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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. Blonde lady will end up friendly with white Aryan resistance... Maybe even come out as a skinhead. Lol
  2. It looks like he does, but during a reunion, Andy asked if any ladies had had lesbian relationships and she raised her hand. Scheana said "doesn't everyone?" Poor "tries so hard" trying to fit in and remain relevant.
  3. Just finished the first episode. Standard 60 Days In fare. I like the ex Latin king. His story so far makes sense and he has the bravado of a banger. From the scenes to come, he does look like he gets physical, which would be in character, but scary. I haven't seen much of the cop besides his orientation discussion. He walks hard and tall so time will tell. The heavy guy. Man, they always gotta bring in the sad sack. We didn't see much of him yet. What was the play with the blue braids thing! Asshole! I'm just a dumb ol Latina and i know enough to not make myself a gang target! Sheeeees. I like her so far after she got rid of the blue. Ex military lady. Hmmmm. While i liked that the cop walked tall and hard, i don't like it on her. It seems like it will take a toll once she's in. The lone wolf. What a freak. He's definitely the one who'll screw it up for everyone! Finally... the blond, right wing, "jail is too soft" lady! I loved that the admins gave her grief over her stupid dress for intake! "I did it for the tv aspect..." bahahaha you are just begging to be shanked, aren't you? I bet the guards hate her already! I can't wait! I hate the "missions" they've been given. I think it's an unnecessary add in, but time will tell.
  4. Why would you unpack everything if you are only on the boat for 2 nights at most? I would probably pull out my swimming suit and cover up, at least 2 different day outfits and 2 night outfits and undies & shoes. Why would you hang up EVERYTHING? Sigh. But, when i stayed a week in a swank hotel for work, when i came back fi the room one night, my pj's had been neatly folded, dirty undies and socks placed carefully in a spot in the closet and my work clothes from the day before hung up. I was surprised and not sure how i felt but then figured oh well, thank you? Lol. So i think it was expected to have crew actually see your stuff.
  5. Oh, don't get me wrong, Guillermo is a pig, but there is just something about his smile. I'm lame. LOL
  6. Oh poor dumb Raquel. You are so so dumb. You may have graduated college now, but you are dumb dumb dumb when it comes to james. You just keep making excuses for him. Lala, way to feminist up by being angry and degrading yourself and Raquel by calling her a vagina. Maybe she needs to read or something becausec she is certainly not a rocket surgeon! Criminey. Schwartz, he's such a puppy, so sweet and messing validation but still peeing in the house. FI, I'll agree that's he's bitter lately. He's lacking fun. He's so intense about TomTom but he's no follow through. Scheana is just an asshole. Ugh, get her off the show. I miss Guillermo. Love him so much. He's so not pc at all, but i could eat him with a spoon. Lol
  7. Poor dumb Raquel. When she had her hair braided and was taking to james, did you notice the outline of her makeup? It was so very unfortunate. James needs to watch it because at some point, he's going to offend customers and that might get expensive for lisa... i would imagine the contract protects her currently the way bravo is protected. I think katie is quite thick skinned and i think she's falling on her sword over this with lisa to protect others.
  8. Same here, but with fish for tacos. I can't eat any raw fish because of it. The texture gets me every time. Shudder. I love duck but i need to cook it thoroughly so it's considered overcooked. I just cannot take pink meat with duck. I don't understand it. I understand people not liking chicken but going so far to say it's for poor people! Argh that's just tacky.
  9. I really love captain lee and this episode made it stronger. After the crew meeting where he shows the video and then returns to the wheelhouse, he sits and puts his heads in his hands and lets the air out of his lungs. He understands that the dangerous buck just stopped with him. He was pissed at Ross from fear, but he takes the serious responsibility that goes with his job. He doesn't suffer fools but he's got the experience to see a much bigger picture. I appreciate that. I like seeing him handle the issues that arise, with grace and measured dignity. Laura, JHC! Opposite of grace and dignity! I can't believe she said "meh, i thought that's how it's done here" or some such bullshit about her turn down service. I hated listening to her yogi voice during that session. She has no clue what an ass she is. Speaking of asses... chicken is what poor people eat? i just can't...
  10. Oh Raquel you dumb dumb cow. It's exhausting. I wish James would just come out already and let her stop acting as his beard. I hope LVP takes katie seriously and lets him go. I'm going to try and get a screenshot from the engagement party because a guy in the background looked like Patrick! Blurg! Sigh... it was dumb ol' Carter in a chunky jax sweater.
  11. I'd forgotten this. In light if her revamping history, i bet this is what she's referring to when she says kate yelled she had herpes. She is the most unreliable narrator i've seen.
