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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. I was a mom of advanced maternal age and didn't have any problem getting pregnant and carrying a baby. The stats are that it can take up to 18 mos to conceive. My OB/GYN had a mother who's 54 and 8 mos. pregnant. I told them "nope - not me!" I had a friend that was frantic at 34 because it was taking longer than 3 mos to get pregnant. She ultimately got pregnant at around 10 mos but she was already to go IVF. My nephew's wife, I was told "had such a hard time conceiving" but got pregnant within 1 mos of marriage... but that was "having such a hard time conceiving. I also have a friend who can get pregnant, but can't carry the baby and it's just so awful for her. My gay friends have adopted 4 children and had no problem at all with surrogates and stuff. No waiting, etc, but they have the kind of funds (well and more) than Jeff does. As for Jeff working out of his house, he's able to write of a good 30% of that house as home office, then I'm sure he gets to write more off due to the constructions, and definitely, the lunches, and the gas for his trips.
  2. Goodness, I have such an older man crush on Capt. Lee, and I DO NOT like older men... mroar! Love the new interior of the yacht. It's a thousands times better than that mess in the Med. Trevor - what a pig. Kelley is NOT going to go down smiling this year... Ben is so bothered by Kate and her girlfriend. I love it!
  3. Why is Farrah even back? She's a pig. She was so rude at the beginning! I can't even stand her face, her child is a little psycho, and her mom and Simon? Please leave. I just think Bentley is a doll. I love him. I feel for Cate. I had postpartum after my son and it so insidious. I didn't see it and when I finally did, it was horrible. People around me saw it but didn't say anything. I hope she's ok and doesn't just listen to Dr Drew. Amber needs to leave that creep. He's horrible! He's just awful and I'd never leave my kid with him.
  4. Bear was such a creep. I thought he broke up with that girl before he went in. Ugh. Fix.
  5. I think she was doing the overcoat, naked underneath. Nicole is a freaking trainwreck! Oh my!
  6. Really? 12 beers a slave? Insensitive anyone?
  7. Agreed about Fritz and the job. What bothered me more was it was always ok when he had to head out to work but oh no, Brenda couldn't. Nope, she needed to stay home and make cookies for the boys "teehee".
  8. Oh and I thought Khloe was trying too hard to look like a chola! I guess she gave up the braids and decided to try another ethnic group.
  9. I think, depending on what a doctor says, khloe would have power of attorney over him and his estate as his wife. I like kourtney, buy the allergy thing was bullshit.
  10. I loved seeing Gage laughing so hard art the hotel. It wasa nice change of pace.
  11. That episode was truly brilliant. Both of the actors (Jon and Kyra) were so amazing! I was amazed at Kyra's acting. The episode that I just HATED the bad guy was that last season with the police commissioner's wife who was drunk driving. Elizabeth Perkins did a great job, but goodness I hated her stupid character!
  12. Bummer you didn't see that, because he was completely cowed. He's been completely different since, and it wasn't because "Heavy is gone." It's because he knows how bad he looks!
  13. Did anyone catch Bear's ex-girlfriend confronting him? He was such a shit about it, ignoring her. So what he had donuts on his head. She was so hurt and upset. Completely humiliated. She seemed like a girl who would not pull her breasts out to allow some virtual stranger to suck them on TV!
  14. I've seen episode 13 and it's a freaking madhouse. Chloe Khan has been seeming to have sex in the shower with Bear, danced on the pole shirtless, just been a disgusting whore. She the was actually in the living room, cameras everywhere, while allowing Bear to suck her breasts on camera. I'm sorry but it has gone way too far. Especially when she then cries victim when the others are offended by it.
  15. I'm a firm believer that Wynona Ryder went to the Banana Slug School of Acting, along with Nick Cage, so no big surprise here. I agree that I I'm enjoying this, but it's way slow. I think we'll find out that the Sheriff's daughter fell off that quarry cliff and that's why he knows what happens when a body hits water like that. I, embarrassingly, had to admit to my hubby that I had Barb's hair. Boy it's bad. I didn't have the jacket though. Did I miss something? I saw her sitting on the diving board and then gone. I didn't see her trying to climb out of a pool.
  16. I think the guest bartender walked but they didn't show it. After he made a simple cocktail, the douche owner was really offensive about it and the guest just looked speechless. We didn't see him again. The PP was correct. This guy isn't punk, he's a white brah from North Long Beach. I bet he's got a stupid gigantic truck and has no friends of color darker than Gabe.
  17. I don't consider Hannah telling bobby she has 3 stripes to his 2, pulling task rank, it's a fact. In the Caribbean i remember something like that happened but the deck hand is the one who said the stew had ahigher rank. Bobby is a disgusting disgusting man!
  18. Closing costs here in California ARE weird. When we bought, in hindsight, I must admit the agents and the mortgage guy were more than willing to throw in money out of their costs. So i feel it's just sort of this slush fund that someone gets...
  19. Watching the episode with Black Light District in long beach ca, and they went to my old stomping grounds Alex's Bar. Great bar. I dj'd there fora few years andi really wish Alex had walked out and smacked that guy in the face.
  20. My mom was like Vida, but she was also schizophrenic. She didn't raise any of us until we were about 12. I finally cut her out of my life, I just couldn't take it anymore andi have a supportive husband who understood. When she died, I felt such a weight lifted off my back! My sister, not so much. She went into this deep depression, hated me for being relieved and then stepped right into mom's shoes. it was a weird dynamic but my life is so full of joy and laughter now. I'm not afraid of everything and havea happy life. I hope the same for them.
  21. I'm rewatchng and just finished the episode where Provenza's old partner George is now Georgette. I wish Georgette would show up on Major Crimes.
  22. I think Brian needed rehab or something. There was just something so wrong there. At the end, I thought Brian was still going to serve that salad. I loved when his little brother asked why Gordon was there. Lol. If he paid his brother off, I bet it was a % of the hotel and any good changes came from little bro.
  23. The thing that stood out to me on this episode was how not nice the sisters are to each other. Dang! Kourtney saying that wasn't a good angle for Kim was basically saying she looked fat, the prank on Kylie, just the looks on their faces.
  24. I was wondering where I remembered that from! I like Asa though. I know, lame. She may be an outer space loon, but she does seem sweet. I thought she rocked that jumpsuit at Kits on! I want one now dang it, but I'm only 4'9" so you know I would just look like a weebleoh. Lol Reza is a pig. He thinks he's the OG. I hate his looks, the way he carries himself, his need to be in the middle of everything... blech. Michael Michael Michael... why would the shoes be coming through customs the day of and not at a minimum, day before?
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