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Posts posted by SVNBob

  1. 9 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

    I think you're thinking of Clint Eastwood.


    7 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

    Either that or Feel Good Inc.

    Both of which heavily feature contributions from non-Gorillaz members (Del the Funky Homosapien in the former, and De La Soul in the latter), such that Albarn is listed as a co-writer with the aforementioned artists on both songs (the lead co-writer, but still...)

    • LOL 5
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  2. 12 hours ago, Rootbeer said:

    Yes, back in Season 6, Colin and Christy, who were absolute geniuses at airport maneuvers

    Season 5, but yes.  Colin was the one who abused the TAR credit card used only for airline tickets by buying up seats on every possible flight or set of flights from destination to destination to the above stated tune of $300K, before using the "fastest" options.  There's a a few scenes in airports in that season of him saying to a ticket agent, "Go ahead and book that...then let's look for something else."  His justification was that he believed TAR and CBS would be able to get refunds for the unused tickets, whether or not that was actually the case.

    But I don't money was the issue here.  What Colin was doing was gaming the system.  He essentially had unlimited funds and no other restrictions to try to find the best flights, so why not do exactly what he did?  That's part of how he and Christie were always near the front of the pack (the other part being them being very good at the rest of the Race as well).  So I think the changes were instituted to make the Race more competitive, and not to save money.

    • Love 3
  3. 9 hours ago, greyhorse said:

    he's counting this as a 19 month pit stop?

    TPTB have been jokingly calling the 19 month suspension "the Longest Pit Stop ever".  It was even in the pre-premiere ads.  So he was rolling with the joke.

    And given that she was 7 months pregnant near the end of a 19 month "Pit Stop"...well, even a football coach can do that math correctly.

    • Love 1
  4. 31 minutes ago, Thalia said:

    For example, did they show the twins doing a speed bump in episode 3 of this season? 

    That wasn't a NEL; it was a KOR - Keep On Racing.  No Speed Bumps in the middle of a double leg.

    That said, there was apparently a task edited out of the Glasgow leg.  But it was one all teams had to do.

    • Love 2
  5. 22 hours ago, mojoween said:

    At the beginning they had to get into three buses, but then all ended up in the same gondola, so what was the point of the three buses?

    Social distancing had to be the only reason.   There was a maximum of 3 teams allowed on one of the buses.  But remember that each team is really 4 people; the Racers and their camera and sound people.  That means 12 people on the one bus, and 8 on each of the other 2.

    I now suspect that the original plan was for 4 buses with only 2 teams on each for even greater distancing.  But TPTB cancelled one of the buses when the Husbands left, rather than have a bus with only 1 team on it.


    20 hours ago, Jodithgrace said:

    I get that the sample belt was a different story, but surely the sample would have shown if the story started at the buckle end or the holes end. The cops just seem to have randomly chosen a direction and kept going with it, without ever checking the sample to see if they were doing it correctly. Nobody seemed to have a problem with the story itself. Pretty funny that they got eliminated first, twice. 

    I guess there is going to be a lot more bunching because of the chartered flights, buses, etc. But at least the tasks, and the self driving enabled some separation, so that there were clear leg winners and losers. After the roadblock I was thinking, is everybody (except Shari and Akbar) going to show up at the mat at the same time?

    Unlike the poster task, they at least had some semblance of logic for the belt.  There was an ornament already at the tip of the belt, and they started from that end.  A reasonable conclusion to start working with, even if the buckle would seem to be more logical starting point.

    However, if as said above it was written in the clue to start at the buckle end, then there's no excuse.  This would be yet another case of a team getting eliminated because of failure to read and comprehend the clue correctly.

    20 hours ago, Taeolas said:

    And I'm still mostly going for Kim and Penn. They seem so well suited to eachother, and very supportive. Last ep/a year+ ago, we saw how Kim could refocus Penn when he's about to blow up. This time we saw how Penn listened to Kim and let her take the break she needed and supported her through it. 

    Granted, at that point they knew they were still at the front of the pack; there was another team with them and at least one or two other teams in the next gym over, so the pressure isn't as intense. Hopefully they remain strong and supportive, even when they inevitably have a leg where they're towards the back of the pack. 

    All the teams knew they had a buffer going into the Detour.  They'd all passed Sheri at the Roadblock, and knew that she and Akbar would be at least one cable-car trip behind.  That's one other reason they were all encouraging of her at the Roadblock.  There was a tiny voice in everyone's mind saying, "well, at least we're not going to be last."


