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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. Not enough to be in the Pikeman/WSB/Anna storyline, why is Carly being inserted into Ava's storyline about Austin's death? It's none of Carly's business what Ava tells Sonny (not to mention she's already told him about 'killing' Nicholas). I'm just waiting for Carly to corner Kristina and tell her all the horror stories about being pregnant. Poor Robert. Diane wants "dessert". Also, it's not picking out your own tree if you order it from a florist. A psychologist once told me that about half of therapists getting into the job to understand their own problems. If Adam can get through med school, he will be a better doctor for being able to understand how patients feel. TJ is such a judgey McJudgerson (this is why Adam will be a better doctor). He's acting like Kristina will decide at 6 or 7 months pregnant "Nope, I've changed my mind. I'm not going to go through with this." I fear for that baby weighed down with his expections,
  2. Dante: Why do you keep all that information unless you're going after someone. Me: Or unless you're trying to protect yourself from someone who is powerful going after you. How stupid are you Dante? Carly: "I leaned how and when to compromise." Me:🤣🤣🤣 Why would Nik murder Austin? Austin saved his life (even if Ava doesn't ow that, the audience does). Trina was generally right taking to Adam but wrong to tell him to follow his music instead of premed. When his parents kick him out, is he really going to be able to support himself ostracized by his family? Jonathan Miller, Rob Buckman, there are many physicians who also had a career in arts. There is even a European Doctors Orchestra. Something to be truly grateful for. Issues with how the baby is being raised, absolutely. That could be a huge problem. But that's not what Alexis and everyone else keep raising. They focus on the physical problems of the pregnancy itself, and as someone who had a lot of symptoms including fainting (to the extent that I was medically forbidden to drive), I don't think it's that big a deal. If the show didn't want to pay for Cassandra James, have Sonny talk to new co-chief of staff Portia.
  3. The Tracey/Ned reunion was really swet. Two old pros who hae been working together forever. Doesn't the head of the WSB realize that Dante can recognize him too? Dante worked for the WSB just a few years ago. And possibly Robert will recognize him too as the man who fired him from the WSB. Clever of Dante to put the Forsyth package in a safety deposit box. Stupid to keep the wallet with him.. I don't get the big deal about being pregnant and giving birth. It's nine months, less if you don't get morning sickness, and it rearranges your body but then, if there are no complications, it's done. I wish that Scott and Obrecht had got together again. They were fun, and now we'll only hear from Obrecht, not see her. It is a no-brainer since Ned is already opposed to Michael to tell him that Michael knows the truth and is concealing it so that he can use it against Ned. Yeah. So much for the Bensonhurst "Family is everything" chorus. I guess family is everything only if you approve of them.
  4. Is Dex competing with Sonny for the saddest growing up story? "[My mother] just wasn't strong enough to stand up on her own."..."It was this vicious cycle that my mom refused to break." Yes, it was her fault, those weak wimminz. But young Dex had to take her side and get beat up by his brothers? sob, sob I know that Leo is on the autism spectrum but his life will be easier if Olivia teaches him not to be rude to people, especially adults. What am I saying? Olivia? She gives master class in rudeness. Isn't Violet rather old to be read to from a child's book? At eight I was reading chapter books. Portia had no legal right to submit Curtis' case to the experimental She is neither his doctor nor his current medical power of attorney since he can act for himself. Excellent point. And he blames his mother for not 'stopping the cycle' rather than his father for creating the situation. For both of them, it' about what they want in the moment.
  5. You can add Molly and Charlotte to the list of Spencer's cousins who have been abandoned by a parent whether deliberately or by circumstances. The difference though is that his cousins had one stable parent still there; Liz for Aiden, Dante or Lulu for Rocco, Alexis for Molly, Valentin for Charlotte. But for years Spencer thought that he had no living parent and except for his grandmother, he was basically rootless as compared to Aiden who occasionally visits his father and Rocco whose mother is in a hospital in a coma. (Spencer had Sonny but Sonny always prioritizes his own family.) And then he found out his father really was alive and just decided not to connect with his only child. That's a trauma greater than those experienced by his cousins. He maybe be spoiled and immature but Spencer is basically an adult, certainly in his interactions with Ace he is. Aiden is 15, Rocco even younger. They could compare feelings of abandonment but their situations and stages in understanding are different.
  6. Diane and Max worked very well, partly because she has no qualms about working for a mob boss (and his stepson) and dong whatever it takes to win. Robert is even more moral than Anna is and d I find it impossible to believe that he would just hand wave some of Diane's nastier blows especially the ones to innocent people They're not as bad as Carly/Drew but that could be because they have less screentime.
