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Everything posted by Ijustwantsomechips

  1. I gotta admit, that’s probably the best outfit I’ve seen a Rodriguii wear. It’s not haute couture, but the top at least appears to be from this millennia and the accessories are doable. He or his family must have picked the outfit.
  2. Hey! I’m 40 and don’t have wrinkles. She looks at least 65. Her skin looks very dehydrated and sun damaged.
  3. Spurge has always looked like Boob to me. So does Jessa. Glad to see his suit fits.
  4. Something tells me Jill gets a quarter of a weiner once or twice a week 🤪 If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the prayer closet.
  5. We must be siblings! I will literally cook and serve three meals a day, but rarely do dishes. My mom lives with me so she handles that. I also hate folding laundry, but mom doesn’t mind doing it for me since I work and she’s retired. I was my own laundry twice a week though. My mom also grew up in a house of 13 so she said no amount of dishes or laundry we generate will phase her. I think part of Jill’s problem is laziness, part of it is not managing time wisely, and part of it is being disorganized.
  6. Hopefully if Evie had RSV (and there’s a good chance she did), they caught it early and it was mild. Sick babies are do pitiful. One nephew was diagnosed early and had mild cold symptoms for a week. Another wasn’t so lucky and ended up in the hospital. Joy jet setting off to wherever Carlin lives certainly doesn’t help matters.
  7. I assume she rearranged the furniture to accommodate a bassinet, although at this rate it should stay permanently affixed to the side of the bed.
  8. I’m guessing RSV. Several tiny tots in my family had it recently. Thanks to COVID and the lockdowns, children haven’t been able to build up their resistance to it.
  9. As a former HR professional, and a former higer ed professional, the suit thing really doesn’t bother me. I know times and standards have changed, but you’d be surprised what people wear to interviews and professional settings. Comfort is prioritized over professionalism, public decency or just good manners. (A lady actually came to a national conference for a professional organization in see-through linen pants and no underwear in broad daylight!!!) I know of a local church where the minister delivers his sermon in velour track suits. Technically, it doesn’t affect God’s word, but it’s distracting. I don’t think think a hat and gloves are necessary for church, but was raised to put effort i to your appearance for God. I think as a minister or theologian-in-training (I know, I know 😂), rolling up to class in cargo shorts, flip flops and a graphic tee just doesn’t seen right. Now the fact that they all have on the same corny ass boxy blue blazer is definitely snark worthy. They’re too old too be dressed like the glee club at St. Michael’s School for Douche Canoes.
  10. Okay, real talk. Is being “on the fairy” a euphemism for cocaine like when someone does “blow” or “white horse”? (And yes, I am doing Dr. Evil air quotes) because Timbits looks stoned than a mother-for-ya in that picture? Or is “the fairy” code for meth? That would explain his ability to drive this alleged 24 hours after 18 hours of no sleep without any accidents in the same manner that Nazis were able to relentlessly cross Europe and fight like machines. Being hopped up on meth can have that affect. ETA:Not alleging anyone is an abuser, but with Jill as his mom, who the hell could blame him.
  11. Battle of the Batshits (GoT style)? Famewhore Showdown? Narcissist v. Narcissist? I am here for it!
  12. I think the cheap, grifty bitch saw a new pair of shoes at Goodwill and all the other girls’ feet were too big. Heaven forbid she not take something free or available.
  13. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. People get sucked into or stick with these cults and wack-a-doodle belief systems like Gothardism because of superiority. It makes people like Jim Bob, Michelle, Josh, Anna, Jessa, Ben, and RFP feel better about thinking they are somehow better than. Sure, they pose it as Christianity and caring for the souls of man but in reality, they want to be different and special. You may have disobedient children or a non-submissive wife, but they won’t have those problems because their beliefs are right and pure, and therefore life will be so much easier for them. Any challenges they face will surely be overcome because they’re better equipped to handle such tribulations. They exhibit a level of smugness that no charitable act or spiritual platitude can erase. In their minds, they are doing things right have favor with God, and because you don’t believe what they do, you don’t. They have no idea that God is not the least bit impressed.
  14. I think that despite having a shit education herself, and being taught to fear the outside world, Jill has attended enough functions at the university and been exposed to just enough of academia to respect and value a college education and the hard work and dedication it takes. She may never pursue it for herself, but she lived with Deertick through it all, and she knows what sacrifices it took. Jill is also just a kinder, more mellow soul than Jessa. In another life, Jill would totally be the PTA mom who comes to everything. She reminds me of Anna Kendrick’s character on “A Simple Favor”.
  15. I believe he was sent ALERT several times; and we assumed he’d done something to warrant so many trips. Someone corrected me if I’m wrong.
  16. Yep it was a Rodlet and you really can’t play a cello that way. Maybe Yo-yo Ma or Hauser could, but no one else. Sinner twin is the only nice looking guy in the bunch. I’m surprised he isn’t married yet.
  17. I watched to check out the strings. The cello is the only thing I noticed from the first clip too. As an aspiring cellist, it’s extremely difficult to play, so I’ll give them credit for some technique a nice vibrato. I can’t figure out if it’s a cheap bow or if the cellos don’t project enough to be played outside, or a lack of pressure on the bow, or maybe one of them just gas a hell if a wolf tone on the D string (cuz isn’t it always on the damned D string?) but something ain’t right!
  18. IDK about Glendale Americana, but that’s the floor tile in my shower. Their PR game really sucks!
  19. They can name the brother Brighton Beach...or Washington Heights (why, yes, I do watch too much Law & Order).
  20. Oh no. Tierra, miss I have all the answers and can point out everyone else’s faults and set them straight. She really is an idiot.
  21. They both have that new infant tired look to them. Maybe the baby isn’t a good sleeper.
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