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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Well, boo. This is the first time this season I had a problem with the judging. Renee's model looked like a bag lady. Nothing fashionable there whatsoever. And I am bummed Afa was sent home. I think Kovid's pants saved him because that (straight)jacket was seriously atrocious. My favorite's were Venny, Hester and Sebastian. And since when is using sleeping bags and tarps considered "unconventional"???? Back in the day, that would have landed you in the bottom for sure for playing it safe and using something that functions like material! Last thing: How the hell is Jamall getting a pass? He throws a blanket or comforter or sleeping bag on his model EVERY.SINGLE.WEEK. And it is crap. This week, his model looked insane with the gold leaf on her lips - where the hell was Marni then? He's got to go soon........ Let's all sing together: "I need gloves, I need heat....."
  2. The same can be applied to Will, and she was asking for more from him. Why should he give up more of his disposable income to pay her bills? I think it was an insane ask considering they had just met! I don't think Will handled this situation perfectly, but she was not exactly some prize either. Maybe both of them would have done better matched with someone else, but my feeling is that she would/will have a harder time finding a match. Her expectations are unreasonable and unrealistic. She also feels entitled to be the boss in the relationship. Good luck with that.........
  3. She did, but it it didn’t seem like she really wanted to, hence the compromise vs sacrifice conversation. Also, and to me the bigger problem for Will, was that she didn’t support his dream of being a coach at all. She is a dream crusher in his eyes....
  4. Exactly. Which is why, in the real world, Will and Jasmine would have been done after the money convo in Costa Rica or the atv adventure or the mud bath. I don’t think these two would have ever been drawn to each other on their own. of course, that’s true about all of these couples this season......
  5. I think she has, especially after her motel reviewer boyfriend dumped her at that awards banquet. I have especially loved watching Stevie and Johnny’s relationship over the last couple seasons. It was funny that Alexis could not identify what missing someone feels like, and when Moira didn’t even think to call her! I thought it was sweet when Moira put her head on Roland’s shoulder for support. I’m sad this season is almost over.
  6. This forum is probably 90% female so it's difficult to understand why men do what we do. But this is how the majority of us act. This is how we are programmed / raised / etc. It has nothing to do with being a coward for not being honest, we just don't want to hurt your feelings. Some people are making it sound like you're either a coward for not telling the truth or a jerk for telling the truth (cause it will hurt). So...staying in the middle is best for all parties. Bending the truth, or going around it. I'm with you Will. I understand. I agree with you @Marsh, most guys are nice enough not to be overtly mean about whether they are attracted to someone they go out with; that is why I stated there is no point of reference here because it's forced togetherness. In real life, if you go out with someone and you just don't really feel it, it's pretty easy to get away from them without having to spell out why. I also think a lot of men have an abhorrence of drama at all costs and would rather ghost someone than have that conversation. The one thing I take exception with is that it will destroy a woman's self-esteem. I guess it depends on the woman and how invested she is. If I went out with someone a couple times, it certainly would not destroy my self-esteem. In fact, I have had this happen to me in my younger days. It is awkward for sure, but I have a healthy self esteem and survived with minimal damage. I just took it that it was not the right guy for me and went on my way......
  7. With regards to Will & Jas, I think this show puts people in a no win situation if they really are not attracted to the person selected for them. When they are genuinely nice, such as Will or say, Danielle, I just don’t think they want to say it. It’s a really crappy situation when this happens because you are on tv and MARRIED to this person you just met. Plus you are contractually obligated to stay. Plus the added pressure from the experts and producers! If it was a regular dating situation, it’s normally pretty easy to deflect and get away from the person you don’t click with without having to overtly hurt their feelings. Here, there’s just no point of reference for how to nicely navigate this particular mine field, and who is Will supposed to get advice from to help him get through this, trying to keep both of them relatively unscathed? This is why he kept saying “communication”, or Danielle was saying “I’m trying to get there”. It’s just a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. I think he did the best he could and he chose to be honest when it counted and not drag it out even further despite even more pressure from “the experts”. Was he perfect? No, but he is human, and I think he did ok.
  8. I liked Walker, Wade, Ashley, Laci and weirdly, Eddie the best. Laine was good too. I like Alejandro but every song he sings is starting to sound the same. Jeremiah is good but I also find him boring and his style reads outdated to me, right down to his white turtleneck (what the hell?) and sport coat. I think the teenage girls showed why they aren’t too successful in the long run - Alyssa, Madison and Riley all picked songs that didn’t suit them, or were too old for them. Was I the only one who thought Domino was inappropriate for a 17 year old?!? And Riley smiling through Jolene - where was HCJ to ask “what does that song mean? Do you understand what you are singing?!?” I swear until they put them in the top 20 I never saw Kate or Raquel. Ryan shot himself in the foot with that song choice. Bummer.
