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Everything posted by Ijustwantsomechips

  1. You actually don’t need a legal opinion, just a completed certification form from your doctor. The website I recommended is a good place to give insights on options, what to expect, and can help her communicate her needs to HR and the doctor.
  2. @Nysha JAN lets you search the library by disability, limitation or work function, so that may help you get some ideas on what’s possible. That’s why the interactive process is so critical. Chances are your boss and HR may not know the best option to offer you either, so having a discussion about it suits everyone’s interests. It will depend on what duties you’re struggling with and whether they’re essential or marginal functions. Some keywords to search the library for: executive functioning, psychological, cogniton, fatigue. And sorry if my last post makes me sound like an insufferable know-it-all. I’ve done this kind of work for years and just want to help people get what they need to do their jobs.
  3. You work in higher ed right? I would inform your supervisor immediately of the need for a possible ADA accommodation as it is affecting your ability to perform the essential functions of your job. It appears this physical and/or mental impairment is severely limiting one or more major life functions and by law, your employer is required to provide you an accommodation. You will need your doctor to fill out the necessary forms, but if you can’t sleep or concentrate that shouldn’t be a problem. Once you notify your boss, they should begin the interactive process to provide you a reasonable accommodation. This doesn’t mean they have to give you the accommodation you ask for, but they must make some accommodation unless to do so would cause an undue hardship. And if they offer you something reasonable and you chose not to take it, they’re not required to offer something else. So for example if you want to worm from home, and they offer you a modified schedule with a later start time, if you don’t accept then they don’t have to offer anything else. Most employers try to work with employees, but sometimes employees will try to game us when we’re in the interactive process. Also, and this is a biggie, reasonable accommodation ls are not retroactive. If you notify them tomorrow, it won’t protect you from consequences today, but for tomorrow going forward. I hope everything gets better for you. And if you want some info on possible accommodations for your condition, got to www.askjan.org and look through their accommodations library.
  4. Tl/dr: Be your own advocate and switch doctors if you have to. Big hugs @Turquoise; I’m right there with ya! Two myomectomies (one open, one laparoscopic), one D&C, 7 ultrasounds, and about one million liters of blood later and I’d had enough. I called my doctor in October and asked for the hysterectomy. We did one more ultrasound to confirm the fibroids were back and scheduled my surgery for January. I’m a little nervous but relieved at the same time. I’ve been taking tranexemic acid for the heavy bleeding and it works, but it doesn’t completely fix the problem. I also realized these stupid fibroids are causing constant back aches, and I’m tired of being anemic. After the first laparoscopic surgery I was good for about year before we discovered a large fibroid at the top of my uterus. I had the D&C and was good for 6 years before symptoms came back. Then I had to have an open myomectomy, which hurt like a son of a bitch, to remove 23 fibroids. No way in hell I’m doing that again! I equate taking out my non-working uterus to getting rid of a broken fridge. It doesn’t work and it’s causing trouble so why keep it? I’ll be 41 next spring, I’m infertile and I refuse to have a third myomectomy because I’ll probably end up needing the hysterectomy eventually anyway. Fortunately I can have the robot assisted laparoscopic surgery so less recovery time. My sister recovered really quickly from it so I’m hopeful. I can’t wait to reclaim all that space under my bathroom sink. I’m throwing myself a white pants party once I heal. All that to say stay on the doctors case. It’s your body and you know when something isn’t right. I went through four doctors before I found a good one who listened to me. He retired between the D&C and second myomectomy, and I was blessed to find my current OB/GYN. She’s around my age and is with the times and down to earth. And she listens! I’ve been everything between a size 12 and 18 and it never made a difference in getting the procedures done. The MRI is routine. I had one before each surgery, but it still missed that big one after the first myo. The doctor needed to be able to see where all the fibroids were and if any surrounding organs were impacted in any way. That way they know of you’re a good candidate for the Da Vinci robot, laparoscope or open surgery. All that to say I know where you’re coming from. Feel free to dm if you need to talk or vent. Through this ten year ordeal I learned that some doctors just suck. They may have they medical knowledge but they have no bedside manner, or they aren’t open minded, or are stuck in stupid traditons (like not wanting to give you a necessary surgery because you don’t have kids yet🙄). When I feel I’m not getting the proper care or respect I will change doctors like a clean person changes underwear. Last point and I really am done cuz this post is way too long. Since you’re in the St. Louis market, you may want to consider a consultation with an African-American OB/GYN. Fibroids are a lot lore common for African-American women, so those doctors may have more experience treating them if you feel you’re not getting the help you need.
  5. Reading about Jim Bob’s judicial bitch slap has lightened what has been an otherwise stressful day. Thanks fucko!
  6. I’d love to see them go down for conspiracy to defraud the public, but that’s just my Jack McCoy law degree talking.
  7. Cherry limeades are great, but strawberry are even better. Fun fact: you can also get a cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper with vanilla syrup and those same cherries too. (I was a carhop in high school in the 90s).
  8. I will give my disclaimer that my degree is from the John J. (Jack) McCoy Law School, but doesn’t Bob-yae’s (ha!)presence invalidate the clergy privilege the defense is trying to claim with Holt? Like how lawyer client confidentiality goes out the window if a third party was present?
  9. If it’s any consolation, my sister took it and didn’t have any side effects. The J&J shot made her sick but didn’t bother me at all. Hopefully you’ll be just fine.
  10. Can’t remember if I posted thus or not. I had the Moderna booster on November 10th and woke up feeling like death warmed over. I was in so much pain the bottoms of my feet hurt to to walk. Fortunately I was off for Veteran’s Day, took the Friday off too, and was okay by Friday evening. Perhaps it was because I’d just gotten over that cold, but it was rough. I’m still glad I got it done though.
  11. I do eat pickles every day since I have a potassium deficiency. I‘d never heard of them at Thanksgiving, but I’m from a different culture. Lord knows those of us from Cajun Country have have unique traditions.
  12. So your baby’s diapered ass and dirty feet are on the counters as you prepare to cook? 🤢
  13. @galaxygirl76 and @crazycatlady58 you have my condolences. I will say a prayer for you both.
  14. I feel like this could be the title of each thread 🤣
  15. Lauren definitely looks pregnant to me. And dare I say, I actually like groomsmen attire.
  16. You win the internet for 2021 and 2022! I’m just waiting for my cousin to come with one of her bullshit stories about her whiny kid or annoying boyfriend so I can hit her with this one!
  17. So it’s cold enough for mom to wear a jacket but warm enough for the baby to go barefoot? Make it make sense.
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