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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. I think you're reading more into her statements than I would, but to each his/her own!
  2. And Graham Yost's latest post-mortem (for The Hunt) includes some info about the wrap party:
  3. Damn, Daniel Von Bargen, aka Mr. Kruger on Seinfeld, has passed away at age 64, reportedly after a long illness.
  4. Joelle Carter discusses The Hunt.
  5. I'm sure glad you're not grading me! ;-) Winona gave birth just a few months ago, so she's probably still dealing with post-partum hormones. Throw in lack of sleep, a difficult day travel with a screaming infant, and an absentee father, and I find her very minor melt-down quite understandable. What I don't really understand is her wanting to be with Raylan. Their supposed deep love has never rung true to me.
  6. Weakest part of a good episode, IMHO.
  7. Anna Deavere Smith was also in The American President, which was a romantic comedy. FWIW, Andre Braugher wasn't known for comedy before being cast in Brooklyn Nine Nine, but his portrayal of "humorless" Captain Ray Holts elicits as many laughs as anyone else in that series.
  8. Peter Strauss appeared in the season 4 episode, Angels in the Snow, as a younger man that Mary dates briefly. Michael Callan turned up as a love interest for Rhoda in S1's Smokey the Bear Wants You.
  9. Indeed. I don't think even the current mayoral race (with Rahm's re-election at risk) is getting as much attention in the real world as the SA race gets in TGW's world.
  10. Did Amy ever pay off the $25K bill to the Hawaii retreat place? I might have a little more respect for the character (and for the premise of the show) if Amy faced the responsibilities of real life. She mooches off her mother, yet wears a new dress to work every day -- and then she does no work. Instead she breaks law and induces others to abet her criminal activities at great risk to themselves (she literally caused a colleague to lose his job for something she did). Amy is a narcissist, and the cartoonishly portrayed CEO was right that she feels but does not think.
  11. Ooooooooh! Thanks, I did not know that!
  12. Has Showtime On Demand stopped making Episodes available before broadcast? Usually the next episode is available on Monday, after Sunday night's first broadcast of the prior episode. But as of last night, I still don't see Episode Eight available On Demand.
  13. According to Graham Yost, a lot of this came from what the actor, Duke Davis Roberts, brought to the part:
  14. I highly recommend the book The Making of Pride and Prejudice, which you can find for sale online at amazon, ebay, etc. Lots of luscious details about casting, location scouting, set decoration, music, costume design, and so on. I loved it. There is also a 26-minute documentary available on youtube, which I am about to start watching!
  15. The Oscars now seem like an ordeal -- I don't blame anyone who doesn't have to be there for blowing them off. I remember the days when they were lucky to have 3 of the 5 nominees in each acting category actually attend. Often, the winner was not there to claim his/her prize in person because they were off filming something else (or didn't want to fly to LA from Europe, where they lived).
  16. Duke Davis Roberts on playing Choo-Choo. Caution: Spoilerville if you haven't yet seen Ep. 06.06, Alive Day. Here's some of the non-spoilery part: Also, according to Graham Yost's latest post-mortem, "Shooting of the series finale wrapped last Friday."
  17. "Wonderful things can happen when you sow seeds of distrust in the garden of assholes." - Raylan Givens - (Apparently, he was quoting a character named Vincent from Elmore Leonard's book, Glitz. How cool is that?)
  18. She was leagues ahead of Pink's performance of Over the Rainbow last year. Pink couldn't get through 4 consecutive notes without drawing an inopportune breath. Blerg.
  19. Are Jennifer Lopez's eyebrows drawn on? http://www.popsugar.com/celebrity/Jennifer-Lopez-Instagram-Pictures-From-2015-Oscars-36932935#photo-36932935
  20. Why would someone have a speech in hand before the winner is announced? And given that Redmayne had already won the SAG award, why would Keaton think he was a sure thing? It all feels odd to me.
  21. As mentioned on the show, it was the 50th anniversary of TSoM, a film that not only won Best Picture and 4 other Oscars, but also earned a huge amount at the box office. I had no problem with honoring the film at this time, especially when it led into that wonderful reception for Dame Julie Andrews. Speaking of whom, here's a marvelous clip I found on youtube re her GG and Oscar wins for Mary Poppins, released the year before TSoM. She was always a bit cheeky!
  22. From a review in The New Yorker: I wonder if Joan Crawford's Oscar is inscribed to Lucille Fay LeSueur.
  23. And a strong case could have been made for nominating Ralph Fiennes in TGBH as well. It really is a time-waster, isn't it?
  24. Her phrasing was off, perhaps because of nervousness. What she said was "To every woman who gave birth to every taxpayer and citizen of this nation: we have fought for everybody else’s equal rights. It’s our time to have wage equality once and for all and to fight for equal rights for women in America.”
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