  9. I do not ever see this happening. These two have fundamentally different goals in life. Although I can't stand her, I think Dr. Jess's conversation about the difference between compromise and sacrifice was valid. Any shift from either of them towards what the other wants is more of a sacrifice than a compromise. It just wouldn't work out. Look at Cortney and Jason or Tom and Lilly for what that looks like down the road. Will made the right choice, and he is also correct, that in time Jasmine will see that too. I think her pride was hurt more than anything else last night. Which one??? They have all been turds. The show is 0 for 3 in the Ryan casting department..........
  10. Kind of shocked - I was gearing up to be pissed because I expected producer shenanigans strong arming people to stay together, but for once, good decisions all around! I am especially glad Will said no. I just wish he would stop saying it was “communication” when it wasn’t that they weren’t communicating, it was that they didn’t agree. He did the right thing. Pastor Cal can suck it. Despite his issues, it does seem like AJ and Steph generally get along well. Maybe it will be better with the cameras gone, or maybe Steph will realize there’s just too much cray and high tails it. I’m most curious about them on the reunion. When this season started, I thought Queen Kristine and Keith were going to be an epic disaster. Instead, they were a delight - probably my favorite couple since Anthony and Ashley. I really hope they can make it work..... I hope Kate can relight her inner shine and the bearded asshole crawls back under the rock from which he came.....
  11. I enjoyed this format. It’s nice they got to go to Hawaii (even if some idiots don’t know it’s in the U.S.). I also liked that the judges gave the news pretty straight forward instead of a bunch of fake outs, and they all took it pretty well. I liked that it pretty much came down to how they performed in the showcase. Also like that there is not just a bunch of 15-17 year olds. Good job show! I am bummed Margie and Shayy didn’t make it, and relieved Myra and Kai didn’t. I would have put Nate instead of the kid with the face tattoos. I like Eddie’s voice but not him, per se; I’m glad the judges told him to lay off the schtick. I am most excited for Madison, Lacy, Alejandro and Ryan. Ryan especially because he is from Modesto where I grew up. I think this shaping up to be an interesting group. Looking forward to it now....
  12. This always bothers me too. Just download it to your phone, get in a corner by yourself for an hour listening to it non stop and trying to sing it until you have it and then reconvene once everyone knows the words. Of course, this method would not produce any drama for the show........
  13. I agree. Despite the divorce, I would still call them a successful match. I would also put Lily and Tom in there as well. I consider it successful if the couple legitimately stays together after the show. Both of those couples fell in love. I don’t blame the show because they didn’t work out down the road. That happens in real life all the time with people who weren’t married at first sight.
  14. Whew, glad that’s over. A fitting end to this turd of a show. I sincerely hope there are no more PRAS on the new bravo edition because if anything, this iteration proved they were scraping the bottom of the barrel with their “all stars”.... I can’t even get up the energy to be annoyed. Even though I loathe her I did like Michele’s the best, but she didn’t really “design” anything- they were simple silhouettes where the fabric did all the work. My favorite pieces were Michele’s first dress, Dmitry’s red jacket, and Biddell’s last dress. I just didn’t care for any of Irina’s. Overall disappointing. RIP Lifetime Project Runway. I won’t miss you.
  15. Yup. I don't think referring to your hat as a pringle is a good thing. I loved his suit last week, but this was bad, and it read sooooo old.......... Except this crew would just make stripes and plaid prints..........zzzzzzzzzzzz
  16. I thought this episode was weird. Much like last week, a lot of missed opportunities. Almost no-one except Kovid, Bishme and Hester used a vibrant print. In fact, many of the "prints" read as solids. I had to zoom my ipad because I actually thought Venny's was a solid! Animal print, stripes, checks, plaid and camo are pretty boring prints and almost function like a solid. In other words, boring. Where is Uli when you need her?!? I can't stand Hester, but I could totally see a young starlet wearing it - someone with quirky style. Maybe someone like Elle Fanning. I could also picture a young Gwen Stefani or Katy Perry wearing it....... I actually liked what Tessa made, and I thought the giant earring worked really well with the outfit. She keeps saying her style is "minimal", but I wonder if that is because her sewing skills are minimal. While well made, it was not super complicated and I think her fabric choice was doing the work which is fine in a prints challenge. I'm still not sure about her though.... I hated Bishme's hat, and Jamall is lucky there are so many other disasters because even though he didn't make another blanket coat, the shoes/pants going on under his plaid dress were janky. Speaking of janky, Rakan's pants! Why didn't he just make a normal pant, or if he wanted that elastic or whatever, just make a normal jogger. I agreed with Nina - the cape was nice..... I think if Garo had made the jacket more like a sporty track jacket and had mixed up the stripes like the leggings it would have actually been a cute athleisure outfit. Sebastian absolutely should have won, but no question Nadine should have gone. What a rude, nasty person, and very unprofessional to blame the model. Goodbye and don't let the door hit you on the way out...... A few episodes in, and I think the return to Bravo is a success. The focus is on the fashion not the drama, and I don't know why, but the way it is filmed just looks so much more expensive to me. I love Christian and Brandon Maxwell, and Nina seems more reinvigorated as well. I could live without Elaine, but overall I am loving it.
