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Everything posted by SnarkyTart

  1. How unfortunate! If I'm remembering correctly, they perform the judge's pick before they perform the freestyle, right? If so, and unless Alfonso's had a miracle healing or miracle drugs this week, he's going to lumber painfully through a jive and possibly aggravate his injuries enough not to be able to bring much to the freestyle. I want to be wrong so badly.
  2. Aaaand, we're right back to the tedious, wildly irritating Juliette drama, and the freaking Adalind and her baby mama drama. These are the two characters I would most like to see either devoured by a Wendigo or carried away by a Krampus for my Christmas present. Dammit.
  3. This was one of the better episodes of the season for me. I've been asking for (much) less Juliet drama, much less Adalind, much less about the Royals, and much more Monroe and Rosalee time. I've been somewhat interested in the Teresa character, and moderately more interested in the Elizabeth character. I got all of those things, so it's hard to complain! Now, if the show would quickly re-Grimm Nick, re-clue Wu, and bring back Nick's mother as a regular cast member, I'd be a pretty happy camper.
  4. Thanks for the feedback, Trey. I'm not having the problem with any other show, so, like you, can only partially attribute it to my age. :-)
  5. I'm guessing you're referring to the actor's enunciation? Or maybe you're referring to the same issue that's been plaguing me. There's something not right with the sound editing of this show, and it's getting worse. Initially, a few seasons ago, I thought it was the volume. I started turning the volume up on the TV, which was required in order to hear and understand all or most of the dialogue. It's not helping much anymore. Now I've got the volume way up, much higher than for any other show, and I'm understanding less and less of the dialogue. The music, sound effects, and background sounds are still perfectly clear, but the ability to hear the dialogue has gotten so bad I'm missing a lot of the plot details and character development. To continue watching and enjoying PoI, I'm going to have to learn how to turn the closed captioning on, something I've never had to even consider with any other show. Is anyone else having this problem?
  6. Thank you, Tommy Chong for making this a more enjoyable season to watch than it would otherwise have been. Thank you, Peta, for being such a fabulous partner for Tommy and finding just the right balance of choreography (most of the time anyway) to allow Tommy to have a good time, charm the audience, and even occasionally to dance. I thought Tommy's intro package tonight lent a huge hand to helping him go out on a very high (pun not entirely unintended) note. That man's life has certainly been a long and winding road. I'm so sad for Alfonso. Looking back to his weeks on the show prior to his injuries, he's clearly one of the best natural dancers ever to have been on DWTS. This season should have been a lock for him, and we should have seen so many absolutely incredible performances from him. Witney has been so perfect for Alfonso, and the partnership would have gone down in the annals of DWTS history as one of the most unforgettable, not only for its chemistry, but for its choreography. Selfishly, I'm sad to have been deprived of all of those 10-worthy performances Alfonso would have given me. I'm really conflicted about this one now. My heart still wants Alfonso to win, but my head believes it would be on the basis of a lot of sympathy votes. An uninjured Alfonso would have cleaned the floor with the rest of the field, leaving no questions. His win would have been clear and clean, devoid of much (maybe all) of the drama and conflict that almost inevitably accompanies the season winner. Now, pending a miraculous and complete recovery for Alfonso this week, I'll still be happy for him to win, but it will not feel like the honest win that would have been much more satisfying. Other than that, on the basis of all performances taken collectively over this season, I give Janel a small advantage over the other two girls. Her burlesque performance was the only one that made me cringe, her other performances have ranged from pretty good to almost great. Val has done a remarkable job with his choreography this year. For me, Bethany and Sadie ended up tied going into the finals. They've both done really well, had a visible growth arc, and neither of their partnerships have been obnoxious. Watching the pair of these girls through the season has been pretty fun and mostly entertaining. I can't ask for much more than that.
  7. Link doesn't work? Yes, that's where it goes for me too.
  8. Aww, I do like Nestor Carbonell and will always have a spot in my heart for Richard Alpert. I would agree that Shahi and Carbonell brought some heat to their on-camera attraction. But, for me, it looked like a slow simmer. Had they met in other circumstances (and pre-Machine), they might have dated, gone to movies, out to dinners, held hands, kissed and eventually consumated their relationship. As it was, the episode ended with Shaw telling Nestor's character that she wasn't ready to be in a relationship. By contrast, the on-screen attraction between Shaw and Tomas was more like a pressure cooker about to explode. Had they met in other circumstances (pre-Machine), they would have gone straight to a hotel room and taken turns throwing each other up against a wall...a table...the floor. Their real time relationship ended with Tomas inviting her to Barcelona, and Shaw inviting him to join Team Machine. She confessed that the invitation to Barcelona had been quite tempting. As for Root/Shaw. I still can't stand the Root character. I won't forget that Root murdered Alicia Corwin, kidnapped poor Finch and traumatized him, and forced him to watch her torture Denton Weeks. Later she kidnapped Shaw and was on the verge of torturing her, but when interrupted, left her to be killed by the Special Counsel hitmen. Then, in "Godmode", Root turns her gun on Finch and would have murdered him then and there if she hadn't been stopped by Shaw shooting her. It was hard to stomach so much of Root in Season 3, the special snowflake of the Machine, ultimately becoming the de facto leader of Team Machine...all ominiscient and smug, ordering around the Team. (Yes, I've wanted her character gone for a long time.) Seeing her make all the remarks to Shaw that sound for all the world like Root wants to have a sadomasochistic sexual relationship with Shaw, with Root of course in the role of the psycho sexual sadist, only pisses me off. Plus, that role seems like it would be natural to Root, but Shaw is nobody's BDSM prop! I don't have any problem with the show depicting gay or lesbian relationships. They already did it with a large amount of class in what I thought was a groundbreaking episode about the lesbian heart surgeon and her wife. I'm actually hoping that it will be revealed at some point that Root is not actually a lesbian, because a television depiction of a lesbian who is a psychotic sexual sadist is not something that anyone needs. imo. mmv.
