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Posts posted by SVNBob

  1. 15 hours ago, fishcakes said:

    I think it was a mistake not to vote out Jonathan when they had the chance. Everyone seems willing to vote out either Jonathan or Hai at any time and Jonathan is more likely to go on an immunity run (Hai has done well in the challenges, but Jonathan has a wider range of physical skills, it seems). OTOH, Hai is more likely to turn things around for himself strategically than Jonathan is, so maybe it's a wash. I don't know.

    It was a great example of the classic Survivor conundrum: do you vote out the physical threat or the strategic threat?  This time, they decided on the strategic threat.


    5 hours ago, ZeeEnnui said:

    Okay, I guess I'll be the one to say it. Am I the only one that was shocked that Omar had a girlfriend?!? For some reason, I thought Omar had a talk earlier in the season about maybe being unsure of his sexuality. But, I do watch a lot of TV so I could have my character arcs crossed. Honestly, I can't believe he can get a woman with eyesight. I don't know too many women with working eyeballs that can date a man wearing a bright orange ostrich shirt. The Nature Company went out of business like twenty years ago. Move on, Omar. 

    To be fair:

    1. Omar is a veterinarian (or vet student) specializing in birds.  In fact, in a Secret Scene it was revealed that he's the one that named the merge tribe, as "Kula" is the Fijian word for their national bird.  (The rest of the tribe doubled it up because "Kula Kula" sounded that much cooler.  😋)  So it's kind of on-brand for him to wear an avian-themed shirt.
    2. The shirt might not have originally been his idea.  We know that Cochran never wore a sweater vest before they gave him one for SoPa.  They could have given Omar that shirt also (in part for the branding and for initial tribe-color purposes).
    • Useful 2
    • Love 8
  2. Thanks to Lindsay, I think we learned something new about the HII rules, which explains one of the additions to the tracker today.

    The other main change is a strikeout on the Amulet rules in the Key.

    There's also another temporary emoji this time, but it's very self-explanatory and does not need to go into the key.  I used it last year at about this same time.


    On 4/15/2022 at 2:01 AM, SVNBob said:

    Emoji Key:

    • 🏆: Winner of IC (or 2nd place for a 2-winner IC)
    • 🏅: Winner of RC
    • : Contestant cannot vote at TC.
    • 🎲: Contestant used their Shot-in-the-Dark.  Results nested below name.
    • 🥉: Contestant has a Three-Way Idol
      • One of three pieces; each piece hidden at separate camps.
      • Not valid until all 3 are found and activated by holders all saying their code phrase at the same IC.
        • Becomes active at Merge regardless
        • 2nd Emoji is a keyword from the code phrase.
      • Holders until Idol is valid or until the Merge, whichever happens first.
      • Non-transferable until activated.
      • Expires at F6 once active.
    • 🌄: Contestant has attended a Prisoner's Dilemma Summit.
      • (Individual Summits are numbered in chronological order.)
    • 📿: Contestant has an Advantage Amulet
      • Amulets must be used concurrently by all players still in the game with one.
      • Amulets have different power depending on number in play when used.
        • 3 amulets = Extra Vote
        • 2 amulets = Steal-A-Vote
        • 1 amulet = HII

     🟪 Kula Kula

    • 🟦Drea📿
      •  🌄#1 Extra Vote
        • Expires at F6
      • Knowledge is Power Advantage
        • Clue found at Sit-Out Bench at F11RC
          • Advantage found in container of red paint hidden near water well.
        • Can ask any other player one of two questions, to which they must answer truthfully:
          • "Do you have an Idol?"
          • "Do you have an Advantage?
        • If they answer "Yes", holder takes possession of said item.
          • If they answer "No", nothing happens.
        • One-time use only.
    • 🟩Hai 📿
    • 🟧Jonathan
    • 🟧Lindsay 📿🏅🏆
    • 🟧Maryanne
      •  🌄#1 Extra Vote
        • Expires at F6
      • HII
        • Expires at F6?
    • 🟩Mike 🍕
      •  🥉 
    • 🟧Omar 🍕
      •  🌄#2
    • 🟦Romeo


