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Posts posted by SVNBob

  1. 1 hour ago, Cinnabon said:

    I hate that video game jargon has made its way into everyday speech. For example - “take the L.”

    I think that originally comes from the world of sports and not video games.  Back when stats were published in newsprint and there was the Win/Loss column, often shortened to W/L.

    It may have gotten more popular with the rise of competitive video gaming, but it's probably older than it appears.

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  2. 1 hour ago, tessaray said:

    I know very little about the original Japanese source material

    Most of us in the West don't, which is part of why I doubt it'll get adapted, if Hasbro continues adapting Sentai at all.

    The original story is a relatively basic fairy tale dating back to the late 1300s.  Elderly couple finds a large peach floating down the river; inside is a boy. They name him Momotaro (lit: Peach Eldest Son), and raise him as their own, as he says he is a gift from the Gods for them.  He grows up strong and (depending on the version) dutiful.  On the cusp on manhood, he goes to fight a band of oni (ogres or demons) that had been running rampant over the land.  On his way to Onigashima, the oni's island, he encounters a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant.  They each agree to join him in exchange for one of the dumplings his parents gave him as supplies.  The four companions reach the island, work together to defeat the oni, then head home with the oni's treasure and the head oni as a captive.

    There's lots of elements of the original story that did make it into the Sentai.  Momotaro is still the leader of the group and incredibly strong.  He refers to the rest of the team as his companions.  The three animals and the oni as other Rangers, of course.  There's even been an episode where the dumplings were an actual plot point.

    1 hour ago, tessaray said:

    but that sounds very, very  trippy. 🙂

    Oh, it is.  It's very chaotic, in a good way.  The finishers are some of the most colorful scenes you'll ever see.



    And I hadn't even mentioned the early running gag of Yellow getting kicked aside by different characters (the two men on the antagonist team and Momotaro himself) specifically using their right legs, which pays off when they finally get their giant robo, and Yellow is the right leg.

    Plus it's episode 17, and the team still isn't actually fully together.  Another part of the conceit of the season is that the team can get summoned/transported to the monster fights by their changer blasters, often getting transformed along the way.  They can also leave the area the fight happened in without changing back.  This meant that the team met in costume first, and most of them stumbled across each other's civilian identities by accident.  The result is that the team has only met the Black Ranger in his dog form thus far.  (They partially suspect that Black might actually be a dog and not a human.)  And he's only seen the others as Rangers.  Red, Blue, Yellow, Pink, and Sixth (Gold...again) all know both of each others' identities, and they've all met Black in both his identities.  They just haven't seen him transform.  Nor has he seen any of the others transform, despite striking up a friendship with Pink (which is going to explode when they realize that they're both in love with the same woman, and that's not even a normal love triangle.)

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  3. Sentai #46, Avataro Sentai DonBrothers, has been airing since March.  It's a decent, if chaotic, season thus far, but it's another one that would be a difficult adaptation.

    Because the theme is the Japanese folktale of Momotaro the Peach Boy.  As in the Red is based on Momotaro, the three other male members are based on his animal companions; a monkey (though the suit in show is a mix of apes and monkeys), a dog, and a pheasant.  And the lone female is based on the oni, Momotaro's enemies from the story.  It's not exactly the most well-known story in the US.  The Sixth Ranger got introduced recently, and he's based on Son Goku from Journey to the West, the Chinese novel.  And that's only more known because it's also the inspiration for Dragonball.

    Also making it difficult is the fact that two of the team in suit, the dog and pheasant, are fully CGI characters.  And the pheasant is a male Pink.  Plus, the Monsters of the Week, which are normal people that lose themselves to their desires (including Pink himself in one episode!) are loosely based on previous sentai, including ones from before Zyuranger.

    There's also elements of They Live, as in the team does have the special sunglasses which allows them to see the footsoldiers, called Anoni, as they really are.  (Without the shades, the Anoni look like normal people.)  The shades also allow them to see weird portals and jump-pads hidden in the world, which are often used to interesting effects by the heroes, both in and out of fight scenes.

    There's also an antagonist team, a trio of two men and one woman, that also transform to fight the MotW.  But while the Rangers separate the Monster from their human hosts, the antagonists seemingly kill the humans.  (It's shown later that they really imprison them in another dimension.  But still, it's several episodes before that's shown.)

    Like I said, it'd be another series that'd be hard to adapt.  But given that there's been a lot of talk that Power Rangers will be divorcing itself from Sentai soon (granted, that's been in the rumor mill for quite a while), they probably weren't going to try anyway.

  4. 11 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:
    3 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

    I thought Austin Butler was brilliant. 

    I thought he really shined once we got to 1968.

    From what I heard him say in an interview on Josh Gates Tonight (on Discovery channel), the '68 Comeback Special was the first thing they shot.  He also said that because of that, he probably felt the closest to what Elvis himself was feeling at the time.


