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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. That guy was a pachuco. A group of young Mexicans from the time. They are considered a gang of juvenile delinquents here (Lewis called them jv in the first episode).
  2. My first introduction to Santa Muerte was a bit back and she was known as the patron saint of the cartels. I don't mind borrowing her here, but she has not recieved rampant "press" until early 2000's. My dad was a pachuco so I enjoyed seeing them here. I loved the pachuca with her pomp and zoot suit! I've known the history of Dodger stadium and Chavez ravine so seeing similar here was interesting. I've seen photos of the eviction at Chavez ravine and it was very bloody and horrifying. After seeing nathan Lane here, I wanted to watch Birdcage. Lol
  3. Sherry Pie should have been in the bottom for a 17 min set! She's not a newbie and new exactly what she was doing.
  4. You know all this Miss Manners bs from Sutton is driving stupid "champagne in a wine glass" Dorito crazy because the ladies are all "oh sutton is just so southern, how cute" while Dorito was made fun of. Hahaha giving me life!
  5. James is doing the AA route just for screen time. I don't believe he's following it and know the minkie the season ends, he's off the wagon. This episode was boring. Scheana totally was going Brett would want her. That video was so gross and then her pulling the "it's called acting Brett, don't take it so seriously" was straight out of weinstein's playbook. Poor brittany. I can't believe i typed that. I can't wait you see jax lose his shit over no one showing up for his pool party!
  6. Kyle - you realize that when Dorit can call you out for not knowing what you're doing in fashion, you look like an asshole. I'm sure that Kyle was given a full portfolio of what was walking and when on who at least a week in advance. Her coming in and pulling items she didn't like was a bollocky power move. Her daughters will not be gracing any runways near you anytime soon. That was so painful. Sutton is a try to hard. No wonder Rinna likes her. Next! I could not care at all about teddi being pregnant. Boring! Denise - in the clip, erika said it correctly "you do not have to excuse anything!" Her sex life and get married life is her own business. When we hear all about harry and Mauricio, maybe then I'll listen to this bs. I don't enjoy the glee that was in Kyle and Rinnas' voices when they were saying she was finished. I'm all for some shade and some schaudenfreude but this is too much. If you just really want to destroy someone, that's crossed the line and I won't be watching.
  7. Charli - you don't recommend Cheesecake Factory as better cheesecake than your workplace cheesecake, you dumb ass. I loved what she wore to the party until the nipslips began happening! Dang you dunce, get those under control! I can't stand Raquel, she's so vacuous, but "i'm a bad axe bitch" had me rolling. Lala - come on, what person shoots oj! Shots are for alcohol and if she has to do a shot that's non-alcoholic, she better be calling her sponsor. I can't stand her. I try so hard to be understanding of everyone's sexual choices, but she fucked that fat fuck to get further in the business and the car. I'm so not cool with that. Especially since his ex wife looks like lala's sister.
  8. I literally ran into Brandi at work. I walked past her and thought "that looks like that creep brandi from RH. Oh wait, it is that creep." And then ran into here again and rode an elevator with her a few times. She looked like hell, wearing sweat pants, loose expensive t-shirt, she just looked greasy and dirty.
  9. I'm glad to see so many pasty bodies considering the damage the sun can do. I know, I found love a mom, but dang, the sun isn't just a killer, it makes you look leathered and like hell. Ughmo, this was painful. I can't stand this show. The charter guests are just as crappy and weird as the other showed and the crew.. blurgh. Paget, ciara and Georgia? So gross at that beach hotel. Jenna and Adam just no, CANNOT TAKE THEM ANYMORE!