    1. 🟩Chanelle
    2. 🟦Rocksroy
    3. 🟦Tori 🎲  
    4. 🟩Hai 📿



      Hide contents

    Advantage Graveyard

    • Change History Advantage
      •   Hide contents
        • Awarded to player sent to Exile Island who both
          • did not compete in pre-merge mixed tribe challenge
            • because they drew a grey rock
          • was not selected to join the winning team/"merge tribe" after the challenge
            • Winning team was given option to trade places with grey rock holder
        • Player given opportunity to reverse outcome of challenge and force all members of winning team to compete in first IIC instead of the losing team and themself.
        • Claimed by Rocksroy
          • Changed History.
    • 🥉🥔
      • Spoiler
        • Found by Drea
          • Played at F10TC2
    • 🥉🐇
      • Spoiler
        • Found by Maryanne
          • Played at F10TC2
    • 📿🟩
      • Claimed by Hai in first RC on Day 1
        • Never used in concert with other Amulets.
      • Elimination makes other two Amulets stronger.





    • "Hidden" Idols
    • Advantage Amulets  (Current Power: Steal-A-Vote)
    • Extra Vote
    • Knowledge is Power
    • "I Got Nothin' For Ya"
      • Everyone else
    • Love 1
  3. 5 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    They keep focusing in on MaryAnne's shaking arms-it's raining and cold so that's probably why she's doing that,

    There's also a small cut to Romeo shivering as Peachy's asking "How are y'all doing?"  Which makes it the two people with the least body mass and/or fat shown as shivering.  But Romeo has on a layer that Maryanne doesn't (Survivor not providing adequate clothing for the female contestants?  That's a first.   /s), so her movements are more visible and pronounced.

    • Love 1
  4. On 4/27/2022 at 10:28 PM, Chicago Redshirt said:

    I kind of wish they had named the episode "The Misogynists Club," not only because it originated from a contestant (Jeff was the first one to bring up "A Game of Chicken) but also because it's more interesting. 

    To be fair:

    1. Most people don't know the episodes even have titles, let alone what they are.  (We're all exceptions because of the threads here.)  Every episode could be called "Purple Monkey Dishwasher" and very few people would even notice.
    2. A title like "The Misogynists Club" probable wouldn't draw too many people in.  Like, you couldn't title a movie that, even if it was a clear satire.


    19 hours ago, Haleth said:

    (Honestly, it took Drea pointing out the obvious before I saw it, which I realize is a problem with me.

    Same here.  Until that moment, I just saw two Survivor players, each voted onto the jury for understandable reasons.  Then once Drea vocalized it, I also saw the other truth.  And I recognize that I didn't see it before because I come from a place of white male experience and privilege.  So I see why I didn't see it before, and I do understand why they reacted as they did.

    What I'm still upset about (beyond Jonathan not realizing he needed to shut the hell up) is that they still felt the need to play their idols in order to counteract any perception that they were playing the race card.  And I'm more upset that there's a non-zero set of viewers that are proving they were right to do so.


    18 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

    Not bothering trying to pull together all the quotes for this one...

    There are multiple truths from last nights episode. 

    Truth 1: Rocksroy was voted out because his social game sucked. We have seen him struggle socially all season long. He was bossy and on the outside from day one. He ended up allied with Drea and Romeo out of necessity not because Drea and Romeo really like him. Omar was clear that Rocksroy was not his ally because Rocksroy only approached him for this one particular alliance. Hai indicated that Rocksroy had not been talking to him much. Rocksroy did not approach Hai or Omar to talk and discuss a course of action but to dictate a course of action. Rocksroy was voted out because he was not a good Survivor player. He was voted out by 4 other people who happen to be minorities themselves. He was not voted out because he was black.

    Truth 2: All the players bring their baggage into the game. For Drea and Maryann, that means that they bring all the times that they were looked down upon or treated poorly or knew people who were treated poorly because they were Black. They expected Romeo to go because of Romeo's behavior and because Romeo had been outside the larger alliance while Rocksroy was in that alliance. The shock of seeing Rocksroy there and not Romeo AND realizing that Chanelle was there caused that past baggage of poor, ie racist, treatment in the past to surface. Both Drea and Maryann said that they did not think that race was a factor in this particular game BUT that they were both staring at past history and patterns and that they did not want to fall prey to that. 

    Two truths, well more then that but those are the two that people are most focused on. 

