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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. Saying Farewell at the Final Night of ‘Mad Men’ Kaitlyn Dever (Loretta) is definitely going places!
  2. Yes, and that's why Oswald had to be killed, because the patsy can unravel it all. There's a tendency now to call people who don't believe Oswald acted alone (or more likely, was involved at all) "conspiracy nuts," but there were serious investigations at the time that pointed to the impossibiity of one shooter pulling this off, and when the Warren Report came out, it was immediately dismissed as woefully incomplete and downright erroneous by anyone who knew anything about the assassination. Now evidence is coming out that Oswald was part of the US intelligence community and that many of the actions that were used to paint him as a wacko lefty or whatever after-the-fact were things he was ordered to do. Too bad the full records on him will probably never be unsealed while anyone who was alive at the time of the assassination is still living. But I digress... I was in 2nd grade at a Catholic school in the fall of 1963, and we all bawled our eyes out at the news.
  3. Joan's last day was in Guy Walks into an Advertising Agency, Ep. 3-6. Hope you didn't miss that one!
  4. Thought we could all share news about the cast's post-Justified lives here!
  5. Yes, the rules must be different for CCA. According to IMDb, Steenburgen appears in 10 Season 6 episodes, while Elliott appeared in 12.
  6. That is good news indeed! My only disappointment is that Mary Steenburgen was not nominated in the guest actress category. I thought she was every bit as good as Sam Elliott, if not better.
  7. I'll always associate Kyle with Homefront as well. IIRC, his character's storyline was originally supposed to take a backseat to his older brother's, played by David Newsom, but Kyle and Tammy Lauren (who played Ginger) had such chemistry that their characters become more prominent. I tried to watch FNL, but just couldn't get into it. No matter how good the acting is, it's still ultimately about teenagers playing football in Texas, which simply doesn't interest me.
  8. I'm pretty sure that gag preceded The West Wing by decades, if not centuries. ;-)
  9. No cause of death yet for Ms. Crough of The Patridge Family, but one report I saw said it was "sudden."
  10. His manager is saying there were no signs of depression or other problems:
  11. It has been 40 years since the release of Monty Python and the Holy Grail in 2015. Time to break out your coconuts and share your favorite quotations/scenes/memories of this inspired lunacy. The surviving troupe members will attend a Tribeca screening tonight. They got into the spirit by hijacking The Tonight Show yesterday. As for me, well, I'm not dead yet!
  12. ELR co-creator Phil Rosenthal remembered Sawyer today as well:
  13. Ray Romano and Patricia Heaton have issued statements, quoted here:
  14. Very sad and disturbing news. How awful for his family. His sister, Madylin (who played Ally), posted on her Facebook page:
  15. My stomach is turning. I can't imagine how Ray Romano and Patricia Heaton must be feeling right now, having worked with Sawyer and his brother from the time they were 16 months old. Ugh.
  16. I just watched a Paleyfest MM panel from 2012. It took place between S4 and S5, so there was a lot of discussion about the S4 developments. MW was asked about Rosemary DeWitt's return in Blowing Smoke, and he was very complimentary about her as a person and actress. Seems he went out of his way to bring closure to her character's story.
  17. I might start over from episode 6.1. ;-) I've already watched seasons 1 - 4 multiple times, and I don't particularly want to watch season 5 again.
  18. Has it been confirmed that Helen's role was scaled back because of some dissatisfaction with Darby?
  19. Simon Boccanegra, on 21 Apr 2015 - 12:54 PM, said: Marten really grew up and slimmed down. I can see now how Betty didn't recognize him. So, assuming we've seen the last of Glen, any "all seasons" thoughts about his character and storylines? I think the only season he did not appear in was S3.
  20. I watched the first season of Orphan Black. That was enough. Might finally get around to my DVDs of Prime Suspect with Helen Mirren.
  21. Not a very talky group, it seems! With Justified and Mad Men both ending this year, I'm in search of series to stream this summer. I was planning to watch The Shield, but amazon.com just removed it from their Prime package. Is it worth $18 to stream to watch each season of that show? Other recommendations?
  22. I started letting episode of TA accumulate on my DVR quite a while ago. I had binge-watched the first two seasons and have a feeling that's the only way for me to experience that series. Post Mad Men, of course.
  23. Sundance's editing can really suck.
  24. Yeah, I didn't pick up on this exchange until it was pointed out here. Thanks, Harlan peeps!
  25. I wondered about that as well. The character is listed as Zachariah Crowder in the episode's IMDb credits, but that could be for our benefit. I think you'd only be spiting yourself. OTOH, binge-watching S5 might make you want to blow your brains out.
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