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Everything posted by Ijustwantsomechips

  1. PBS Frontline has a very interesting two-part special on the first Christians that examines the early church’s active role in and separation from Judaism. Often history and religious texts present Christianity as a new religion that popped on the scene the day Christ died as opposed to a new faith growing within Judaism. It was fascinating to learn how “Christianity” existed within, not apart from Judaism for quite some time.
  2. Damn typos. Blame it on my foggy brain from the booster shot.
  3. Let’s not forget Josiah’s date night dinner for Lauren that consisted of someone’s half eaten leftovers from the fridge.
  4. You must see the episode when Jessa was pregnant and preparing for Henry’s birth. Janna and Joy came over to help her clean. Joy had to scrub snot off the sofa and Spurge cried to get into the baby swing. Janna flipped him over and into the swing like she was throwing sacks at the dock. She literally flipped him into the swing like Spongebob flipping a crabby patty 🤣 She slid them on her feet and out the door. Disgusting 🤢
  5. Call it a crazy hunch, but Jeremy’s ice cream would probably be douche-flavored. I’ll be in the prayer closet knitting a mustard cardigan to wear in hell if anyone needs me.
  6. Ben and Jeremy ice cream. That would be one boring ass flavor: homemade paste, wet cardboard, plaster of Paris or rice water.
  7. Those infomercials crack my boyfriend up. And I could definitely see Jeremy trying some shady business like this in a few years.
  8. I had a Lay z boy for almost ten years. The frame and cover were still in such good condition that when we put it to the street, the neighbors took it. We were also able to get some ink off one of the cushions even though it had been there for about a month. It came right off. It was long and tall and made for some awesome naps.
  9. Anything Bose is going to be quality. I loooove my Bose earbuds and wish I could try their new noise canceling earbuds.
  10. I saw The Eternals this weekend. It was really good; great special effects. Having Jon Snow and Rob Stark together never gets old, and boy has Rob Stark aged well. Very well! I saw Dune the opening weekend and enjoyed that as well. And I’m really excited for Morbius. It’s so nice to be able to enjoy my movie going experience with the blockbusters that are coming.
  11. @BetyBee I hope your flare calms down soon. I don’t have eczema, but may gave rosacea and super sensitive skin. It took me about 4 months to figure out my laundry detergent was causing contact dermatitis since I never had sensitivity issues when I was younger. Thank goodness for Persil Free & Sensitive and Aveeno Skin Relief body wash. I miss some fragrant products but it just wasn’t worth scratching my dermis off. I heard the La Roche-Posay AP Lipikar balm worked really well too. It’s on my list if things to try. To quote my papa, “Getting old is hell!”
  12. A little snark. https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2021/11/jinger-duggar-and-jeremy-vuolo-buy-our-childrens-book-dont-think/
  13. I used to watch this lady vlog about her marriage and family on YouTube. It was the basic day in the life of videos. The husband always seemed distant or annoyed with filming. Turns out he was very unhappy and ended up divorcing the lady. Now I don’t know exactly what transpired, there are many things that can go wrong in a marriage, and both parties play their part. Part of me always thinks that maybe, just maybe if she had put that damned camera down and been present with her family, things may have been different. I know Ben isn’t likely to leave, but I can see his Jessa’s marriage headed that way. He seems to have mentally checked out long ago.
  14. That is the perfect description. April Fresh Downy ads.
  15. Addison is really cute. I swear I can smell the baby powder just looking at Kendra’s kids. She keeps them in such adorable clothes.
  16. Yay! I get my Moderna booster Monday. I had the J&J vaccine and my doctor told me to get Moderna or Pfizer, and I read about a study of additional benefits from Moderna. Hopefully I won’t have any side effects. I had none with my vaccine.
  17. I can’t decode which film reference is more accurate for Ben’s, uh, haberdashery. For me he’s teetering between an extra on Unorthodox (and I’d pay good money to see Ben be the Moishe Lefkowitz of the family, cigarettes and all) and Monsignor Pruitt from Midnight Mass. Neither is a look I’d strive for.
  18. What about that episode when Hildy tried painting that striped sofa hot pink and the rain washed the paint off? I could see Jill ruining Nurie’s furniture then being offended because Nurie was upset.
  19. I had the J&J vaccine so I’d like to get the Pfizer or Moderna booster. I’m only 40 though so I’m not sure when it will be available to me.
  20. So dragging the baby into the public to catch the ‘rona wasn’t enough? These fuckwits used toxic paint fumes around a newborn too? There’s no way that stinky stain or glaze or whatever they used was no VOC. I can’t with these fools.
  21. Yay! -Jill Duggar Dillard (I can’t wait to get mine. I’m glad you’re done).
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