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Everything posted by limecoke

  1. Good grief, if these “sisters” don’t know by now that Maggie blabs everything, they’re dumber than Helm. Speaking of which, I was hoping she would disappear down the highway with DeLuca. Odious character. At least The Sun shuts Helm down when she starts adoring. This show has been preaching as long as I’ve watched it. My eyeballs are frequently stuck in the eye roll position. And yet I watch. Like a train wreck.
  2. Trying to watch this episode but I'm sooooooo bored. I think I'm out this season. Just don't care anymore.
  3. Katy Perry makes this show unwatchable. I liked the girl who loves her Nana. Other than that I can’t remember anyone else.
  4. Ok, so this poor woman had to sit around for THREE STINKING HOURS, waiting on this snippet of a girl to make up her mind and come in! Cry me a river. Welcome to the world of TV, lady, where waiting around for cameras to roll is a major part of the job. Aside from that, I give Madison a big pass on being reluctant to go inside and mix it up with that harridan. Hannah Ann is the big winner in this pathetic mess of a season. She's the only one who came out of it with dignity in tact and spewed a few home truths at Peter the Lump on her way out. Go and be happy Hannah Ann, you deserve it. Madison, Madison, Madison. This is never going to work, you know that, don't you? I'm hoping this ending was a production-driven farce slapped together to salvage what is the absolute worst season ever, worst bachelor ever, worst everything ever. Madison was not believable at all when expressing her love and how could any self-respecting woman watch that train wreck of a finale and go back headlong into that situation. If it is genuine, I hope she dumps him and gets on with her life with a guy she can respect who can respect her in return. It would also help if he has a mother who isn't a psychopath. Peter is pathetic and I hope I never find myself on a plane he's piloting. I swear, if I see him anywhere near the cockpit before takeoff, I'm going back into the airport.
  5. Bottom line, Peter is never going to be a faithful husband and if Madison can’t live with that, marriage would break her into little pieces. They are on different planets and why she chose to go on this show to find a husband baffles me. Don’t even get me started on mom and dad and their squicky obsession with Peter’s sex life. Gack. Please run, Maddie. Run from this immature, horndog mama’s boy. Worst. Bachelor. Ever. Yes, worse than Ben Flapjack.
  6. I'm disappointed Dr. Tess wasn't a real doctor. I liked her and hoped she'd be the new one that would put Helms' nose out of joint. They ruined it for me. Really Teddy? On some sort of hunch vaguely confirmed by Dr. Blabbermouth you rushed to your former lover? How mature. How very mature. If the writers intentionally set out to write a ridiculously stupid storyline, congratulations, you succeeded.
  7. YES! I remember. I think we all remember. Do the writers/producers think we all have the attention span of a gnat? Chicago Fire made me hate Voight and now I'm supposed to take him seriously by watching his show? Not in a million years. Unpopular opinion: I like Sylvie. (ducking).
  8. Me too! In fact, I've decided I love this show. It's a cut above all the other procedural cop dramas and there's some real genius in the characterizations. No one is the usual cookie-cutter "cop type". They all have layers that keep me invested and interested. I've come to like characters I didn't like in the beginning so it's a show that surprises me and I like that. Good episode all around though I could have done without the little deal at the end that insured we'd see Rosalind again. I'm over her.
  9. ...and everything that followed in the post by Daisy. I was loaded and ready to fire but you basically said everything I was thinking. Bottom line, pretty much everyone sucks. So all of a sudden DeLuca is (maybe) bipolar. Ok, show. I can only assume the writer is clearing the decks for The Sun to hook up with The Irish Doctor. I actually like Richard Flood after watching him for a season on the weirdly delightful Irish Cop Soap, "Red Rock." He looks better with hair, at least to me. One more thought on Andrew, I did enjoy the moment in his rant where he called out Meredith on her hypocrisy regarding rule following. Considering Meredith's sanctimonious proclivity for breaking the law and getting away with it, his comment was pretty spot on. Of course, she's The Sun and he's Pluto so I doubt she heard him.