  9. Whoa, tantalizing is right. Thanks for bringing the link over.
  10. Holy catz, Adrian Bellani (Tomas) is one man who is very easy on the eyes. That was also the most chemistry I've seen Sarah Shahi have with anyone. Sorry, Root, I'm almost positive that Shaw doesn't play for your team, not even as a switch hitter. This was another great episode for me. Weaving Control and the relevant numbers into the plot was a welcome development. I'm hoping we get to see more of that and less of Greer or the Brotherhood. I still wonder when/if we will hear at least a mention of Finch having told the Machine it was time to have a talk, and whether or not that talk has already happened. Finch's conflicted feelings about the computer guy losing his tablet project was a good call-back to last week when he was feeling conflicted about the poll analyst guy being left with the belief that his calculations and predictions didn't work. In my fantasy going forward, Shaw's identity is compromised. She's captured by Samaritan/Greer. Root will somehow sacrifice her own life to save the life of the woman she loves. It will all be very sad and we will cry. But, we will finally be rid of the Root character.
  11. No. It was a scheduled pre-emption, I think because of the elections. It will be back as scheduled this coming Tuesday, the 11th.
  12. Thanks, kitcloudkicker! Tommy is cute in that clip, and I must say that Peta is even cuter. She hasn't ever been one of my favorite pros on the show, but her partnership with Tommy has brought out the best in her for me.
  13. Oh, geeze. That's very bad news! The only worse news would be if Katrina AND Henry are in every single one of the first eleven episodes...but that could still be true as well. Yikes!
  14. Thank you! I can't tell what the OP wanted us to see, but I certainly do agree that Tommy Chong is cute. :-)
  15. It was an okay episode for me. The dance of the night was definitely Cheryl and Tony's Argentine tango. That looked smoking, and made me sad not to see all of it. Alfonso is probably not going to fully recover from that groin injury for the duration of the show. That's a bummer, because he's clearly the most talented dancer of this group. it would have been so fun to see him actually grow and improve with all the practicing, getting in better shape, and weight loss. Instead, he's never going to be as good as he was in the first few weeks. Still, he's enough better than the rest of the stars that he should and probably will win. Bonus points for being such a likable guy and for an outstanding partnership with Witney. Other than the Cheryl/Tony dance, highlights of the night: Alfonso's courage when trapped on the zipline and Witney saying Alfonso was the most clumsy as she hit herself in the face with the paddle. For me, Janel was a close second to Alfonso last night. Bonus points for Val maturing into a seemingly pretty classy/nice guy. He handles criticism well, even when it's clearly unjustified. More bonus points for Val and Janel for having the wisdom to drop the ridiculous showmance thing. As a result, I'm liking their partnership better, and I honestly think their chemistry has improved. Bethany and Sadie tied for third. As usual, I forget Lea and wouldn't be a bit surprised to see her go home before Tommy. Poor Tommy and his aching body and brain, but at least I think he's still having fun. Lea, not so much. Michael getting sent home might be my favorite moment of this whole season. The man could hardly come off any more creepy if he tried. I feared he was going to molest Emma on the dance floor last night and I needed brain bleach after the center stage farewell groping. So glad he's gone. So, so glad.
  16. Do you know there is a thread on previously.tv for discussing race and ethnicity issues? Here's the link: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/2738-race-ethnicity-on-tv/?view=getnewpost
  17. Ohhh my. This is a thing of rare beauty! Love it.
  18. That was my impression. Didn't Mark have a name for people like that a few weeks ago? I can't remember what it was.
  19. Yes, he was. He struck me as a sociopathic con artist. Even when he knew JJ had made him, he just snickered. This was one episode where I wished JJ would have said she was going to turn the tape over to a prosecutor. I liked the plaintiff, though. He was so polite to JJ, even though she kept yelling at him to shut up. Whoever's writing the episode synopses for comcast is still having fun (as I mentioned earlier in the thread). The above episode is titled: “Wheelchair Runs Over Caregiver?; Broke Down Dating!”
  20. Yes, you heard correctly. From their website: http://www.singtrix.com/
  21. I'd like to see the show runners do a better pre-screening job. It should be a bit of an obstacle course for a prospective entrepreneur to make it to the live show. If they get that far, they should at the very least have something that's deserving of 30 seconds of uninterrupted time to explain their product and make their sales pitch. If there's something causing either Mark or Kevin to interrupt the pitch and start yelling at the prospect within the first 15 seconds, something's wrong. Either the product shouldn't have made it to the live show, or Mark and Kevin need to be told to stop being such asses, at least until the pitches are complete. I've always been a fan of this show, but some of the knee-jerk yelling at and humiliating of the prospects is making it more uncomfortable to watch.
  22. Hexenbiest is a cool name for a dog. :-)
  23. Yeah, I don't think Trouble was spared due to her Grimm powers. The scientist dude still had his mind and memories too, because Trouble interrupted the suck in progress. It looks like neither the scientist or Trouble had four ginormous holes drilled through their skulls and into their hippocampi either. Just a flesh wound with minimal bleeding.
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