  17. I seriously averted my eyes - that could have gone so wrong! What on earth was Peg's problem with turning left?!? I would have thought it would have been being asked to parallel park. I'm 46 and I still can't do it.......
  18. I don't either. That's why it's so frustrating to watch........
  19. Yeah it’s getting ridiculous. The sad or ominous music is really laying it on thick. She showed 30 seconds of gumption in that dinner scene where she almost looked angry but then nothing! It’s so frustrating because I need the satisfaction of seeing someone really lay into him and then not letting him get away with it. Sadly, I don’t think it’s going to happen....
  20. I completely agree. He does not hear anything when someone is talking about his behavior. Him getting pissed is not the worst thing about him, with the exception of the "mini-moon". I didn't even mind him getting annoyed at the gym - why would they have someone who doesn't ever work out doing that hard core work out? Was there any modifications for him being a beginner? As a 46 yo woman who is sometimes fit and sometimes not, I relate to him saying I want to be able to walk tomorrow........ The biggest red flags for me with him are the conversation with Dr. Jess and last night. He refused to acknowledge any bad behavior then and completely talked for Stephanie, and last night, very similar. He tunes out when someone criticizes him or he gets annoyed. He does not own his shit, so to speak, and that is never going to end well for the other party. It's really too bad he is that way, because his wife is a gem. I don't see him doing better than her, and if he keeps at it like this, he will be losing her and back to eating alone and he will only have himself to blame. Sadly, he would probably never admit it........
  21. You may be right, but I would still consider them a success. They both have admitted that they were given a spouse that is not what they wanted, but maybe what they needed, since the types they picked on their own weren’t working. I think they both could walk away learning something about themselves and that would still be a win. Regarding Luke saying “I looked so beautiful”, I do think it would have been funny if someone like Ricky Bobby had said it because his wife was confident that her spouse was attracted to her and he had expressed how beautiful he found her, many times over. When Luke said it, it just highlighted how unattractive he finds Kate and it comes off completely douchey, as always.....
  22. I cannot believe they are dragging this shite out for another week! Both AJ and Luke started talking about food when their wives starting calling them on their shit. Kate and Steph should both run. Jasmine and Will are a total mismatch, but I did feel kind of sorry for Jas when she was sad she was right back where she started. Hey Jas, maybe next time don’t tell your significant other that you just met that you expect him to foot most of the bills...... I really hope it was just a lot of editing nonsense and Keith & Kristine end up together because they are really cute. My guess judging from previous seasons is that all 4 say they want to stay married on decision day but only AJ/Steph and Keith/Kristine actually stay married.....although why Steph would want that crazy loon is beyond me....sweet lord this season sucked.....
  23. If it was my child I would feel the same way. I don't fault her for that. As far as the luggage carrying is concerned, it's one thing to say that to a kid as a parent who doesn't want to be responsible for a kid over packing a bunch of crap (and I speak from experience - my daughter would have brought 15,000 stuffed animals on vacation in her childhood). It's another to apply the same logic to your wife........
  24. Well, to be fair, that is a true statement irregardless of Kate and Luke. I think she was just referring to the whole concept, not any particular plans Luke had to marry a woman under false pretenses. She is not the first parent on this show to object to it. Not by a long shot.
  25. I think the criteria was “five minutes into the future”. I think “Back Gills”, or whatever they were called, managed to evoke sea creatures with normal clothes just fine. It doesn’t have to be a costume. Neck Ruffles team nailed the five minutes into the future concept while still incorporating their modifications. The problem Chest Feathers had was they used zero imagination in relation to the feathers, and rather just worked around them rather than incorporating them into their design. And I think the same can be said to Shoulder Horns team as well, which is why I wish they had been judged as well. Honestly, a case could be made for all three teams except Neck Ruffles and Back Gills..... I actually think something like the dress Kovid made in the premiere would have worked better for Chest Feathers - that is what I meant by angelic or more ethereal.
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