  10. Paula Abdul was a dream of a judge compared to Katy Perry and, in addition, while it's hard to imagine an ego bigger than JLo's, I'll take her as a judge any day over Perry. When you think she can't get more awful, somehow she manages it. Gack. Underwhelmed this episode. If I had to name early favorites...maybe the first girl to audition and the British guy. Francisco was pretty good too.
  11. TV never makes me cry but, I have to say, this got me. I have no audio record of my dad's voice and I have lost all memory of how he sounded. The thought of having audio of a beloved father's voice just caused me to lose it. Always, always have some sort of record of the older folks in your life. I can remember a time when a child of mine choked on a bit of food and it's terrifying. I did cringe when Toby let the baby play with Star Wars figures, even though the bonding scene was very touching. I suppose Kate will lose her mind when Toby tells her about it. Kevin was my least favorite of the Big 3 for the first season but has quickly become my favorite. He's good-looking, funny and growing in maturity (except for his apparent need to bed the first female he meets after some emotional upset). He probably needs to end up with Sophie as they seem to be soulmates.
  12. So I watched this wondering, "Where did these storylines come from? Who are these people?" From what I'm reading here it's Station 19, which I do not watch and do not intend to watch. Nice move, show. Why does Maggie think she has to be the Big Cheese Chief of Surgery? She's the one who quit. She's an annoying child and reminiscent of Veruca Salt only more immature. The Baby Daddy storyline just isn't interesting enough to drag over (what seems like) 57 episodes. So, GET ON WITH IT. Link is way too nice of a guy to torture this way. So Catherine buys an entire hospital out of spite, thereby putting hundreds of people out of work. There's no way one hospital can absorb the staff of another hospital. Beyond unrealistic and silly from the beginning. A storyline set in motion by, IIRC, Meredith Grey breaking the law. Nice. I thought Chicago Med was the worst medical show on television but, alas, we have a new champion of suck.
  13. Being the last person in a tight family to know about a serious health issue is a very hard and hurtful thing. Definitely a set-up for future problems between the Big 3. This was an excellent episode-writing, acting, directing, everything. When you think about it, this show is exploring deep and complex personality and family-dynamic issues. I can't think of any other TV show that does this, or has ever done this. Well done, show. Great episode.
  14. I thought the same thing. Weird choice. I like original 911 a lot and I gave this one a shot and might even watch episode 2. But I felt like an anvil had been dropped on my head. I get the need to be woke but the heavy-handedness was a bit much. Also, Liv Tyler is a terrible actress.
  15. She went to Aberfan to dedicate the new junior school. She also returned on the 50th anniversary of the tragedy. YouTube has a couple of good documentaries about Aberfan. The tips were eventually removed, thanks to men in the town who wouldn't take no for an answer from the Coal Board and got the job done. How they did it is explained in one of the documentaries. I highly recommend "Surviving Aberfan." It was produced for the 50th anniversary and features survivors and parents of lost children. According to many people who were actually there, the Queen was visibly moved and shed real tears. I don't know why the show decided to make such a big deal about her lack of emotion but it made for a good "one tear" scene at the end. Fictional, but well done balderdash. I cut the woman some slack. She wasn't raised to be hyper-emotional as people expect today. I'm a pretty stoic person on the outside but am capable of deep feelings and emotions...I just don't "bleed" in public.
  16. This could be the tagline for the show. Seriously. Episode after episode after episode and it's exhausting. I do not know why I watch it. I stopped watching New Amsterdam because it was too preachy and might quit Chicago Med because it's too stupid. Choi has been my favorite character heretofore but I think April's awfulness is rubbing off on him. However, it didn't bother me all that much that he was against young wife pulling the plug on NotSam because it seemed overly hasty considering they couldn't tell it was really him. Marcel, on the other hand, seemed to acquiesce a little too quickly. All very unrealistic so I'm giving Choi a pass plus the fact that he looks really good in uniform. Natalie, for once, did the right thing. Halstead is an idiot.
