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Everything posted by BigBlueMastiff

  1. Agreed, KS' acting seemed more suited to a soap opera, and the death itself, was anticlimactic and unsatisfying for reasons articulately stated by others. Gemma should've been duking it out with the ladies on death row for murder one. This, see final season of Dexter. Speaking of which if Sutter dexters me next week, ugghhh.
  2. It's also weird that D'Angelo Williams picked Cleans tatoo, because when he first saw the drawing he said the dove, and the rendering with the ribbion were unoriginal. I was expecting him to pick Mark, he had much more positive things to say about it. So I'm with those who say the fix is in for Clean, which makes me feel dirty.
  3. Don's was bad but Jason's was worse. Jason's skull was not straight, not symmetrical, hideously out of proportion, and didn't look like a skull.
  4. Ha ha ha, agreed. Henry Winkler will always be the Fonz, pretty much goes for every actor/actress on Happy Days.
  5. As much as I hate Directv ads, these are a step up from the awful marionettes, of course, that's not saying much. They need to fire their ad agency.
  6. I missed this show, and enjoyed the season opener. I liked seeing what happened to all the characters, and how they are moving. No idea why Jaha is still a story line, but I love Lincoln, and can't wait to see what happens when they get to his people. For some reason they didn't air ep 2 in Chicago on Wednesday, but it will air Sunday, probably due to some dumb political debate. I too am creeped out by that actor who plays the president, he is defintely up to something.
  7. Going to have to disagree for a couple reasons. first, this is a competition, and they don't have to help each other. Second, if you are such a bad artist that you need your partner to walk you through a tatoo on the spot, you are in the wrong profession. Josh was totally right in saying Julia should know what she's doing without asking for his help. As far as Angel, he said after the fact that he knew the drawing was off, BUT still used it. Why would any artist rely on a competitor's work, especially seeing that it is not up to par? Sorry, but that's on Angel.
  8. Totally agree with evryone throwing shade at Julia for her lack of professionalism. She gave up when she heard the challenge was biomech, and seemingly refused to compromise with the canvas. You would think before coming on this show you might do some planning and at least familiarize yourself with other styles, especially the ones they repeat season after season. To bitch and whine about not knowing how to do a certain style says that you didn't plan or train for this at all, which will not fly with her level of inexperience. Finally, Don was awesome. Loved his response to Julia whining about doing this to support her family. Banking on Inkmaster is like me banking on winning the lottery, and is an idiotic wway to plan your finances. If tatooing is not allowing you to earn what you need, get another job or two or three. That's what responsible parents do.
  9. Got to second the Heartbreaker's love for the nostalgia alone, it is solid gold. Rob Estes is still hot! Just rewatched the awful Web of Lies about the horrorcore murderer, who killed his online girlfriend, her family and a good friend, and again, wtf??? Good friend's mom is unable to reach her daughter for over a week and does call police, even after the friend and mom also don't respond? Don't get me started on the police who talked tto the killer, searched part of the house and couldn't smell 4 decaying bodies? Why didn't they question the guy about the family's whereabouts, and if they did why accept his version of events? So many questions...
  10. Love Honey Maid's new "Wholesome" commercial:
  11. Uggghhh, I hate Angela, but I'm glad this means the end for her and Ghost (I refuse to call him Jamie). She is going to look like an ass when her sister says I told you so, puta. Kind of interested to see when she'll match the eyes to Tommy. Also, Nomar got what he deserved. No soldier sneaks around with the bosses underage daughter, sends her multiple dick picks, and lives.
  12. Call me surprised that it really was Kyle in the end. Scary what abuse and neglect can do to a person's psyche. The only thing I didn't get is shy Joan Allen gave Kyle up in the first place. Did I miss something (granted Ep 4 didn't work for me, so I skipped it)? The way Holder was looking at Linden when he said stay, was so sexy. I could see the longing in his eyes, and when she was waiting for him asfter work, swoon. Good way to end, The Killing.
  13. Thank you, Enero, I thought he said Zale, but I wasn't sure. I may have to rewatch because I don't recall the convo about Zale's son, and why it might affect Terry's release. Also agree about Christine, she grates.