    Neither truth is wrong or nullifies the other, they co-exist.

    Well said. 

    And this is the part of the point that lots of people are missing.  Drea and Maryanne are not fully aware of Truth #1.  I'd guess that they didn't think race was a factor in why Rocks was voted out.  For all they actually knew, he could have ironically failed at rocks.  But until they get back to camp and find out why Rocksroy was voted out and Romeo stayed as they were expecting, all they had to go on was just his presence...next to Chanelle.  And each thinking that the plan was that the other one was about to become Juror #3.



    17 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    I also think that when someone is complaining about racism they are always calling someone racist, because racism does not exist without a racist as perpetrator.  So Drea sitting there crying about all the racism she has suffered in her life is most definitely saying something bad about white people.  Who else caused it?  Are the Dreas and Maryannes  talking about some ethereal systemic spirit in the air that doesn't involve any individual white people? 

    Yes they are.  It's called Systemic Racism.

    • Love 19
  5. There's a temporary emoji in the listings today, for the group that got reward because someone else won it.  They all get a 🍽️ (because there's no kabob emoji), while Jonathon gets the usual RC winner icon.

    Normally when idols get played, I also include whether the play was correct, successful, or incorrect (see the first post).  However, I don't really think I can use those qualifiers this time.  Absent of the discussion, I'd probably consider Drea's correct and Maryanne's either successful or incorrect, based on how Drea might have voted.  But given what did happen, all I can say is that they played their idols.


    On 4/15/2022 at 2:01 AM, SVNBob said:

    Emoji Key:

    • 🏆: Winner of IC (or 2nd place for a 2-winner IC)
    • 🏅: Winner of RC
    • : Contestant cannot vote at TC.
    • 🎲: Contestant used their Shot-in-the-Dark.  Results nested below name.
    • 🥉: Contestant has a Three-Way Idol
      • One of three pieces; each piece hidden at separate camps.
      • Not valid until all 3 are found and activated by holders all saying their code phrase at the same IC.
        • Becomes active at Merge regardless
        • 2nd Emoji is a keyword from the code phrase.
      • Holders until Idol is valid or until the Merge, whichever happens first.
      • Non-transferable until activated.
      • Expires at F6 once active.
    • 🌄: Contestant has attended a Prisoner's Dilemma Summit.
      • (Individual Summits are numbered in chronological order.)
    • 📿: Contestant has an Advantage Amulet
      • Amulets must be used concurrently by all players still in the game with one.
      • Amulets have different power depending on number in play when used.
        • 3 amulets = Extra Vote
        • 2 amulets = Steal-A-Vote
        • 1 amulet = HII


    🟪 Kula Kula

    • 🟦Drea📿 🍽️
      •  🌄#1 Extra Vote
        • Expires at F6
      • Knowledge is Power Advantage
        • Clue found at Sit-Out Bench at F11RC
          • Advantage found in container of red paint hidden near water well.
        • Can ask any other player one of two questions, to which they must answer truthfully:
          • "Do you have an Idol?"
          • "Do you have an Advantage?
        • If they answer "Yes", holder takes possession of said item.
          • If they answer "No", nothing happens.
        • One-time use only.
    • 🟩Hai 📿🏆
    • 🟧Jonathan 🏆🏅
    • 🟧Lindsay 📿🍽️
    • 🟧Maryanne🍽️
      •  🌄#1 Extra Vote
        • Expires at F6
    • 🟩Mike 
      •  🥉 
    • 🟧Omar
      •  🌄#2
    • 🟦Rocksroy
      •  🌄#3
    • 🟦Romeo
    • 🟦Tori 🍽️🎲
      • Shot Failed.



    1. 🟩Chanelle
    2. 🟦Rocksroy
    3. 🟦Tori 🎲


      Hide contents

    Advantage Graveyard

    • Change History Advantage
      • Spoiler
        • Awarded to player sent to Exile Island who both
          • did not compete in pre-merge mixed tribe challenge
            • because they drew a grey rock
          • was not selected to join the winning team/"merge tribe" after the challenge
            • Winning team was given option to trade places with grey rock holder
        • Player given opportunity to reverse outcome of challenge and force all members of winning team to compete in first IIC instead of the losing team and themself.
        • Claimed by Rocksroy
          • Changed History.
    • 🥉🥔
      • Found by Drea
        • Played at F10TC2
    • 🥉🐇
      • Found by Maryanne
        • Played at F10TC2
    • Love 1
  6. On 4/23/2022 at 6:51 AM, Danielg342 said:

    Is it Neil Patrick Harris' time? He might be a bit over the top for a police procedural but he's also an incredibly gifted actor so I think he deserves a chance on a crime show.

