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Everything posted by IndyMischa

  1. It could go either way. Like with Christie and Tommy in S21, having someone you know you can trust is SUPER valuable. It remains to be seen how this plays out, but I don't think it's automatically a death knell. If I were a fan (nothing against him, it's just too early) I'd be more worried from the standpoint of a reasonably athletic guy on the block the first week.
  2. Thank you!! I would have typed a long ass explanation that still wouldn't have told anyone how it works. 😊
  3. I hate Jasmine at least as much as the average girl, but that "poem" SUCKS. The two fists trick, which no one taught me until I was 25 or so, is the first time on my life, I had any idea which months were which.
  4. My birthday road trip vacation starts today, so I will be relying on all of you for my snark needs. Let the shitshow begin!!
  5. The kiss was so bad /awkward /chemistry-free I thought it was on purpose. For any Buffy fans, I thought they were going for a Wesley & Cordelia moment where they only thought they wanted each other until the first disastrous kiss. 😂 😂 😂
  6. I just found out she was pregnant. Yikes re the early arrival!
  7. I couldn't care less about the hostess they pretend is famous, but Peacock had better pay the voice over guy whatever it takes to keep him.
  8. Speaking of which, please tell me i'm not the only horrible person who laughed when both Kim and Barry voted Kim is the better driver in the stupid clip show.
  9. That is hilarious and strangely appropriate. #teamsussex
  10. Who is the top row, third from the left, and why do they look exactly like the duchess of Cambridge?
  11. Can't blame her if she is dreaming of that. Christian AND Xavier? Yes please. #noshame
  12. 0this feels like a good time to mention that the Wow react doubles as a vomit one. (they're both even green! :).) This question largely comes down to another one - have you ever lived with a cat? If yes, under saved your sanity at least once, and therefore is the default.
  13. Assume you're talking about the post game recap from the broadcast ep. The streaming ep had a way more graphic version.
  14. @Callaphera you slay me. It's early, but "Mercury is in Gatorade" gets my vote for post of the season..
  15. Depends on the equipment involved... Uh, or so I heard from a friend
  16. I googled his pic after you said he was in bb11. Still no memory of him whatsoever
  17. Must have blocked this idiot from my brain. Zero recall.
  18. I'm going to guess no on that. Among other issues, I don't want to punch @Nashville whenever he talks. Who is Braden?? IIRCc, she'd had her wisdom teeth removed just before the season. Spec was that she popped a stitch and yes, it was a glorious trainwreck.
  19. Please tell me this is a George Glass reference? My brain immediately went there at the "looking for Miss 100"line
  20. Perfect encapsulation of her personality. 🙄🙄
  21. This isn't just lip work. This is a full on photoshop disaster - looks like an entirely different person. Lordt.
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