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Everything posted by Colleenna

  1. At first I thought she was wearing a tuque and thought "wtf? It's not cold!" Then I realized it was a headband and matching scrunchie.
  2. I gotta say, getting popcorn hulls trapped under your denture totally sucks. I never needed braces as a child, but now I can totally understand your pain.
  3. Colleenna

    MLB Thread

    When I watch the Pens, I have on my Crosby sweater and the hubs is wearing his Lemieux sweater. We also get out the sacred Mario puck. But I don't know what he's talking about either ๐Ÿ˜‰ ETA: Obviously it's not working lately. Sigh. Another year of "one and done" in the playoffs.
  4. Colleenna

    MLB Thread

    They were playing pattycake. Hockey has fights, not baseball ๐Ÿ˜
  5. Meh. I'll take my chances with the frankenfoods. At my age, "long term" probably extends beyond my expected life span. Better living thru chemistry!!๐Ÿ˜
  6. Well, maybe it's just the clothes, but I think she's definitely LOST weight since that picture.
  7. It's natural, vegan, organic, and gluten-free. How can it be bad for you? ๐Ÿ˜‰
  8. The latest Limu commercial --- the emu wedding. Ugh.
  9. I think it's great!! I first encountered the notion 25+ years ago at a friendโ€™s commitment ceremony (very much like an Episcopal wedding service, but because same-sex marriage was not legal, wasn't a "wedding.") My friend had a groomswoman.
  10. Colleenna

    MLB Thread

    Thing is, it's not just baseball. Flyers and Eagles fans are horrible.
  11. Colleenna

    MLB Thread

    I watched the Pens game. I swear the Pens and Steelers need to go in together to buy me a defibrillator. Cheese and crackers!!
  12. Colleenna

    MLB Thread

    OMG, my poor Bucs. 21-zip loss to the Cubs, even worse than the 20-1 spanking the Braves gave them last year. Thanks Nutting. Yinz need gone. Nope, that "honor" belongs to Filthydelphia.
  13. I'd consider that appropriate behavior for a small child at a children's movie!! When they get a little older, say 5 or 6, you can explain about being quiet in the movie theater. But then, I never had kids so wtf do I know? When I went to see "An Officer and a Gentleman," the entire theater (all adults) erupted in applause at the end. Why I don't know.
  14. Nope. That's true of the LENDERS policy but not the owners policy.
  15. I still have my printer, but if I need to print something, I'll have to go buy new cartridges because the ones in it now have dried up from lack of use.
  16. Buy a title insurance owner's policy at closing (the mortgage lender REQUIRES you to buy a lender's title insurance policy, but that only protects them, not you.) It's a one-time fee based on the price of the home, and protects your equity in the event of fraud. Well worth the money and cheaper than this crap.
  17. Apparently hWit didn't get the "you're not supposed to upstage the bride" memo. Can't you just hear Jessica or Isaiah's family and friends asking them "How can you stand to be around her?"
  18. Are you talking about the commercial where a man and woman are saying the exact same words and then he breaks off and says he makes x amount more than she does? I hate that ad. First time I saw it, I screamed questions at the TV. "Do they work in the same industry? Same city? Do they have the same number of years experience? " All of these factors can affect pay.
  19. The cynic in my head says this is why hWitney was a bridesmaid. "Hey, if you let me be a bridesmaid and let the wedding be filmed for the show, TLC will pick up most of the tab....."
  20. That's wonderful. Wishing them a lifetime of love and joy.
  21. Ethiopian food is wonderful. Never encountered Nigerian food, and after this episode, I have no desire to. There's a reason that okra is one of exactly 4 vegetables that I absolutely WILL. NOT. EAT.
  22. THANK YOU!!!I felt the exact same way about the elimination challenge. Honestly, if we're going to have more forced gimmicks, I'll forego TC for Guy's Grocery Games on Food Network. At least Guy doesnโ€™t pretend to be serious.
  23. RIP Dwayne Haskins. Gone far too young.
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