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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Yes to all of this. Holy hell, this season was a chore! I swear, That finale felt so long I am actually surprised it’s not time for me to register for social security. I liked Adam and Demetrius, and Jeremiah and Katy. That’s it. And the right person won. A person who identifies as a musician first and singer not at all should not win American Idol. I think he would have died inside having to fulfill the winning contract. I loved the moment before Ryan read the winner. Alejandro was sweating profusely looking like he wanted to barf, and Laine had a deer in the headlights look. Just perfect. Shame on them for not having Maddie perform. Three fucking hours and they couldn’t find FIVE MINUTES for their reigning winner WHO HAS A NEW ALBUM to perform?!? This stupid show. Only two years and I’m back to hate watching thanks to the format and the judges. Oh well, there’s always 2020.....
  2. I thought when she said “that’s not where we are culturally” that she was referring to his design, not his cause, as in, we are not culturally into cheap corseted costumes that look like something a hooker would wear.......That being said, all I could think about with Garro’s cause was the episode of Black Mirror about the bees. It’s called Hated In The Nation. If you haven’t seen it (And you have Netflix) watch it - it’s scary - it will make you want to get on the save the bees bandwagon! I liked Bishme’s look, but I think some of that has to do with his model - for instance, I think Sebastian’s look, which I also liked, would have had more impact if it was worn by Bishme’s model. Mimi gets all the attention this season but for me, Thinjin (is that her name?) is my favorite. If Jamal gets to the finals, are we just going to see a bunch of puffer clothes. Gah! Hester is working my last nerve with her stupid hats. I HATE them. And her outfit was the worst. No grown woman wants to dress like that. I feel so conflicted about Tessa. I don’t like her, but her story got to me. I thought her dress represented her cause the best, but in many ways it was so basic. I guess safe was the best place for her this week. I really love Venny, but he’s been circling the drain for a while. I just hope Hester and Jamal join him soon...
  3. Talk about adding insult to injury! I started the season watching Single Parents and TKAA and within a month I had dropped Single Parents. I cannot believe that show got renewed - it. is. not. funny. AT ALL. Unbelievable. It really sucks that it gets a second season but TKAA does not.
  4. I would love that. These judges suck, but what really needs to be changed is the producers. The structure of the show is part of the problem in my opinion. Plus, if the same producers (Trish Kinane) are there, even if they change the judges it will just be with a different set of idiots just spewing platitudes. I can't believe I am longing for the days of Uncle Nigel or Cecile Frot-Coutaz..........
  5. I agree, but I think it's total garbage that the judges have not said one word about his "singing". It's terrible, and he has not tried once the entire season to push his vocals in any new direction. I am so frustrated watching him. Geez, where were these judges on Season 13 when my favorite "musician" Alex Preston was competing? He probably would have won instead of Caleb if he was on this season with these idiots falling down over his artistry and saying zero about his vocals...........
  6. Wow, this show is just.......not good. I can barely keep my attention on it. I just don’t care. I can’t believe these are the best choices - talk about mediocre! One of them doesn’t even consider himself a “singer”, one is handsome and decent but completely vacant, and the other is too young to emotionally connect with what she is singing. While I find Alejandro the most musically interesting, I think he is a terrible singer. And I might be the only person who doesn’t care for Madison’s vocals - when she isn’t belting, I think her vibrato is unpleasantly slow and frequently veering out of tune. Laine always sounds pretty good vocally to me, but his song choices are so boring and predictable, and he seems so stiff it’s really boring to watch him. I could not care less about his wardrobe. Speaking of wardrobe, I thought that sequined jumpsuit Madison was wearing was unfortunate. Very unflattering. The only thing that will shock me is if anyone not named Laine wins this thing. Zzzzzzzz........ The judges are beyond useless. I really wish they would replace them next year with someone who could say something (anything!) beyond how awesome everyone is. Because it’s just not true. At all. And they can take Bobby Bones with them. What a bunch of suck!!! Whew! I feel better now that I’ve vented!
  7. Yep, and neither did I when I was that age (I'm 46 fwiw). Even worse, my kids are 14 and 10 and all they watch is YouTube. They care even less about any shows on tv. My sister is 30, and most of her friends just have streaming with Netflix or Hulu, although if you can wait a day, you can still watch ABC, NBC and Fox on Hulu, but I don't know if the networks care about that? The really stupid thing is that older people generally have more disposable income. I've never understood the logic that younger is better to be honest...
