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I was thinking Lady Gaga. 🤷🏻♀️
Although interesting that there is not an age limit, just have to be on their first contract. This makes it difficult for kids who may have grown up on one soap and then moved to another in their teens or early twenties. I did not recognize Eden McCoy in that picture. She looks in her late twenties.
, Yes. While I would never wish that on a real person, and I know that I shouldn't wish it on Willow who grew up in a cult and was sexually abused by its head but she has reached the level of where there needs to be some consequences. I know that Emma can be annoying but I don't see her as entitled beyond the usual teenager level. And she's barely on, unlike Lulu who complains to Laura and Dante and Maxie, and then messes up her job and expects people to apologize to her. I honestly thought that she called Jason. Really surprised when Brennan showed up.
I started to feel sick when Drew was telling Willow about how happy all the kids would be playing together and living there in his house. I doubt that Scout would prefer 6 year old Wylie and 2 year old Amanda to her brother Danny and Rocco. At least Willow maintained some semblance of common sense. Anna: "We waited too long to arrest Cyrus Renault." And whose fault is that, Anna? Of course Joss is the one to take Cyrus down. <eyeroll> She's a Carly spawn. Why does Brennan think that recruiting Joss is a good idea? She goes rogue (something he just knocked down fake-accent Chloe for) and put herself in dangerous situations that she can't handle. And she doesn't know enough to wear plastic gloves doing it. Curtis invites his aunt over for a special Valentine's Day drink in order to get her to manipulate her friend into rejecting Drew. I am past bored with the ending Chase/Brook Lynn "Woes, we can't have a baby" story. Thank you to every who answered my question about Lulu. Good to know that it's consistent with how she was two Lulus ago but she's annoying and whiny and entitled and generally unpleasant. I'm rooting against her and Dante (Save Dante!) especially given what a supportive relationship Dante and Sam had. "Tracy is incredibly close to Brook Lynn" TRACY IS HER GRANDMOTHER, LULU. Someone please shoot me before II am reduced to a Gal-entines Day.
And so we begin the redemption of both Sonya and Richard. Of the two, I find Richard's more believable. He's not really a bad guy, but he's dealing with a lot and trying not to lose what he has. I was honestly shocked at how far Sonya was willing to go But her story was too neatly wrapped up. I like happy endings but illegally going into his phone, finding the other woman and then having her willing to come forward is too good to believe. I did like that Amy figured it, confirming that she's smart not only about medical matters. English guy and ethics: Jake was right to go with what the wife wanted. Short of a DNA test, they can't prove that Oliver isn't his son. Jake should have asked for a mental health session on how to go forward though in terms of how he will deal with the shock and his future relationships with his wife and son.. Jake and Amy continue to be cute. But she shouldn't have lied to him about when she found out about Sonya's rape. There should be an attending physician in charge (Jake is still a resident) and that is who Sonya should have gone to. She could just have said that she had a personal relationship with the patient and should not be treating him. At least Amy pulled her off of treating him on her own after the attempted retaliation. But then we wouldn't get the drahmah.
Really, the wrong time to have JJ off. If it's because of block taping, they should have written around it. Having Chase sing on Valentine's Day should lose Curtis the 'coolest club in town" designation. As Chase tearfully told Dante that he couldn't give Brook Lynn a child, i thought Hey, maybe Dante will help out and give Gio a full sibling. Willow is still angry at Brad for hurting Michael six years ago? She who is having an affair with his uncle now? Just when I think she can't be any more messed up. Is Drew living on Valentin's old house? Was Lulu this obnoxious and yes, stupid, under JMB's time? Yes, it is your job to be yelled at by the customers. Hey Dante, how about keeping other people's personal information to yourself? Brennan "I study psychology" was very wrong with his explanation of why we have dreams.
Re Robby and Collins: the charge nurse implied that they had been in a relationship once but it seemed like it was quite a while ago. Longer than 12 weeks of her pregnancy (she said that she wasn't going to tell anyone this time until she's 12 weeks along). Shortening a doctor's name is pretty common where I am, especially a more complex name like Rabinovitch. Our family doctor was always Dr.Marty. I know that ER is his specialty and not psych but I was cringing at how badly Robby handled the incel kid.
