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Everything posted by Lugal

  1. My sister and I still throw that line at each other randomly.
  2. Cool soundtrack. I like the harpsichord.
  3. The explanation was he never was her father, which is why she still exists at all. It seems to be a painful fact for her mother since she did not want to talk about it. Lucy would never known if it weren't for the fact that she continues to exist in the new timeline.
  4. King Corn, very low key, about two guys trying to grow an acre of corn, but frightening about how much corn effects what we eat. If you didn't avoid high fructose corn syrup before, you will now.
  5. I watched Men in Black III last week and I kept expecting Lucy and the team to ask for chocolate milk. Also, does anyone remember on the Ben Stiller Show in the 90's the sketch with Janeane Garofalo "B Minus Time Traveler?"
  6. I'm liking Lucy and Rufus and still warming up to Wyatt, he doesn't seem to have anything to do except be the soldier-type. Their mission could have been stretched out over two episodes. I agree with whoever said the show seems rather unambitious with regards to its premise. I have to say the team needs to be better prepared, since they seem to go back and make up things on the fly. Although the higher-ups seem to have an odd "Ehh, good enough" attitude toward time travel and changing history. I'm still not sure if they're really the good guys. My crazy speculation: our crappy present is a creation of Rittenhouse and Flynn is trying to set it back to something better.
  7. The guest star rule gave away who did it pretty much right away, but I still liked this one. Chloe having to tell Lucifer not to touch the burned crotch (twice!). I like Elle. I remember years ago I knew a paramedic with a sense of humor like that, being able to laugh at charred corpses. I also love Dr. Linda and Maze hanging out. Is this the first episode where Dr. Linda had no scenes in her office? Don't trust Mom, she's definitely up to something but Tricia Helfer is playing the hell out of it, like the "when I rub against other humans, I get a strange feeling down here..." moment. Curious to see how she deals with her 'sentence' and what powers she might actually have. I love the details on this show, like how the angel Amenadiel has a dirt devil.
  8. I completely agree, but I think it's mainly due to the fact that audiences want a familiar face. Someday, someone should do an anthology series like this where characters are played by different actors every week due to changes in the timeline.
  9. I would agree that the show hasn't established the rules yet. There are a few questions that they need to answer, like: Is time self-healing or is the butterfly effect unmitigated? The fact that the Hindenburg exploded anyway and the reporter died in both timelines may indicate that time will self-correct, but the fact that the mother is cured of her disease and the sister does not exist seems to indicate that there is some level of butterfly effect. It may work out that there are fixed points in time that happen no matter what with other more mutable events around them. I've wondered about this. My crazy theory is if there is more than one dimension of time, then going through various time dimensions could make sense, like in the movies where the villain travels around the country seemingly at random while enacting his plan.
  10. I liked it, but time travel has to be really bad for me not to. For all the comparison to Ministerio del Tiempo, there's definitely a similarity in the basic concept (2 guy-one woman team consisting of a soldier, scholar and someone in a more modern profession and one of the men is mourning a dead wife) but not any of the specific stories. I actually liked how they ended up changing history. I would be curious if it's an ongoing thing, where they keep changing history so that by the end of the season, Prince Abraham Lincoln III flies in on his airship to the secret time lab to see what's happening or something. I would give them points for creativity if this did this or even reveal that our history is a "wrong" timeline that Flynn is trying to fix.
  11. The 2010 Russell Crowe Robin Hood was forgettable (he only did one Robin Hood-esque deed in the whole movie) but Alan Doyle as Alan A'Dayle was pretty awesome (and single-handedly introduced my sister to the music of Great Big Sea)
  12. Michael (on suspenders): So dumb! So much dumber than belts!
  13. I read that a few months ago and I really liked it and now I keep meaning to watch the movie. Right now, I'm reading The Gaslight Dogs by Karin Lowachee which is a sort-of-steampunk fantasy with Inuit influences. It was slow to start but I'm liking it so far.
  14. I saw the movie about a month ago. While I am a fan of SW, I would not call myself a superfan. I've always been more into Star Trek than Star Wars (but don't get me started on Abrams Trek movies). I agree with pretty much everything you said as well. Looking back at the prequels, they had some really good ideas, I think they just bungled the execution. This new movie has no real new ideas, and any that appeared, like the the identity of a Stormtrooper being a real person came up because they needed a companion for Rey. It even lacked the grand sense of scale of the originals and the prequels. At the very beginning of A New Hope we all remember seeing that huge Star Destroyer fly overhead. There is nothing, save for a few vistas on Jakku, that gives any sense of scale. When the Starkiller attacks, we see a beam shoot out and destroy some planets. Are they in the same system? Light years away? Kylo Ren is a very weak villain. He was upset enough to hack up the bridge with his lightsaber, in front of his crew. Any villain that can be rattled and lose control to that degree is not that big of a threat. Vader was scary because he was so in control. He casually force-choked the one imperial without any emotion, and only stopped when Tarkin told him to. Even then he wasn't upset about it. The Emperor too was in control, watching his plans play out exactly as he foresaw them until Vader threw him down the reactor shaft.
