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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. I think so. But it seems kind of ridiculous now that Oliver is training with him. Oh, Oliver, you're lucky you're good looking.
  2. Maybe Diggle's speech is from 313 and it's about adding Laurel and Malcolm to the lair. That would make a bit more sense. Man, they really didn't do Thea justice in 3A. Hopefully that will get fixed now. But I really don't want to see Thea and Malcolm in the lair now working out with the others. It would be nice continuity if Felicity's speech helped Oliver decide to tell Thea (at last!) because she's influenced him like that before. I'm going with Diggle and Felicity being right. They're Oliver's moral touchstones while Roy and Laurel are the newbies. Also, it's the better story, as Richard Castle would say. ETA: the "night terrors" line was strange because night terrors are more a physiological thing than a psychological one and people don't remember that they had one the next day. I could understand Felicity have nightmares but terrors? Also, if she was going to have them, wouldn't we have seen them while Oliver was gone? Now that he's back and acting stupid, there's less reason for them.
  3. If Diggle also turned down Malcolm, and Felicity got mad as hell about it, are we supposed to take it that Oliver is in the wrong when he joins up with MM?
  4. Ra's has been alive for hundreds of years though, Malcolm did much of it in one swell swoop because he refused Rebecca's phone calls. (That's my story and I"m sticking to it - guilt projection makes it more interesting.) And while Ra's is dangerous, he has a code so forewarned is forearmed. Malcolm is just BSC all over the place, and he'll turn on you in a second if it's an advantage to him. Ra's may have made Sara 'lose her soul', after Nyssa saved her life, but Malcolm also made Thea lose her soul while professing to love her. He also said he loves Oliver and sent him to get killed in his place too. This. It's another example of relying too much on the comics lore this season instead of writing the beats on the show itself.
  5. Did anyone mention that Malcolm also killed Oliver's father and tried to kill Oliver? No. This is the worst plot contrivance ever on this show, and that's saying a lot. I've been saying for a while that Oliver should hand over Malcolm on the condition that Ra's lets Thea go. How can he trust his sister, blinkers fully over her eyes, in Malcolm's care? I think that's the point of this arc, Oliver loves Felicity but he makes stupid decisions and loves her to the guy who doesn't. They'll never miss an opportunity to cause Oliver more pain. I haven't had a chance to see it yet so thank you to everyone who summarized it for me. Question about the student surpassing the master: If Malcolm can fight so well that Oliver is going to learn from him, why wasn't he the one challenging Ra's to a duel? I don't think they're going to redeem Malcolm (a caveat that I haven't seen the episode yet). I think Team Arrow will work with him and then he will turn on them and be the season's Big Bad. Or maybe I'm thinking too much about the fable of the scorpion and the frog. (I wish Felicity had said that.) But MG did say that Felicity was the moral centre of the Team so maybe she will be right in the end.
  6. That sounds more like teasing the "why not Ray?" storyline to me than something that's actually going to happen.
  7. Spoilers are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle we try to put together in a way that makes sense. This one doesn't. Oliver makes it homes, exhausted from his wounds and travelling and not wanting anything more than a drink, a hot bath and cuddle time with his girl, and he has to hood up because Brick is taking over his city. In what world does it make sense that Diggle tells him he has to step down and let it be a committee now. I'm kind of laughing at KC's interview where she wanted her Black Canary costume to be more feminine. CL looks very sexy and feminine in her costume, maybe because she actually has curves. I wish! Thea would so kick Laurel's ass, even now with an extra two weeks of fighting practice. Maybe Felicity takes Ray home and puts him to bed because he's working too hard, you know like all the fanfic has Oliver doing for her. Ray looks pretty rough in those pictures.
  8. I think Brandon Routh is effective in terms of bringing the press to the show, and if they detached hm from Felicity's hip the character could be an okay recurring and might have a shot.at a pilot. I don't know why they cast KC but once they didn't they should have written to her acting strengths.