  10. I think the whole Reza Adam thing should have stayed and still stay at Reza Adam. Seriously, it's their business. MJ doesn't need to be involved in it, Destiney doesn't need to be, the guys and their judging don't need to be. If Reza and Adam have worked it out or are working it out, so be it. Ali is indeed a weasle and I totally think he did this strictly for screen time. I have no doubt there were texts and I honestly think reza knew. Who cares. Fuck off Ali. Destiney, I have no idea. I'm so confused by the whole thing and who did what why and where. What i'm not mad at her about is having sex with sara's brother. She should be able to have sex all she wants and who she wants to have sex with. Sara is just a shitty person. She was so happy that Destiney is on the outs. She was so happy when destiney came into the party for the slaughter. I don't dig that. And the fact that she "set boundaries" with R. Kelly makes it sound like she's shitting on all his victims because they just couldn't set boundaries! Bitch! MJ... ugh she's just ugh. She's enjoying this and it's gross. I'm sorry but she looked so uncomfortable with her baby. Mike seemed more comfy than she did. It's as if the baby is just another purse dog. She's always been a shit stirrer. Tommy. Ok I feel for the guy. Straight up, he never should have gone over to Reza's house and he's completely in the wrong. But, when he broke down, I just felt for the guy. His mother died when he was young and then to see his wife almost die. God he's such a mess and i hope he is getting therapy. I think he's a genuine guy who loves but he's in with some awful people! He's obviously been abused and is just allowing the cycle to continue by being abused still. Just sad. Gigi can get the fuck off my tv.
  11. I agree that it was hard watching know what sherry had done. It just made it ugly and uncomfortable. I do hope they try to edit her out a bit. Above someone mentions Brita. Did she do something awful as well? Oh no! I loved Aiden Zhane. What a cool look queen. I didn't read spooky, I read cool artist queen with a touch of Judy/Liza! Ru did not look good. Her skin looked really sallow and her eyes were sunken. I hope she's ok.
  12. That's true, but we are talking about a group of people that pestered Asa about having a baby out of wedlock. I'm sure that Reza being married to a man is problem in their culture so he's most definitely not going to say "oh yes, we gay married men are in an open relationship" to all the viewers of Shahs of Sunset. Unfortunately. I should be strictly between them without any explanation to us, but as a public figure, it's not always the same. I don't quite understand what happened with Mercedes and Reza, but I don't exactly pay super close attention to these shows. I just don't have the energy. I think GG having a baby is going to be a mess! But really no more mess than... Mike and his new girlfriend!!! Arghghghghg! Great - adding children to that Mike mess?
  13. I think did a first good job of handling herself. She definitely seemed prepped by maybe a pr or manager. She told simone she wasn't able to train because they had work to do and I can get on board with that. She was complimentary and apologetic which was smart. Every now and then, though, she ventured into disingenuous. I was surprised by rhylee. Simone started out well, but got too caught up in being right. Kevin didn't do too bad. Ashton was just seething. It was kinda laughable. Brian is a douche and tanner is a jerk. Wait? Abbi was there? Lol I still love captain lee.
  14. Right? The average 1 bedroom to rent in LA is about $2500 to $3000 per month. That house looks to be at least a 4 bedroom and with the size, I'd imagine rent to be $7500 to $10000 per month! And can i tell to that the area this college is URL is NOT diverse and there it's no way the neighbors wouldn't have called the police within 30 minutes of that drumline starting hip no matter what time of day.
  15. Oh goodness this was awful. I'll sit through anything for Rupaul but Damon this it's just painful. The writing is awful. Ru is better when he's "off the cuff". I can't believe this came from one of the sex and the city writers. The kid is written so poorly too. She's not anyone i care about and i would have dumped her ass at the police immediately.
  16. Why did they bother bringing Luca back to be a shit? So we can watch another seemingly confident young lady go to pieces? Lame! I get the issues with her being not so smart and certainly not humble but do we have to have real life young girls and women watching this trash fire? How in the world do they expect it's too believe Nomi is 8 mos pregnant over the summer? and the others didn't notice last June? BS!