  7. I liked Molly's observation that the person giving the help is the one who is in control. I don't trust TJ with his prejudice against Kristina ("You're the smart one, Sam's the capable one (!!!), Kristina's the impulsive one"); when their kid screws up, and they all do, he will blame Kristina. I also really liked how Finn and Liz handled Violet saying that she picked the perfect tree. Ciurtis/Portia, Carly, Michael, Willow, Joss would all have agreed that the tree was perfect. Finn led into a conversation with Violet that the tree was perfect for them because of its flaws. Don't people try out the tree lights before putting them on the tree instead of putting them on and then hoping that they work? I remember Olivia's decorating when Monica put her foot down. Tacky. Valentin,that Anna shooting Charlotte confirms Charlotte's beliefs is your problem, not Anna's. She's so done with you. Also, low blow, Weren't they white and blue and so fake? And Curtis was being pissy and refusing to move back in? Sign her as a song writer too because that was better than any of the ones Brook Lynn has produced.
  8. Did they decide to put the boring stories all into one episode? Lucy and Scott were nice but while I like Alexis' friendship with Gregory, I really don't care about this malpractice case. Finn said that he told the patient to come back for more tests, the man didn't. All I need to know. I think that Alexis is better in friendship stories rather than romantic ones. Kelly's is small enough already; why is Carly taking up a table to do her paperwork? Isn't that what offices are for? A BLT with coleslaw just feels weird. Fries with a BLT, coleslaw with chicken Marshall reminiscing about his past Christmases works better than Ambien. I find it hard to believe that a paralyzed man could walk after 11 days because his muscles would have atrophied. But I guess we're getting a Curtis Christmas miracle. Diane should be professional enough to be civil to Gregory even if she is on the other side of the case. Why is Gregory Chase's son called Hamilton Finn? Who changed their last name and why? Who is the ex-spy security consultant that Sonny uses? Brick? Because Anna doesn't work for him. Why is the show torturing me with Robert/Diane? They just don't fit as a couple. Both deserve better. He didn't like to other students though, he lied to his parents because he couldn't tell them the truth, that he had a panic attack. And even with the lie, they were angry that he helped out a fellow student instead of finishing the test. Ironically later yesterday I was at a workshop on cultural competency where they role played the parents of a university student in the emergency room berating him for not studying hard enough to get the marks that they want and bringing shame to the family. It could have been Adam's parents except for the parts that were in Cantonese. I hope so too, but it would probably more like the Ransom of Red Chief. At least now we know why it was Drew who had to go to Australia.
  9. Curtis: Trina, you get to pick out the Christmas tree. Trina: This one! Curtis: Are you sure you want to pick that one? Because ..... [Oh Curtis, stop micromanaging people. And then he starts talking about that he can't decorate a tall tree because he's in a wheelchair He and Anna should have their pity parties catered, I might be able to tolerate them then.) Curtis says that it never occurred to him that making Christmas is work that his mother and aunt had to do. Marshall tells a story of when Curtis was 3 and insisted on an ugly gnarly tree. His mother told him that it was the most beautiful tree. And that's how you create someone like Curtis. Liz to Jake: "As much as we like to think that doctors are infallible, medicine is not a science." Uh, I'm pretty sure that medicine is the definition of a science. There are just more variables than there are in physics and chemistry. The irony that Jason's son is working with gun control groups is delicious. I have nothing to say about Josslyn other than I wanted to reach through the screen and punch her for her total lack of empathy to Adam. Yes Joss, the important thing is that Adam tell everyone that you took him to the hospital, and not that he is so scared of his parents that he feels that he has to lie to them. A true Carly, and someone who should not be allowed around patients. For goodness' sake, Spencer, Ace isn't dead, he's just moving 3 streets away. Get some perspective. Is Drew Dante's confidential informant? Because that would be right in his wheelhouse. Obrecht reference! She lives! I for one can't get enough of this fascinating story. Not.
  10. Does Laura know that Cyrus ordered the bombing? Or only that Julian did it? That's why he looks so familiar! Thanks. I love the idea too but I know that it will be all Ned's fault for starting the negotiations in the beginning. Too bad Michael will never know that he was working with Pikeman just like Sonny was.
  11. They split up at the end of season 2 because Claire wanted a completely fresh start as she started her NP training and felt that he would favour her if they were together. The behind-the-scenes reason was that John Hannah was only going to stay with the show for 2 seasons. It's a way of saying "See how necessary we are" without actually going on strike. Like Teachers, nurses do many things outside of their contracted requirements.