  15. I expected to go in disappointed and I was still let down. This movie had all the flaws that J.J. Abrams' movies always have (crappy plotting, coincidence, lack of scale, overuse of fanservice and so on). I was spoiled, but I still didn't feel anything for Hans' death, it was thrown in there because like Obi-Wan in the original, the old mentor had to die. TFA felt like some teenager's bad fanfiction (like Abrams' movies usually do). I thought Daisy Ridley and John Boyega were good and Rey and Finn could have been very interesting characters in the hands of a better storyteller. I liked Poe Dameron, but he wasn't really in the movie enough to get a good sense of him. But it pisses me off that we're never going to get a scene of Luke, Leia and Han all together again. After I finished, I reread Heir to the Empire and realized how much better a sequel that it was. Grand Admiral Thrawn could have mopped the floor with Kylo Ren.
  16. I watched the first ep and learned my Spanish is not as strong as I thought. I loved the show and the actors but I know I missed a lot of the nuance. Now I'm hoping Dramafever or someone will pick it up.
  17. Wow, it really sounds like NBC/Sony ripped it off and so shamelessly. I'll still check it out, but now I have to find El Ministerio del Tiempo
  18. It's pronounced "Frahnkensteen" (I had to say it) He was the best and greatly missed.
  19. I'm a sucker for time-travel stories, so I'll check it out.
  20. Haven't seen Zendaya in enough things to say whether she would be good or not. Don't have a problem with an African-American MJ. Queens is a lot more diverse than it was in the post-WWII era when Spiderman was created. Not sure about the Flash casting, since a lot of the bullies I encountered in school were jocks. I wonder if they're going for the "protected bully" type. You know that one asshole, who may not be big or strong, but gets away with everything because teachers/school officials/higher-ups look the other way. I think there's also a generational thing with Aunt May's age too. My grandmother had six siblings with a 20 age gap between oldest and youngest, so an old woman like in the original comics as Aunt May was more believable then.
  21. Don't forget the awesome Scottish scenery in Highlander. Still one of my favorite movies. Can't forget Waterworld, which I usually end up watching that whenever I find it on TV. Dennis Hopper at his scenery-chewing best. Although the soundtrack was cool. I've only ever seen parts of Showgirls. But it always makes me think of a story a friend of mine told: When she was in college, she and a friend went to see a third friend in Seattle. They got in late and the third friend was determined to see a movie and they went to the only thing showing at the time: a midnight run of Showgirls. She said she was sure all the pervs and weirdos in the theater saw the three of them and thought were the menage-a-trois lesbians. She also said the movie was terrible.
  22. As a lieutenant commander, I'm guessing she'll be high enough up to have an influence on events in the ship, but still have the captain over her head, which could set up some interesting dynamics. I'm not against a prequel per se, although I would have preferred one between TOS and TNG, centering around the Tomed Incident like some of the initial speculation. Done well, a prequel can fill in the gaps in the Trek Universe, it's just Star Trek hasn't done prequels very well. My problem with Enterprise was Braga's general attitude to world-building (that it's too hard) and things just rehashed previous episodes and contradicted things we saw later.
  23. After my disappointment with The Force Awakens, I'm actually been looking forward to this. And that was before I saw Darth Vader at the end. And we get to see Alan Tudyk play a 7 foot tall droid, so even better
  24. Wow, this sounds like a trainwreck all around. Remember months ago when the news broke that they had a therapist on set for the actors to deal with the "dark themes" of the movie? Everyone laughed and thought it was for marketing and that they were trying too hard to be 'dark and edgy' (but now it seems like the therapist could have been there for the abuse everyone was suffering). Then came the trailers with Bohemian Rhapsody and Ballroom Blitz and actually made it look like it could be fun. But no it seems the first impression was right. That's how I felt about BvS. It was Batman and Superman, and the trailers did little to convince me and then the reviews came out and I discovered I would wait for netflix or cable and still haven't seen it yet. SS will probably be the same.
  25. I hate the Former-Navy-SEAL trope. Note: not about Navy SEALs doing Navy SEAL things, but where a throwaway line at the beginning tells us the character is a former Navy SEAL just for the badass points and it has no bearing on the rest of the movie.
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