  14. I love this show! The acting is amazing, diverse cast, great story line. I knew she would fail the bar, but does she really need it? Looks like she can work there with just the JD. Terry broke my heart. Those letters, the fish out if water feelings, the humiliation of having to live with his parents, the rejection by his father, their fight, cutting off the swastika tattoo, and those letters. I loved that he showed boundaries when Christine looked like she wanted to kiss him. Billie and Adam were great, too. Loved the scenes when they are calling each other out on their so-called morality. Especially liked when he said he was acting because he thought what he was doing was right, while creating tax shelters, albeit legal, are just skirting the law. They are such lawyers, and the way they argued demonstrated it perfectly. So sad, about Jenny calling it quits, hope someone finds her. Who was Lester meeting with? Couldn't catch the guy's name. "We both have sons." Was that guy's son the rapist? So many questions...
  15. Ha ha, wish I had something to add, but I gave up after episode 2.
  16. @Rhetorica and vibelogy, I could only get through the first book. It was clearly written as a move or tv concept. It's a trilogy, but after slogging through The Strain, I didn't care what followed. And if I recall, the relationship with Eph and his son is a huge plot point. As for Sektarian not begging CDC chick for help, she didn't believe him the first time, and maybe he's fed up with trying to convince people of the impending doom, waiting instead for them to come to him. Imagine being him and trying to convince people what is happening and what will happen. He's lucky he didn't end up in Bellview.
  17. Ha ha ha, y'all kill me as much as this whack ass show. I wanted to like Tommy, but his wigga minstrel show grates, and is not believable. Also, why is he so strung out on a girl he barely knows? He acts like this is his first girlfriend ever, and shows the maturity of a loves truck teen. And why would he tell a chick who is pissed at him his real biz in a desperate attempt to get her back, makes no sense. Why would he ever think he could trust her knowing she stole from Tasha and lied about it, WTF? Tasha has no morals or moral leg to stand on. Yeah, Ghost is a cheater, but Tasha room it to a WNL by graphically flirting with her husband 'a nephew, gross. This is a mother, and what she is doing is so wrong and so much worse than Ghost, because she's just playing revenge games and using the nephew for her own gain . Tasha can kick rocks. After she beats Ghost and Angela's asses, I want 50 to beat hers for messing with his son.
  18. I am loving this show, great cast, Nia Long, Bunk and Lester, compelling subject, what more can I ask? Very curious to hear about the unfolding mystery, conspiracy, mob involvement etc. aspects of the story? Why did the teenage guy implicate the guy on death row (sorry can't remember their names)? How does he (lifer) square his current white supremacy with having a black girlfriend? Why does Nia Long look so damn good?
  19. Agree with those who are bored by this show. I don't mind slow or slowly developed shows, but this is just boring and nonsensical. I hate most of the female characters, especially the teens, Liv Tyler, and Judge Amy. As others have said, the antics of both cults are both annoying and boring. I don't get anyone's motivations and at this point I don't care. I wonder how the ratings are, because there is a lot of competition on Sunday night even with dvr. I'm done, moving on to The Strain.
  20. Ugghhh I want to like this show, but totally agree on being utterly confused, and I watched it a couple of times. First, hate Liv Tyler, her "acting" is like watching goldfish swim in a bowl. She has such little range, and the pouring and voice grate. Second, the mayor looked so much like Anita Hill, it was all I could think of in all of her scenes. Was it me, or did it look like the chief was sexing Aimee in that flashback in the bar. Speaking of Amy, her character made me want to punch her I the mouth. The fake orgasm scene, and then she goes and fucks that guy, with a lame apology, WTF? Great friend, and who talks to your friend's dad the way she did, no one I went to high school with. It felt contrived, creepy and over the top. Also sick of angsty teenagers, where are the decent ones, oh yeah, the twins. Likes: the twins, their dynamic is cool, and seems genuine; Justin Theroux. Black cult leader is weird. I don't get the motivations of either cult, making both of them frustrating to watch. And the GR's silence and smoking is contrived and stupid, making them all annoying. If I were the chiefI would've shot Amy Brenneman, not the dog.
  21. Worst: Revolution, Dexter, Sopranos, The 4400 Best: Breaking Bad, The Shield, Fringe
  22. Oh my god, you all are killing me. I hate commercials so much and thanks for sharing the hate: awesome sauce girl, Flo, Fran, Stupid Sprint family, offensive marionette wife and idiot husband with direct tv, that redheaded Wendy's beyotch, that British tchick talking about bums for cottonelle, Orbit lady, and so on and so on..More on the framily, shut up little girl speaking French, WTF is with the hamster, why is "dad" black, is mom the Gossip Girl chick, GorDon is the only semi-humorous thing in that dreck.
  23. Hannibal, please make me a Dr. Bloom tableau. I am sick of her simpering.
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