  8. Aw man, I just saw this! I am seriously bummed - this was the only new show I watched this year, and honestly, it leaving is just another nail in the coffin for network tv for me. I mostly watch Netflix and Hulu now. On network tv, anything that is not a doctor/lawyer/cop show is already at risk right out the gate, and I just don't like those type of shows. Besides reality shows, I think I'm down to B99 and Orville for network shows I watch. Thanks for nothing ABC.........
  9. Garro was on another reality show? I didn’t know that either. I am totally fine with having designers with real world experience/success on this show vs. people who just started out (Jamall). I think it legitimizes the show somewhat, plus those type of people seem have a greater sense of how to act professionally. They also seem more able to churn out quality work under the time constraints.
  10. Or any sane person with working eyeballs in any decade, really......
  11. Well, I do think Tessa’s pants had an awful crotch, but there was so much else wrong with that look they just ignored that. My favorite Michael Korsism is from a menswear challenge: “That crotch is insane”. Sometimes I still laugh when thinking about the horrible stuff from that episode......😂
  12. This episode made me realize I don’t miss Sonia or Nadine, but I do miss Afa. And I think being forgettable is a bigger crime than tasteless to the judges because Venny has been top and bottom, but Lela has just been safe. Both looks were atrocious. It’s just hard for me to see Lela go (Or Sonia,or Renee, or Afa) when Hester and Jamal are still there. I couldn’t believe they put Jamall in the top. Nothing about that said Elton John to me. I would have swapped him and Sebastian, and Hester and Tessa. I’m not mad that Tessa got a little take down though. In what world does white wool say over the top performance costume??? It’s too bad for Bishme that Garro’s was so fantastic because both were equally impressive to me. I thought this was a fun challenge. Thank God this is the end of immunity. I hope this speeds the auffing of Hester and Jamall......
  13. I would disagree, mostly because 2007 was season 6 (Jordan Sparks won), and I loved Blake Lewis, plus season 7 and 8 (David Cook, Kris Allen) were probably my favorites of all time, with season 7 having my favorite top ten ever, and season 8 having Adam Lambert. Of course, this is all subjective. For me, David Cook was the best contestant ever. I base this on how many of his performances I can still vividly remember, which is most of them. Always Be My Baby is my favorite Idol performance of all time. I think he broke the show though, because he was the original WGWG. I am sure there are a ton of reasons the show sucks now compared to ten years ago, but I blame the producers who created this crappy format with long beginning rounds and a short final round, and the judges who won’t actually, you know, judge. There’s also probably just fatigue because it did not go away long enough for anyone to miss it.
  14. This episode was hilariously cringey. My husband and I watched with our son who just turned 10 last week. I see now what's coming - I started having to say "get your hands out of your pants" by the time he was five and I guess it just ramps up from there.....boys....... Joey was so awesome with the old people - I knew there was no way he was being altruistic! I think he should grow up and become a politician - he's smarmy, amoral and self-serving yet able to get things done when necessary..... Frank should be the one to become a priest. I laughed when the girl came to the door and asked to talk to Frank and Peg said ok but it won't be interesting. I don't remember what he said exactly, but when Mike said society needs to go back to being repressed made me laugh. He would probably have a stroke over how society is now! I really love Eddy - he's such a lovable dim bulb. His advice to Frank was smart and stupid at the same time. The flashback to him in the closet "on the phone" with the phone sitting outside the closet was hilarious! I hate Lawrence's hair now - he looked so much better with it long...... Did they show Andy at all this episode? It's kind of weird that he's rarely shown.....
  15. I totally agree with everything you said. And regarding season 12, I always thought Kree or Angie was more marketable than Candace (I was rooting for Angie). I do think for the first ten seasons or so the show was beneficial for winners and many non winners in helping them have some kind of career post-idol, whether that was in music, theater, tv or politics (I don't remember if Clay won for whatever he was running for???). It's been diminishing returns since then unfortunately. I don't think it's a coincidence that that was when the original judges starting leaving and Idol starting trying to be the Voice instead...... I was so disappointed when Uche left. He was my favorite, and I think the show is the worse for his exit, especially with the Queen and Showstopper themes - I think he would have killed those.