    13 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

    Some people just have a terrible sense of direction, even with a map.

    Here!  I have absolutely no internal sense of direction.  However, I'm decent with paper maps and can read a compass, so I think I'd be ok for TAR.


    12 hours ago, aghst said:

    Can people with fear of heights go on cable cars or peer over the railings from an observation deck at 8000 feet above sea level?

    Depends on the severity of the individual's acrophobia.  I've got some fear of heights, so I'd have difficulties (but not impossibilities) peering over railings at altitude.  But I've ridden thrill rides and ski lifts before so I don't think the cable car would be that bad for me.  I think part of it has to do with a sense of enclosure implying safety.


    11 hours ago, Roccos Brother said:

    A bit ironic that it came down to the two eliminated teams at the back of the pack, and that they were in direct competition as the only ones that chose the belt detour.

    Even more ironic as they were on the same bus at the start of the leg, and without any other team.  So they were inadvertently or subconsciously highlighting their "second chance" status throughout the entire leg.


    11 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    This is just a guess on my part, but maybe the reason the show didn't address why four teams couldn't return was in deference to Caro and Ray and/or Taylor and Isaiah. It's easy enough to explain why Spencer and Anthony couldn't return (new job, couldn't get time off) or why Connie and Sam couldn't return (preggers). But if you addressed Caro and Ray, you'd have to say "Well, they broke up last summer and don't want to race together anymore." It's not a good look. And the circumstances under which Taylor and Isaiah bailed are just sad. (That said, they didn't shy away from a returning team's Dead Grandma sob story.)

    But the twins offered up their deceased relative story.  And from the flashback to the original start of this Race, we were shown her seeing them off the first time.  So the audience knew of her, and there was a connection to be made.

    Taylor and Isaiah didn't give that permission to TPTB when they left.  But I'm sure the rest of the Racers were told off-camera before the restart why a team that was about to restart wasn't.  And as for the other teams that didn't come back, the Racers may have been told about them as well, or knew through the grapevine.


    11 hours ago, greyhorse said:

    Yes, this.  If you were planning to go on the race again, then make some time in your life to train.  At least just a bit. 

    She should have taken an hour or 2 to finally get a decent support undergarment.  That might have helped in the long run.  Could have made breathing at altitude a bit easier.

    • Love 1
  6. On 1/15/2022 at 9:31 AM, AnimeMania said:

    Main Characters:

    Vax’ildan (Liam O’Brien), Half-elf rogue

    Scanlan Shorthalt (Sam Riegel), gnome bard

    Keyleth (Marisha Ray), a half-elven druid

    Grog Strongjaw (Travis Willingham), goliath barbarian 

    Percy de Rolo (Taliesin Jaffe), gunslinger 

    Vex’ahlia (Laura Bailey), half-elven ranger 

    Pike Trickfoot (Ashley Johnson, Patterson from Blindspot), Gnome cleric 

    Dungeon Master (Matthew Mercer), creator of the world of Exandria

    Other members of the voice cast include: Brandon Auman, Chris Prynoski, Shannon Prynoski, and Ben Kalina.

    In addition to this cast, Critical Role just released the following video about many of the guest voices that will also be appearing in the series:

    For those who can't watch the video:

    • Stephanie Beatriz as Lady Kima
    • Anjali Bhimani as Head Cleric
    • Eugene Byrd as Jarrett
    • Esmé Creed-Miles as Cassandra de Rolo
    • Felicia Day as Captain of Emon
    • Darin De Paul as Kerrion Stonefell
    • Grey Griffin as Delilah Briarwood
    • Tony Hale as Sir Fince
    • Bobby Hall aka Logic as Palace Guard
    • Kelly Hu as Dr. Anna Ripley
    • Sunil Malhotra as Gilmore
    • Rory McCann as Duke Vedmire
    • Max Mittelman as Desmond
    • Dominic Monaghan as Archibald Desnay
    • Khary Payton as Sovereign Uriel Tal’Dorei
    • Mason Alexander Park as the Tavern Keeper
    • Stacey Raymond as Bryn
    • Stephen Root as Professor Anders
    • David Tennant as General Krieg
    • Tracie Thoms as the Everlight
    • Gina Torres as Keeper Yennen
    • Indira Varma as Lady Allura Vysoren
  7. 7 minutes ago, Luckylyn said:

    Some sort of regulation should be happening for these channels.

    There sort of is, which led to a different kind of bad incident, but may have prevented others like above.