  9. Laurel can have the line. It sounds like a stupid line. When MG said there were pre-island Tommy and Oliver flashbacks tonight, we know the Tommy ones are of kid Tommy. The ones of Oliver may be too. I can't see Laurel knowing them in that timeline though. He said "You'll like tomorrow night's episode - for the most part." (Fingers crossed the part they don't like are the Oliver/Felicity stuff.)
  10. They've drunk the costumed kool-aid. They set up a show that worked because of the characters and their development and have been seduced by the comic praise. Having Ray go to the Flash for an episode would be a good way to see if people are interested enough in the Atom to do a pilot. He hasn't worked so well on Arrow because 1. it's a show about characters (or at least it was) rather than gimmicks and they've failed to develop Ray as a character; and 2. the audience for The Flash is more open to things like superpowers and weird science. It would give Ray a chance to interact with other characters and see if there is enough chemistry and interest to try for a pilot. It's risky though to put on another superhero show. Constantine got cancelled and I hear people giving up on Gotham. That's what I'm thinking too. It would keep them separate for the meet cute in season 1 but it would make me smile. I think. Self-awareness is a start at least. Me too. Can we get her a costume and a mask? Maybe then the EPs would be interested in her too. As the EPs said, killing for Ra's is a tool. We may not like the LoA's rules (I certainly don't) but there are rules. Whereas with Malcolm, you can't trust him at all. He's got their weird idea of who he is so he'll seem really sincere when he's talking to you, like telling Moira how much he regretted having to kill his best friend Robert, but he's crazy.all over the place. Long term, I think the best thing to do would be to join up with Malcolm now, then have him go completely over the top and Oliver has to have Ra's help to deal with Malcolm. Barrowman has a ton of scenery to chew, Thea gets a good arc, and Malcolm dies at the end of the season leaving Ra's for a long term foe.
  11. The thing about the LoA going after Malcolm is that it wasn't because he killed Sara, it was because he broke the League rules with the Undertaking. Oliver protecting Merlyn from the punishment fitting his crime because he's Thea's bio-daddy didn't make sense then. It makes even less sense now that Oliver knows Malcolm corrupted Thea by brainwashing her and using her to kill Sara. What he should do is offer Malcolm to the League in exchange for them leaving Thea alone. What he's going to do boggles my mind.
  12. There was a great bit of social science research done by Adams in the 80s where a man and a woman were having a conversation and male and female students had to rate if they were flirting or just talking. The female students tended to rank them as just friends while male students were "yeah, she totally wants him". So even then, men were mistaking what women wanted. It's something we teach our daughters young. Cora may have considered it a friendship but the moment Bricker expressed a romantic interest in her, she should have shut it down flat. Who can blame her for not doing it, with Robert as a husband, but still she should have. I'm so glad Bunting is gone. (I was shouting "Stop, Daisy, leave it alone.") Having Socialist beliefs is no excuse for a lack of manners. Just ask George Bernard Shaw. Also, her mind was as closed as a steel trap and she annoys me. JF, why can't Edith have one single moment of happiness? Now that Mrs. Drewe is against her, Rosamund and Granny want to send Marigold to an orphanage. I could tolerate Mary's narcissism better if Edith were allowed just a bit of happiness. Rose is a twit but she gets to be happy.
  13. Six months ago, I would have completely dismissed any 'but comics!' arguments. I'm wiser but sadder now.
  14. The US may have been wary of the Soviet Union but they totally underestimated them especially when they gave them the lands from the conquered countries. At the end of the war as the Germans were retreating, people in countries such as Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia were praying that them Americans would be the ones to liberate them not the Russians, because they were longtime democracies and didn't want to live under Soviet rule. I thought she should have told the Russian guy, I'll get you bottles when we land and left that one for the Howling Commandos. But it was sad and sweet to see him cuddling it as he slept on the way home. I found the middle of the episode too dark visually (as opposed to Dottie which was too dark emotionally). I could hardly see the nighttime and the hiding parts.