  12. I wish Anna would stop weeping over shooting Charlotte. She was afraid for her life after Curtis' shooting and the harassment and she shot an intruder. Charlotte is 15 and lives in the US, she should know the risks of breaking into someone's home. And a tough life=long spy should be more realistic. Finally, movement on the Pikeman/WSB stuff. I have to say, I like this twist. I still don't understand why they have to go through Sonny in Port Charles. The Canadian border isn't nearly as porous as this show likes to make out. I liked Blaze's explanation of why she isn't out. The grannies I know accept their queer family members but then, we're not really religious. Why is Dante telling super secret things to Sam? On the other hand, if Jordan had, she might still be married to Curtis. Jordan really caught a break there. JK is so good. Even while I know what a terrible person Cyrus is, I still feel for him. They have really ruined this version of Drew. BM's Drew I could believe was able to step into a company and take charge; CM's life coach Drew is only good for signing his name as a figurehead. The way they write, you'd think that internet search engines never existed. I wasn't watching much in those days but I see to remember Lila adoring Brenda and Jason, and being unfair to AJ and Skye. And failing to call Edward on it when he was unfair to Tracy.
  13. Because the writers can't think pf what else to do with him. He's only a cop and there is a murder investigation going on and his father has a fatal disease so there is nothing else for him to do but propose to Brook Lynn Carly and her children can do no wrong, and by extension, Drew is now in the sainted circle. There was a memo I believe.
  14. Michael is a brilliant deal-maker, Carly is the bestest, Tracy is terrible, Joss is a wonderful friend, Nina is a villain for turning in Carly and Drew -- yes, the regular writers are back. Who is the Chair of the ELQ Board since Ned is CEO and Michael is a shareholder? When Ned checked out, the Board should have put in someone else as interim CEO. Drew and Michael saying that Ned is acting like a 4 year old is the quintessential pot, kettle. Drew apologizes to Carly for leaving her for one week for business. One week??? she's an adult, she can suck it up. I'm not so sure about your daughter Scout though, remember her big guy? Carly to Drew: "Don't change who you are" Too late Carly, from the time he started worshipping you, his personality completely changed. (I ran across a Cameron Matheson roman movie on TV but I just can't watch him any more. Drew has ruined him. ) Lois propping Michael and Lila to Ned. She can leave now. I've never bought the St. Lila story because she could be awful to people she didn't like, such as Skye. TJ to Kristina: "Kristina, I didn't expect to find you here." Rude. Wrapping up things I don't care about: Chase proposes, Blaze kisses Kristina
  15. They hinted at it when Ned said something like 'Not a deal with [name of person Michael had been talking with]' but it wasn't made clearer.
  16. There really should be something between Maxie putting everything on her credit card at 25% interest and being bailed out by Felicia and Mac. A co-signed loan perhaps? If they are going to write this story, do it properly. I don't think that it's been stated on the show but he feels that way with his awkwardness around people and social backwardness. I think that it would make this lawsuit more interesting if the problem was not just whether his work was competent but his problems in winning the jury's sympathy. Certainly more interesting than his problems tapping sugar maples. ETA: I may be influenced by the fact that I'm just reading The Maid and fascinated at the problems ND people can have reading communications.
  17. A bullet extractor, It's a good thing that they accept each other so well. The actual solution to the murder was the least part, did we ever find out the name of the person who did it? But I liked how all the main characters got their own storyline and how natural it felt for them, Watts and Miss Hart with bad memories, Julia wanting to take Susannah to see Santa, George and Effie dealing with their plans upset by her mother (and the clever idea George had to bring her father over), Higgins trying to move from the naughty list, Brackenreid spending too much money on the gift. This episode was directed by Katie Boland who I first encountered as one of the children on a Canadian children's show called Noddy and then other acting roles so when I saw her name in the credits I paid attention to the directing. The opening was a long tracking shot as each of the police on the case was questioning the witnesses with some very funny moments such as the band playing too loudly. Good for her.
  18. Ava was a mob princess and she's smart. Why is she handing the incriminating picture around and smudging any possible fingerprints? Touch it with gloves and put it in the safe in case you need it to prove your innocence later. Instead of Elizabeth glossing over Finn's concerns about how he will look to the jury, it would be a better story for Finn to have to deal with the problems of being neurodivergent and how other people react to that. Casting win: Rena Sofer and Amanda Setton really do look like they could be mother and daugher. Kristina & Molly bond at her apartment: the Molly/Kristina feud is over with a vengeance, thank goodness. But Kristina being the surrogate is still a terrible idea. They have nothing for Chase and Brook Lynn except to get married? Zzzzzz Carly can feed the whole unhoused of Port Charles but until she treats Nina better, I will never believe that she is a good person.. I like the Pikeman twist though, unless Sonny has to save Carly yet again. She overspent moving into the new house and Deception went into debt during the lawsuit. I get that she doesn't want to use her parents' retirement fund but hello, 25% interest...
