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Everything posted by LexiconDevilOne

  1. Christopher Eccleston is the ONLY reason I got into Dr. Who. I was familiar with him, as an actor, before watching the show. David Tennant kind of scared me off the series because the commercials for the series on BBC America, he looked like a Jim Carrey rip off (and no, that's not a good thing, since I can't stand Jim Carrey, at all.). I held my nose, after 9 regenerated, and loved 10, but yes, I always mourned my Doctor...The Ninth Doctor. He will always remain my favorite.
  2. My thoughts on Missy... Since this episode had a bunch of full blown Easter Eggs to it, couldn't "Missy" be related to an Tennant episode entitled, 'The Doctors Daughter'? Within that episode, not only was a daughter born, they also had DNA, Time Lord DNA. Anyway, it was just one of the thought I woke up with last night after dreaming about this episode. I thought Peter Capaldi rocked it. I so look forward to next week.
  3. Yay Antionia...Here's hoping we never ever see Mike Isabella on our TV's, or anywhere else, again. Her carbonella made my mouth water...
  4. It was also not suppose to be all about Abby and her Maddie obsession either, but that's the show I've been watching. Also, when did you see the other fathers (excluding Kurt Zeigler?), because I've never seen them on the show, or reunions.
  5. I hope Kaiser does. He's not even got a Barbara watching over him...yet.
  6. I want to know where these kids fathers are, and why they don't do more to get their kids away from this mess?...
  7. That was fun. I was surprised Shirley won, after listen to Brooke whine about how she was going to lose. I thought for sure she'd win. Guess, not. In truth, I liked them both, so I didn't have a dog in this fight. I'd have been happy if either had won. So far, so good. Especially, after that horror of a Season Called Top Chef, New Orleans. Where you can be a bottom chef in all the competitions, and be an overly emotional jerk, who makes Ilan look good, and still win... Ahem, speaking of jerks..., go Antonia.
  8. Eh Gads, why oh why can't this show just die? Between how god awful this show is, and the dumbbells occupying the Big Brother house, Sunday nights are painful. The only good thing left is it's so over the top, it's easy to snark on. I make my Mom watch this with my son and I, and we make snarky comments, back and fourth, over the computer (and away from my son's ears.) I'm sorry, but their is no hope for 'humanity' as long as Tom Mason, and the Masonites, are leading it...
  9. Does he live at home with his parents? I thought he and his girlfriend lived together? I think Donny is pretty smart underneath it all. Just because he doesn't have some high powered career, doesn't make him stupid. There is the old saying, "Still waters run deep"...The younger you are, the less you get understand that (not age, experience.)
  10. I watch, somewhat, for the dances, and the girls. The rest bores me to tears. I can't stand ALM, and some of the Mom's. This show is on it's last legs. Maddie will need therapy soon. Hopefully, her mother saves her Lifetime paychecks...
  11. I'm not sure I can improve upon anything said in this post...except, why oh why couldn't they off 'Lexi' too? That would, pretty much, improve this horrible show for me. The only redeeming attribute she has was she got rid of a character I hated since she first appeared on my screen, Lourdes. Why am I still watching this show (it's because it's one of the few my 17 year old son will still watch with me), and it doesn't get canceled, while other good shows are thrown off the air without any chance?...Falling Skies, and Sunday nights are like torture anymore.
  12. Torchwood S1 & S2 was kind of fun. Although way way too much Gwen. S3 & S4...one was horrible, and the other was even worse. This show, TOTALLY, jumped the shark coming to the United States. favorite character...Ianto Jones. edit...grammar is important.
  13. My Doctor is 9, and I only watched it because of Christopher Eccleston who I knew from other films and enjoy watching :) My favorite companion...Donna. Hands down. Too bad I couldn't have them together. They'd have made a great team! P/S I'm looking forward to Peter Capaldi, because I watched (suffered) through that horrible Torchwood: Children of Earth series. He was one of the better things about it...
  14. Funny enough, me too. But, it was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the dress...and, it was only reenforced when I saw it on the model. Especially when it walked down the runway.
  15. I have the opposite opinion of a few of you on here. I think Sean's straw dress reminded me of Lambchop, that puppet that Sherry Lewis had when I was a very young kid. Sorry, but it bugged me. However, it was still better than that crap that won. I don't get Project Runway anymore. The judging is appalling. The clothes are hideous, and so are more than a few of the contestants. It pretty much jumped the shark when Anya won (Come on. Who calls themselves a designer and only learns to sew four months before a major competition?) I only watch it now in hopes someone actually good, like Dmitry, comes along. If not, then to mock the clothes...
  16. I think that impression may have come from her pregame bio. A lot of time the girls talk about how 'beautiful and desirable' they are instead of how smart and suave they are. If I recall correctly...her bio was the fomer...although, I could be wrong. I tried to forget EVERYTHING about last season, in order to watch this season.
  17. She may have wanted to be the mean girl, but she got stuck with a bunch of nuts that should never have made it past the psych screening. They obviously had no self awareness about who and what they were... As for Janelle...I cringed when she walked in the door. I assumed she was going to be a stuck up princess (after reading her pregame bio.) I'm thrilled she proved me wrong. I don't agree with you, I think she was a nice person...whether those horrible 'Friendship' smucks were there or not. Remember she did do two other shows without the 'Friendship' members (and lets hope we never see any of them again.)
  18. I love 'The Stand', so much that I've burned through two special edition hardbacks and had to replace them (Thank God for Amazon.) I also love post apocalyptic films and novels, and, of course, zombies. I started watching The Walking Dead because I was burning out my George Romero DVD collection, along with all the other zombie films, foreign and domestic, I own. I wont lie, I find TWD a bit tedious, at times. It pisses me off others...but, lets face it, the guys are, mostly, hot, especially Daryl (I hope they get a shower next season though.)
  19. NO! She gets far worse. She did nothing to deserve her 'win', and it hurt Project Runways credibility afterward. Her collection of 'diaper apparel' was a travesty. As much as I've come to dislike Mondo, he did deserve to win that season.
  20. It was so nice seeing my "one way monkey" tonight.
  21. He was also Marcus in the Underworld series...had no idea. Just discovered that this weekend when one of my cable channels was doing Underworld films back to back. And, he's a redhead...
  22. Yes, because my parent were more progressive than most. As far as my son goes...I'm shocked he knew since he doesn't listen to the radio, or modern music, at all. I know who most Disney, etc., because I have two tween neices who are up on the lastest craze, so I know about bands and people I'd never know about otherwise. My older neice insists I listen with her when she wants to play "One Direction" for instance, or the latest craze on YouTube, 'What Does The Fox Say", as an example...I need to point out, that I'm an old school Punk Rock/ Heavy Metal girl. My Mom, at 71, still knows all the latest pop, and more than I do. She's never heard of her either.
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