  15. Show, I didn't need any more reason to ship Barry/Caitlin, I already preferred them to Barry/Iris and Caitlin/Ronnie because Barry and Caitlin smile more when they are with each other. I like Iris' relationship with Eddie, it's sweet and adult. Although I did like Barry with Linda Park as a temporary ship. Girl knows what she wants and goes for it.
  16. I was expecting Thompsonn to turn on Peggy too because he made himself vulnerable and she now knows his secret. I think they're setting up her ship with Sousa though. He's going to figure it out, and instead of turning her in, he's going to trust her. I don't care what the show says, I'm shipping Peggy with Dum-Dum now. Was that Dottie who killed the other little girl who shared her food in the flashback? Creepy. Did they test for psychopathy too?
  17. Linda Park was enjoyable. ITA with both those. Iris seems like a nice person and CP does a decent job with her but I liked Barry/Caitlin from the first episode. Also, Eddie seems like a good person and willing to have Iris BFF be Barry, so I'm afraid he's going to turn evil. It was because he didn't answer the reporter's question so Iris pushed it which made her "gutsy" and justified someone with no experience and little training being a report. A real waste of Roger Howarth (the other reporter) though.
  18. Felicity can't be right. it's the middle of the LaurelBC trilogy on the Arrow show. On the other hand, I guess we can excuse Oliver this one because he just got killed. Writers get bonus points if they reference the fable of the scorpion and the frog.
  19. Malcolm still thinks he's a loving one. He seemed genuinely worried Thea was going to die in the comic preview. He 'loved' Rebecca but he still refused to take her phone calls because he was too busy and she died. What Malcolm thinks he is, and what he really is (he abandons Tommy shortly after that scene) are two different things. Yes, MG said a while ago there were going to be Malcolm flashbacks in this ep. Remember when Oliver was smart, as well as the star of his own show? In Season 1, he was emotionlly stunted but he wasn't stupid, especially about alliances.
  20. You know one of the writers for the Green Lantern, right? Marc Guggenheim. RR seems like a nice guy.
  21. Was that a whole set or just a bathtub? As much as I hate that Tommy and Sara died, if I could have someone back for the sake of the show I'd want Moira. They really need a strong character who doesn't need a costume to be effective. Sadly yes, The last thing they'd want is CL back to show up KC, even if Sara becomes the White Canary or something like that. I think Susanna Thompson turned down a bit scene in ep 314's flashbacks, not Moira back as a functioning characted, but that's just my guess.
  22. Maybe they're giving Oliver the 17 other superheroes "there's a democracy in the lair now" so he feels rejected and wants to take Ra's up on an offer to run the LoA with him.
  23. Proof Malcolm always was BSC, it's not a new thing.
  24. I just tweeted him the link to Robert Doughtery pre-emptive rant. He needs to know this stuff. But there have been enough people saying the same thing that they shouldn't be surprised about it. I do think there is an increasing feeling that "haters gonna hate" when it comes to Laurel and they only pay attention to those who love her. Something I don't understand is why they keep giving Laurel those questionable actions when they really need her to be a moral person to make this InstaCanary arc work. Why are they writing the character as someone who it would be easier to make into Manhunter than the morally good Black Canary? I don't think that's a spoiler but I'll leave it in spoiler quotes just in case. Like the bizarreness of Laurel being so morally ambiguous and it never being addressed, there are never real repercussions for Laurel. She is the '13' (House reference) of this show, a character much disliked who gets away with what other characters cannot, and an actress for whom they give more concessions than to other actors. Actually, it was everyone abandoned Dinah, who then packed up and went to Central City. Quentin buried himself in his work, Laurel moved out and went to law school and Dinah was left alone. But they have to believe in Poor Laurel to justify her actions in s1. I've been saying for 2 seasons that if KA wants to be the Black Canary, she should have started working out when she got the LL role, not when Sara died. She didn't just make it easy for them to shove Laurel into the background, she made it necessary if the show was going to continue. But it does seem that they're rewarding her for "her patience" now (what about poor Willa Holland?) and once again, I'm asking, Does she have blackmail info on them or what?
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