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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. Ryan & Ryan were pretty scathing in their podcast in the fall though. I think not taking it too seriously is the only way to get through it. The problem is, it used to be a show that you could take seriously.
  2. It's the time travel thing. Routh was born for it. And just in case anyone was wondering if these EPs can write a Bewitched-esque comedy, the answer is 'no'.
  3. I only really ship three couples, and now the Castle/Beckett got knocked out, I've got Swan/Hook and Oliver/Felicity against each other. Boo. I think Oliver/Felicity needs the win more, if only to remind the EPs what brings a lot of fans to the show.
  4. I agree, Batman is pretty smart. And he does it mostly on his own. Having your head up your ass is not the same as stupid though. I'd say Oliver has a lot of fluid intelligence, being able to plan ahead and yet change tactics when it's needed, as well all those languages he speaks. He's really bad at reading people though, unless it's a matter of life or death. He keeps making the worst choices (protecting MM, pushing Felicity away, not telling Thea etc.)
  5. I think he gets a lot of hate messages which is why he grabs on to the ones that praise him, or the ones he thinks he can reply humorously to. Haters gonna hate and all that. I'd like to say how wonderfully he did X, but it's hard to come up with something.
  6. I tweeted MG last week and said that as a therapist, I'm seriously concerned about Felicity and how isolated she is from her friends (Oliver, Diggle, Roy, Caitlyn) this season given all that is happening to her. The only people she has to talk to are strangers Ray and Laurel. He didn't answer me, he never does, but hopefully if enough of us say the same sentiment, he'll eventually take us seriously.
  7. I get the feeling that Emma and the Charmings only have a darkness because A&E love Regina so much, they want her to be like all the heros on the show except for a few pesky mistakes she's made in the past when people have been mean to her. It's not really her fault, see, Snow and Emma can be just as bad as Regina. Except, they're not. Emma has had far worse things happen to her in her life than Regina has and she's still trying to make things better for other people. If they suddenly try to make her dark to make Regina look better, it will be such a cheat. The Author storyline is really bugging me. It's like there is some great being (God?) who controls our destinies and if we can just convince him to put us in the good guys side, we'll have happy endings. We don't need to work for it, or have free will, He'll take care of it all. (It's as stupid as Oliver protecing Malcolm Merlyn on Arrow and that's saying a lot.) The tree thing is stupid. How can it reject Charming and Snow because the baby, a mere collection of cells at this point, has the potential to someday be evil? Why are Snowing so stupid as to get all worried about this? But wasn't Malificent showing concern for her baby an indication of love?
  8. I usually ship the main couple on a show but I'm very against Daniel/Kate. They're so different, it seems like lazy writing. I reallyhope they don't go down that road and end the show with a bad taste in my mouth.
  9. But if you ask MG and AK, they will say that far from Felicity being pushed to the side, this season she's been given her own storyline with PT and Ray, and has had the chance to really develop as a character outside of being tech support for Team Arrow. That's the difference between their perception and mine. I think it proves just how much Oliver is the central figure on the show. Like with Laurel's plots in s1 and 2, if you're not in Oliver's plotline, it's like you're not on the show. -- Harvey on Suits: Donna, don't go. I can't be who I am without you. Oliver: Felicity, I can't be who I need to be if I'm with you. (Why I'm enjoying Suits more than Arrow right now)
  10. quarks was the one who suggested that it would have been better to have been written as a shallow sexual relationship rather than a real one which is what they seem to be going for. I was responding to that.
  11. I think Arrow needs Diggle and Felicity more than Peggy Carter needs her various supporting characters. They tried Oliver alone in the first episodes of season 1 and the show got better when they added Diggle to the lair, and a whole lot better when they added Felicity. They are supporting characters but Oliver's story needs some lightening up. That's what Jarvis does for Agent Carter. On the other hand, too many supporting characters weakens the good things about the original ones (Diggle not going out fighting, Felicity being isolated) while not contributing enough to make the overall show better.
  12. I agree their relationship is important to the show, but I don't think the writers know that. Right now, it's their scenes feel like having built an Olicity base for the show, they're throwing in scraps so people don't stop watching as they build up their BC, Atom and all the other characters they care about this season. I don't think the writers think any of the arguments in that blog are important for the show. The show would do a better job of convincing me that Ray is a viable romantic option if Oliver and Diggle, her two closest friends, hadn't withdrawn their emotional support from Felicity, leaving her with no option but to go to Ray. As it is, it's not really a romantic choice for Felicity, or even a friends choice, because she literally at this point has no one else to talk to. I have trouble seeing the Felicity I've known for the first two seasons opting to have a shallow sexual relationship. She's someone who has been fine on her own, self-sufficient and emotionally healthy. Scully or Xander, I can see, but I think Felicity sleeping with her boss for the sake of having someone to sleep with would be OOC. If that's all she wanted, why was she not doing it before? I don't know if it was on purpose or if it was a result of sloppy writing, but the end result was to shut Felicity out of not only Oliver's emotional decisions but also out of any partner decisions by both Diggle and Oliver. It's a three tiered lair now: Oliver at the top, then Diggle, then Felicity, Roy and Laurel.