Doing a bit of a rewatch, and Santos says that she's only been there a couple of hours. So like Whitaker, Javadi and King, this is her first day. For me, I hate the trope of "something traumatic happened to this person and that's why they are so terrible now". I am much more interested in a story where something traumatic happens to a person and they remain good. So much of what is in the news is terrible, I want some Sullivan's Travels entertainment. Samira Mohan said that her father was had sickle cell and was badly treated in the ER. Her reaction is spend enough time with the patient to really listen and to do a study on how minorities are treated in ERs presumably to change the system. I find that more interesting than Santos trying to manipulate everyone around her to get ahead.
Looks like someone heard the complaints that Lulu is too obsessed with Charlotte and neglecting the child she has right there with her. Anna has really been ruined -- now she is pleading with Jason not to murder Cyrus but instead to let her do her job and arrest him if she is to have any credibility as police commissioner with her staff. If I were spending Valentine's Day at the Savoy and the special guest singer was Chase, I'd be pretty disappointed. To move out of the gatehouse and still leaver her car there, expecting the Quartermaines to take care of it for her for when she wants is just screams "entitlement" to me. Willow really is a fool.
It is supposed to make us invested in this storyline and care about poor Sasha, sacrificing herself for Michael, or make us root for Sasha and Jason as a couple, both losing the father/mother of their children and finding love with each other now. And you know what, writers? I DON'T CARE. As well, Jason would be in jail, or he would if there was any real justice on this show. Then Danny would have lost both his mother and his father All the men that Carly has gone through in those 30 years .... it really is pathetic that she is still so obsessed with Jason's love life and "saving him". She would drop Brennan like a hot potato if she saw something that she could do for Jason.
My bad. Sasha thinks that Willow will figure it out based on the fact that she [Sasha] told Elaine her real due date, so they have to go public with Jason being the baby's father. Because babies are always born exactly 38 weeks after conception. And there is no one else Sasha could possibly have slept with except Michael.
Unfortunately Maxie is staying out of taking sides. It's too bad because Sasha does need someone to lay out some hard truths for her, especially that the dreaded "joint custody" isn't really bad. I guess there isn't really that much choice. Bobbie's or Charlie's are not special, the Brown Dog is worse, and the Metro Court or the place Cyrus works are too stuffy. Elaine was so grateful to Sasha for helping Mavis <eyeroll> that she told Sasha that she was a PI working on a case. As far as Sasha knows, it could be a completely different case. It's the Carly Syndrome, thinking that everything is about her. (We know that it is in this case but Sasha doesn't.) Now Sasha thinks that Elaine will figure out that Michael is the father (????) based on knowing Sasha's due date.
So I was right the first time, first year resident. (Javadi 3rd yr med student, Whittaker 4th yr med, Santos 1st yr resident, King and McKay 2nd yr, Samra 3rd yr, Collins and Langdon 4th yr) No explanation for why no one at Pitt corrected her last year. Or why she thinks it's okay to mock senior residents much less report them.
The first two years of medical school are in class. Clinical study starts in year 3 e.g. Javadi. As Santos is a 4th year medical student, this is only her second year doing clinical, basically her second time in a clinical setting. Apparently her last placement supervisors didn't correct her. Interesting page of backgrounds. I was right about Collins and Langdon being 4th year residents and Mohan 3rd year. I thought McKay was an ER doc but she's a second year resident like King. I guess she gets to do things less supervised because presumably she worked there last year whereas King is still an unknown quantity. Other notable thing is that Santos is actually two years behind King in medical education for all that she acts like her boss.
Laura: Curtis, "I know you're a really good businessman..." Laura, I thought you were smarter than that. Why would Sonny having to move his coffee warehouse be "a huge blow"? Is it a public museum now? Why does Congressman Drew get to decide where the McClintock Esplanade goes and not the mayor of the city? Why is a congressional committee deciding on it? Is that an American thing? And surely saying that the city would have to pay extra to put in the infrastructure and public transport to the pier location should be enough. Kai, taking Trina to her father's club is not the romantic swerve you think it is. Why are Joss and Trina terrible cooks? They're both intelligent women (allegedly), surely they can follow a recipe for a pasta dish. Do they order in every night that a family member doesn't give them food? Having Felicia go on and on about how a patient said Willow was just such a wonderful nurse is very lazy writing. What did Willow expect, leaving her beloved car in the Quartermaine garage? How is she getting to work if the nanny is using the minivan for the kids? Sasha to Jason: "What happens if they arrest you?" Jason:"Diane gets me out.: Seriously show? Zzzzzz Also bad writing: Sasha telling Jason that Willow thinks that Michael is the father of her baby. If Elaine really thought so, she wouldn't have told Sasha that she's a PI working on a case.