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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. I agree on the Phyllis impression. Just sitting add kicking your booties is not Phyllis!!! That twitch ginger used was Cher, not Phyllis. I was really put off by eureka and her Divine. Yes, she did pull it off, but it wasn't funny. Pandora. Wow, she is my favorite comedy queen and was so super confident on her first season. Something was really up with her and I agree with the other poster's husband, she seemed distracted and lacking her fun sass. She would have KILLED as Phyllis! I love Ru but maybe it's time for her to give up the ghost. Her over laughing is obnoxious. She did seem really put off by Divine.
  2. I love Fred but I think Supreme is my queen. Both are more enjoyable than Ru had become and I'm a die hard Ru girl. I like Tabitha too, but was uncomfortable with her reaction to the transgender queen. I'm hoping it was just for the first show. Juicy definitely was the girl to go home. I WANT TO GO TO MILKSHAKE FESTIVAL 2022!!!
  3. I'm watching season 7 and the episode with Brandon was heartbreaking. I didn't like watching him break so badly. It was way too much and you could tell John realized he'd overstepped. During stress test, he was not helping like normal, but rather joke yell. I didn't like any of it one bit.
  4. I think I liked the ghost party better than the werewolf episode. I love the big dumb Minogue but I'm staying for straight gal O'Leary. Edited to add: OMG! Just saw the latest episode and it was stupid funny. Nick the Vampire, clowns, bag ghost... I'm dying! Minogue and the taser had me crying.
  5. I'm going camping and plan to download the next 3 episodes for spooky camping night time watching. Yes, i'm one of those people who actually takes electronics camping (but I blame the child who will be with us!!!). ;)
  6. Killer definitely killed U Wear It Well and the lipsync. She is super expressive and was fun to watch. I don't like to see her try to death drop. I think Carmen was very interesting in either challenge. Sure she's beautiful and can sew, but her lipsyncs were crappy! Oh and complaining about the song being too repetitive? LOL - don't let Mama Ru hear that!
  7. Wait - what???? Ooh - I must know more! Nevermind - someone posted more info! :) I wasn't fond of this episode. I think the writers are TERRIBLE so it wasn't funny. I wanted to see the 3 boobies that A'Keria may have been wearing. LOL I wasn't happy to see goofy Emma Roberts. She's so horrible and doesn't deserve to grace the table with Ru!
  8. It's a slow burn, but I love it. Is it slap happy? Yes. I just enjoy watching something that I can suspend belief and just giggle. Is it an award winner? I don't know yet, but I do find it wicked.
  9. I think the other girls were pretty harsh on Pupi and she kept on laughing, smiling and joking along. Maybe the others were like "we are pretty hard on her and she was always keeping our spirits up." but I agree that Aranxa was the more congenial. :) I'm all Killer Queen now. I'm still not a fan of Carmen.
  10. Irvine! Just down the street and some the corner from you. Lol. But yeah 2015??? What the what?
  11. I worked for a couple of attorneys in the late 80's who made us wear dresses/skirts with hose. Drove me nuts. Then they had the balls to call a meeting and tell the ladies "we don't want our girls to have a naked face! Make up and lipstick!" ugh!
  12. Ooh good catch. That could be it but dang it still hurts...
  13. Although Dovima paints beautifully, I didn't get why she was so awful to Hugaceo and that in turn, made me not think she was that beautiful inside. I'm glad she's gone. I like Carmen, but there is a lack of humility there. I don't know. I like my queens to be a bit human. Carmen is too good. Maybe it's like in the main show when the judges say "we need to see your flaws to see you."
  14. Yeah - I love and will always love Ru (even with her questionable Netflix choices - AJ and the Queen, anyone?), I'm not happy she will show up on UK and Australia, but won't throw a dang bone to Canada, Espana, Holland or the land of true Queens, Thailand. :( There is something to be said with "leave 'em wanting more!" Well Ru, leave us wanting more.
  15. Isn't he la sheriff? The sheriff's in la are currently being seriously looked at. They have multiple gangs in the sheriffs and the chief, sheriff villaneuva, is supposedly tatted up with all of them. Makes me wonder if her son is a complete criminal like her and tom.
  16. But she didn't even show up on video for Canada, did she? I think she did appear on video for Thailand once. I've said it before and I'm saying it again - hands down - Thailand drag blows all the others out of the water!
  17. My sister worked for an attorney that brought in this group of shady characters. The attorney said "ok, here's a check for the trust account as a retainer. Now whenever he needs money, he'll send over this guy, you take him to the bank and take that money out of the trust account." I said "you need to leave right now - he's laundering money!" Turns out, the attorney had removed his and his wife's name from the trust account and the only signer was my sister, so he was totally setting her up to take the fall on MONEY LAUNDERING!!! She didn't believe me and thank goodness her husband talked some sense into her. She quit the next day - after removing her name from he trust account. I'd imagine that if Tom did play hokey with the timelines by using his friends so that his clients were outside of the statute of limitations, there'd be a way around it. How is Danny Masterson being sued for rape after the statute has run? I think the judge allowed the case because the women were told not to go to police by the COS. Seems like something similar could happen here...?
  18. Of the 4, I wanted Kita or Karen to win and they sort of were giving Kita a winning edit. I'm so glad Art didn't win. I think Art and Scarlett are too immature and need a little growing up. Karen was just lovely through the whole thing - did she ever say anything mean to anyone? I didn't like Kita in the beginning, but she did seem to blossom after Anita left (and I'm still bummed she left). All in all, it was ok, but certainly still doesn't explain why Ru went to Oz, and the UK, but didn't hit up Thailand or Canada!
  19. She is definitely not fat, but with her height and body type, I'm pretty sure 6/8 is her size. There has been speculation that she got Tom to back her singing because she knew about the affair with the judge. Well, I can see Tom bankrolling it but deciding if the house of cards falls, she'll take a licking.
  20. Ughmo. These people. I knew Tom had mismanaged his trust account, but watching the documentary and seeing that he recommended his client invest with him at a guaranteed rate of 6% return and NO LOSS EVER just blew my mind. That took it out of mismanagement and stepped right into fraudulent horror show stuff. That is just egregiously bad. I think since Erika's name is on the papers as secretary to the firm and then I think she's president of the EJ Global, she is in a world of hurt. You can't just sign corporation papers and then say "but i didn't know what I was doing!"
  21. Just finished season 2 and I gasped and covered my mouth!!! Soooooooo good.
  22. Ugh - having run into Brandi, I wouldn't eat a dang thing cooked by her. She honestly looked like she smelled bad. She put together the most horrible, wrinkly t-shirt and weird jeggings thing, with her hair a mess to go to a deposition at a law office and utterly grossed me out! As for Kathy - not a fan. I think she's fake as shit and she seems to come across as above it all.
  23. Did you all see this? "RuPaul’s Drag Race Star Widow Von’Du Arrested for Alleged Domestic Assault" https://www.vulture.com/2021/06/drag-races-widow-vondu-arrested-for-domestic-assault.html So awful!
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