    Speaking of Harris' other erstwhile castmates...since both can still command the screen but also deliver understated performances when necessary, Jason Segel and Kal Penn deserve mentions. Especially Penn, who actually has experience as a lead character on a TV drama (Designated Survivor).

    Plus, Penn is a person of colour and we need more POCs in lead roles on TV in general, not just on police procedurals.

    Here's a thought for a crime series involving both NPH and Kal Penn:  an American version/remake of the BBC program Jonathan Creek.  Creek is an amateur crime-solver (with a little bit of Sherlock Holmes about him) who's primary job is to design magic tricks for a celebrity magician.   Cast Penn as Creek, and NPH as his slightly sleazy, slightly cheesy magician boss.  All that's needed to round out the main cast would be the investigative reporter/eventual love interest for Jonathan that drags him into the world of crime-solving. 

    • Love 7
  7. 9 hours ago, Brendan Birch said:

    It was the red-handed advantage, yes, but I don't know if it would've led to the Knowledge is Power one, seeing as how Liana had already gotten it.

    It could have been, seeing as she had just used it at the TC prior to the equivalent challenge.

    • Useful 1
  8. 11 hours ago, himela said:

    I don't get why people like this season. It seems like it's already a boring pagonging isn't it? 🤭

    The 3 tribes merged at 4 each; there's only been 2 votes since, and both boots were from Green. 

    I wouldn't necessarily call it a Pagonging yet.  One more Green boot and I'd agree.

    But the majority alliance is composed of all 3 colors, and their primary target is Blue.  She just keeps winning ICs to get the target moved.

    If anything, it's an anti-Pagong for Orange.

    • Love 3
  9. 8 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Maybe I should check the thread about the advantages lol. But nah, I really don't give enough of a shit. There's too damn many to keep track of anyway.

    That's part of why I now make those threads each season: to track these things so you don't have to. 

    Here's the chart of all the advantages currently in play and who has them, as of the end of this episode:

    • 3-Way Idols
    • Advantage Amulets
    • Extra Vote
    • Knowledge is Power
    • "I Got Nothin' For Ya"
      • Everyone else

    And not only does Drea have one of every advantage in play, she knows who has everything else except for Maryanne's Extra Vote (unless someone from Orange told her.)

    • Useful 2
    • Love 5
  10. Another advantage for Drea?!?  As a Survivor fan, I'd love to see her get blindsided and go home with all those advantages in her pocket.  But as the Tracker, that would make a lot of work for me.

    With the Jury now started, the Pre-Jury is getting compressed under a spoiler tag.  And even though there's only the one item in the Advantage Graveyard, I'm compressing that too, just because there's a lot of information on that one entry.


    On 4/15/2022 at 2:01 AM, SVNBob said:

    Emoji Key:

    • 🏆: Winner of IC (or 2nd place for a 2-winner IC)
    • 🏅: Winner of RC
    • : Contestant cannot vote at TC.
    • 🎲: Contestant used their Shot-in-the-Dark.  Results nested below name.
    • 🥉: Contestant has a Three-Way Idol
      • One of three pieces; each piece hidden at separate camps.
      • Not valid until all 3 are found and activated by holders all saying their code phrase at the same IC.
        • Becomes active at Merge regardless
        • 2nd Emoji is a keyword from the code phrase.
      • Holders until Idol is valid or until the Merge, whichever happens first.
      • Non-transferable until activated.
      • Expires at F6 once active.
    • 🌄: Contestant has attended a Prisoner's Dilemma Summit.
      • (Individual Summits are numbered in chronological order.)
    • 📿: Contestant has an Advantage Amulet
      • Amulets must be used concurrently by all players still in the game with one.
      • Amulets have different power depending on number in play when used.
        • 3 amulets = Extra Vote
        • 2 amulets = Steal-A-Vote
        • 1 amulet = HII