  16. I find that interesting - do you just watch it as a television show alone then? I guess because I have enjoyed the music of several Idols post-show, I always think "would I buy this person's music?" while I'm watching the show. I have also seen several in concert. I have seen Kelly Clarkson 4 times, including this last January, Adam Lambert once (and Allison Iraheta opened for him with her band Halo Circus), and David Cook. Last year I saw Postmodern Jukebox and Constantine Maroulis was the main host/ featured singer (although that was just a coincidence). I have purchased music from all of the people I have seen in concert, as well as Carrie Underwood, Jordin Sparks, Haley Reinhart and Philip Philips. I think that's why I keep watching - hoping to discover someone else I enjoy musically because I have so many times in the past. Sadly, not one contestant has interested me in this way the last several seasons, yet I keep watching. I guess hope springs eternal.........
  17. Holy Smokes, that was a boring two hours. Absolutely no surprising song choices, and the same old fawning comments from the judges. Plus one more here agreeing Katy is ridiculous. Either she thinks she has to be this way to earn her $25 million, or there is something seriously wrong with her. It's too bad she can't take it down a notch or twenty, because she is the only one of those three dummies that gives real criticism occasionally. I hope if the show comes back all three are replaced. You know what would be really surprising? If they actually only used the judges save on someone stellar that just had a bad week or wrongly ended up in the bottom, like JHud or Chris Daughtry. Like, maybe some seasons they just forego using it at all if it's not saving a potential winner from elimination. That would be amazing. Because, really, once live voting starts, judges picks and saves never last, and they sure as hell have zero shot of winning. As soon as Ryan said it was the last week to use it, I just knew they would, and when it was those two, I was not shocked they kept Laci because I didn't think they would want 4 guys and 1 girl in the top 5. The reality is that she is circling the drain, and all that save did (and usually does) was give her one more week. She'll never win. That being said, I am honestly not sorry they kept her instead of Jeremiah. Unlike the other 5 remaining contestants, I have zero idea what type of music Jeremiah would make or where he fits in the current musical landscape. He seems so old fashioned to me - the songs he chooses, and sometimes what he is wearing. I thought Swing Low Sweet Chariot was a terrible song choice. Once again, I wish Simon was here to comment on that song choice because I think he would have some choice words for Jeremiah on that one. I was so excited to hear Alejandro do White Rabbit. I keep waiting for him to really sing out with some intensity and volume, and I thought maybe it will be this one! Silly me. More mumbling and whispering. His vocals are so low energy no matter what the tempo of the song. And then he said "I don't think of myself as a singer". Um, what?!? It's a freaking singing competition, not a guitar playing competition. I wish he would push himself vocally more, and it's becoming frustrating watching him. I think Laine has been the most consistent. But there is absolutely nothing interesting about him or his performances. His song choices are smart and completely boring - nothing surprising there. He's using crazy jackets as a substitute for an actual personality. He's basically another Scotty McCreery or Philip Philips. He is just going to keep doing the same thing every week in a different crazy jacket and ride this thing to victory. Zzzzz..... I still think Madison is too young. Go Youtube Kelly singing "I Surrender" on season one, and you will stop thinking of Madison as her second coming. No contest. I can't stand Wade's "voice", and I just ff through his performances. I hate Lauren Daigle's hit song "You Say". My family calls her Christian Adele because she sounds like her. But she was delightful, professional, and a stellar mentor. I hope they find more people like her and Adam Lambert and less like Rebel Wilson (even though I like her as an actress). I don't really care who wins this thing. For some stupid reason, I just can't quit this show. And I know I will watch next season as well if there is one. It's a sickness. Oh well............
  18. Just watched - once again, A LOT of fug. I just don’t get it. They all seem incapable of picking good fabric, and across the board kind of horrible design. The only ones I liked at all were Bishme, Lela, and of course Sebastian, who I thought should win. I cannot believe I heard them say multiple times that the swimsuit Hester made was “ well made”. Just no. The back was riding up the model’s butt so badly! And that wrap looked stupid. I hated the way it wasn’t sewn all the way around and sort of sagging - to me, it looked like someone ripped it. Garro’s looked like Mrs. Roper on Three’s Company, but with a zipper. I’m getting tired of him and his corsets. With her topnot and super skinny body, I think Marni looks like a blond Olive Oyl, only dressed worse. I feel like it’s an Emperor’s New Clothes situation with her. They keep telling us how fabulous she is, and I’m like, can you see her?!? Tessa is a bossy bitch. I’ve liked some of what she’s made, but she is just awful as a human being. My favorite thing with her was last week when Christian told her to MYOB. Maybe if more of them told her the same, she would stfu. Probably not though. That being said, Bishme complaining about her not being in the bottom the prior challenge was uncalled for. They should all keep their opinions about each other to themselves. Contrast how gracious Renee was to Jamall, and they look even more petty and childish. I wish they would get rid of immunity. Especially for a show whose tag line is “One Day You’re In, The Next Day You’re Out.” Because if that was really true, Hester should have been eliminated last week, and Jamall should have gone this week. Instead, two more worthy designers have been sent packing. I was so excited for this season before it started, but I’m starting to be verrry frustrated. While I have liked many of the challenges,I don’t think overall that this is a very strong group of designers, and I have disagreed completely with the judging a lot. Bummer.....