    In 2018, there was a married "influencer" couple who were "documenting" the process of adopting a baby from Thailand.  When they were told that the baby couldn't appear on YouTube or any social media for a year (when the adoption would be finalized), they cancelled the process.  They then tried to adopt from South Korea, but were told they would not easily be approved due to their social media presence, so they ended that process too.

    • Useful 9
  8. On 1/15/2022 at 9:31 AM, AnimeMania said:

    The Legend of Vox Machina originated when a group of Voice Actors decide to play a game of Dungeons & Dragons together. Their group name was Critical Role and they started to live stream some of their D&D campaigns on Twitch. 

    The game actually started because of two things: First, Liam O'Brien and Sam Riegel had started a podcast where they decided on fun things to try doing between episodes, then talk about the experience for the podcast.  Liam convinced their friend Matt Mercer to set-up a "one-shot" game as an event for the podcast after hearing a lot about another game Matt was running and kept inviting Liam to join.  Liam had played in his youth, but it had been quite a while since he had.  And Sam had never played any TableTop Role Playing Game before, so this was perfect fodder for the podcast.  Second, the game was set-up to be a gift for Liam's birthday (coincidentally also Laura Bailey's birthday, hence her and Liam deciding their characters were twins).  Laura, an avid gamer, was invited, and she dragged in her husband Travis Willingham for his first ever game,  Matt's then-girlfriend (now wife) Marisha Ray played DM's assistant and advisor to the new players (later joining the party with her own character) and brought in her friend Taliesin Jaffe, an experienced player, to help round out and "protect" the party.  After the one-shot, Liam was quite giddy about playing again and asked the rest of the group if they wanted to continue to play together.  They did so and eventually brought in Ashley Johnson, another first-time player, to join the table

    And technically, they were playing Pathfinder (the one-shot may have been DnD, but the ongoing pre-stream campaign was Pathfinder), a different but similar TTRPG system.  They switched over to 5th edition D&D for the streams, as it was a more easily accessible system (as DnD takes up more space in pop culture, and has a free set of Basic Rules), but that required Matt to home-brew a class for Taliesin's character. 

    The streams started because Felicia Day wanted a DnD show on her new YouTube and Twitch network, Geek and Sundry.  She'd heard of Mercer's game through cast members of other shows on the network who wanted to get in on it, but didn't know who the players were.  At a meeting with Mercer, and hearing that the people already in the game were people she would have wanted to cast anyway, she decided to invite him to bring the whole game and table onto the network, if they were all interested.  The rest is internet history, with one of the largest streaming shows to date, and the current holder of the most-funded film and TV project on Kickstarter (taking the title from Joel Hodgson and the revival of MST3K that aired on Netflix.)

  9. 1 hour ago, Zonk said:

    That actually does look like an amazing route. The best since quite a few seasons. Sad that it didn't happen.

    Since the route got cut off at the end of a leg, they can, in theory, reuse the remainder of that route in a future season.  All they'd need to do is add in 3 legs at the start.


    Perhaps going to South Africa first, then up to Morocco before heading into Europe via Spain or Portugal, then onto Sweden and the remainder of the route.  That would also make it a route that Races on 6 continents again.

    Or what is more likely, the specific legs may get reused in different future seasons, like a couple in TAR36, one in TAR37, and three in TAR40 as an example.

    • Love 2
  10. On 1/4/2022 at 8:15 PM, Hanahope said:

    i suddenly wondered, did the S32 teams have to wait until the season was shown on TV to get their prizes?

    Probably, but it depends on the contract. 

    As I understand it, most shows like TAR and Survivor have a "show must air in its entirety before prize payouts" clause in the contract, and all contestants are made fully aware of said clause before signing and competing.  That means that if the season gets delayed in airing, the winners will be waiting longer to get their checks.

    Newer shows trying to get off the ground may also have a clause about winners getting paid after X amount of time if the show does not air completely or at all. 

  11. On 1/13/2022 at 12:31 AM, GaT said:

    So they started filming on 2/22/20, & stopped because of the pandemic on 2/28/20? What happened? Did Phil finally watch the news during that week? "Hey guys, have you heard of this covid thing?" I mean seriously, they couldn't figure out they had a problem a week earlier & just stopped people from leaving their homes?