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  5. 14 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    There’s chilly, chili, and Chile. 
    Wrong one:

    And since Weed is capitalized, it seems to reference Weed, California, which looks a lot like the background in this image.
    This isn’t a real sign, is it?  

    Definitely not.  I can tell by the pixels.

    Someone badly photoshopped (probably not even that program...more like MS Paint) their text onto this real royalty-free stock image:


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  6. 2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    Once again: I don't think CBS cares for fans of TAR. They took a show that's based on a fictional series from way back, slapped a "Real" in the title, and they're putting it after Survivor. And really, if it's supposed to be "spicy" like Love Island, wouldn't a 10 p.m. slot better suit it?

    Like I said in this post:

    this rescheduling is most likely an attempt by CBS to get an audience for this ridiculous dating show.  Putting it after the continuously popular Survivor and before TAR with its die-hard audience is their best bet.  There will probably be another change in the schedule later, assuming cancellation (likely) or complaints (also likely).

  7. 9 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    Apparently, The Real Love Boat deserved to follow Survivor.

    It's more likely CBS realizes that they need the lead-in from the Survivor audience to get anyone to watch the new show.  I expect that TAR will move back up when the Love Boat gets dry-docked halfway through the season.

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  8. 11 hours ago, kittykat said:

    Oswald and Danny with their calm, collected temperament not only got a better flight but came in first.  The classic slow and steady (with a side of polite) winning the race.

    The Zen path that is The Way of the Cha.

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  9. On 6/11/2022 at 10:21 AM, Frost said:

    but I wish Josh could move on from Nazi gold and outlaw gold.  The show wasn't always 100% treasure hunting

    True.  But now I'm wondering about the ratings for the different kinds of stories, and whether the "treasure hunting" episodes get bigger numbers, so TPTB are "encouraging" more of those stories.

    Also in the vein of making "good tv", treasure hunts are also more likely to have an actual conclusion, like the 3rd Secret episode.  Other mysteries and archaeological expeditions may not.  Although there was a repeat of the 2nd Suleman's Heart episode after the new episodes on Wednesday, and that had a "conclusion".

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  10. 3 hours ago, Maverick said:

     Unpopular opinion, but I don't think ST VI is that great and therefore can't put much stock in the odd number curse.

    Back in the earlier days of the internet, I either stumbled across or was recommended by a friend that espoused a "two-layer" theory about the quality of Star Trek movies.  Meaning that it wasn't just about the odd or even movies, but the odd-odd (1 and 5), even-odd (3), odd-even (2 and 6), and even-even (4) movies.  (I think this was just before the TNG movies started, hence not including them in the counts.)  I think the theory was that the odd-odds were the worst, even-evens the best, and the other two mid-range and easily mixable.  But because it has been so long since I read the page, I could be wrong.

    I just tried Googling for anything similar to what I'm half-remembering, but couldn't find it.  However, I did find an op-ed on Tor.com saying that it's not the number of the movie that's the key to how good it is, but the subtitle.

  11. 5 hours ago, rmontro said:

    To be honest, I would probably skip Expedition X if it were on alone, but since they're all strung together I tape and watch all three.  But yeah, it gets tiresome.  It's a bit too much.

    The entire block seems to repeat right afterwards.  Maybe you could use that fact and timeshift your recording to cut out most of ExX?  The only disadvantage to that would be that JGT might spoil something from ExU.  But JGT is the show I usually skip, unless there's a theme or guests that I'm interested in.

    This week's ExX was pretty good.  The Ozark Howler was something I hadn't heard of.  And this was a Phil-centric story, if you catch the meaning.

    The ExU was, as stated, the second half of the hunt for abandoned Nazi underground compounds and any loot or other artifacts contained therein.  And Josh found quite a few things.  Not any of the literal tons of gold that were supposedly at the one location.  But there was that unusual brick "foundation" in the middle of a path nearby that dig.  The speculation that it might have been part of an old guard building or a checkpoint station made sense.  But the local guide said that there was a creek that ran parallel to the path and that there was once a bridge to cross it, so I wondered if they'd found an anchor-point for said bridge.

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  12. 9 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    I wonder what it was about Drea's play that caused Sia to give her the money.

    My guess: it wasn't Drea's overall play, but one particular play.  Specifically, that one TC.

    I can imagine Sia thinking that Drea and Maryanne both deserved to be rewarded for what they said and did at that TC, and was thinking of giving them both a prize.  But then Maryanne won the whole thing, so she doesn't need the bonus. ( And I don't recall Sia awarding her prizes to winners in other seasons, so that also fits.)  Hence Drea getting the only Sia money.

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  13. 6 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

    Also, don’t forget Survivor is still going! Somehow. 

    Survivor regularly makes alterations to the format.  If you were to watch the first and most-recent seasons back-to-back, they'd appear to be two different shows based on the same original premise.  As much as many of us Survivor fans dislike many of the changes they've made, they have contributed to the longevity of the show.

    4 hours ago, Egg McMuffin said:

    As long as Botox and jet-black hair dye are available for Jeff Probst, Survivor will keep going.