  13. Did he think that Diggle would think that any woman Oliver fell in love with would be a liability? That's Oliver's crazy logic in s2 and 3; I would hope that David Ramsey as Diggle would be smarter than that. After all, he fought with Lyla, as we found out in s1. A woman out in the field would be a liability, Felicity was safe in the lair. Re Laurel making the list of badass women -- as much as I don't like it, it's working for the show as people who watch more superficially are buying the bumph..
  14. Nyssa/Sara taking control of the League sounds like a better idea. But then, they wouldn't have the Atom. I suspect that their plans were all about The Atom and his show, and Sara had to be killed off so that Laurel could become the Black Canary. What went wrong was that Ray Palmer was not nearly as attractive as they thought he was (plus bad writing for the character), Laurel rise not as popular as they thought, and Sara was a great deal more popular than they had anticipated, and the outrage at her execution took them by surprise. With the need to make the new spin-off a Justice League thing rather than just The Atom, and Sara's popularity, they did what they had decided they weren't going to do and brought her back from the dead a third time. We don't know that she didn't though. Laurel wouldn't have known, she'd be crying at an empty grave. Maybe Nyssa did grab Sara but is waiting for the right time to sneak her into a LP so that her father doesn't find out. Or maybe she does it out of fury when she learns that Ra's is giving the Head job to a guy who lost his family's company, can't fight and lately is barely holding his team of 4 together because of his bad decisions.
  15. That was how AK and MG were referring to her with Ray this season. I perfectly understand that you can't just fall out of love with a person and why Felicity doesn't. But if I were a new viewer in s3 and saw their interactions and how Oliver was treating Felicity, including the continually dangling maybes when she's begging him not to, I'd wonder what was wrong with Felicity that she's still wanting for a life with this guy. Again, it's because it's been badly written to be about Oliver's manpain rather than Felicity's feelings. But if she were my friend, I'd tell her to stop listening to what Oliver says and look at what he's doing. And stop hoping.because she's only going to get her heart broken again and again. I really think telling her to leave while Diggle and Oliver talked about his decision and their plans, as if she mattered as little as Laurel and Roy, was the last straw for me. Oliver has hurt her more than enough this season and -- unpopular opinion -- doesn't deserve her. ETA: I was just talking about this with my former viewing friend (who stopped after 312) and she reminded me that in 309, before Oliver left, Diggle told Roy "let's give them a moment together" so that Oliver and Felicity could have a moment alone. Contrast that with 315, where Felicity is told to leave by Diggle with the peanut gallery so he can talk to Oliver. I'm not saying that Olicity is broken because it's a TV show, they can write what they want, but Oliver's treatment of Felicity on top of his MM decisions is giving me zero sympathy for him.
  16. From the spoiler thread, because it's speculation Season Five. Season four will be Oliver's son. Season five will find an previously unknown daughter of Robert, who can be trained as the newest vigilante, and who Thea will have to cope with as she grew up with Robert as a father, but the new woman was his bio-daughter.
  17. Belinea said so Nyssa could do it even now. Or she could have done it with her super sekrit assassins when she found out that Sara was dead and where she was buried, and what you see now as grief is rage at how Sara's "friends" treated her, plus some grief that Sara will be changed forever, if the LP even works.
  18. LOL. That's the first time in a long time I've felt a connection to the original Felicity, who is screwball and bumbling and funny rather than the sad, crying creature of season 3. In spite of Oliver repeatedly shutting her down, she keeps hoping and thinking that they just might have a chance after all even though she's been physically trying to move on with her life. The quiet dreams she told Barry about on the train even after Oliver broke it off with her and told her he was waiting to die. The hope in her face when she told Oliver that Ray had asked her to a business dinner, really wanting him to tell her he doesn't want her to go; the tears in her eyes when he told Cupid he couldn't be with any woman were the tears of someone who was still hoping it would work out. Of course the dreams when she found out he was still alive, and even after he shut her out about his decision re Malcolm, she still kept hoping because the hurt on her face when Oliver and Diggle shut her out of their discussion about going to Nanda Parbat spoke of someone who was still hoping he would turn around and be hers, not someone who had accepted she needs to move on. I think it's a direction EBRs been given, to show that Felicity still loves Oliver and wants him, but I don't think it does the character many favors.
  19. I think Ksenio Solo is the best actor on the show but I agree, Rachel Skarsten is pretty enjoyable to watch. I liked it the first two seasons, and it was okay the third but I thought the fourth season was mess, from the start to Hale's unnecessary death. Is season five worth tuning in for? Because chocolate is so important, here's a list of ethical chocolates. (I admit to a weakness for Green & Black.) http://nochildforsale.ca/ethical_chocolate/.