    🟪 Kula Kula

    • 🟩Chanelle 🏅
      •  🌄#2
    • 🟦Drea 📿
      •  🌄#1 Extra Vote
        • Expires at F6
      • 🥉🥔
      • Knowledge is Power Advantage
        • Clue found at Sit-Out Bench at F11RC
          • Advantage found in container of red paint hidden near water well.
        • Can ask any other player one of two questions, to which they must answer truthfully:
          • "Do you have an Idol?"
          • "Do you have an Advantage?
        • If they answer "Yes", holder takes possession of said item.
          • If they answer "No", nothing happens.
        • One-time use only.
    • 🟩Hai 📿
    • 🟧Jonathan 🏅
    • 🟧Lindsay 📿
    • 🟧Maryanne
      •  🌄#1 Extra Vote
        • Expires at F6
      • 🥉🐇
    • 🟩Mike 🏅
      •  🥉 
    • 🟧Omar
      •  🌄#2
    • 🟦Rocksroy 🏅
      •  🌄#3
    • 🟦Romeo
    • 🟦Tori 🏅🏆



    1. 🟩Chanelle


    Advantage Graveyard

    • Change History Advantage
      • Spoiler
        • Awarded to player sent to Exile Island who both
          • did not compete in pre-merge mixed tribe challenge
            • because they drew a grey rock
          • was not selected to join the winning team/"merge tribe" after the challenge
            • Winning team was given option to trade places with grey rock holder
        • Player given opportunity to reverse outcome of challenge and force all members of winning team to compete in first IIC instead of the losing team and themself.
        • Claimed by Rocksroy
          • Changed History.




    • Love 2
  11. With the double-length episode, we're skipping over Merge-atory this time.  However, I'm still noting everything else that happened.  I'm considering the team challenge an RC, and noted the winners and the take-a-long with the appropriate emoji.

     Speaking of emoji, I've taken a couple out of the Key.  No more flint-stealing, so no more 🚭s.  And since people are shring information about active idols, I've eliminated the 🦻s as well.  Everything else is staying for now, and the Key will be re-shrink in the next post.

    With the immediate usage (or potential lack thereof) of the Change History Advantage, that's going straight into the Advantage Graveyard.  But I did note who got it.  Full write-up for the Advantage is in the Graveyard.



    Emoji Key:

    • 🏆: Winner of IC (or 2nd place for a 2-winner IC)
    • 🏅: Winner of RC
    • : Contestant cannot vote at TC.
    • 🎲: Contestant used their Shot-in-the-Dark.  Results nested below name.
    • 🥉: Contestant has a Three-Way Idol
      • One of three pieces; each piece hidden at separate camps.
      • Not valid until all 3 are found and activated by holders all saying their code phrase at the same IC.
        • Becomes active at Merge regardless
        • 2nd Emoji is a keyword from the code phrase.
      • Holders until Idol is valid or until the Merge, whichever happens first.
      • Non-transferable until activated.
      • Expires at F6 once active.
    • 🌄: Contestant has attended a Prisoner's Dilemma Summit.
      • (Individual Summits are numbered in chronological order.)
    • 📿: Contestant has an Advantage Amulet
      • Amulets must be used concurrently by all players still in the game with one.
      • Amulets have different power depending on number in play when used.
        • 3 amulets = Extra Vote
        • 2 amulets = Steal-A-Vote
        • 1 amulet = HII



    🟪 Unnamed Merge Tribe




    1. Jackson
      • medevac
    2. Zach
    3. Marya
    4. Jenny
    5. Swati
    6. Daniel
    7. 🟩Lydia


    Advantage Graveyard

    • Change History Advantage
      • Awarded to player sent to Exile Island who both
        • did not compete in pre-merge mixed tribe challenge
          • because they drew a grey rock
        • was not selected to join the winning team/"merge tribe" after the challenge
          • Winning team was given option to trade places with grey rock holder
      • Player given opportunity to reverse outcome of challenge and force all members of winning team to compete in first IIC instead of the losing team and themself.
      • Claimed by Rocksroy
        • Changed History.


    Also, keeping the Advantage Quick Reference Chart, but removing Omar from it now that he's past his missing vote.


    • Love 4
  12. On 4/3/2022 at 12:17 PM, Starry-Eyed said:

    There was a show by the same name and concept that was on Netflix a few years back.