    21 hours ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

    It was a simpler time. Maybe they thought they could literally outrun Covid? Maybe the next leg was going to be Italy or another country that had been hit hard. Circumstances were changing fast and often back then and there was a general air of "How bad could this be?" [a lot worse, as we discovered]


    18 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    They could have been in some level of denial/ignorance of how fast or broad the sweep of Covid was. From the perspective of two years later, we know the effects of a once-in-a-century pandemic have been devastating. But I don't think in late February 2020, it would have been as easy to predict how bad. Indeed, in interviews, Phil has said that some thought at the time that shutting things down was an overreaction.


    Say Covid was running rampant in February 2020 in Countries A, B, and C. They could have thought, "Well, we're not planning to go to those countries, so that doesn't affect us." Or they could have thought, "We can just alter our plans to go to Countries D, E and F instead" before it became clear that there were no Countries D, E and F.

    They could have run into their first logistical hurdles. The Racers have not had to do any real air or water travel up to this point after getting to London. Attempting to make the arrangements to get them from Glasgow to whatever the next destination was supposed to have been might have had the producers deal with the reality that there was little chance of pulling the rest of the Race off in that immediate time frame. 

    As to the trips, I assume Travelocity picks the destinations, and not the Amazing Race people. I also assume that the destinations were chosen well in advance of Covid entering the public consciousness. 

    According to an article I read after the episode was over, pretty much this.  Bert and the rest of TPTB were monitoring the virus situation and had alternate routes planned.  Bert was even in the next country already (which was not Switzerland), but called back to Phil in Scotland to postpone the Race.

    16 hours ago, Netfoot said:

    Notice they halted in Scotland but restarted in Switzerland. Scotland might have been considered too hot for a restart. So, yes, I'm sure their continued route has to be quite different from that originally planned.

    There's also the fact that Brexit finally actually happened during the interregnum.  Meaning it was probably easier to restart the Race in a EU-member nation than to deal with the rigamarole of going through the UK again.

    14 hours ago, vousviou said:

    I don't want this info now, but I would be very interested after the season is over in knowing how they dealt with the restart. What places were scratched and what were the replacements? What kind of safety measures did they put in place, such as putting in a lot more self driving and moving challenges outside. Did they have vax and mask requirements, and did they require a lot more turn taking rather than simultaneous challenges?

    I don't think it would possible to read this now without a lot of spoilers, but it would be fascinating once it's all played.

    I commented at the end of the episode that this is one of 2 seasons of TAR (the other being the first) that I'd love to see a BTS documentary about.  The logistics have to be fascinating.


    12 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    I read a few articles about the changes they had to make to finish the season. I won’t give details because they might be considered spoilery, but suffice it to say that the intense planning and consideration that went into getting this season back up and running will provide a template for future seasons, as well. We’ve yet to see how these changes will impact our enjoyment, but I don’t think there’s any reason to think the show can’t continue for many years. And who knows? Maybe a revamped TAR will be a better TAR.

    The article I mentioned above also talked about a couple of the changes, including the safety measures they took (as @vousviou wondered about).  Everything I read made a lot of sense for precautionary measures, and a couple of the changes sounded like they'd be great if they kept them as permanent alterations.  One non-spoilery change I will mention: no hugging Phil at the Mat.

    While I would have picked the cooper side of the Detour, as a Rennie I was also aware of that particular song.  Here's the version I was acquainted with, as part of a medley:

    Also as a Rennie, I have a fondness for the pipes.  Though my preference is less for the traditional, and leans more towards rock...


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  12. 6 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    What's the significance of the snakes on the watch?

    Instead of an ouroboros, I was thinking dragons


    In particular, the twin dragons that run down Rand's arms... while he still has two arms that is.


    • Love 1
  13. 4 hours ago, jdunlop said:

    Earl Cole (Winner, Fiji) was on Shark Tank (1/7/21) with his new venture, Smart Tire.  Unfortunately, he and his partner left without a deal.

    Yet still did better than Chris Underwood's stupid Kickstarter.

    • LOL 1
  14. 18 hours ago, Zonk said:

    Yeah especially after he criticised the drippage of one of the first cakes. But that team had to redo one of the cakes anyway, so no time lost for them. I mean we all know the judges don't actually judge, it's people behind the camera giving them signs and I guess production noted how everybody blazed through the dart-task and thus lowered the difficulty on the cakes.

    I think that was the actual reason he was harsher on that particular drippage.  Since they had to go redo one cake, they might as well redo both. 


    15 hours ago, meep.meep said:

    Why show two episodes at once? 