    This too. 

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  14. 5 hours ago, cherrypj said:

    Using spoilers and quotes to hide information, but still making it available, was key. Not having to scroll back up to figure out "what does this emoji mean??" made it so much better.

    I'm glad I realized that quote boxes also compress large text blocks like spoiler tags do.  Putting the Emoji Key under a Spoiler Tag felt contradictory to the purpose.  But information like the pre-Jury members once we're in the Jury phase, and everything in the Advantage Graveyard isn't constantly relevant, so hiding that with spoiler tags feels better.

    5 hours ago, cherrypj said:

    I also appreciated the links to the player pages.

    Sorry those stopped being consistent after the Merge.  They just didn't copy from post to post, and I didn't want to spend the time fixing them.

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  15. From the S42 finale thread:

    11 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    I think there are tradeoffs with going to the aftershow format of the last couple seasons, but I think overall the pros outweigh the cons. (Although admittedly, I didn't watch all/much of the aftershow this time)


    Immediate reactions from people fresh in the moment

    No/less filler as to random audience members reactions

    Fewer opportunities for Peachy to try to make it about him (or so it seems to me)

    Less of the pomp and circumstance trying to make it seem like Survivor is such an important social phenomenon

    Less filler and replaying of clips


    No chance to hear from pre-Merge contestants. I might have been curious to see Daniel again and hear some of what he had to say this season, for example.

    I do kind of miss seeing everyone's glow-ups, the joyful reaction of family members and that sort of thing

    No chance for the contestants to react to a bunch of stuff that makes the broadcast that they didn't know about at the time.

    I propose a simple solution: Do Both.  On-location immediate reveal and after-show with the jury and F3, and a live post-series full-cast reunion .

    Here's how I would schedule/program that.  Instead of the finale including the last couple TCs before TC, those become regular episodes.  F5 to F4 as the ante-penultimate, then F4 to F3 in the penultimate episode, which ends with the F3 heading to FTC (think the WaW penultimate episode, with the cast leaving EoE to head to the final challenge to re-enter the game.)  Peachy will get a dramatic VO talking about the finalists (E.g.: "Mike, the honorable backstabber.  Maryanne, the emotional strategist.  Romeo, the unexpected underdog.") shown over clips of them from throughout the season.

    Finale night is still a 3-hour affair.  Show opens with the full cast (barring any excluded for legal reasons) seated on stage, with the F3 front and center.  Format goes back to the old finales, swapping back and forth between the live event and the FTC.

    Episode proper starts at FTC, with Peachy giving his usual speech about it being the endgame, how the power has shifted, accountability, blah blah fishcakes.  Things proceed as normal; just an hour or so earlier than they had been.

    I'd encourage a cut to live when Peachy goes to tally the jury votes (which should be between the bottom of the first hour and top of the second) to the stage with Peachy and the pre-jury.  Quick check-ins with all of them, then a poll to see who they'd have voted for as jurors.  Segment closes with Peachy saying we'll soon see the actual results.  Commercial after that, a short scene of the F3 seated on stage, then back to the on-site reading of the votes.   At the break where they change the set and bring in the food, a cut back to live where we see the reaction of the live audience, a short interview with the winner, and the presentation of the check before Peachy says that after the break, it'll be the on-site aftershow, then the live reunion after that.

    From there, things can be a little loose.  If there's an on-site question that may have added or changed relevance post-airing, there can be a cut to live Peachy asking about it immediately instead of waiting.

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  16. 11 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    I think there are tradeoffs with going to the aftershow format of the last couple seasons, but I think overall the pros outweigh the cons. (Although admittedly, I didn't watch all/much of the aftershow this time)


    Immediate reactions from people fresh in the moment

    No/less filler as to random audience members reactions

    Fewer opportunities for Peachy to try to make it about him (or so it seems to me)

    Less of the pomp and circumstance trying to make it seem like Survivor is such an important social phenomenon

    Less filler and replaying of clips


    No chance to hear from pre-Merge contestants. I might have been curious to see Daniel again and hear some of what he had to say this season, for example.

    I do kind of miss seeing everyone's glow-ups, the joyful reaction of family members and that sort of thing

    No chance for the contestants to react to a bunch of stuff that makes the broadcast that they didn't know about at the time.

    There's a simple solution then, and I think CBS could like it.  In two words: Do.  Both.

    Still have an immediate reaction on-location aftershow.  But also have the post-series full cast reunion as a separate event.  This could extend the season an additional week or two, giving CBS more commercial spaces to sell.  As for how, that's really for another thread.

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  17. On 5/25/2022 at 11:13 PM, DEL901 said:

    Canadian women = 2. :)

    Canadian Women Of Color = 2.  And I believe the first time 2 women of color (regardless of citizenship) have won back to back.

    On 5/25/2022 at 11:14 PM, Nashville said:

    One last lingering question: is Maryanne the first person to win the season without ever winning a single challenge?

    Survivor Smiling GIF by CBS

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