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Everything posted by SnarkyTart

  1. I posted on Fox's official Backstrom facebook page to ask them why there's no episode scheduled for March 12th. They deleted my post *really* quickly. I wonder why? I hope this isn't a harbinger of doom. ETA - Just found out that American Idol has a 2-hour episode on March 12th that is preempting Backstrom. Still, I wonder why they deleted the facebook question. Not a very positive use of social media, Fox.
  2. Perfect synopsis of the season that never was. Love it!
  3. Whether it's renewed or not (and I hope it is...now), I'm so glad this episode returned Tom Mison with his exceptional acting ability. That's been my biggest gripe struggling to keep watching the trainwreck of S2 CFD, the season that never was. I loved S1 Ichabod Crane and all the nuance and energy Mison brought to the role. He's been phoning it in all season, and who could possibly blame the man? I hated the show for turning his character into someone I couldn't stand --- an inept, spineless fool, making horrible decisions and turning his back on Abbie at every turn. Tonight, when his acting skills rose to the occasion of his tortured decision to kill the freaking witch, and as his eyes showed all the emotion he feels for Abbie, I remembered why I used to like him so much. The man can act his butt off and S1 Ichabod gave him so much to work with. Welcome back, Mison. Please don't go away now.
  4. After a rocky start, this is turning into a show that I look forward to watching live. I'm glad I stuck with it, because Rainn Wilson. Even with this episode's flaws (Yes GGBBIB was broadcast a mile away before Backstrom "got it"), it knocked it out of the park. I wasn't familiar with Thomas Dekker (Valentine) before, but he's a surprisingly capable actor. His scene describing the abuse was believable and chilling*. As for Rainn, the scene where he collapsed upon hearing that both of the missing girls were there was powerful, memorable, and exactly what was needed to begin humanizing such an abrasive character. Everything I find online tells me that Backstrom is more likely than not to be cancelled after this, its first season. That makes me sad. *ETA - Just read this on Dekker's wikipedia: "Dekker has stated that for much of his childhood, he was a victim of sexual molestation." That certainly helps to explain how he brought so much believability to that scene.
  5. I'm losing patience with the dangling (forgotten?) plot point where Finch told The Machine, "It's time we had a talk, you and I." It was the closing scene of episode 5, "Prophets", which was aired on October 5. Four months ago (but who's counting?) Eight episodes later and it's as though the scene never happened. There was much fan speculation at the time that the conversation did take place out of our sight, and that we would be seeing it later in a flashback. I've begun to doubt that very much. It's hard for me to escape the feeling that, at this late stage, the writers intend for the scene to be forgotten and never revisited. The problem is that, for me, it was easily the single-most intriguing plot point of this season, and the one I was most looking forward to seeing unwrapped.
  6. It reminds me of a girl I went to school with from K-12. Her given name was Susan, and she went by her childhood nickname of Suzie all through middle school. When high school started she got all pretentious and started giving herself a few "exotic" versions of her name. The first one she tried was "Sioux" - which was pretty funny given her platinum blonde, blue-eyed Swedish looks. After the first year, she changed it to Su C, which, said she, was pronounced Suzie. The first day of school where she had her name written that way, the home room teacher read her name out during roll call this way: "Suck? What kind of a name is Suck?"
  7. Goffman and KW could rewrite SH, borrowing liberally from "Orphan Black." Henry makes a bunch of Katrina clones, with Katrina becoming both of the two witnesses and all 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse after one of her clones kills both headless and henry.
  8. Maybe Goffman will let her be the head writer now. yay. If that doesn't improve the ratings, he could try letting her direct some of the episodes. If all else fails, he could let headless/not headless kill Ichabod, and have Katrina assume the leading role on SH. She could keep Abbie, Jenny, and maybe Frank around as her personal waitstaff.
  9. I'm calling it now. This year's winner will be a WGWG, probably from the south. Based on the preponderance of same getting through to Hollywood, the show's returning to a usually reliable well. The only auditioner that made me put down my book and pay attention was the jazz bar songstress who didn't get through.
  10. I don't want to see anymore RH franchise characters, and the Disney kids theme has been pretty much beat into the ground. I wouldn't mind seeing the show go to the American Idol well again. Has there been anybody besides Kellie Pickler? A couple of them off the top of my head that I think would bring me lots of snarky amusement: Sanjaya! It would be a funny backstory, especially if the same thing happened with him as did on American Idol. Plus he's fairly young, in decent enough shape, and might even be able to learn to dance. Gokey! The guy is such a d-nozzle, but I think he'd do anything to be on TV. He'd probably even try really hard to learn to dance because he'd believe he should win this show, by virtue of his awesomeness and holiness. There are more who, while they wouldn't have the high snark factor, might not mind trying to kickstart their careers by appearing on another reality show - Kris Allen? Bo Bice? David Cook?
  11. Just have Katrina become the third horseman...Pestilence [which is quite fitting, given the plague she is on this show]. They can put her in full body/face armor so we don't have to look at her anymore.
  12. Hell, at this point, any episode without either Katrina or Henry is one I'll at least watch before I delete it from the DVR. While I'm glad to see Capt Irving get some screen time and a story, as might have been expected he will be completely detached from any of the main cast, from the sound of it.