    That was probably the original series that first aired on ABC.  I really enjoyed it, and it got a decent bit of talk on TWoP when it aired.

    Sounds like this one takes place in the same world as the first season (but not the same shooting locations, due to COVID).  Which makes sense.  As I recall, there was a scene at the end of the final episode that was a good set up for a second season.

    On 4/3/2022 at 12:17 PM, Starry-Eyed said:

    Casting teenagers is an interesting choice

    Per the Wikipedia link above, it turned out that the first season drew a sizable teen audience, so TPTB decided to lean into that and cast for the audience.

    • Useful 1
  13. 13 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    I was thinking he was going to rename the Abi-Maria Sit Out Bench the Daniel Sitout Bench. (Albeit A-M had no seeming reason AFAIK to sit out other than she didn't want to do the challenges).

    Abi had an injured ACL or something similar.


    • Useful 2
  14. Quoting the Key seemed to work out, so I'll keep doing that.  But a couple minor changes within.  Since the rule change about the 🥉was clarified, I made note of that.  However, since that also became a moot point in this episode, I struck it out.

    Speaking of the 🥉, I'm not 100% sure on the 🦻s.  What I have marked below are best guesses and inferences based on what we've seen.


    Emoji Key:

    On 3/25/2022 at 12:03 AM, SVNBob said:
    • 🏆: Winner of IC (or 2nd place for a 2-winner IC)
    • 🏅: Winner of RC
    • 🚭: Tribe does not have flint due to losing an IC
    • : Contestant cannot vote at TC.
    • 🎲: Contestant used their Shot-in-the-Dark.  Results nested below name.
    • 🥉: Contestant has a Three-Way Idol
      • One of three pieces; each piece hidden at separate camps.
      • Not valid until all 3 are found and activated by holders all saying their code phrase at the same IC.
        • Becomes active at Merge regardless
        • 2nd Emoji is a keyword from the code phrase.
      • Holders until Idol is valid or until the Merge, whichever happens first.
      • Non-transferable.
      • Expires at F6 once active or at Merge if never activated.
    • 🦻: Knows at least one of the Three-Way Idol code-phrases
      • 3 for if we know they know all the phrases.
        • 🥉means they should know all the phrases, so this symbol is redundant and not used.
    • 🌄: Contestant has attended a Prisoner's Dilemma Summit.  Choices and results nested below name.
      • (Individual Summits are numbered in chronological order.)
    • 📿: Contestant has an Advantage Amulet
      • Amulets must be used concurrently by all players still in the game with one.
      • Amulets have different power depending on number in play when used.
        • 3 amulets = Extra Vote
        • 2 amulets = Steal-A-Vote
        • 1 amulet = HII


      🟦 Ika  🏆

    • Drea 📿
      • 🌄#1 Extra Vote.
        • Expires at F6.
      • 🥉🥔
        • Activated!
    • Rocksroy
      • 🌄#3
        • Protected Vote
          • No change.
    • Romeo 🦻🦻🦻
    • Tori

     🟧Taku 🏆

     🟩 Vati 🚭



    1. Jackson
      • medevac
    2. Zach
    3. Marya
    4. Jenny
    5. Swati
    6.  Daniel


    And for quick reference for next week:  a chart of all (dis)Advantages in play and who has them:


    • Love 1
  15. On 4/7/2022 at 12:29 AM, LadyChatts said:

    Even with an advantage in the challenge they still lost. 

    That's because the other team created their own advantage by having Lauren stand on the table.  The change of perspective to one more like the  traditional jigsaw solving point of view was a major contributing factor.

    As was the lead time they had in solving the puzzle, of course.

    • Love 3
  16. 8 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Considering every time I see Lindsay mentioned here I have no idea who that is I would say she's definitely under-edited lol. 

    She's the 3rd person in the Immunity Amulet "Alliance" from episode 1, along with Hai and Drea.

    • Useful 1
  17. On 3/30/2022 at 10:34 PM, DEL901 said:

    I was looking at Jonathan’s bio.  His hobbies are working out, surfing and…..spear fishing.  I figure after winning fishing gear last week…these fish are nice, but they’d eat well regardless.   