  12. Vahine. Riley Vahine. Riley Va. Ri. Hine. Lee. It still makes me chuckle.
  13. What was this? Law and Order: a very special episode? If the actors were different, i would have thought it was a different show. I am tired of Amanda just shaking her head disappointedly! Is that in the actress' contract? Cousin Benson is only just on now? Has he always wanted to be an actor and she threw him a bone finally or is he down on his luck, needs any job "oh hey call cousin Benson she has work for you!"
  14. Caroline is still a mess. Yikes! What did she expect would happen "here's my 2day notice." And then "oh i'm just not going to work my 2 days notice." ? The way she flipped the narrative through the season was bizarre and then her changing her story to Ross and Capt Lee is freaking psycho! Good riddance to bad trash. Riley riley riley... what the f? You are not making yourself look good at. It's unfortunate. Kate is not a bad person. She's flawed for sure, just like every other person i know.
  15. Wow, caroline is a complete mess! Last charter, she seemed more stable but super attention seeking. "Oh you want juice, did you see my swollen foot? Look how swollen it is, teehee. Right, juice..." this charter she is looking for trouble. She hears captain mention purple hearts and instead of thinking "crap well at least Chandler dropped a freaking guest and never apologized" she's thinking "crap captain is totally pissed at ME AND ME ONLY!" Ok i'm a pretty sensitive worrier but dang, even i want to swat that shivering chihuahua! Chandler. Dude! You dropped a guest, didn't hear captain explain what is going on, you left the beach clean up to interior, and you freaking dropped a guest! And for him to continue with his vendetta against riley, it's just bizarre. Josiah's niece is named primrose? Darling! She calls him Sire? Even darlinger.
  16. Am i the only one who likes Destiney? I like that she's always pleasant, doesn't seem to engage in the venomous gossip that reza and mj bring and she is just cute.
  17. Dang, i used to think Tommy was a big ol' CREEP, but he really did stick with mj. I guess i was wrong. The jumpsuit was a thousand times better on mj than the dress. Her makeup was better as was her hair (although it was pretty messy).
  18. Hey you guys... did you know chandler's dad is a captain? Ugh this charter guest is so gross.
  19. Ryan must be way too far up his own ass to listen to anyone saying "dude, this is a freaking mess!" Maybe he's busy burying himself in mounds of cocaine while wearing a wig? What is with having the actors play so many parts? Was he too busy to be bothered with casting? Is he afraid he'll lose his status if one of them gets upset? Criminey. The first 3 episodes could have been handled in 1 episode. I agree with PP who said it seems like they are writing this on the fly. Oh the audience wants Nan? Hmmmm.... oh let's write her in with Papa! Oh no, they miss Angela? Let's give her 10 lines next week! I was entertained this week, sure but the satanist church was a farce. They could have at least PRETENDED to be more on the level with that. Kathy bates and cody are definitely stealing this show. As for Michael being so tearful... did christ have a period of doubt in faith? (Not religious, sorry) but maybe Ryan is having Michael parallel christ?
  20. But he used it in a derogatory fashion which caused mike to reply "but your half jew." It was definitely said in anger and in spite as if he was spitting it out.
  21. Ok, did we hear Reza call Mike a blanking jew? I thought i heard that, gasped but didn't rewind. Then Mike said something like "your half jew?" How could they not cut that out?
  22. Why make the deck crew get to at 6. Lame. Get them up at 8, and discuss the situation. Chandler Chandler Chandler... you need some emotional iq... Rhylee - wowza where do i start? What a mess. I'm in a male dominated field. It's not picking up having things based though. I never go in acting like the men need to accept/respect me. I go in, working, being humble and speaking up, not over speaking. I get respect and acceptance based on my work ethic. The only time I've dealt with misogyny, it's been from management with pay disparity. I would NEVER wear a white flimsy dress with no bra. Just no. I still have my chef crush on hippy Adrian and even actually don't mind the man bun (which i normally hate with the fire of the burning sun). I like his energy, confident and capable, rhylee and caroline can learn from that.
  23. So does Capt Lee rent the yachts for the season or is he hired by the owners? In light of recent days, i must admit i feel uncomfortable making Chef Adrian a tasty piece of meat...
  24. Oh Capt Lee, let me help you retrieve that pin. Mroar. I like Ross so far. He seems pretty grounded. A little too alpha, but i like him. Chef adrian... i don't like flitty hippy boys like you, but... i could just eat him up!
  25. Sigh... So purty... I hate this season. The opening was far too fast and now we are turtle show. I can't wait for Emma Roberts to show up and stink up the show even worse.
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