  20. I didn't watch Lost -- did you know all those people were already dead? Or did you find that out only later? Yeah, me too. I wanted to know Sara's backstory and her time with the LoA when I first heard she was coming back on the show but since she died, what's the point? It's just going to make me angry that they killed her. While some of us really liked her, there was also some of the audience who didn't and resented that she was the Canary and Laurel wasn't. That part will be even less interested in her backstory now that she's dead.
  21. With the exception of the cross-over episodes, I have a hard time understanding why Felicity would want to love Oliver at this stage. The guy has done nothing but hurt her this season, and yet she keeps coming back. It's making her look pathetic. He's just not that into you, Felicity. Maybe that's why they have to have various characters keep saying that he is, because what's showing is that he loves his pain more than he loves her. Even if no one pointed out in the writers meetings that having Felicity in a relationship with Ray was going to hurt Ray, someone must have, on twitter or a blog or a review. There was still time to change things after Draw Back Your Bow aired, but they didn't. This genuinely puzzles me. Was that me? If it was, then I meant lack of Olicity meaning "a lack of reasons for me to want Oliver and Felicity to get together." As you pointed out, there are a lot of scenes of people talking about how Oliver and Felicity should be together, telling Oliver he cares for Felicity, watching Felicity crying over him, but it feels like season 1 where we were constantly being told how Oliver and Laurel are OTP from teenagers but every time I saw them together, I wanted to throw them in to a therapy session and get them to sign documents saying they will never, ever get together again because of how toxic they were. This season, in terms of their relationship, we've seen Oliver and Felicity excited about their date, and then Oliver ending it before it began as we watched Felicity crying when Oliver shut down Diggle too. We've seen Felicity sad about Sara's death while Oliver not only refused to comfort her but told her he was just waiting to die himself. We've see Ray value Felicity at work, promote her and kiss her while Oliver again tells her he can't be with the woman he loves. In fact, he won't tell her he loves her except when he's walking away. We've seen Felicity hang on to hope that he's still alive and cry when she thought he wasn't and hope again when she learned he was. And Oliver coming back and not only pushing her away again romantically but also destroying her image of him by working with MM when she thought that in no universe would he ever. Most recently, we've seen Oliver opening up to Diggle and trusting him, while pushing Felicity out the door along with Laurel and Roy. Tell me again why exactly I should be rooting for this couple this season? A good point. Instead of showing the connection that Oliver and Felicity still have on screen, they've made all her interactions with Ray a reaction to Oliver pushing her away, from taking on the job in the first place, to kissing him, to trying to save Ray when she couldn't save Oliver, to finally sleeping with him because Oliver won't let her have any input into his decision to save Malcolm. It was bad writing and hurt both relationships. Even in the two seasons that Castle and Beckett were with other people, I still wanted them to get together as a couple because when they were in scenes together, it was still a lot of fun. That hasn't been true for Oliver and Felicity this season. Except for the cross-over episodes, Oliver is cold and Felicity is either hurt or trying to get back their old friendship but being shut out. Sometimes they said Hepburn/Cary Grant, and sometimes Tracy. I think they got confused since she had a number of movies with both men. At one point someone referred to Oliver as being like Clark Gable. I definitely think that Ray is more like Cary Grant in the Hepburn/Grant screwball movies like Bringing Up Baby (Baby is a pet leopard for those who haven't seen it) and Oliver is more like Spencer Tracy of the later ones like Adam's Rib. Clark Gable I don't see at all, unless they're thinking of the stairway scene in Gone With The Wind. Or maybe it was because Clark Gable was married to Carole Lombard, one of the early screwball icons.
  22. Mid of their season whenever their season is. If it's a mid-season replacement show, like Agent Carter, the Crazy Villain Sara could last the whole 8 episodes, and end with her joining the Team. There's still time, Tara Butters said they were still working on the last Agent Carter shows as the first ones aired. If it is Sara that Caity Lotz is playing, I'd like to see Nyssa recurring on the show too, keeping their relationship. Ray is going to need to romance the various female guest starts since Ronnie is already tied to Caitlyn.
  23. I don't think they will do that because of all the viewers happy that Laurel is finally becoming her Black Canary true self. Now many are excited to get rid of other characters or at least minimize them (Felicity especially, also Diggle) so that the show can go full on comics, with the Green Arrow/Black Canary fighting team, supported by Arsenal and Speedy. Just look at the comments at the Green Arrow TV site or at EW. These viewers would be hugely pissed off if Laurel backed off from being BC and went back to being a lawyer. The train to make her Manhunter or any other character has long left the station.
  24. Oliver/Felicity was ahead when I went to bed last night. I guess the Lost Girl Bo/Lauren shippers really got to work. It's one of the most fanatical fandoms, beating even the Swan Queen shippers. I think Lauren is as dull as beige paint but it's girl/girl, and even better that Bo dropped her boyfriend to be with Lauren. And then she broke up with Lauren. But the three of them ending up together makes sense, especially since Bo is a succubus and needs more than the average girl.
  25. But it would work to a. bring Sara back even after she was truly dead b. not affect Laurel's rise to BC c. provide the show with a story arc for the first half-season
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