  17. I really like this show but did not like this episode. At all. Very cliched and predictable. Of course the redheaded killer would toy with the cops, of course she'd pick Nolan to be her special confidant, of course Nolan would be the guy to jump down the tunnel (without backup, mind you), of course Caleb at the bar would be the accomplice killer, and of course Lucy would be grabbed as a set-up for the next episode. And, OF COURSE, she will be saved at the last possible moment-probably by Nolan. I've seen this plot 1001 times over the years. Add to all this plot holes you could drive a truck through. So, nope, I didn't like it.
  18. At times I was bored and at other times intrigued. It's pretty obvious to me that the messiah in the story is an antichristical character. Maybe not THE Antichrist but a type of antichrist. Nice to see an international cast and a variety of locations.
  19. This season is a hot mess. Janice Dickenson is how Kelsey will look if she doesn't stop going to the plastic surgeon. Who, by the way, should be sued for the way he/she messed up the end of Kelsey's nose. I find myself staring at it which is weird. I am one of those "don't ever want to be center of attention" people and, trust me, Victoria is not one of us. Please tell me that the one Peter's mother begs him to "Bring her home!!!" is not Hannah B! And if it's not, please...for the love...do not give Hannah B another shot at the Bachelorette. I would not watch it with a gun to my head, tied to a train track with wild, feral, starving dogs charging me. Never, in this lifetime or the next.
  20. This three hour premiere episode was tedious and icky. Good grief, enough with the gross, unfunny jokes and the whole, tired, windmill thing. NOBODY CARES. Seriously. Nobody cares about Hannah B either. Hannah should do three things...grow up, introduce herself to waterproof mascara and just go away. For the love...please go away. If this is going to be a season of her whining and crying and spinning her indecisive web around poor, dumb Peter then I'm out because I don't care about any of it and I don't want to see any of it. So I too am going to head to the spoiler thread to find out if this hot mess is worth the waste of my time.
  21. limecoke

    Fix The Show

    Too many hidden immunity idols and convoluted/confusing advantages. Also, the challenges are all the same and, consequently, boring. Also, Probst yells too much. Never, ever, do Edge of Extinction again because it sucked. It was boring, too. Please stop bringing back fame-whoring winners from the past who seem to live their lives on the glory of their repeated Survivor experiences. Maybe we don't love them as much as you think we do. Best season in a looooonnnnngggg time was David vs Goliath. Perhaps because they cast all new, interesting people who actually PLAYED the game. Learn from this, show.
  22. I stopped watching Survivor a few seasons ago and have been catching up on the ones I missed while watching the current series. So here's my (probably) unpopular opinion: exactly when did everyone start running around in their underpants?? They always ended up looking sketchy by the end of the 39 days but the bra/panties and tight boxers seems to be the norm in all the recent seasons. Gotta tell you, it's not working for me. That's it.
  23. What a relief to see Rose make the finals! While I prefer Marybeth's voice to Katie's, the finalists are ok by me. Hoping for a Rickey or Hoot win but not expecting it. Katie will probably be the winner and, when it's all said and done, it won't matter much anyway. That Australian singer was awful. Thankful for fast-forward. Two things regarding Kelly (who I really like). First, I do not and will not vote for anyone based on their age-old or young-so stop screeching about it. Second, that "Ma on the farm" look might have worked for Maybelle Carter but it doesn't work for Kelly. Yikes.
  24. Lots of fast-forwarding on this one. Way too much filler and nonsense plus that stupid song which I hate regardless of the "updated lyrics". Yuck. And can someone please tell me how this qualifies as a Christmas song?? Because it's about cold weather? Shoot, where I live its cold seven months out of the year. Anyhow, I'm glad Marybeth stayed but, overall, I'm not impressed with this bunch. Therefore, my ideal final two would be Rose and Jake. Kat can be dispatched forthwith.
  25. I may have missed something in her intro package, but unless Kat's fan base is all over 50, I cannot imagine how or why they would possibly choose "I'll Fly Away" as her performance song. This makes NO sense and seems completely bogus.
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