    Sounds like they would.  But what made this a very good reward was the "caught for them" part.  Meaning they didn't have to expend any additional energy to catch  the fish themselves.   Yes, they spent energy at the RC, but everyone did.  But afterwards, Green and Blue had to go spend more energy to gather and prepare food, while Orange only had to prepare it.  Blue and Green might end up with no net loss of energy (though not bloody likely) from all that, but Orange probably had a net energy gain, which was additional help in the IC.


    12 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

    Romeo is playing a very interesting game.  I'll be interested to see how that goes after the merge.  Right now he's doing a great job surfing the wave of tribe dynamics.  I wish Drea would ally herself with him, I think they would make a good power duo.

    They are allies, and have been from the start.  Episode 1 showed them and Rocksroy become an alliance.   Drea might have also floated the idea of a female alliance, but Romeo would have been their 4th.


    On 3/30/2022 at 9:59 PM, Lantern7 said:

    Honest Question: is there any paper in "Shot n The Dark" that is labeled "SAFE"? I'm doubting it. Or maybe I'm feeling that because three doomed players wound up trying and failing to get instant immunity.

    Assuming TPTB are playing fair, then yes.  It's just the odds are against the players and the math has worked properly.  (As opposed to Deshawn defying the odds of the Monty Hall Problem last season).  1 "Safe" vs 5 identical "Not Safe".  They're always more likely to draw 1 of the 5 than the single 1.  (5/6, or 83.33(repeating infinitely) %.)


    10 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

    Yeah, another miss had me thinking about it, if you set up a challenge with six numbers, out of 10 or 100 even how many times could you pick out that #6 when shuffled about???

    With a reset every time?  Slim odds get even slimmer.

    But with the Shot in the Dark, remember that each player only gets to do it once.  So their odds won't change.  Unless 2 or more people use their Shot at the same TC, and the scroll bag isn't reset in between.  (I'm assuming it gets reset to the default 1 of 6 by the start of every TC.)

    And for everyone thinking that someone is "due" to draw the "Safe" sooner or later; that's the Gambler's Fallacy and the foundation upon which Las Vegas was built.  The only way someone would truly be due to draw "Safe" would be if the scroll bag was never reset until emptied, and 5 previous players pulled all the "Not Safe" scrolls.

    • Useful 2
    • Love 4
  18. Not a whole lot of change on the Tracker this time.  But I did notice that the Key is rather large.  So I'm trying something different by quoting the Key.  That should shrink it somewhat while still allowing for expansion as needed, but not entirely hide it like a spoiler tag would.   If this doesn't work, I'll go back to the old method next week.


    Emoji Key:

    On 3/25/2022 at 12:03 AM, SVNBob said:
    • 🏆: Winner of IC (or 2nd place for a 2-winner IC)
    • 🏅: Winner of RC
    • 🚭: Tribe does not have flint due to losing an IC
    • : Contestant cannot vote at TC.
    • 🎲: Contestant used their Shot-in-the-Dark.  Results nested below name.
    • 🥉: Contestant has a Three-Way Idol
      • One of three pieces; each piece hidden at separate camps.
      • Not valid until all 3 are found and activated by holders all saying their code phrase at the same IC.
        • (or becomes active at Merge regardless?)
        • 2nd Emoji is a keyword from the code phrase.
      • Holders until Idol is valid or until the Merge, whichever happens first.
      • Non-transferable.
      • Expires at F6 once active or at Merge if never activated.
    • 🦻: Knows at least one of the Three-Way Idol code-phrases
      • 3 for if we know they know all the phrases.
        • 🥉means they should know all the phrases, so this symbol is redundant and not used.
    • 🌄: Contestant has attended a Prisoner's Dilemma Summit.  Choices and results nested below name.
      • (Individual Summits are numbered in chronological order.)
    • 📿: Contestant has an Advantage Amulet
      • Amulets must be used concurrently by all players still in the game with one.
      • Amulets have different power depending on number in play when used.
        • 3 amulets = Extra Vote
        • 2 amulets = Steal-A-Vote
        • 1 amulet = HII


     🟧Taku  🏅 🏆


    🟩 Vati 🏆


      🟦 Ika  (🥉 somewhere) 🚭



    1. Jackson
      • medevac
    2. Zach
    3. Marya
    4. Jenny
    5. Swati


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