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Everything posted by Ijustwantsomechips

  1. Yes, they have tv, cable, movie nights, newspapers, and J-pay to receive money, but generally no unmonitored internet access. My mom retired from corrections, and I worked at a neighboring prison. They have it better than lits of free people.
  2. All I can when looking at that sofa the color of my dog’s stool sample is the sofa on Bewitched. That one didn’t look comfortable either.
  3. I’m so happy you stumbled upon such a wonderful addition to your family. And happy Zoe avoided the pound.
  4. I don’t know if the children’s food issues are lack of adequate food and structure or a lack of discipline. I have relatives whose children are unruly, undisciplined, and quite frankly, un-parented. They eat constantly and will eat you out of house and home. I’m talking drinking six gallons of juice in two days (yes, they really did). They’ve never been taught portion control, self control, or to not touch and eat everything they see. Since we know Jessa lets the children run feral, her kids may be like this too.
  5. He’s a Maltipoo but often mistaken for a Bichon.
  6. It was actually done at an expo center. A local animal shelter had free vaccines and microchips this weekend so Scooter Pie got chipped. Fun fact: there’s a lady crouching behind the chair holding on to the leash.
  7. Mother of God is that a rock-n-play?!? Those things were recalled and banned recently for killing several children! https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/fisher-price-warnings-rock-play-sleepers-led-dozens/story%3fid=78128719
  8. I think you may be right in that it’s bringing the ugly to the surface. I know so many who panicked during the recent outage. It had zero affect on my life. I had to recreate an account to download my dog’s fall picture. Now that I have it, I’m deleting again. Good riddance. Here's my little Scooter Pie who wouldn’t “smile” for the camera.
  9. I know this is going to sound bitchy, but what did she do for Joy when she lost Annabelle? Did she offer any child care or cleaning or cooking? I know everyone grieves differently, but this earth-shattering drama for every late period or very early miscarriage is draining. And while talking about miscarriage should be normalized, I do not believe everyone is doing it to help others, it’s often to get attention and clicks (looking at you Chrissy Tiegen). Jill’s story is no different than a lot of women on this board who came before her, so how exactly is this more helpful than their stories? If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the prayer closet with a large box of bitch eating crackers.
  10. I’m not sure why anyone deals with FB as they’re full of shit. Not to say any of you don’t have legit reasons for staying on such as family or business relationships, just why society in general tolerate it. I’ve been telling my family social media is the ruination of humanity for years and they thought I was being a dramatic old coot. As more details come out, they see that maybe I was on to something. If you really want to amp up your FB/Zuckerberg disdain, might I suggest PBS Frontline’s FB documentaries. Illuminating and glaringly obvious at the same time.
  11. I think some brands make a medium firmness. I can’t sleep on plush anymore. They make my back hurt and have once I hit mid thirties. Personally, now that I’ve gotten older and heavier, I prefer luxury firm. I have a Simmons Beautyrest luxury firm with a pillow top that is to do for. My mom has a luxury firm Simmons Black Label adjustable bed. Worth every penny!
  12. Has anyone watched Midnight Mass on Netflix? It’s all kinds of creepy, blasphemous, and thought-provoking at once. Anyway, I won’t spoil the plot or ending, but I will say JillR is the Bev Keane of the fundy world, and that is not a compliment. I keep hearing that speech: “You are not a good person. God doesn’t live you more.”
  13. I know this is how Jill showed up. I do this as a joke every time I meet a new baby in the family. One of my favorite movies of all time. She probably tripped over that voluminous denim skirt and ill-fitting flip flops. On stairs that’s a recipe for disaster.
  14. I refuse to give Blimpie the husband credit for doing the shit he’s supposed to do. Taking care of your spouse in sickness and in health really is the bare minimum. And if her silly ass had bothered to get a vaccine and/or wear a mask, she could’ve gotten on a plane.
  15. The two Nemos (thanks @iwantcookies) reminds me of that scene fromMy Big Fat Greek Wedding when Toula brings her boyfriend home and introduces him to all her cousins named Anita, Diane and Nick 🤣
  16. Is Jessa still shilling clothing from CrapCrap Kids? I haven’t seen her or Jinger post anything lately.
  17. We called my cousin Nehemiah “Miah” as a nickname before he passed. We call his daughter , also named Nehemiah, “Miah” too. Come to think of it, he had another son with the same name…don’t ask!
  18. And you just know when the revival is over Jill is gonna breathe her nasty COVID germs all over the baby again if she gets half a chance.
  19. I usually don’t have much good to say about any of them, but Nathan looks happy and proud. I can’t even hate on Jill for gushing over her first grandchild. That’s a totally appropriate reaction for once. OTOH, Nurie looks exhausted (rightfully so). I wish she could have gotten at least one night’s rest at the center.
  20. I got the same vibe. Jill’s probably one of those who only count vaginal births as real births.
  21. I figured David rolled his fat ass on Jill in his sleep and dislocated her shoulder.
  22. Nooo! I think that was my guess . I have two cousins named Nehemiah and do not appreciate sharing it with anything related to Jill.
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