  19. This was so mediocre. Across the board. These are “the best idol top 10 ever”?!? Bullshit. Adam is everything. He gave more actionable advice in two hours than “the judges” or Bobby Bones have given all season. Maybe if someone was actually helping these finalists hone their vocals and performances they might actually get better, but instead we have three idiots giving everyone standing ovations and telling them they’re amazing (they are not). The only thing that would have made this show good is if Adam and Queen had performed. Really sorry Uche and Dimitrius were eliminated before this week - they more than any of these people were suited to this theme. I would have loved to see Adam and Uche together! Someone needs to tell Madison to show some emotion when she sings. She is so blank. Maybe that’s not possible because she is only 17........ Someone needs to tell Alejandro that mumbling and whispering is not a good way to “sing”...... I am fine with who went home; honestly I’d probably be fine no matter who it was- I am at a point of not caring who wins this thing......
  20. That seems unlikely to me since it was the starting point for the whole season, but as I said in the post you referred to I could see there being limited flights to Laos. I guess we’ll have to see how the rest of the season plays out - it is only the second episode after all. I hope they are allowed to schedule their own travel and navigate themselves in cars sometimes at least!
  21. I understand what you mean, but I prefer for the mat placement to have meaning. If the show is going to book all the travel, then they should just drop the staggered start and treat each day as new start with Phil giving them instructions and saying "Go!" It's less interesting, and I don't like it as much as everyone scrambling for a good flight, but the reality is that the leg really didn't start until they all raced off the plane at the same time, and that's been true of both episodes so far this season.......
  22. I think it's just that the show is booking the travel for all the teams, and I think it diminishes the race aspect of the show overall. There is no benefit to getting to the mat earlier other than first place earning a prize, and avoiding last place to escape elimination, obviously, but other than that the rest of their placements are irrelevant if they are all just going to leave at the same time on the same flight in the morning. In fact, to me it seemed like the first place teams were actually sort of penalized having to get up super early for nothing! This is the second episode in a row where there was a "race" to the airport only to be put on one flight together. Sure, maybe there were limited flights from Japan to Laos, but that was definitely not true for the first episode when they were going from L.A. to Japan!
  23. Yes, and this is really starting to bug me. A lot. Last week it was digging in the sand for a clue to get to the airport.......to all be on the same flight. This week staggered start times to get to the airport.........to all be on the same flight. Why not just have them all leave at the same time? Are they just keeping up the pretense that there is some advantage to having to get up at the crack of dawn when in reality it’s just to sit around the airport waiting for all the other teams to show up and get on the same plane?!? Now that I m writing this it’s making me pissed about it. Talk about a downgrade in the show....... And ditto the U-turn. I HATE the placement right at the start. It was better when it was the first team to complete the first task gets first crack at it- they at least earned the right. This is just for petty drama. Again, I hate it!!! I am glad Funstoppable and Tyler and Korey got through it. I would have been bummed if either had been eliminated already. Rachel and her scary looking sister can go anytime as far as I’m concerned. Still trying to sort out the other non-TAR teams bc I don’t watch those shows. The only ones who stand out so far are the ones in second place with the boring girl with the bf who looks a little like Alan from DWTS, and the two bitches who pissed off the Afghanimals. It doesn’t help that most were all bunched up together....... I feel like Colin is a ticking time bomb. All the meditation talk and how yelling doesn’t help. It’s going to be glorious when he blows.......
  24. Ha! Yes! Maybe Cal should apply his own slogan when casting people, as in, "I'm sorry Luke (or Ryan, or Nick, etc.) we can't choose you because marriage (at first sight) ain't for punks. We need to find nice, well adjusted non-punks to match people with."
  25. Yes! It was a funny bit but that's all I could think about the entire time - who the hell was paying for all that stuff???!?
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