  19. Why didn't Ava tell Dante that Austin told her that she was kidnapped so that Austin would get Cyrus out of Pentonville? Easy peasy. Dante is a fool for trusting Mason. Especially since Austin was murdered right after telling Dante that he would get him evidence against the Crime Boss but it would cost him his life. Does Dante think that's Ava? How can Portia take over TJ's patients? She head of Internal Medicine and he's on some residency rotation. Not to mention, no doctor I know would let a resident off because he was upset that his wife wanted a new surrogate. So Sam doesn't want to hurt Drew's feelings and so she's going to let him ship Scout off to a school that she doesn't want to go to? Great way to advocate for your kid, Sam. Does someone on the show's production team think that Michael is in any way charming? Or even interesting? Because I know worms who are better than him. Was today "Meet Everyone's Minimums Day? The PSA with Maxie was acceptable but everything else was Zzzzzzz, including the anvils for Cody.
  20. He would be right. Austin told Dante that he would bring him the proof of Mr. Big's identity which is presumably what he went to Pautuck to get. So the Pautck detective is right, the solution will be in Port Charles. Ironic that Austin has more story in death than in life.
  21. I enjoyed A Biltmore Christmas. Kristoffer Polaha and Bethany Joy Lenz can generally be counted on for a decent film but add in Jonathan Frakes (ST:TNG) and Robert Picardo (ST:Voyager) having fun hamming it up and a lot of easter eggs from the fake movie (a combination of It's a Wonderful Life and The Bishop's Wife with Polaha in the Cary Grant role, to Lenz pronouncing 'poinsettias' harking back to a 2018 movie of hers, to Rachel Boston playing the actress in the remake saying that this movie will be better than Check Into Christmas, a movie that Boston made in 2019. Margaret, the geeky Christmas movie lover, worked as a stand-in for me. ETA: apologies, I just realized that this may be in the wrong thread. All the Christmas movies here air on the same channel and I have trouble knowing what is Hallmark and what isn't n
  22. Why would Austin have food delivered to his Port Charles apartment when he was going to Pautuck? At least the Pautuk police seem to be smarter than PCPD. Austin tell Dante to that if he gives him information on who is behind everything, he'll end up dead, and then he ends up dead and Dante still can't figure it out. Why isn't the hospital's lawyer taking notes as she talks to Finn? Even if she's recording the conversation, there are things that she should be noting as he speaks. The nursing textbooks on Finn's shelf,a famous infectious disease specialist, don't make sense. Get some medical books, props department. Speaking of which, what is all the "Dr. Robinson" "Dr. Finn" stuff? These people have been working at an equal level foryears; they should be on first name basis. Certainly Portia should be saying "Finn" to make him feel better. Wasn't Austin and ER doc? Those aren't his patients, they're patients who came into the hospital to be treated by whoever is there. Dad-of-the-decade Drew wants to move Scout into a private school and doesn't notice that A. Scout hates the idea and B. it's a bad time in a kid's life to change schools. And yeah, Kristina went there and look how well she turned out. Not. I think that Michael didn't actually involve himself in the insider trading; that was all Carly and both Michael and Drew told her not to do it. However the genius businessman didn't realize that what his mother was doing was insider trading. And he'll never face any consequences for trying to get the man who raised him into federal penitenary. Because it's Michael, Carly's spawn.
  23. I'd forgotten about Ace. And Laura and Kevin, and all Liz's kids. I hope they're somewhere enjoying Thanksgiving. I hope they've invited Taggart too. Somehow I feel that that's the only way someone is going to notice the Austin is dead.
  24. Olivia thinks that Michael is a brilliant businessman, I'm not surprised that she doesn't know what goes on at her own business or think that the restaurant may be filled with people who don't want to cook their own turkey. Is Austin still bleeding out on the floor of his home? No one missed him? It's been a week (although not in show time).
  25. Thanksgiving on GH: Nina is at the Quartermaines being abused by Michael (if he doesn't stop sneering, his face will freeze that way as the old folks used to say) Cut to Ava thanking Joss for saving her and everyone thanking Carly for being such a wonderful person. Meanwhile Anna is blaming Nina for the fact that she shot Charlotte. What a bunch of unpleasant people. Portia, co-chief of staff, decides to bail on her shift because things are slow at the hospital. In my experience, holidays are the busiest times at hospitals because 1. clinics are closed and 2. families start fighting so someone gets sick so they can all go to the hospital as a distraction. Don't get too complacent there Portia. Spencer is serving pumpkin pie without whipped cream? Sacrilege. Ugh, Robert has been dating Diane for a month. I could not care less about Gloria's troubles but maybe Yuri will finally get something to do. I knew that I should have skipped today. Only reason to watch was the 'In loving memory of Tyler Christopher'.
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