Those photos look photoshopped to me. There's something weird about the wrinkles on [Maria Shriver's] forehead & the sides of her face. Other than that, she looks like someone who didn't bother to put on makeup & pulled her hair back when it's normally down. 

    In the one photo I looked at, she also appears to be scratching her temple.  That would seem to make some changes to the normal placement of skin on anyone's face, regardless of age, gender, or celebrity.  And skin loses elasticity with age, which would likely amplify the visibility of any movement caused by scratching.  (I am not a dermatologist, so I could be very wrong about all this.  This is based mainly on self-observation.)

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  7. 4 hours ago, Hiyo said:

    I remember one of my favorite shows of all time, Star Trek: The Next Generation had a really, really bad first year.

    First couple years really.  Season 3 is when the show Grew the Beard, both literally and troperifically.  Since I haven't seen it yet, I don't know how deep into things the documentary about the first couple seasons of TNG, Chaos on the Bridge, actually goes.

    But as you said, there were some diamonds among all that rough in those two seasons.  Those helped keep the show alive.  (Well, that and the Trekkies who'd been starving for a new series since TOS went off the air.)

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  8. 10 hours ago, MissAlmond said:

    "For years, Schneider had been under a cloud of suspicion over the treatment of some younger stars of his shows. Among the things that have raised eyebrows are his tweeted photos of the toes of his young female stars." 

    And please correct me if I'm wrong, but when Jaime Spears became pregnant during the filming of her Nickelodeon show Zoey 101, when she was 15 or so, weren't there rumors that Schneider was the father?

    Or was that a speculation I jumped to back then based on the other stories of his questionable behavior?

    • Mind Blown 3
  9. On the subject of celebrities giving their children unusual names, I've got some I'd wager almost no-one else has heard of.

    In South Korea, there's a reggae artist/variety show host named Ha Dong-Hoon, but he goes by the stage name of Ha-Ha.  He is married to a singer named Kim Go-Eun, but she goes by the stage name Byul, which is the Korean word for "star".

    A few years ago, they had their first child.  A son they named Dream.  Not the Korean word for "dream"; the English word "Dream".  Full name: Ha Dream.  (In Korean, the surname comes first.)

    After that, they had two more children: a second son named Ha Soul, and a daughter named Ha Song.  Again, the English words for both names.

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  10. 4 hours ago, chaifan said:

    So nice to know that is what passes for journalism these days

    It's an Us magazine article.  The bar was never very high for that particular periodical.  A social media check for non-A-listers is probably pretty good by their standards.

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  11. On 6/11/2022 at 10:21 AM, Frost said:

    I'd like Josh to do a little more "regular" archeology.

    Feeling better now?  A 90-minute episode almost entirely in a single necropolis in Egypt (only diverting to a museum that had a mummy from said necropolis that might not be who they originally thought, so they're trying to figure that out as well), that was part one of a two-parter.  And it looks like they made a significant find at the end of part 1 that they'll further examine in part 2.

    Looks like the "treasure hunts" were setting us up for this epic adventure.

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  12. The Outrageous Okana: aka The episode where the other guy up for the part of Riker guest stars.

    4 hours ago, PurpleTentacle said:

    I thought what would have been way more fun, is if both captains had the same quarrel with him. If he hadn't (allegedly) just slept with the one captain's daughter, but also with the other captain's son.

    That is one version of how they'd do the that plot today.

    Another version is that they'd reverse the accusations.  Meaning, Okona would be accused of sleeping with the son and stealing the jewel from the daughter.

    A third version would be exactly as originally written, but with Okona played by a woman or non-binary actor instead.

    A fourth version would have the same two different accusations, but the children would be a same-sex couple.

    There's lots of little tweaks that could be made to the formula to make it more interesting and inclusive.

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