  13. What could it be? It's way past time for no more Clueless Wu, but now I'm left wondering what the result will be... Remember how Hank sorta easily accepted the fact that Wesen exist? Don’t expect the same reaction from Wu, portrayer Reggie Lee says, even once the sergeant has fully absorbed the idea. “How he deals with it now, and how [the gang] deal with him, is going to flesh out the next several episodes,” Lee tells TVLine, adding, “It’s so unlike anybody else that has gone through this situation on the show.” http://tvline.com/2015/01/13/castle-the-wrong-stuff-season-7-mars-space-spoilers/
  14. My wishes? I wish I had back the show I signed on for, the one I got all my friends watching from the get-go in season 1. The biggest draw for me originally was the casting of Michael Emerson, and secondly Jim Caviezel. The show's season 1 premise was beyond my hopeful expectations. I loved the bromance with Finch and Reese. Loved Finch being the inscrutable giant-brained bazillionaire mastermind behind everything except generating the irrelevant numbers. I loved how Finch could unravel the most complex machinations of nefarious villains, government entities and evil corporations. Then Finch would know just how to tap ever-so-gently on a vulnerable spot that would leave them penniless or undone. I loved how Reese, the ninja-like muscleman was actually the human interface, the one who got in the trenches with both perpetrator and prey, got his hands dirty and showed the big heart and too many feels underlying the batman persona. I loved how Reese spent his off-time trying to decode the true identity of his benefactor, and all the glimpses we got into the origins and nature of the man of many bird species. I loved that we got BAMF Detective Jocelyn Carter and her hapless, often befuddled sidekick, Lionel Fusco, as the legitimate investigative and law enforcement arm of the Finch-Reese dynamic duo. I loved the unfolding of those two characters - both Jocelyn's evolving into shades of gray for the greater good, and Fusco's redemption gradually revealing him as a loyal, smart, and funny part of the team. As much as anything, I loved that they were *secondary* characters that didn't take anything away from my primary interest in the show: Finch and Reese. I'm not terribly fond of what's become of *my* show. Finch and Reese are often sidelined in favor of plots involving Root and/or Shaw. I actively dislike the Root character and would like her to die. I'm fairly disinterested in the Shaw character, there's really no "there" there. I would perhaps tolerate Shaw better if she had a less involved role on the show, certainly a smaller role than Fusco, who's earned his spot. I greatly resent the fact that Root has nearly subsumed the position that Finch once occupied. Whereas Finch was the geek genius who had to figure out everything through his sheer brain power, The Machine figures out everything of importance now, and has Root issuing commands as the new de facto boss of Team Machine. I also hate that Root's position has completely destroyed the once-promising plotline of Finch slowly revealing the way he taught HIS machine to have a form of morality, and how HIS machine still often betrayed its underlying loyalty to its creator. I could go on...and on. But I won't. I will probably finish out this season (though I never watch it live anymore), but it may lose its place on my DVR as a season pass next season. Where I once had several friends (in RL) who enjoyed chatting with me about the latest episodes, I am now the only one of my circle who is still watching Person of Interest.
  15. I'm just going to quote your whole post and say I couldn't agree more with every single point you made.
  16. Just dropping off a post I made on October 2nd during the blind auditions. Enjoy your win Craig Wayne Boyd. This is the reason I didn't watch past the blinds. Meh. SnarkyTart, on 02 Oct 2014 - 10:52 AM, said:
  17. Kitten lady definitely said escape goat, with the conext that it meant the kitten was good at escaping.
  18. How about killing Adalind and Viktor? Maybe have some random Resistance guys responsible, so we don't have to deal with any of our "good" guys being murderers. Let Kelly keep the baby. Have Renard's dad, the King, show up somewhere in this mess of a boring, disconnected plot line. He, along with Renard and Elizabeth, can continue the Royals storyline of keys and coins...but either make that storyline more interesting or phase it out gradually.
  19. The Pepper Spray twins get my vote for one of the most strangely creepy collection of litigants I've seen on JJ. As if it wasn't enough for them both to look like Bette Davis in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?", they had to go and act out the plot too. Yikes!
  20. Not a bad episode. Nick re-Grimmed, finally. Very little Adalind/Royals. Those two things alone made it worth watching. Going forward, here's what's worrying me: The broad hints that Juliette could be pregnant. I've been hoping beyond hope to be rid of the Juliette/Nick soap opera. If she's pregnant, that's going to consume a lot of episodes. Bah! Looks like we're in for an indefinite number of episodes of No Clue Wu. Boooring! Looks like Renard's mother is going to be making her exit. Bad move, show. Looks like the show might be moving towards Teresa making an exit. Crap idea,show. Looks like upcoming episodes will have a lot of Adalind/Royals looking for Adalind's freak baby. Spare us, show!
  21. Holy catz! I just read on the other thread that the final show tonight is 3 muthafracking hours long! No way am I going to watch all of that. I'd like Alfonso to win because he's the best dancer. Particularly when he wasn't injured his routines entertained me more than most other finalists across all seasons. I can't honestly say Alfonso has had any kind of improvement arc, but I don't care. I'm only a little bit sad that Bethany went home last night instead of Sadie. I think the two of them were pretty close in abilities, but Sadie's growth arc stalled out several weeks ago, whereas Bethany has continued to improve, even if only a little bit, every week. I like Janel as a dancer, and I think she's also shown slight improvement from week to week. Since, to me, she's clearly a better overall dancer than Sadie, I'd like to see Janel come in second. But, I'm not expecting it. It isn't such a slam dunk between her and Sadie that I'd feel like howling about injustices or shaking my fist at the moon if Sadie comes in second. Good luck Alfonso and Witney. You deserve this.
  22. Interesting observation...I had forgotten that when we first met Nick he wasn't a Grimm. My guess is the writers will forget it too, because your idea is just too interesting as a plot device for this show. Now that a deeper analysis of Grimms has interrupted our regularly scheduled programming, we can get back to Adalind in Wonderland.
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