    A few reasons:

    1. Premiere hype.  That's normal for reality shows, but given the nature of TAR and this season in particular, there was a lot of hype.  Good idea to capitalize on the ad revenue by showing more on one night than usual.
    2. Lack of other premieres to follow it.  Other than that new doctor drama series (which we bailed on at the halfway point), there wasn't much else CBS could use to fill the timeslot.
    3. Both legs/episodes were in the same city, so why the hell not?


    15 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I too assumed everyone knew what a bobby is... not sure where I learned it but I would think that anyone who read books like Paddington or Sherlock Holmes or any other book set in England would probably have come across the term at one point or another.  I was surprised at how many people didn't know it.  And yes, why wouldn't people just ask a local if the clue says to find "the bobby" and they don't know what it is.

    To be fair, the iconic British bobby hasn't been a thing in the UK for ages.  The police typically look like this now:


    More or less the same as American police, plus a high-vis jacket or vest.  Because of that, it made sense to me that the younger teams, like the Millennial-esque flight attendants wouldn't know what a "bobby" was.  And note that it was a pensioner, an old lady who likely grew up with the image of a bobby still as a thing, that told those two what one was.

    12 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

    I didn't get a close look at all the sample cakes in the cake challenge, but I have to say if the available flags were indeed South Africa, Jamaica, Norway, Germany, France, the UK, and some made up flag with purple (!), then that was really kind of unfair.  With official Brexit so recent in time, that was a bit mean.  Yeah, it was all over the news, but official Brexit was only, what, a month old by the time the race started?  I could see that was an easy red herring mistake to make.  Norway not being a part of the EU is also a bit obscure to the casual European politics observer.  Thankfully nobody put up the South African or Jamaican or fake flag.  At least none of the racers were that dumb!

    But......still......the choice of cakes, if the list above truly was the totality of the flags available, was unfair.  If you look at it psychologically, I could see how hurried and flustered racers could easily make the mistakes they made.  I think there may have been some subconscious manipulations at work.  If you eliminate the South African, Jamaican, and fake flags you're left with Norway, France, Germany, and the UK.  All solidly European countries.  The flag of Norway looks like a good, solid, flag.  It look generically European.  I can see why that was an attractive and perceived to be a "safe" choice.  I can also see team choosing the UK flag because it is so familiar--hell, they've been seeing it all day, and those doing to street art detour have it abstractly seared into their brains.  I can also see them choosing the UK flag out of unconscious politeness, this is their current host country after all!  I can also see why racers wouldn't automatically gravitate toward the German flag.  The German flag is made up of scary colors: black, red, and orange.  It looks formidable, so I could seen them unconsciously shying away from that cake and gravitating to the safe and true "red, white, and blue."   On the other hand, the German  and French flags are simple with the three wide color stripes, so why wouldn't racers immediately gravitate toward making them rather than the more complicated UK and Norway flags?  The choice of flags was a little unfair, but the simplicity of the correct flags was entirely fair

    I liked that the UK flag was included as a semi-obvious trap.  Ditto Norway, since I knew it was a Scandinavian flag, but not sure for which country at first.  Then I checked the flags of the EU to find that the other two Scandis (Denmark and Sweden, plus Finland which gets lumped in with the other 3) are EU members. 

    That said, I would have gravitated to the two tricolors, even without the EU restriction.  Because they're tricolors.  Just 3 stripes; one horizontal and one vertical.  So easy to do, and given the judge was flat out stating which flags were wrong, would not have been a large waste of time if they were wrong.

    That said, TAR could have picked some interesting options instead of France and/or Germany if they'd wanted to make this task harder.  The Czech flag would have been good, with the triangular field of blue instead of a stripe.  And Malta's two color plus small cross in the corner would have been cool.  But Cyprus's flag, which is Cyprus, would have been a killer.  Same with any of the flags with heraldry like Spain or Croatia.


    12 hours ago, Riplet68 said:

    Have they always known what the 2 tasks on a detour were before they picked them?  I thought they just got a clever name, had to pick from that, than got told what the task was when they got to it.  Led to people choosing really bad tasks cause they didn’t have a clue what they would be doing.

    Unless things have changed, Detours come with explanations after the clever names from the jump.  Roadblock explanations require the team to decide who is doing the task first before reading on.

    12 hours ago, Hera said:

    I agree that the detours were imbalanced time-wise. If the producers had wanted to, they probably could have evened up the Ben detour by making everyone go to Piccadilly station on foot instead of giving them the option to go back cab, which—predictably—everyone took. As for the darts one, each of the teams that did it had one person who could reliably hit the bullseye early on, so I wonder if that made it seem faster than it actually would have been for a team where both members were totally new to throwing darts.