  17. God, what a shit show. The guests are weird as heck and hoping for screwups. But the crew? Wow wow wow what a bunch of awful people. I hope that are feeling like heels now, supporting a violent drunk who overstepped and then some. Kevin and Brian, how are you going to handle it when your daughters become adults and are treated similarly? Ashton, no wonder you can't get you dick sucked with the way you act. Tanner is just a creep. <quote>Oh and as for the misogyny, Ashton apologized, knowing full well Kate never would.</quote> What the hell? Incel much?
  18. The white and red outfits, while amazing were so menstrual. Blurgh
  19. The Vivienne is 27? I swear, I thought she was and old bitch of 52 or so. I could not understand why she said she was on drugs in her 20's but only recently stopped. I said to my husband "um - how did she survive 25 years of drugs?" It's not just the way she acts, but the way she looks out is drag. I know that fillers and the like can make you look older, but dang! I felt for sure she was older than Davina! And Davina looks older than 35! I was not impressed with these queens on Snatch Game or in their ability to read. Crystal totally stole Alaska's reading with "oh I don't want to do this..." puts on glasses, reads for filth and then removes glasses with "ahem, I don't know what came over me!" That was beyond annoying. I hope Ru watches Baga ready to throw it all away! I'm so offended that darling Blu went when Baga was ready to roll over! Now, Blu is not a top queen, but dang it, she's got fight! Cheryl needs to go already.
  20. Poor Gothy Ken Doll - loved his look but damn he was terrible! Couldn't walk to save his life, did he even have hips to shake? Scaredy - loved! But seriously Ru and producers what were you thinking? He wasn't a queen, had never performed, just was a bit of a mess really and seemed to be play acting. Vinegar - was definitely more actor than drag queen. Shame because I liked her. Sum Ting - adorable! Loved her. She was funny and sweet. Wish she'd lasted longer. I was definitely concerned about her David A. Baga was an awful Maggie Thatcher! Just terrible. I was so over the face she kept pulling when Ru called on her. Yeah, she had a couple of good lines but blurgh. Blu - Mary Berry was too raunchy. I get that it could have been funny but it felt lowest common denominator comedy. Crystal - she should have just been blanche instead of Rue M. And definitely, her voice was so bad. Come on, try SOMETHING! Davina - why? Shees, Julia Child is HILARIOUS and davina failed miserably. Cheryl - nice - so you can do an Essex girl? Aren't you from Essex and it's your whole schtick? That's like me going on snatch game as a tech trainer! The Vivienne - AMAZING DONALD TRUMP! She is so skilled! Her Majesty The Queen look was incredible! But I just don't like her. She's way too polished and way too assy or should I say arsey? I love Ru and always will, but i'm so tired of her "oh i'm American look at me with my silly British puns" already! I kinda roll my eyes which is unfortunate. I honestly have begun preferring drag race Thailand and the boulet bros show. 😞
  21. I thought blond lady last WAS ainsley at first, coming in asking for a drink so she could bother her mom about daddy. There is definitely something of about the character. Maybe she's daddy's new protege? Lady cop seems ok as a friend but the actress is playing her far too over the top. I couldn't keep track of what was going on this week with this guy killed this guy and that guy wants to kill this guy. Why did anyone shoot up the club and why did that one gang guy come to the salon? Oh and why did the club guy go to the salon? Gah, so convoluted. Oh and malcolm high? Has obviously never been high.
  22. Preschools in Los Angeles are NOT like NYC. He could get her into pretty much any preschool and it would be no big. Of course, any private school is going to be concerned about this blabber mouth, unable to control himself, idiot. I'm sure he's speaking poorly of Gage in front of monroe and that's so sad.
  23. I like LVP. She is not perfect, by I'd love to invite her to parties. LOL the others are just so boring and mean spirited. I don't like how impressed with themselves they were at the reunion because they considered themselves better than LVP. I won't be watching.
  24. I'm enjoying my morning of schadenfraude... https://celebrityinsider.org/rhobh-star-dorit-kemsley-has-30k-seized-from-her-bank-account-thanks-to-husbands-lawsuit-320547/ Dorit, you're a total grifter, just like your husband.
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