    This may have happened.  There's a still on the Amazing Race subreddit of LaLu doing the darts task.  So it appears that they also Bald-Snarked the Detour, which would further add to their last-place performance.


    4 hours ago, GenerationX said:

    Random thoughts on episode 1 - "London Calling"

    • It seemed to me that someone with long arms could have just pushed the dart into the board
    • If you're arguing or crying in the first two legs, you're not long for the race
    • As always, Keoghan > Probst

    As the last teams completed the Bens checklist at the Piccadilly Circus tube station at night, Digiben should have been playing The Jam classic "Down in the Tube Station at Midnight".

    It wasn't quite midnight when the last team got to him.  But thanks to his timepiece (thus explaining his name), we could see how far behind the Football couple was: nearly a full hour behind the previous team (Football's time was 8:38 pm.  Previous team was 7:45 pm.)

    And given that, we also know how imbalanced the Detour actually was, since Football was in dead last place at the start of the Detour due to their taxi and his "leadership" and "searching skill".  But they managed to finish well ahead of several teams that started the art detour before and while he was still looking for Bobby.

    2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    I missed the traditional beginning where Phil sends everyone scrambling with a raised eyebrow and a dropped hand.

    That still happened...sort of.  It was part of the video message the teams got that sent them to their "local" airport on the way to London.

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  15. 7 minutes ago, starri said:

    Apparently, Doc is a woman. 

    Then again, there were other Docs in the original show.  Each country that aired the show could have had their own "local" Doc, since he was "replaceable" as the only human character.  But only the French, German, and UK versions had their own unique Docs.  Everyone else just dubbed Gerry Parkes.

    So a new Doc, who appears to be a WOC, still keeps true to the original series while also updating it.

  16. Just now, chessiegal said:

    Well, that's nice, but really MeTV. Two hours? That's the best you can do? We're talking Betty White!!!

    It's entirely possible that they already had a bigger event planned for her birthday in a couple more weeks and they're going to keep that on schedule.  But they also want to honor her now while everyone else is.

    • Useful 3
  17. 5 hours ago, Bastet said:

    I think why this bums me out when I would normally not be sad about someone dying after nearly 100 fulfilling, healthy years, is that she was just a straight-up good person, because she actively worked at being a good person.  She was like Fred Rogers in that way.

    Case in point: a popular story on Reddit is about why Betty's variety show got canceled.  In 1954, she was getting criticized for featuring an African-American tap dancer named Arthur Duncan on the show.  Her response: "I'm sorry.  Deal with it", then gave Duncan more time on her show.

    That's what led to the cancellation.

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  18. 1 minute ago, cherrypj said:

    Oh, poor Heather. Edited out there too!

    Although there's some good (and bad) news to go along with that.  Apparently, there was another finale event that several members of the cast attended...then contracted Covid.  Since Heather was at Erika's event in Canada, neither of them were infected.

  19. On 12/22/2021 at 9:02 AM, curbcrusher said:

    One bit of feedback, I think it would be great to so the Original Tribe in the contestant names even after the merge. I always find myself not paying enough attention in the beginning and then wonder who started with who.

    In past seasons, I've had "Tribe Codes": two- or three-letter codes that showed a player's tribal history.  I usually start including those at the first tribal shuffle.  (A great example is the Tracker for S36, Ghost Island.  It was the first Tracker, so that's pretty much all that was tracked...in that thread.)  Since there wasn't a shuffle this season, I didn't bother with the codes this time.

    But it does make sense to keep that at merge time, even without a shuffle.  So I will keep that in mind for the next Tracker.  It'll also be a little easier to do, since I've come up with a new way to do the Codes.

  20. I thought so too, so I will continue with that for the regularly used emoji, starting at the first episode next time.   I probably ought to put some of the one-off emoji, like the pizza for that group of reward take-alongs or the fire for firemaking in the key just for the appropriate posts, right?

    But not the ones for the idols.  Those are pretty self-explanatory, and the least necessary.

    • Love 1
  21. As usual, I close the Tracker with a request for feedback. 

    I think I'm going to keep using emoji in the next one.  Most will probably stay the same, but I might make a couple changes here and there.  Those will be explained in the key.  There might also be changes for Tribe Codes... if those become relevant again. 

    But what worked and what didn't?  Did anything need clarification?  Ideas for emoji to use for certain events/circumstances?  Any suggestions for tweaks for the Tracker for S42?

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